VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway ___________________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-Q1RXA-TE Revision/Update Information: Version 3.3 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ Fourth Printing, November 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1987, 1993. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECnet, DECwindows, MAILbus, Message Router, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX DOCUMENT, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Introduction 1.1 Introducing the Gateway......................... 1-1 1.2 Installing and Configuring ..................... 1-1 1.2.1 The Installation Procedure ................... 1-2 1.2.2 The Configuration Procedure .................. 1-3 1.3 Handling Installation Errors ................... 1-3 2 Preparing to Install the Gateway 2.1 Preparation Checklist........................... 2-1 2.2 Prerequisite Software and Hardware.............. 2-2 2.2.1 Tailoring OpenVMS ........................... 2-2 2.3 Preparing Your System for Installation.......... 2-3 2.4 Further Preparations for an Upgrade Installation or a Reinstallation............................. 2-6 2.5 Preparing to Install the Gateway on a VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster........................ 2-7 3 Installing the Gateway 3.1 Overview of VMSINSTAL........................... 3-1 3.2 Installation Procedure.......................... 3-1 3.3 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)........................................... 3-8 3.4 Completing the Installation..................... 3-10 3.5 Location of the Gateway Software................ 3-10 iii A Distribution Media B Sample Installation Procedure Index Figures 3-1 Directory Structure of the MRGATE Account .... 3-11 Tables 3-1 Location of Gateway Files .................... 3-12 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of This Book This book describes how to install the Message Router[TM] VMSmail Gateway Version 3.3. It also describes how to upgrade from Version 3.2 of the Gateway. Intended Audience This book is for the person responsible for installing and maintaining the Message Router VMSmail Gateway. That person should be familiar with operating system management and DECnet[TM], and have access to the SYSTEM account on the OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM] system where the Gateway is to be installed. How to Use this Book Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 to understand the prepara- tions required before installation. Read Chapter 3 for a step-by-step description of the interactive installation procedure. Refer to Appendix A for a list of the files supplied as part of the Message Router VMSmail Gateway distribution kit. Refer to Appendix B for an example of a successful Gateway installation on OpenVMS Version 5.5-2. Related Documents Before installing the Gateway, as described in Chapter 3, you must install Message Router Version 3.3 as described in the VAX Message Router Installation Guide. You may also need to refer to: VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway Release Notes v The Release Notes are found in the following location: SYS$HELP:MRGATE033.RELEASE_NOTES The Message Router VMSmail Gateway documentation consists of the following guides: o VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway Installation Guide - this guide o VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway Management Guide - explains how to configure and manage the Gateway o VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway User's Guide - explains how to address mail using various User Agents You may also need to refer to the following books for information on the software products with which the Gateway interacts: o Introduction to Message Router o VAX Message Router Configuration Guide o VAX Message Router Management Guide o VAX Message Router Management Reference Manual o VAX Message Router Release Notes o VMS Authorize Utility Manual o VMS License Management Utility Manual o OpenVMS Version 5.5 Upgrade and Installation Manual Comments on This Guide If you have any comments on the content or structure of this guide, or suggestions for future releases of this guide, please mail them to Digital's Mail Interchange Group using one of the following forms of address: o Internet: o X.400: S=migbooks; O=digital; OU1=reo; P=digital; A=gold 400; C=gb vi Conventions The following conventions are used in this book: this Indicates commands or responses that you typeface type. Unless otherwise stated, press Return after each command or response. variable Represents variables to type in commands or responses. this Indicates prompts and messages from the typeface computer and also an example of code. $ A dollar sign ($) is the default user prompt. [] Brackets are used after questions to enclose the default answer. Press Return to accept the default. Brackets also denote a directory specification. ... Horizontal ellipses indicate that additional text can be entered. In the MB$CONTROL command, horizontal ellipses indicate that you can add identifiers for other MAILbus[TM] Gateways, for example, MRX for the Message Router X.400 Gateway. VMSmail Refers to the OpenVMS Mail Utility. Press Indicates that you make one keystroke with an editing or command key, for example, press Return. vii Type Indicates characters that you type at the keyboard. Ctrl/Z Indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the other key (Z). viii 1 ________________________________________________________________ Introduction 1.1 Introducing the Gateway The Message Router VMSmail Gateway is part of MAILbus. MAILbus comprises Message Router and its Gateways, of which the VMSmail Gateway is one. The Message Router VMSmail Gateway Kit contains the Message Router VMSmail Gateway and Message Router. The Gateway allows you to exchange mail between VMSmail and a Message Router system. Using the Gateway, a VMSmail user and a user of a Message Router based mail system can send mail to each other. VMSmail users can also use the Gateway when exchanging mail with each other. This enables them to take advantage of Message Router's store-and-forward capability, which is useful if a node is not operating. 1.2 Installing and Configuring You must install Message Router Version 3.3 before you install the Gateway. You cannot use the Gateway until you have first installed and then configured it. You must configure Message Router before you configure the Gateway. You do not have to configure the Gateway immediately after installing it. If you have other MAILbus components that you want to install, such as other Gateways, you can install these first and configure all the components, including Message Router, together. However, there is one exception to this: the Message Router X.400 Gateway (MRX) needs Message Router to be configured before it can be installed. Introduction 1-1 Before starting the installation procedure, you must use the VMS License Management Utility to register and load the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for the Gateway, MR-VMSMAIL-GATEWAY. If you install the Gateway without first loading and registering its PAK, the installation verification procedure fails. Refer to the VMS License Management Utility Manual for information on how to use the VMS License Management Utility. This book deals with the installation of the Message Router VMSmail Gateway on OpenVMS Version 5.5-2. 1.2.1 The Installation Procedure This guide explains how to install the Message Router VMSmail Gateway on an OpenVMS operating system using VMSINSTAL. VMSINSTAL is a command procedure used to install optional software products on an OpenVMS operating system. Basic knowledge of VMSINSTAL is required to perform the installation. This procedure is interactive and takes you through the installation step by step. Each step is described fully in Chapter 3. You can check that the installation has succeeded by running the installation verification procedure (IVP) after the installation is complete. The IVP, if you request it, runs automatically after the installation, and is described fully in Chapter 3. If the IVP runs successfully, the Gateway software resides on your system, but cannot be used until it is configured. Installing the Gateway and running the IVP should take about 15 minutes, depending on the system configuration and type of media used. The installation procedure is the same, regardless of the distribution media. The installation procedure varies slightly, according to whether you are performing a new or an upgrade installation. The differences are fully described in Chapter 2. Prepare your system for installation by following the instructions in Chapter 2. 1-2 Introduction 1.2.2 The Configuration Procedure After installing the Gateway, configure it as described in the VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway Management Guide. You will not be able to use the Gateway until it has been configured. The configuration procedure allows you to customize the Gateway to meet the requirements of your system. 1.3 Handling Installation Errors It is a good idea to take a log of the installation procedure to keep a record of any errors. If you receive an unexpected error message during installation, do the following: 1. Check that you have responded to the prompts correctly 2. If you have made a mistake and are re-prompted, enter the correct information 3. If re-entering the information fails, restart the installation 4. If the installation fails again at the same point, contact Digital as follows: o Contact your Customer Support Center, if you have a service contract o Contact your local Digital office to arrange for a service contract, if you do not have one Turn to Chapter 2 to prepare for installation. Introduction 1-3 2 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install the Gateway 2.1 Preparation Checklist Complete the steps in the following checklist to prepare your OpenVMS VAX system for the new or upgrade installation: 1. Ensure that your Gateway distribution kit contains everything listed on the bill of materials, which is included with the kit. The distribution medium may be a magnetic tape or disk(s), or an optical disk, containing all the files listed in Appendix A. The type of media depends on your system hardware. 2. Ensure that your system has the prerequisite software and hardware. See Section 2.2. 3. Ensure that the SYSTEM account is setup with sufficient quota. See Section 2.3. 4. Ensure that the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for your Gateway is registered and active. See Section 2.3. 5. Prepare the system for installation. See Section 2.3. 6. Make sure Message Router Version 3.3 that has been successfully installed on your system. You can do this by running the Message Router IVP during the Message Router installation. You do not have to configure Message Router Version 3.3 before installing the Gateway. If you run the Gateway IVP during the Gateway installation, Message Router is set running on the node where you are installing the Gateway. Message Router and the Gateway are shut down after the Gateway IVP has been run. Preparing to Install the Gateway 2-1 2.2 Prerequisite Software and Hardware To install the Message Router VMSmail Gateway Version 3.3, you must have: o A valid VAX or MicroVAX system configuration. o OpenVMS DECnet or DECnet/OSI Version 5.6B for OpenVMS installed. Note that you cannot use node names longer than six characters with the Message Router VMSmail Gateway. Therefore, on DECnet/OSI systems, the node name synonym database must be accessible on the node where the Message Router VMSmail Gateway is installed. o Optional: DECwindows Version 2.0 installed (required for the support of CDA documents). o Message Router Version 3.3 installed. o A minimum of 5000 free blocks on the system disk available for installation and 700 free blocks available after installation. o About 6000 free blocks on the target disk. This is the disk where the Gateway directory is to be created. 2.2.1 Tailoring OpenVMS You must check that appropriate OpenVMS software is available on your system. Do this using the OpenVMS Tailoring utility. The tailoring utility enables you to add and remove software from the OpenVMS Version 5.5- 2 system. You can use the OpenVMS Tailoring utility on any VAX system, but you are more likely to need it on a MicroVAX. Message Router Version 3.3 requires the following classes of OpenVMS files: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o Programming Support o Secure User's Environment o Utilities 2-2 Preparing to Install the Gateway If any of these classes are missing, use the OpenVMS Tailoring utility (VMSTAILOR) to install them. Refer to OpenVMS Version 5.5 Upgrade and Installation Manual for details of VMSTAILOR. When you have completed these preparations, go to Section 2.3. 2.3 Preparing Your System for Installation Before installation, ensure you are logged on to the SYSTEM, or suitably privileged, account. To install the Gateway, use VMSINSTAL. Before invoking VMSINSTAL, prepare your system, as follows: 1. Check that the Gateway PAK is registered and active, by typing the following command: $ LICENSE LIST MR-VMSMAIL-GATEWAY /FULL The license for your Gateway should be displayed. If it is not displayed, you need to register and load your Gateway PAK. For details of how to do this, see the VMS License Management Utility Manual. 2. If you have not already done so, check that there are no active users on the system using the following command: $ SHOW USERS The system lists the active users currently on the system. If there are any users active on the system, ask them to log out by typing: $ REPLY /BELL /USERNAME "PLEASE LOG OUT" 3. You may want to keep a log of the installation procedure. You can do this either by using the operator's console, which is usually a hardcopy terminal, or by keeping a log, as follows: $ SET HOST 0 /LOG=filename where filename is the name of the file that is to contain the installation log. 4. Backup your system disk. Preparing to Install the Gateway 2-3 If a system failure occurs at a critical point during the installation, some files can be corrupted. Also, you are given the choice of purging old files during the installation. 5. Ensure that there are at least 5000 blocks available on the system disk for the installation of the Gateway. After installation, the Gateway needs at least 700 blocks on the system disk and about 6000 blocks on the target disk. Of this 6000 blocks on the target disk, the installed Gateway software uses 1800 blocks. The remaining 4200 blocks are used to hold messages, database and queue files. 6. You must ensure that the SYSTEM account is set up with sufficient quota. The quotas that you set to install and run Message Router are sufficient to install and run the Gateway. 7. The Gateway requires the following minimum free global pages and global sections: 100 GBLPAGES available 2 GBLSECTIONS available Use the following commands to find the number of available global pages and global sections: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") If necessary, make incremental changes to the parameter values. Edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT to include the following lines: ADD_GBLPAGES=100 ADD_GBLSECTIONS=2 8. You must ensure that the account that VMSmail uses is set up with sufficient quota. By default, VMSmail uses the MAIL$SERVER account. Set FILLM for the account that VMSmail uses to at least 20. Set BYTLM for the account to 512 multiplied by FILLM. 2-4 Preparing to Install the Gateway To set the quota for these parameters, use the Authorize utility as follows: a. Invoke the Authorize utility: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE b. Modify the FILLM quota: UAF> MODIFY accountname /FILLM=quota1 where: o accountname is the name of the account that VMSmail uses o quota1 is the quota you want to specify for FILLM, and should be at least 20 c. Modify the BYTLM quota: UAF> MODIFY accountname /BYTLM=quota2 where: o accountname is the name of the account that VMSmail uses o quota2 is 512 multiplied by the quota1 you specified for FILLM d. Exit from the Authorize utility: UAF> EXIT If these quotas for the account that VMSmail uses are not set sufficiently high, a message sent to many recipients on many nodes might not be delivered efficiently. ________________________Note ________________________ During the configuration procedure, you can specify the number of nodes that the Gateway can connect to at one time. The default is 5 nodes. You must set the FILLM quota for the account that VMSmail uses to the number of nodes that can be connected to at any one time, plus 4. If you choose to increase the number of nodes during the configuration, you Preparing to Install the Gateway 2-5 will need to modify the FILLM and BYTLM quotas accordingly. _____________________________________________________ 9. Check that VMSmail is working by sending a mail message to 0::SYSTEM. If the message arrives at the SYSTEM account, VMSmail is working. 10.If Message Router Version 3.3 is running on your system, you must stop it and all MAILbus components as follows: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL STOP=(ER,...,TS,DDS,MS) where . . . is a list of the identifiers of other MAILbus components that are installed on your system. If this is not a new installation, include MRG in this command. You must use this command on every node in a VAXcluster[TM]. If you are upgrading the Gateway from Version 3.2, or reinstalling Version 3.3 of the Gateway, complete the further preparations described in Section 2.4. If you are installing the Gateway on a VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster, complete the further preparations described in Section 2.5. Otherwise, turn to the next chapter to install the Gateway. 2.4 Further Preparations for an Upgrade Installation or a Reinstallation Prepare your system for installation as follows: 1. If you are upgrading the Gateway from Version 3.2, you must remove MRTOVMS from the batch queue. During the installation procedure, you are asked if you want to purge files replaced by this installation. If you are reinstalling Version 3.3 of the Gateway and purge your files, as recommended, you must also remove MRTOVMS from the batch queue. 2-6 Preparing to Install the Gateway To remove MRTOVMS from the batch queue, log in to the SYSTEM account, and type: $ SHOW QUEUE queuename /ALL where queuename is the name of the batch queue MRTOVMS is running on. The default queue name is MB$BATCH. This command shows the list of jobs queued to run on the batch queue. Examine the queue for the MRTOVMS entry and make a note of the entry number. Delete this entry from the queue by typing: $ DELETE /ENTRY=entrynumber queuename where entrynumber is the entry number noted above and queuename is the name of the queue. 2. If you configured the Gateway to run with exception reporting, you must also delete MB$MRG from the batch queue. Do this in the same way as you deleted MRTOVMS from the batch queue. If either of these two entries are in the batch queue, the old batch jobs will fail if you select the purge option during the installation procedure. 3. If you are installing the Gateway on a VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster, complete the further preparations described in Section 2.5. Otherwise, turn to Chapter 3 to install the Gateway. 2.5 Preparing to Install the Gateway on a VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster You can run the Gateway on any OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 VAXcluster or Local Area VAXcluster configuration. For each Gateway in the cluster, you need to register and load your Gateway Product Authorization Key (PAK), using the VMS License Management Utility. The VMS License Management Utility Manual describes how to register and load your PAK. Preparing to Install the Gateway 2-7 In a VAXcluster, all the nodes may share a single SYSUAF.DAT file and DECnet database or one group of nodes may share one set of resources, and another group may share a different set of resources. Also, in a cluster, there may be a single system disk or multiple system disks. Irrespective of how your cluster is defined, there must be only one Message Router VMSmail Gateway environment within the cluster. However, the Gateway does not need to be installed and configured on all nodes in a cluster. Choose the set of nodes that you want the Message Router VMSmail Gateway to run on, and make sure you install it such that the installation satisfies the following two constraints: o It modifies all the SYSUAF.DAT files and DECnet databases that are shared by those nodes o It modifies all the system disks that are used by those nodes To satisfy both of these constraints, you may need to perform more than one installation. However, all the installations of the Gateway on a cluster must use the same Message Router VMSmail Gateway environment, that is, the same MB$ directory structure and associated data files. When you have installed the Gateway, you must configure it. As part of configuration you can choose whether to enable the use of the cluster alias, if one is defined. You can also choose to start a minimum set of Message Router VMSmail Gateway processes on some of the nodes in the cluster. (See the VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway Management Guide.) Turn to Chapter 3 to install the Gateway. 2-8 Preparing to Install the Gateway 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the Gateway This chapter explains how to install the Gateway. 3.1 Overview of VMSINSTAL VMSINSTAL is a procedure that can be used to install optional software products on the OpenVMS operating system. VMSINSTAL requires at least two parameters: o The name of the product(s) being installed o The name of the device where the distribution medium is mounted or loaded 3.2 Installation Procedure If possible, use a hardcopy terminal when performing the installation, to preserve a record of the procedure in case of failure. Remember that you can call on-line help by typing a question mark (?) in response to any prompt. Complete the following steps: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account, and type the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MRGATE033 device OPTIONS N where: o MRGATE033 is the identity of the product being installed o device is the name of the device where the distribution medium is to be mounted, for example, MTA0 Installing the Gateway 3-1 o OPTIONS N provides the option of reading or printing the on-line release notes ________________________Note ________________________ Do not use the VMSINSTAL alternate root option, OPTION R. The Message Router VMSmail Gateway does not support this option in VMSINSTAL. If this is a reinstallation of the Gateway Version 3.3, you can omit the parameter OPTIONS N, provided you have already read the release notes. _____________________________________________________ 2. The procedure starts, and displays: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure Vx.x It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. where dd-mmm-yyyy and hh:mm are the current date and time, and x.x is the OpenVMS version number. 3. You may receive the following warning message: %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active. * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? If you receive any warning messages, you are advised to exit from the installation procedure, by pressing RETURN, and correct the problem, as described in Chapter 2. Then restart the installation. If any processes are still active, you are advised to shut them down. To do this, press RETURN to accept the default answer of NO and to exit from the installation procedure. Ask users with active processes to log out, as described in step 2 of Section 2.3. Then restart the installation. If you want to continue the installation regardless of the warning messages, type YES. 3-2 Installing the Gateway 4. You may receive one or more of the following error messages: %VMSINSTAL-E-LOWQUOTA, The following account quotas for Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 are too low. %VMSINSTAL-E-LOWSYSGEN, The following SYSGEN parameters for Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 are too low. In this case, the installation will cease immediately. You are not given the option to continue. A list of the incorrect quotas and/or parameters is displayed. You must set these quotas and/or parameters to the values stated in Chapter 2. 5. The procedure asks: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If the system disk has not recently been backed up, type NO to abort the installation and make a backup copy. Otherwise, press RETURN to accept the default answer of YES. 6. The procedure instructs you to mount the distribution volume: * Please mount the first volume of the set on device * Are you ready? where device is the device name you supplied in Step 1. When you have mounted the distribution volume, type YES. 7. The procedure confirms that the volume has been successfully mounted and displays: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, Message Router VMSmail Gateway mounted on _device The following products will be processed: MRGATE V3.3 Beginning installation of MRGATE V3.3 at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Installing the Gateway 3-3 Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 8. If you specified option 4, the procedure continues at Step 9. Otherwise, the procedure displays a list of options relating to the release notes. Select the option that prints the release notes. If you select the option that prints the release notes, the procedure displays: * Queue name[SYS$PRINT]: Enter the name of a print queue where you want the release notes to be printed. The procedure then displays a message telling you that the release notes have been successfully queued to the printer. If you do not specify the name of a print queue, the output is directed by default to SYS$PRINT. 9. The procedure asks: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? You are advised to exit from the installation and read the release notes. Press RETURN to accept the default answer of NO. Otherwise, type YES and press RETURN. When you have read the release notes you can restart the installation, omitting the parameter OPTIONS N. 10.The procedure confirms that the product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP 11.The procedure displays copyright information followed by details of the product that you want to install: 3-4 Installing the Gateway Product: MR-VMSMAIL-GATEWAY Producer: DEC Version: 3.3 Release Date: dd-mmm-yyyy where dd-mmm-yyyy is the release date. VMSINSTAL displays: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you have not registered and loaded the Gateway PAK, type NO to abort the installation, and refer to the VMS License Management Utility Manual for a description of how to register and load the Gateway PAK. When you have registered and loaded the PAK, restart the installation. If the Gateway PAK is already registered and loaded, type YES. 12.The procedure asks: * Do you want help text printed before every question [NO]? Help text is available for all questions asked during the installation. If you want the help text displayed before each question, type YES and press RETURN. Otherwise, press RETURN to accept the default answer of NO. Remember that you can still type a question mark (?) in response to any prompt, to call on-line help if you do not want help text printed automatically. 13.The procedure asks: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Press RETURN to accept the default answer of YES. Otherwise, type NO. 14.The procedure asks: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? You are advised to run the IVP to check that the installation has been successful. Press RETURN to accept the default answer of YES. Otherwise, type NO. Installing the Gateway 3-5 15.If the procedure finds a previous Message Router VMSmail Gateway Version 3.2 installation, VMSINSTAL displays: A Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.* system has been found. Any data from this system will be included in the current installation. 16.The procedure displays: You have answered all the questions for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway installation. The Message Router VMSmail Gateway is now being installed. The installation will take approximately 15 minutes depending on system configuration and media type. 17.The procedure displays a series of messages that tell you that the generation phase of the Gateway installation is proceeding. There is a pause between each message. If this is a reinstallation of Version 3.3 of the Gateway, or an upgrade from Version 3.2, the procedure continues at Step 18. Otherwise, for a new installation, the procedure displays: %MRG-I-CHECDIRS, Checking Directories %MRGATE-I-CREMBDIR, Creating directory device:[MB$.MRG] %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %MRG-I-SETMRGFILES, Setting Message Router VMSmail Gateway file ownership and protection %MRG-I-ASIGNMRGATE, Assigning Message Router VMSmail Gateway files to target directories If the installation procedure finds an account or directory it does not expect, the following message is displayed: %MRG-I-ACCEXIST, MRGATE account already existed. The account already exists. It should only exist when the Message Router VMSmail Gateway is re-installed. Check that the account does not have another use. The installation procedure continues at Step 19. 3-6 Installing the Gateway 18.If this is a reinstallation of Version 3.3, or an upgrade from Version 3.2 of the Gateway, the procedure displays: %MRG-I-MODACC, Modifying the MRGATE account %MRG-I-CHECDIRS, Checking Directories %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %MRG-I-SETMRGFILES, Setting Message Router VMSmail Gateway file ownership and protection %MRG-I-ASIGNMRGATE, Assigning Message Router VMSmail Gateway files to target directories 19.After VMSINSTAL has marked the files for moving to the Gateway, more messages are displayed: The generation phase of the Message Router VMSmail Gateway installation is now complete. In order to tailor the Message Router VMSmail Gateway to your requirements, you must use the MAILbus configuration procedure, SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONFIG.COM. You will not have a working system until the Gateway has been configured. The configuration procedure is described in the VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway Management Guide. You also need to refer to the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide and other gateway management guides, if you want to configure all the MAILbus products together. 20.The procedure moves the Gateway files to their specified directories: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... When this message appears, the installation is completing. Installing the Gateway 3-7 3.3 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The IVP runs automatically after the installation is complete, if you requested it. It checks that the installation was successful. The following is an example of the Gateway installation verification procedure. IVP for Message Router VMSmail Gateway Version V3.3 This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway. It checks that the Gateway is successfully installed on your system. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1983, 1993. All rights reserved. =================================================================== Message Router VMSmail Gateway Version V3.3 IVP This verification procedure is in four stages: Stage 1 checks that all the Gateway files exist, and are the right size. Stage 2 sets DECnet running if necessary. Stage 3 tests the Gateway by sending a mail message from VMSmail to Message Router. When this stage is complete, a message is displayed on the screen. Stage 4 tests the Gateway by sending a mail message from Message Router to VMSmail. When this stage is complete, you will receive a mail message. This message is sent to the account from which you are performing the verification. The verification procedure has not completed successfully until you have seen both the screen message and the mail message. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 file check The total number of files is 17. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Checking ORANGE VMSmail network response Succeeded in activating VMSmail DECnet object 27 on node ORANGE Starting Management Service 3-8 Installing the Gateway Starting Transfer Service Starting the Message Router VMSmail Gateway Stage 3 of the installation verification procedure for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 successful Waiting for delivery of VMSmail sent through Gateway V3.3. The IVP waits for a maximum of 10 minutes before timing out. New mail on node ORANGE from ORANGE::MRGATE::"MRGATE::SYSTEM" Stage 4 of the installation verification procedure for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 successful Shutting down the Message Router VMSmail Gateway Shutting down Transfer Service Shutting down Management Service Management Service shutdown procedure has completed The Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 IVP completed successfully Installation of MRGATE V3.3 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm If you performed the installation from the console medium, you are asked to remove the distribution volume from the console device and replace it with the console volume: Please mount the console volume on device: Are you ready? where device is the device name that you specified in Step 1 of Section 3.2. When you have replaced the console volume, type YES. The system confirms that the console volume has been mounted, and then exits from VMSINSTAL: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, CONSOLE mounted on _device: VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm Provided you have received the mail message from stage 4 of the IVP, the installation was successful. You must now complete the installation as described in Section 3.4. Installing the Gateway 3-9 If you do not receive the mail message from stage 4, you must reinstall the Gateway. If the IVP did not indicate the reason for the failure of the installation, you can set VERIFY on the installation procedure, so that the IVP displays more information on your screen. To set VERIFY on the Gateway installation procedure, use the following command: $ VFY$MRGCVP=1 You then install the Gateway again in the usual way. 3.4 Completing the Installation Following the successful completion of the installation and the IVP, check the location of the software (described in Section 3.5). You must then configure the Gateway as described in the VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway Management Guide. If you do not configure the Gateway you will not be able to use it. If you do not want to configure the Gateway immediately, restart Message Router and other MAILbus products that you stopped, using the command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL START=(MS,DDS,TS,...,ER) You must restart MAILbus on every node in a cluster. 3.5 Location of the Gateway Software Figure 3-1 shows the directory structure of the Gateway software in relation to other MAILbus software. 3-10 Installing the Gateway Figure 3-1 Directory Structure of the MRGATE Account MB$ | | ---------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | MR DDS MB TOOLS MRG | ---------------------------------|------------------------ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | *.NBS VMSERROR MRGINIT MRGQUEUE MRTOVMS MRTOVMS MRTOVMS MRTOVMS .DAT .DAT .DAT .COM .EXE .INF .LOG MIG0177 Of the files shown in [MB$.MRG], only VMSERROR.DAT, MRTOVMS.COM, and MRTOVMS.EXE are installed during the installation procedure. The remaining files are created during the configuration or operation of the Gateway. If you are reinstalling or upgrading the Gateway, new versions of VMSERROR.DAT, MRTOVMS.COM, and MRTOVMS.EXE are installed. The other files shown in [MB$.MRG] are not affected by the reinstallation or upgrade installation. During configuration, MRGINIT.DAT is recreated, with new configuration data, or data from the previous MRGINIT.DAT, depending on whether you specify that you want to keep old data. Initially, allow a disk quota of at least 5000 blocks for the MRGATE account. When required, the quota should be raised to allow for any increase in the volume of message traffic. Table 3-1 shows how the Gateway software is distributed after the installation. The file protection codes are the recommended settings that are issued in the distribution kit. Installing the Gateway 3-11 Table 3-1 Location of Gateway Files ___________________________________________________________ Directory and File Protection (S,O,G,W) ___________________________________________________________ [MB$.TOOLS] MRGATE$CVP.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,) MB$MRGATE.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.MB.MB$COM] MB$MRG_ER.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MRG_ERRORS.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.MB.MB$WORK] MB$MRG$CONFIG$CUSTOMIZED.DAT(RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$MRG$CONFIG$DEFAULT.DAT (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) [MB$.MRG] (continued on next page) 3-12 Installing the Gateway Table 3-1 (Cont.) Location of Gateway Files __________________________________________________________ Directory and File Protection (S,O,G,W) __________________________________________________________ MRTOVMS.COM (RWED,RWED,RWED,RE) MRTOVMS.EXE (RWED,RWED,RWED,RE) VMSERROR.DAT (RWED,RWED,RWED,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] MRGATE033.RELEASE_NOTES (RWED,RWED,RWED,RE) MB$MRG_CONFIG.HLB (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] MRFROMVMS.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] MB$$MRG_CONFIG.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$MRG_START.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) MB$$MRG_STOP.COM (RWED,RWED,RE,E) MRGATE$DELETE_SPECIFIC.COM (RWED,RWED,,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] MRGATE$MSG.EXE (RWED,RWED,RE,RE) SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.MB] MB$MRGCVP.COM (RWED,RE,RE,) __________________________________________________________ Installing the Gateway 3-13 A ________________________________________________________________ Distribution Media This appendix contains a list of the files contained in the installation save sets. The files supplied in the installation save set A are: MRGATE$PROTN.COM MRGATE$FILES.DAT MRGATE$IMAGES.DAT MRGATE$DELETE_SPECIFIC.COM KITINSTAL.COM MRGATE$SYSGEN.DAT MRGATE033.RELEASE_NOTES MB$MRGCVP.COM MRFROMVMS.EXE MRGATE$MSG.EXE MRTOVMS.EXE Distribution Media A-1 The files supplied in the installation save set B are: MB$MRG_CONFIG.HLB MB$$MRG_CONFIG.COM MB$MRG$CONFIG$CUSTOMIZED.DAT MB$MRG$CONFIG$DEFAULT.DAT MB$$MRG_START.COM MB$$MRG_STOP.COM MB$MRG_ER.COM MB$MRG_ERRORS.DAT MB$MRGATE.COM MRTOVMS.COM VMSERROR.DAT MRGATE$STOP.DAT MRGATE$CVP.DAT MRGINIT.DAT MB$CNFDB_IVP.DAT MRINIT.DAT MRSTOP.DAT A-2 Distribution Media B ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Procedure This appendix gives an example of the log of a new installation of the Gateway on OpenVMS Version 5.5-2. It also gives an example of the test mail message sent through the Gateway. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal mrgate033 DUAO: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 29-OCT-1993 at 16:15. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: MRGATE V3.3 Beginning installation of MRGATE V3.3 at 16:16 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? y %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1983, 1993. All rights reserved. Sample Installation Procedure B-1 Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Product: MR-VMSMAIL-GATEWAY Producer: DEC Version: 3.3 Release Date: 29-OCT-1993 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y * Do you want help text printed before every question [NO]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? You have answered all the questions for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway installation. The Message Router VMSmail Gateway is now being installed. The installation will take approximately 15 minutes depending on system configuration and media type. %MRGATE-I-CHECDIRS, Checking Directories %MRGATE-I-CREMBDIR, Creating directory DUAO:[MB$.MRG] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DUAO:[MB$.MRG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %MRGATE-I-SETMRGFILES, Setting Message Router VMSmail Gateway file ownership and protection %MRGATE-I-ASIGNMRGATE, Assigning Message Router VMSmail Gateway files to target directories The generation phase of the Message Router VMSmail Gateway installation is now complete. In order to tailor the Message Router VMSmail Gateway to your requirements, you must use the MAILbus configuration procedure, SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONFIG.COM. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... B-2 Sample Installation Procedure IVP for Message Router VMSmail Gateway Version V3.3 This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway. It checks that the Gateway is successfully installed on your system. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1983, 1993. All rights reserved. ================================================================== Message Router VMSmail Gateway Version V3.3 IVP This verification procedure is in four stages: Stage 1 checks that all the Gateway files exist, and are the right size. Stage 2 sets DECnet running if necessary. Stage 3 tests the Gateway by sending a mail message from VMSmail to Message Router. When this stage is complete, a message is displayed on the screen. Stage 4 tests the Gateway by sending a mail message from Message Router to VMSmail. When this stage is complete, you will receive a mail message. This message is sent to the account from which you are performing the verification. The verification procedure has not completed successfully until you have seen both the screen message and the mail message. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 file check The total number of files is 17. All files exist and are the correct size. End of Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Checking YELLOW VMSmail network response Succeeded in activating VMSmail DECnet entity 27 on node YELLOW Starting Management Service Starting Transfer Service Starting the Message Router VMSmail Gateway Sample Installation Procedure B-3 Stage 3 of the installation verification procedure for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 successful Waiting for delivery of VMSmail sent through Gateway V3.3. The IVP waits for a maximum of 2 minutes before timing out. New mail on node YELLOW from YELLOW::MRGATE::"MRGATE::SYSTEM" Stage 4 of the installation verification procedure for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 successful Shutting down the Message Router VMSmail Gateway Shutting down Transfer Service Shutting down Management Service The Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 IVP completed successfully Installation of MRGATE V3.3 completed at 16:25 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 16:25 $ mail You have 1 new message. MAIL> read /new From: YELLOW::MRGATE::"MRGATE::SYSTEM" 29-OCT-1993 16:21:42.68 To: YELLOW::SYSTEM CC: Subj: Message Router VMSmail Gateway V3.3 CVP From: NAME: SYSTEM To: SYSTEM@YELLOW@MRGATE This is a Gateway test message. If you receive this message, stage 4 of the verification procedure has successfully completed. All stages of the verification procedure have now completed successfully MAIL> B-4 Sample Installation Procedure ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ F__________________________ Account quotas, 2-4 Feedback Addresses on this book, vi for Reader's comments, vi FILLM account quota, 2-4 B__________________________ BYTLM G__________________________ account quota, 2-4 Gateway installing, 1-1, 3-1 C__________________________ introducing, 1-1 Configuration, 1-3, 3-10 license, 1-1 Contacting Digital, 1-3 shutting down, 2-6 upgrade, 3-6 D__________________________ DECnet, 2-2 H__________________________ DECnet/OSI, 2-2 Handling errors, 1-3 Digital Hardware how to contact, 1-3 prerequisite, 2-2 Disk quota Help recommended for while installing, 3-1 installation, 2-1 Distribution medium I__________________________ list of files, A-1 Installation backup, 3-3 E__________________________ check list, 2-1 Errors completing, 3-10 handling, 1-3 Help, 3-5 list of files, A-1 new, 1-2 on-line release notes, 3-4 Index-1 Installation (cont'd) Purging files, 3-5 preparations, 2-3 sample, B-1 Q__________________________ save sets, A-1 Quota upgrade, 1-2, 3-6 account, 2-4 Installation Help, 3-1 accounts, 2-4 installation verification disk, 2-1 procedure see IVP R__________________________ Installing, 1-1 Reader's comments, vi IVP, 1-2, 3-5, 3-8 Release Notes, 3-4 L__________________________ S__________________________ License Sample installation, B-1 checking, 2-3 Save sets, A-1 License Management Utility, Shutting down 1-1 Gateway, 2-6 Message Router, 2-6 M__________________________ Software Message Router location, 3-10 shutting down, 2-6 prerequisite, 2-2 MicroVAX Software versions, 1-1 checking software is V installed, 2-2 ___________________________ VAXcluster P__________________________ preparing, 2-7 Preparing Versions for installation, 2-3 software, 1-1 PAK, 2-3 VMSINSTAL, 1-2 VAXcluster, 2-7 command procedure, 3-1 Prerequisite overview, 3-1 software and hardware, parameters, 3-1 2-2 VMSTAILOR, 2-3 Product Authorization Key (PAK), 2-1 Index-2