DIGITAL_ACMSxp_for_DIGITAL_UNIX_____________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-Q1NUG-TE July 1998 This guide describes how to install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software on an Alpha architecture system running the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised guide. Software Version: ACMSxp Version 3.2 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ July 1998 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1998. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ACMS, ACMS Desktop, ACMSxp, DEC, DECthreads, Digital, VAX DOCUMENT, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Gradient is a registered trademark of Gradient Technologies, Inc. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Micro Focus and Animator are registered trademarks of Micro Focus Limited. Micro Focus COBOL, Micro Focus COBOL Toolbox, Micro Focus COBOL/2, VS COBOL, and LEVEL II COBOL/ET are trademarks of Micro Focus Limited. Microsoft, Microsoft Access, MS, MS-DOS, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Windows, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks, and Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ORACLE and Oracle Rdb are registered trademarks of the Oracle Corporation. OSF is registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. PC-DCE is a trademark of Gradient Technologies. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation 1.1 Reading the Online Release Notes.............. 1-1 1.2 Registering Your Software License............. 1-1 1.3 Checking the Software Distribution Kit........ 1-2 1.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements.................................. 1-2 1.4.1 Checking Login Privileges................. 1-3 1.4.2 Checking Hardware Requirements............ 1-3 1.4.3 Checking Software Requirements............ 1-3 Software Subsets Required............... 1-3 Checking Whether Subsets Are Loaded..... 1-4 1.4.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load......... 1-5 1.4.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements....... 1-5 Checking Current Disk Space............. 1-6 1.5 Installing from Media or Using RIS............ 1-7 2 Preinstallation Tasks 2.1 Reconfiguring the Kernel...................... 2-1 2.1.1 Modifying Dynamic Kernel Attributes....... 2-1 Changing a Kernel Attribute Run-time Value................................... 2-3 Editing the Kernel Attribute Configuration File...................... 2-4 2.1.2 Rebuilding the Kernel..................... 2-4 2.2 DCE Procedures for the IVP.................... 2-6 iii 3 Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX 3.1 Backing Up Your System Disk................... 3-1 3.2 Stopping the Installation..................... 3-1 3.3 Keeping a Record of the Installation.......... 3-1 3.4 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media......................................... 3-2 3.5 Using an RIS Distribution Area................ 3-2 3.6 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts....................................... 3-3 3.6.1 Selecting Subsets......................... 3-3 3.6.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process........................... 3-5 4 After Installation 4.1 Setting Up ACMSxp with Japanese Language Support....................................... 4-1 4.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure..................................... 4-2 4.2.1 IVP Overview.............................. 4-2 4.2.2 Preparing the IVP......................... 4-3 4.2.3 Invoking the IVP.......................... 4-3 4.3 Deleting ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX from Your System........................................ 4-6 4.4 Running a TPsystem from the root Account...... 4-6 A Sample Listings A.1 Installing Release Notes...................... A-1 A.2 Sample ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation... A-2 A.3 Sample Installation Verification Procedure.... A-5 B Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B.1 /ascii_docs Directory......................... B-1 B.2 /bin Directory................................ B-1 B.3 /include Directory............................ B-2 B.3.1 /include/encina Directory................. B-3 B.3.2 /include/threadTid Directory.............. B-3 B.3.3 /include/tmxa............................. B-3 B.3.4 /include/tran Directory................... B-3 B.4 /lib Directory................................ B-3 B.5 /man Directory................................ B-4 iv B.5.1 /man/man1 Directory....................... B-4 B.5.2 /man/man3 directory....................... B-4 B.5.3 /man/man8 Directory....................... B-5 B.6 /msg Directory................................ B-6 B.6.1 /msg/C Directory.......................... B-7 B.6.2 /msg/en_US.ISO8859-1 Directory............ B-8 B.6.3 /msg/en_US.sdeckanji...................... B-9 B.7 /sample Directory............................. B-9 B.7.1 /sample/add Directory..................... B-9 B.7.2 /sample/avertz_vm Directory............... B-10 B.7.3 /sample/avertz_vr Directory............... B-10 B.7.4 /sample/employee Directory................ B-11 B.7.5 /sample/ivp Directory..................... B-11 B.7.6 /sample/std Directory..................... B-12 B.7.7 /sample/std_tpc Directory................. B-12 B.8 /shlib Directory.............................. B-13 C Recovering from Errors C.1 Failures During Product Installation.......... C-1 C.2 Failures During Product Use................... C-2 Index Examples 3-1 Installation Subset Selection Display..... 3-4 3-2 Selecting Subsets......................... 3-4 3-3 Verifying Subset Selection................ 3-4 3-4 Subset Loading Process.................... 3-5 A-1 Installing Release Notes.................. A-1 A-2 Installing All ACMSxp Options............. A-2 A-3 IVP Sample................................ A-5 C-1 Sample Installation Failure Message....... C-1 v Tables 1-1 DIGITAL UNIX Required Subsets............. 1-3 1-2 ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Subset Sizes Required.................................. 1-5 2-1 Kernel Configuration Minimum Values....... 2-2 vi _________________________________________________________________ Preface This installation procedure creates an ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX disk directory structure subordinate to the /usr /opt and /var/opt directories. The installation has been developed so that multiple versions of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX can be installed on the same system. Keep this guide with your distribution kit. You will need both the guide and the kit to install maintenance updates or to reinstall ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX for any other reason. Intended Audience This guide is intended for system managers who install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software. Operating System Information Information about the versions of the DIGITAL UNIX operating system and other software compatible with this version of ACMSxp software is included in this manual. For information on the relationship of other software products with this version of ACMSxp, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD). Use the SPD to verify which versions of your operating system are compatible with this version of ACMSxp. vii Structure This manual has the following components, as shown in the following table: ___________________________________________________________ Component___Description____________________________________ Chapter 1 Describes preparations and requirements necessary for installing ACMSxp software, including dependent software. Chapter 2 Describes tasks you may have to perform before you install the software, for example, reconfigure dynamic kernel attributes or modify a global keyword. Chapter 3 Describes how to install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX locally (using CD-ROM) or from a server area. Chapter 4 Explains what you may need to do after the installation, for example, to make ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX ready for use and to delete versions from your system. Appendix A Provides sample listings for installing different subsets. Appendix B Lists the directories and the files created ____________during_the_ACMSxp_installation.________________ Associated Documentation Refer to the following documents for a description of the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX features and capabilities. ___________________________________________________________ Title______________________Purpose_________________________ DIGITAL ACMSxp Software Provides an introduction to System Overview ACMSxp concepts. It introduces concepts you should be familiar with when you use the other manuals in the ACMSxp documentation set and related product documentation sets. viii ___________________________________________________________ Title______________________Purpose_________________________ DIGITAL ACMSxp Getting Provides a step-by-step Started tutorial for developing a simple application with the DIGITAL ACMSxp (ACMSxp) software to enable you to get started with the ACMSxp software on a platform featuring a supported operating system: the Windows NT system, the DIGITAL UNIX system, or the DIGITAL OpenVMS Alpha system. DIGITAL ACMSxp STDL Contains conceptual, Encyclopedia programming, and reference material for the X/Open Structured Transaction Definition Language (STDL) application programming interface to the ACMSxp portable transaction processing monitor. The main users of this manual are programmers writing ACMSxp transaction processing applications. DIGITAL ACMSxp Developing Presents information about and Managing Applications designing, developing, and managing STDL applications on DIGITAL ACMSxp systems running on the DIGITAL UNIX, OpenVMS, and Windows NT platforms. This manual is intended for those who define the business requirements to be addressed by the ACMSxp application, determine the design of the ACMSxp application, program the ACMSxp application, or manage and maintain the ACMSxp ___________________________application.____________________ Additional information is available at the following web sites: ix Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: ___________________________________________________________ Convention_____Meaning_____________________________________ # A pound sign (#) is the default superuser prompt. % A percent sign (%) is the default user prompt. In examples, a boxed symbol indicates that you press the named key on the keyboard. Ctrl/C This symbol indicates that you press the Ctrl key while you simultaneously press another key (in this case, C). user input In interactive examples, user input appears in bold type. filesystem In text, this typeface indicates the exact name of a command, routine, partition, path name, directory, or file. This typeface is also used in interactive examples and other screen displays. UPPERCASE The DIGITAL UNIX operating system lowercase differentiates between lowercase and uppercase characters. Examples, syntax descriptions, function definitions, and literal strings that appear in text must be typed exactly as shown. setld(8) Cross references to on line reference pages include the appropriate section number in parentheses. For example, setld(8) indicates that you can find the material on the setld command in Section 8 of the reference pages. [y] In a prompt, square brackets indicate that the enclosed item is the default response. For example, [y] means that the default _______________response_is_Yes.____________________________ x 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Your distribution kit includes a letter titled Read Before Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. This letter discusses important information that might not be included in this guide. Read this letter before proceeding with the installation. 1.1 Reading the Online Release Notes ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX provides this installation guide describing how to install and verify the software and online Release Notes describing restrictions to installing and using the product. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the installation guide and Release Notes before using the product. The Release Notes may contain information about changes to the installation process or requirements for installation. Install the Release Notes subset option (number 3) to install only the Release Notes for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. The kit installs an ASCII text version of the Release Notes in the following location: /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/ascii_docs/ACMSxp_release_notes_320.txt See Example 3-1. 1.2 Registering Your Software License ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) in the License Database (LDB) in order to use ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX on a newly licensed node. The License PAK may be shipped with the kit if you ordered the license and media together, otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation 1-1 If you are installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. To register a license under the DIGITAL UNIX operating system, first log in as superuser. After you register your license, use the following lmf reset command to copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache: # lmf reset For complete information on using LMF, see the Guide to Software License Management and the lmf(8) reference page. 1.3 Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software distribution kit. In addition to this guide, the software distribution kit includes the following: o CD-ROM optical disk for systems with optical disk drives o CD-ROM booklet and CD-ROM Read Before Installing letter If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your DIGITAL representative. 1.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) take approximately 10 to 15 minutes, depending on your type of media and system configuration. 1-2 Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation 1.4.1 Checking Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software and to register the license PAK. 1.4.2 Checking Hardware Requirements To install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX, you need the following hardware: o Software distribution device (if installing from media) Locate the CD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM software distribution media. The CD-ROM booklet or the documentation for the CD-ROM drive you are using explains how to load the CD-ROM media. o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. 1.4.3 Checking Software Requirements ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX requires DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0D. Future ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX releases may require higher versions. See the Read Before Installing letter (included on the CD-ROM) or the online Release Notes for information about the minimum version of the operating system required. Software Subsets Required ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX also requires that the DIGITAL UNIX software subsets shown in Table 1-1 be loaded on the system where you install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. Table_1-1_DIGITAL_UNIX_Required_Subsets____________________ Subset_Name______Version_____Comments______________________ OSFBASE 4.25 The "Base System" subset (continued on next page) Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation 1-3 Table_1-1_(Cont.)_DIGITAL_UNIX_Required_Subsets____________ Subset_Name______Version_____Comments______________________ OSFPGMR 4.25 The Software Development Environment DCE 2.1 Some supported configuration of DCEADK, DCECDS, DCERTS, and _____________________________DCESEC_on_the_system__________ Checking Whether Subsets Are Loaded To check whether the required subsets listed in Table 1-1 are loaded, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the system where you are installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. 2. Enter the following command to check for subsets on the system. For example: # setld -i | egrep 'OSFBASE|OSFPGMR|DCERTS' If you do not log in as superuser (login name root), enter the full path of the command. For example: % /usr/sbin/setld -i | egrep 'OSFBASE|OSFPGMR|DCERTS' 3. Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset and any related patches. For example: DCERTS210 installed DCE Runtime Services V2.1 OSFBASE425 installed Base System (- Required -) OSFPGMR425 installed Standard Programmer Commands (Software Development) The word installed appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. 4. If the word installed does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset is not loaded. Load the missing DIGITAL UNIX software before installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. (For information on how to load the operating system software, see the DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide.) 1-4 Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation 1.4.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets you want to load: o ACMSxp Version V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Base Contains the development and run-time code. o ACMSxp Version V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Man Pages o ACMSxp Version V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes You can choose any combination of these subsets, or choose ALL, CANCEL, or EXIT. See Appendix A for an example of the installation script. 1.4.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 1-2 lists the disk space requirements for loading the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software subset. Table_1-2_ACMSxp_for_DIGITAL_UNIX_Subset_Sizes_Required____ Megabytes Subset_Title__________Subset_Name___________(MB)___________ ACMSxp for DIGITAL ACMSXPVBASE320 56 UNIX Base ACMSxp for DIGITAL ACMSXPVMAN320 1 UNIX Man Pages ACMSxp for DIGITAL ACMSXPVRELNOTES320 1 UNIX Release Notes Totals:_____________________________________58_____________ ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software is installed in the directories /usr/opt and /var/opt. The directory /var/opt contains only the TPsystems registry file and requires minimal space. (The file is created when you create your first TPsystem and stores data related to all TPsystems on your ACMSxp system.) In general, the requirements are listed by directory. This is convenient if you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount points for different disk partitions. In the case of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX, there is only one directory/mount point. Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation 1-5 Note that following the installation, the IVP requires a further ten megabytes in the user's own directory. Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you plan to load in each directory. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX files will reside to be sure that you have enough disk space to complete the installation. Checking Current Disk Space To check the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you are installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. You can check which directories are mounted and where they are by viewing the /etc/fstab file. For example: # more /etc/fstab /dev/rd0a:/:rw:1:1:ufs:: /dev/rd0g:/usr:rw:1:2:ufs:: /usr/staff/r1/leslie@bigsys:/usr/staff/r1/leslie:rw:0:0:nfs:bg: /usr/man@bigsys:/usr/man:ro:0:0:nfs:bg: The display indicates that /usr (mounted to /dev/rd0g) is the only mount point that affects where ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX files are to reside; the system has only one local disk drive, and the /usr/lib and file system resides in the g partition of the disk on that drive. To check the total space and the free space for the directories where ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX will reside, enter the df command. For example: # df /usr Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on /dev/rd0g 1603526 1223890 219282 85% /usr Given the previous display of the /etc/fstab file, which shows that only /usr is a mount point, you need to check free space only in the /usr file system. The output shows that there are 219 282 kilobytes free. This free space must accommodate the subset requirements listed in Table 1-2. 1-6 Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation 1.5 Installing from Media or Using RIS Someone from your site must perform at least one ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX installation from the distribution media. Your site system manager can then decide whether or not to make an ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX distribution kit available online so that subsequent installations of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX can use the Remote Installation Service (RIS). For information on extracting ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets to an RIS distribution area, see DIGITAL UNIX Sharing Software on a Local Area Network. If you expect to use ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets from the RIS area of a remote system for installation on your local system, first check with your site system manager to ensure that: o ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX network kit is available for use. o Your system is registered as an RIS client. If ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets are available to you on an RIS server system, you must know the name of that system. For more information on installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX from an RIS distribution area, see Section 3.5. Preparing for ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation 1-7 2 _________________________________________________________________ Preinstallation Tasks Before you install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software on a system for the first time, you may have to reconfigure dynamic kernel attributes, modify a global keyword (which requires rebuilding the kernel), and perform Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) procedures to run the IVP. 2.1 Reconfiguring the Kernel To ensure that the system has the resources required by ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software, you might have to do one or both of the following: o Reconfigure dynamic kernel attributes. o Modify the global keyword maxusers for the kernel. Because most of the kernel attributes are dynamic, you can modify them as described in Section 2.1.1, without rebooting your system. To determine whether to modify the global keyword and rebuild the kernel, see Section 2.1.2. If you rebuild the kernel, you need to reboot your system. 2.1.1 Modifying Dynamic Kernel Attributes To check the current values for the dynamic kernel attributes, perform the following steps: 1. Display the attributes and values of the related loaded and configured subsystems. a. Show the attributes and values for the proc subsystem. For example: # /sbin/sysconfig -q proc b. Show the attributes and values for the vm subsystem. For example: # /sbin/sysconfig -q vm Preinstallation Tasks 2-1 c. Show the attributes and values of arguments for messages, semaphores, and shared memory. For example: # /sbin/sysconfig -q ipc 2. Check the displayed values on the current system against the values of the dynamic kernel attributes in Table 2-1. Table_2-1_Kernel_Configuration_Minimum_Values______________ Attribute Minimum Dynamic__________Static___________Value_______Subsystem____ max-per-proc- vm_initial_ 33554432 proc stack-size limit_ stack.rlim_ max max-proc-per- maxuprc 256 proc user max-threads- Not applicable 4096 proc per-user sem-mni semmni 100 ipc sem-msl semmsl 50 ipc shm-seg shmseg 64 ipc vm-vpagemax______vpagemax____________32767____vm___________ If any displayed value is less than the minimum value shown in Table 2-1, change the current kernel attribute value in one of the following ways: o Change the run-time value directly and use it to update the boot-time values. See Section Some run-time values cannot be changed directly. Refer to DIGITAL UNIX System Administration Guide. o Edit the kernel attribute database file to set the boot- time value to the new minimum values and synchronize the run-time values. See Section o Edit the system configuration file and rebuild the kernel. See Section 2.1.2. 2-2 Preinstallation Tasks Changing a Kernel Attribute Run-time Value To change the run-time value of a kernel attribute directly, proceed as follows: 1. Refer to DIGITAL UNIX System Administration Guide to see whether you can change the run-time value of the kernel attribute directly. If you cannot, follow the steps in Section 2. Log in as root or become superuser. 3. Use a command in the following format with the dynamic attribute name to change the current run-time value: /sbin/sysconfig -r subsystem-name dynamic-attribute- name=new-value This command changes the run-time value of the dynamic kernel attribute. You can specify multiple attributes on the same command. 4. After you change all the run-time values, change the default values on the system to the new minimum value that you set in the runtime. Use sysconfig for each subsystem in which you made changes to write out the list of kernel attributes of each subsystem to a file. Use the following format: /sbin/sysconfig -q subsystem-name > temp-file-name This command stores the current run-time values in the temporary file you specify. 5. For each subsystem, update the attributes in the kernel attribute file /etc/sysconfigtab with a command in the following format, using the temporary file created for each subsystem: /sbin/sysconfigdb -u -f temp-file-name subsystem-name This command stores the current values so that the next time the system boots, the new values take effect. Proceed to Section 2.1.2 to see whether you must rebuild the kernel. Preinstallation Tasks 2-3 Editing the Kernel Attribute Configuration File You can edit the /etc/sysconfigtab file to change the boot- time values of the kernel attributes to reflect the minimum values. If you edit the kernel attribute database file, proceed as follows: 1. Log in as root or become superuser. 2. Use your favorite editor to modify the /etc/sysconfigtab file. Use the dynamic attribute name shown in Table 2-1 and a value equal to or greater than the minimum shown. For each subsystem, the format is: subsystem-name: dynamic-attribute-name = new-value ... Place each value on a separate line. 3. After you exit the editor, run the following command: # /sbin/sysconfigdb -s # This command updates the memory-resident copy with the values in the file, and thus synchronizes both boot-time and run-time values. Proceed to Section 2.1.2 to see whether you must rebuild the kernel. 2.1.2 Rebuilding the Kernel To run ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software, set the maxusers argument in /sys/conf/machine_name to the minimum value. To check the current value and possibly change it, follow these steps: 1. Change directory to the kernel configuration file directory. For example: # cd /sys/conf 2. Use the grep command, maxusers, and the name of the system to access the file containing the arguments. For example: # grep maxusers GREEN maxusers 64 # 2-4 Preinstallation Tasks The command shows 64 as the maxusers value. If the value is 256 or more, you do not have to edit the kernel configuration file. If the value for maxusers is less than 256 or you have to set a minimum value for a kernel attribute as described in Section 2.1.1, you must edit the kernel configuration file. Increase the value of maxusers to 256 or more. If you do not edit the configuration file, you do not have to rebuild the kernel. To run the installation verification procedure (IVP), follow the steps in Section 2.2. If you do not want to run the IVP, proceed to Chapter 3 to install the software. If you edit the configuration file, change maxusers and use the static names in Table 2-1 to set minimum values if necessary. After you close the configuration file, follow these steps to rebuild the kernel: 1. From the directory containing the kernel configuration file, enter the doconfig command. For example: # doconfig -c GREEN Do not edit the configuration file again. When the new kernel is complete, the software tells you where the new file is. 2. To use the new kernel, shut the system down to single user mode and copy the new kernel. For example: # /usr/sbin/shutdown now 3. Mount the file systems so that you can modify them. For example: # bcheckrc 4. Copy the old kernel. For example: # cp /vmunix /vmunix.old 5. Move the new kernel to root so that it is used for bootstrapping. Use a command in the following format: mv new_kernel_name /vmunix For example: # mv NEWABC /vmunix Preinstallation Tasks 2-5 6. Reboot the system. For example: # /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now When the new kernel starts, follow the procedures in Section 2.2 to set up DCE for the IVP. If you do not want to run the IVP, proceed to Chapter 3 to install the software. 2.2 DCE Procedures for the IVP The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) allows you to check that the ACMSxp software has been installed successfully and that all dependent products are set up as needed. The IVP depends on a certain DCE setup to run. If you want to run the IVP, follow the procedures described in this section to set up DCE for the IVP. The DCE setup for the IVP applies only to the IVP and is not necessary for running ACMSxp applications. The procedures described in this section to set up a DCE environment for running the IVP create the following items: o Server principal acmsxp_svr o SFS server principal acmsxp_svr_sfs o Server keys for each server principal in the following directory: /krb5/acmsxp o User principal(s) in the DCE group called users under which to run the IVP Follow these steps: 1. Log in to DCE as cell_admin. csh> dce_login cell_admin Enter Password: csh> The command logs you in to DCE and gives you the proper credentials to execute the security operations. The password you supply is chosen for cell_admin after DCE is installed. For further information about DCE setup, see DCE for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide. 2-6 Preinstallation Tasks ________________________ Note ________________________ All DCE commands are case sensitive. ______________________________________________________ 2. Create a DCE group called users under which the IVP runs. csh> rgy_edit Current site is: registry server at /.../avertz_cell rgy_edit=> domain group Domain changed to: group rgy_edit=> add users -f "IVP access" rgy_edit=> exit bye. csh> The add subcommand creates the DCE group called users. The exit subcommand returns control to the shell. 3. Provide namespace directory creation access for group users. In the commands shown, replace the cell name avertz_cell with the name of your cell. csh> acl_edit /.../avertz_cell -m group:users:rwdtcia csh> acl_edit /.../avertz_cell -ic -m group:users:rwdtcia csh> acl_edit /.../avertz_cell -io -m group:users:rwdtc csh> cdscp show cell /.: SHOW CELL /.../avertz_cell AT 1998-7-28-16:27:01 Namespace Uuid = e484c407-d0b8-11cd-835b-08002b187bb3 Clearinghouse Uuid = e2a64d26-d0b8-11cd-835b-08002b187bb3 Clearinghouse Name = /.../avertz_cell/avertz_ch Replica Type = Master Tower = ncacn_ip_tcp:[] Tower = ncadg_ip_udp:[] csh> acl_edit /.../avertz_cell/avertz_ch -m group:users:rwdtc csh> The first command modifies the parent directory ACL in the cell namespace with a group entry of users, allowing all permissions to any principal that is a member of the group. The second and third commands modify the initial container creation ACL and initial object creation ACL similarly to the first command so Preinstallation Tasks 2-7 that any subdirectories and objects subsequently created have the appropriate permissions. The fourth command displays the name of the clearinghouse to be used in the fifth command. The fifth command modifies the clearinghouse directory in the cell with a group entry of users, allowing the w permission to any principal that is a member of that group. Any principal belonging to the group can specify a namespace directory during TP system creation. For example, this access allows a member principal to create the ACMSxp default namespace directory in the cell avertz_cell. 4. Create the DCE server principal and account for the IVP and Encina SFS. In the commands shown, replace the occurrences of Celladmin_Passwd and SvrPasword with the cell_admin and server passwords in the cell. csh> rgy_edit Current site is: registry server at /.../avertz_cell rgy_edit=> domain principal Domain changed to: principal rgy_edit=> add acmsxp_svr -f "IVP TPsystem default server principal" rgy_edit=> add acmsxp_svr_sfs -f "SFS server principal" rgy_edit=> domain account Domain changed to: account rgy_edit=> add acmsxp_svr -g users -o none -mp Celladmin_Passwd -pw SvrPasword rgy_edit=> add acmsxp_svr_sfs -g users -o none -mp Celladmin_Passwd -pw SvrPasword rgy_edit=> exit bye. csh> The add subcommands create the acmsxp_svr and acmsxp_ svr_sfs server principals in the namespace and adds accounts for the server principals. The string Celladmin_Passwd on the -mp option is the cell_admin account password. The string SvrPasword on the -pw option is the acmsxp_svr account password. Use this same password when you create the server key in the local directory. 5. Create the local directory for the server key files and provide access to the directory. a. Login as root. 2-8 Preinstallation Tasks b. Create the local directory. For example: # mkdir /krb5/acmsxp # c. Provide access to the directory for the operating system account under which the IVP TPsystem is to be created. For example: # chmod 777 /krb5/acmsxp # d. Logout of root. 6. While still logged in to DCE under cell_admin, create the server keys in the local directory for each server principal. In the commands shown, replace the server password SvrPasword with the axmsxp_svr and acmsxp_svr_ sfs account passwords. For example: csh> rgy_edit Current site is: registry server at /.../avertz_cell rgy_edit=> ktadd -p acmsxp_svr -f /krb5/acmsxp/acmsxp_svr -pw SvrPasword rgy_edit=> ktadd -p acmsxp_svr_sfs -f /krb5/acmsxp/acmsxp_svr_sfs -pw SvrPasword rgy_edit=> ktlist -p acmsxp_svr -f /krb5/acmsxp/acmsxp_svr /.../avertz_cell/acmsxp_svr 1 rgy_edit=> ktlist -p acmsxp_svr_sfs -f /krb5/acmsxp/acmsxp_svr_sfs /.../avertz_cell/acmsxp_svr_sfs 1 rgy_edit=> exit bye. csh> The ktadd subcommand with the -p option gives the name of the server principal (acmsxp_svr and acmsxp_svr_sfs) and with the -f option specifies the key file for the TPsystem server principal. Specify the same name for the key file and the name of the server principal. The string SvrPasword on the -pw option is the acmsxp_ svr and acmsxp_svr_sfs account passwords. The utility verifies the password and creates the server key for the principal in the named key file. Supply the same password here that you supply when you create the DCE account for the server principal. This ensures that the key in the DCE registry is the same as the key in the local file. Preinstallation Tasks 2-9 7. Provide access to the server key files for the operating system account under which the IVP TPsystem is to be created. For example: csh> chmod 777 /krb5/acmsxp/acmsxp_svr csh> chmod 777 /krb5/acmsxp/acmsxp_svr_sfs csh> 8. Create DCE user principals and accounts for IVP users. Do one of the following to provide DCE security for an IVP user or all users on the system: o Establish a single DCE user principal and account for the IVP. Use the rgy_edit utility to create the principal and the account in the group users. a. Set the domain to principal and use the add subcommand to create the principal. For example: rgy_edit=> domain principal Domain changed to: principal rgy_edit=> add user12 -f "IVP user" rgy_edit=> The add subcommand creates the principal user12. b. Set the domain to account and use the rgy_edit add subcommand to create a DCE user account. (The name user12 is used in this example.) In the command shown, replace the occurrences of Celladmin_ Passwd and SvrPasword cell_admin and user account passwords in the cell. For example: rgy_edit=> domain account Domain changed to: account rgy_edit=> add user12 -g users -o none -mp Celladmin_Passwd -pw 2knighttwoknight rgy_edit=> The add subcommand creates an account for the user principal user12 and places the principal in the DCE group users. The string Celladmin_Passwd on the -mp option is the cell_admin account password. The string 2knighttwoknight on the -pw option is the user12 account password. (Do not use the password shown in the example. You will not have a secure account if you use a published password.) 2-10 Preinstallation Tasks Use your specified password when logging in to DCE under the account user12 before you run the IVP. o Use an established DCE user principal for the IVP. Use the rgy_edit utility member subcommand to add a currently existing user principal to the group users. a. Set the domain to group. For example: rgy_edit=> domain group Domain changed to: group rgy_edit=> b. Use the member subcommand in the following format to add user principals to the group users: member users -a principal-name[,...] The member subcommand with the -a option adds the specified user principals to the group users. c. Use the view subcommand to list the members of the group users. For example: rgy_edit=> view users -m users 2 members user12, user2 rgy_edit=> The view subcommand with the -m option displays the members of the group users. o Create DCE user principals and accounts for all user accounts on your system. Use dce_import and place the user principals in the group named users that you created. Consult the DCE documentation for guidelines on using dce_import. 9. Terminate DCE access. rgy_edit=> exit bye. csh> kdestroy csh> The commands erase the cell_admin security credentials from the network. Preinstallation Tasks 2-11 See the DIGITAL DCE for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes for information on UCX TCP settings and the DIGITAL DCE for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide for cell configuration information. After you configure DCE for the IVP, proceed to Chapter 3 to follow the installation procedures. 2-12 Preinstallation Tasks 3 _________________________________________________________________ Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX This chapter describes how to install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. Before you start the installation, read Chapter 1. You can install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX locally (using CD- ROM) or from a server area. If you encounter any failures during installation, see Appendix C. 3.1 Backing Up Your System Disk DIGITAL recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. For information about backing up your system disk, see the DIGITAL UNIX system documentation. 3.2 Stopping the Installation To stop the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl /C. You must delete files created up to this point before you can restart the installation. The directories and files created during the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX installation are as follows (including the entire subdirectory tree): /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320 /var/opt/ACMSXPV320 3.3 Keeping a Record of the Installation DIGITAL recommends that you keep a permanent record of the installation. Either use a hardcopy terminal or log the installation in a file. To keep a log file, use the script command. For example: # script installog The script command writes to the file installog in the current working directory. Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX 3-1 3.4 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media This procedure loads ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX files on to a disk belonging to the system on which you perform the installation. When ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on your system. Follow these steps to install ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX from CD-ROM: 1. Mount the CD-ROM on the appropriate drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you are installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. 3. Make sure that you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / 4. Specify the /cdrom directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. If your drive is ra1, enter the following command: # mount -dr /dev/ra1c /cdrom 5. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets are located. For example, if the directory location for these subsets is /cdrom/acm320/kit, enter the following command: # setld -l /cdrom/acm320/kit The installation procedure now displays the names of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 3.6 to continue the installation. 3.5 Using an RIS Distribution Area If you are installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets that reside in an /etc/ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you are installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. 3-2 Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX 2. Make sure that you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (- l option) and identifies the system where the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets are located. For example, if you are loading ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets from an RIS distribution area on node orion, enter the following: # setld -l orion: Remote Installation Services now displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available to you and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 3.6 to continue the installation. 3.6 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. 3.6.1 Selecting Subsets You are always asked to specify which product subsets you want to load. ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX consists of three subsets as shown in Example 3-1. Next, the script lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 4 in response to the previous prompt, you see the display shown in Example 3-2. If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. The software displays the subset selection menu again and you can correct your choice of subsets. If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y as shown in Example 3-3. Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX 3-3 Example 3-1 Installation Subset Selection Display The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Base 2) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Man Pages 3) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes Or you may choose one of the following options: 4) ALL of the above 5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 6) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Example 3-2 Selecting Subsets Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 4 You are installing the following optional subsets: ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Base ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Man Pages ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes Is this correct? (y/n): Example 3-3 Verifying Subset Selection Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. (C) Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1993, 1998. All Rights Reserved. The OK message indicates that there is sufficient space and the software loads the files. 3-4 Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX 3.6.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process The installation procedure asks no more questions, and loads and verifies the selected ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets. Example 3-4 shows a display from the point where you selected and confirmed the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subset. Example 3-4 Subset Loading Process (C) Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1993, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Base Copying from . (disk) Working....Thu Mar 6 11:54:41 EST 1998 Verifying Working....Thu Mar 6 11:55:39 EST 1998 (C) Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1993, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Man Pages Copying from . (disk) Verifying (C) Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1993, 1998. All Rights Reserved. (continued on next page) Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX 3-5 Example 3-4 (Cont.) Subset Loading Process Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Release Notes Copying from . (disk) Verifying ACMSxp for Digital UNIX (BASE) successfully installed. Configuring "ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Base" (ACMSXPVBASE320) ACMSxp for Digital UNIX (MAN) successfully installed. Configuring "ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Man Pages" (ACMSXPVMAN320) Release notes may be found in /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/ascii_docs/ACMSxp_release_notes_320.txt ACMSxp for Digital UNIX (RELNOTES) successfully installed. Configuring "ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Release Notes" (ACMSXPVRELNOTES320) When you see the Verifying message during the subset installation, the installation procedure is checking to see that the files are copied correctly; it is not an IVP message. During the installation, if you get errors from the setld utility, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the errors and the appropriate actions to take. Chapter 4 explains how to run the IVP after installation, and how to delete old ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX subsets before installing a new version of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. 3-6 Installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX 4 _________________________________________________________________ After Installation This chapter explains what you need to do after the installation to make ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX ready for use and delete versions from your system. 4.1 Setting Up ACMSxp with Japanese Language Support If you are running on an ACMSxp system with the Japanese language environment, you need to check for the existence of catalog files. If the ACMSxp catalog files do not exist, you need to adjust your environment. Do the following: 1. Determine the ACMSxp product root directory for the ACMSxp version that you installed. 2. Set the ACMSxp version to the one you installed. On the C shell, for example: csh> source /user1/ACMSXPV320/bin/acms_set_version.csh ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Copyright (c) 1993, 1998 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Using ACMSxp in /user1/ACMSXPV320/bin csh> 3. Locate the ACMSxp catalog files in a language-specific subdirectory of the msg directory under the ACMSxp root directory to which the ACMS_SYS_DIR environment variable points. On the C shell: csh> ls $ACMS_SYS_DIR/msg/ja_JP.sdeckanji/ csh> The ACMSxp catalog files and should be in the subdirectory for the Japanese language. After Installation 4-1 4. If the files are not in the directory, set a new value for NLSPATH environment variable as follows: csh> setenv NLSPATH "/user1/acmsxpv320/msg/%L/%N:/user1/acmsxpv320/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/%N" csh> This setting allows access to the ACMSxp default English-language catalogs. If the files are in the directory, do not change NLSPATH. 4.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX, you can run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX. 4.2.1 IVP Overview The ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX kit includes a simple IVP application. This application needs to be run separately from a normal user account, because dependencies on underlying products mean that it cannot easily be automated. As a result, the IVP is not run back-to-back with the installation from root, or from the setld utility. For ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX, the command setld -v is a null operation. The IVP is self-contained, and performs cleanup operations itself, so it can be rerun whenever necessary. The IVP application itself consists of a single STDL task called ivp_task that performs a record assignment. There is no exchange I/O. The purpose of the IVP is to check that the installation was successful and also to verify that all the dependent products are set up as needed. The IVP verifies the installation as follows: o Builds an IVP application o Creates a TP system o Starts a TP system o Shows the TP system 4-2 After Installation o Creates a task server o Sets ACLs on the task server o Starts the task server o Calls a task o Stops the task server o Deletes the task server o Stops the TP system o Deletes the TP system 4.2.2 Preparing the IVP Before running the IVP, ensure that the following principals and directory are set up: o TPsystem principal name: acmsxp_svr o SFS principal name: acmsxp_svr_sfs o TPsystem and SFS key file directory: /krb5/acmsxp See Section 2.2 for the procedures to set up the DCE environment for running the IVP. 4.2.3 Invoking the IVP To run the IVP: 1. Log in as any user except for superuser (login name root). 2. Create a directory to hold the source files. For example: /usr/users/user-name/ivp_test The string user-name is name of the login account under which you run the IVP. 3. Change to that directory: % cd /usr/users/user-name/ivp_test 4. Copy the IVP files from the ACMSxp installation area, including subdirectories, using the following command: % cp -Rp /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/ivp/* . After Installation 4-3 Note that -p preserves the permissions on the files and keeps your IVP clean. 5. To obtain authenticated access, perform a dce_login as a principal that can create new namespace directories if necessary (a by-product of creating a TP System). Use the dce_login command in the following format: % dce_login user12 Enter Password: % Use the DCE user account that you created in Section 2.2 or any DCE user account whose principal is in the DCE group users. Do not log in to DCE as cell_admin or log in to the operating system as root when running the IVP. 6. Set the ACMSxp version. Bourne shell: $ . /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/bin/ C shell: % source /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/bin/acms_set_version.csh The software displays some information as it sets the version: ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Copyright (c) 1993, 1998 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Using ACMSxp in /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/bin When the software completes, control returns to the shell prompt. 7. Check the value of the LANG environment variable. For example: % echo $LANG LANG: Undefined variable. % If it is not set to C, proceed to the next step. If it is set to C, unset the variable because ACMSxp does not run with LANG set to C, the default UNIX setting. Bourne shell: $ unset LANG 4-4 After Installation C shell: % unsetenv LANG 8. Run the IVP. For example: % . There is only a Bourne shell IVP. 9. The IVP runs noninteractively, performing the tasks listed in Section 4.2.1. Success of each of the tasks is checked internally by the script If you receive the following message, the IVP failed: "IVP terminating for ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX". This message is preceded by an explanation. For example: Error building IVP application using make, see ./ivp_build.log In addition, output from the ACMSxp commands can help in diagnosing the cause of error. 10.Though changing names is not necessary, if you wish to change the name of either the TPsystem, the configuration database (CDB), or the namespace, edit the IVP file and substitute one of the first three environment variables. When you rerun, the new names are used. 11.If the IVP runs without error, it displays the following message: "ACMSxp IVP successfully completed." If the IVP fails, fix the problem and re-run the IVP. If the IVP continues to fail and there appears to be a problem with the TPsystem registry, open the registry file in the /var/opt product directory and delete the entry for the IVP TPsystem from the file. After you close the registry file, re-run the IVP. After Installation 4-5 4.3 Deleting ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX from Your System If you must remove a version of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX from your system, delete the subset that you previously installed. To delete subsets: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Make sure that you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter the following form of the setld command: # setld -i | grep ACMSXP 4. Look for the word "installed" in the listing produced, and delete any versions that match the version you want to delete and whose status is listed as installed. For example: # setld -d ACMSXPVBASE320 ACMSXPVMAN320 ACMSXPVRELNOTES320 4.4 Running a TPsystem from the root Account If you plan to create your TPsystems to run under root, softlink ACMSxp and application message catalogs into DCE default directories. To do the softlink, log in as root and use the ln -s command. For example: # ln -s /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1/* /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US.ISO8859-1 # ln -s /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/msg/C /usr/lib/nls/msg # The following extract from the catopen manpage explains the need for the softlink. ___________________ catopen extract ___________________ When running in a process whose effective user ID is root, the catopen() function ignores the NLSPATH setting and searches for message catalogs by using the default path /usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N. Therefore, if a program (like acmslog or acmsadmin) runs with an effective user ID of root, either the program message catalogs or links to its message catalogs must reside 4-6 After Installation in default directories. This restriction exists to ensure system security. ______________________________________________________ After Installation 4-7 A _________________________________________________________________ Sample Listings This appendix provides sample listings for the following procedures: o Installation of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX release notes o Installation of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX using disk media o Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) A.1 Installing Release Notes Example A-1 shows a sample of installing release notes. Example A-1 Installing Release Notes # setld -l . The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Base 2) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Man Pages 3) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes Or you may choose one of the following options: 4) ALL of the above 5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 6) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 3 (continued on next page) Sample Listings A-1 Example A-1 (Cont.) Installing Release Notes You are installing the following optional subsets: ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. (C) Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1993, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Release Notes Copying from . (disk) Verifying Release notes may be found in /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/ascii_docs/ACMSxp_release_notes_320.txt ACMSxp for Digital UNIX (RELNOTES) successfully installed. Configuring "ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Release Notes" (ACMSXPVRELNOTES320) # It is good practice to read the release notes before installing the other subsets. A.2 Sample ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Example A-2 shows a sample of installing all ACMSxp options from CDROM. Example A-2 Installing All ACMSxp Options (continued on next page) A-2 Sample Listings Example A-2 (Cont.) Installing All ACMSxp Options # setld -l /cdrom/AXP/acmsxp/bin The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Base 2) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Man Pages 3) ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes Or you may choose one of the following options: 4) ALL of the above 5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 6) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 4 You are installing the following optional subsets: ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Base ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Man Pages ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. (C) Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1993, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. (continued on next page) Sample Listings A-3 Example A-2 (Cont.) Installing All ACMSxp Options ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Base Copying from . (disk) Working....Thu Mar 6 11:54:41 EST 1998 Verifying Working....Thu Mar 6 11:55:39 EST 1998 (C) Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1993, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Man Pages Copying from . (disk) Verifying (C) Copyright Digital Equipment Corp. 1993, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Release Notes Copying from . (disk) Verifying ACMSxp for Digital UNIX (BASE) successfully installed. Configuring "ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Base" (ACMSXPVBASE320) ACMSxp for Digital UNIX (MAN) successfully installed. Configuring "ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Man Pages" (ACMSXPVMAN320) (continued on next page) A-4 Sample Listings Example A-2 (Cont.) Installing All ACMSxp Options Release notes may be found in /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/ascii_docs/ACMSxp_release_notes_320.txt ACMSxp for Digital UNIX (RELNOTES) successfully installed. Configuring "ACMSxp V3.2 for Digital UNIX Release Notes" (ACMSXPVRELNOTES320) # A.3 Sample Installation Verification Procedure Example A-3 shows a sample of running the IVP. Example A-3 IVP Sample % . ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Copyright (c) 1993, 1998 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Using ACMSxp in /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320 Installation Verification Procedure beginning for ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX IVP work subdirectory acms_work_dir does not exist. Creating it... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Building IVP application, please wait a couple of minutes... Build complete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating the TPsystem... ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Creating registry /staves/u2/ivp_test/acms_work_dir/acms_tpsystems.dat (continued on next page) Sample Listings A-5 Example A-3 (Cont.) IVP Sample TPsystem name [/.:/acms320/ivp]: Default namespace profile [/.:/acms320/ivp_profile]: TPsystem work directory (absolute path) [/staves/u2/ivp_test/acms_work_dir]: Configuration database [ivp]: Use file or raw disk for txn log volume? [file|disk] (file): Size of log file (in megabytes)? [4]: TPsystem Principal Name [acmsxp_svr]: TPsystem key file directory (absolute path) [/krb5/acmsxp]: TPsystem username [user1]: Create SFS Server ? [y|n] (y): SFS Principal Name [acmsxp_svr_sfs]: Creating TPsystem with: TPsystem name: /.:/acms320/ivp default namespace profile: /.:/acms320/ivp_profile work directory: /staves/u2/ivp_test/acms_work_dir configuration database: ivp transaction log file: /staves/u2/ivp_test/acms_work_dir/ivp_txnlog transaction log file size: 4 principal name: acmsxp_svr TPsystem key file directory: /krb5/acmsxp username: user1 default server username: user1 Create New SFS server: Yes SFS principal name: acmsxp_svr_sfs SFS Server Name: /.:/acms320/sfs/ivp_sfssvr SFS Logical Volume Name: ivp_sfsdatavol Creating namespace directory /.:/acms320 Setting ACLs on namespace directory /.:/acms320 Creating namespace directory /.:/acms320/sfs Creating namespace directory /.:/acms320/trpc setting ACLs on /.:/acms320/sfs setting ACLs on /.:/acms320/trpc (continued on next page) A-6 Sample Listings Example A-3 (Cont.) IVP Sample Creating the CDB... Creating TPsystem /.:/acms320/ivp ... 1 09807 96/06/05:10:48:02.272304 a8083837 W EPM: resource's name is too long (VOL_READS{/staves/u2/ivp_test/acms_work_dir/ivp_txnlog}), /gnochi/twrk01/encina/m14a/source/src/server/vol/volPhysical.c:598 1 09807 96/06/05:10:48:02.286944 a8083837 W EPM: resource's name is too long (VOL_WRITES{/staves/u2/ivp_test/acms_work_dir/ivp_txnlog}), /gnochi/twrk01/encina/m14a/source/src/server/vol/volPhysical.c:598 TPsystem successfully created ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting the TPsystem... ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Press return for a list of TPsystems TPsystem name [ivp]: The SFS server is up. Starting the tpsystem /.:/acms320/ivp Waiting for servers to start up.... TPsystem successfully started ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Showing the TPsystem... TPsystem /.:/acms320/ivp AT 1998-03-05-10:49:50.802-04:00I----- Status Start Time = 1998-03-05-10:49:17.911-04:00I----- Processing State = Started Current Servers Started = 2 Software Version = "V3.2" Current Requests = 0 Peak Requests = 0 Peak Request Time = 1998:49:17.911-04:00I----- Characteristics (continued on next page) Sample Listings A-7 Example A-3 (Cont.) IVP Sample ACL = { "user:user1:rwxcid" } Default Namespace Profile = "/.:/acms320/ivp_profile" Default Log = "DEFAULT" Event Filter = { Audit , Fault , Security , Status } Maximum Servers Started = 30 Node = "" Principal Name = "acmsxp_svr" Key File Directory = "/krb5/acmsxp" TPsystem Username = "user1" Default Server Username = "user1" System Monitoring = False Next Transaction Logid = 7 Counters Security Events = 0 Requests Processed = 0 Reset Time = 1998:49:17.911-04:00I----- Creation Time = 1998:48:00.817-04:00I----- Show successful ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating the Task Server... Create successful ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting the Task Server... Start successful (continued on next page) A-8 Sample Listings Example A-3 (Cont.) IVP Sample Please wait... Task Server successfully started ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Invoking the task... Task ivp_task successfully invoked. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Stopping the TPsystem... Stop successful Please wait... TP system successfully stopped ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Deleting the TPsystem... ACMSxp V3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX Press return for a list of TPsystems TPsystem name [ivp]: Deleting TPsystem ivp ... The SFS server is up. Tpsystem ivp deleted ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ACMSxp IVP successfully completed. % Sample Listings A-9 B _________________________________________________________________ Files Installed on an ACMSxp System This appendix lists the directories and the files created during the ACMSxp installation under the ACMSxp root directory (/usr/opt/ACMSXPV320 in this example). The root directories are: ascii_docs lib sample bin man shlib include msg An ACMSxp product directory is created under the following directory: /var/opt For this release, the /var/opt/ACMSXPV320 directory holds the systemwide TPsystem registry acms_tpsystems.dat (which is created when you create your first TPsystem entity). B.1 /ascii_docs Directory ACMSxp_release_notes_320.txt acmsxp_error_messages.txt B.2 /bin Directory acms acms_foreign_server acms_create_foreign_server acms_create_tpsystem acms_product_banner.txt acms_delete_foreign_server acms_product_version.txt acms_delete_tpsystem acms_queue_svr Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B-1 acms_event_svr acms_queue_svr.idf acms_event_svr.idf acms_recqu_svr acms_recqu_svr.idf acmsadmin_help.txt acms_rsend_svr acmsdbx acms_rsend_svr.idf acmslog acms_send_errors_1_0.idf gwlog acms_set_version.csh interpretTrace rpcutil acms_setup_cdb sfs acms_setup_tpsystem sfsadmin acms_start_tpsystem ssr acms_txnlog_svr stdl acms_txnlog_svr.idf tkadmin acms_update_tpsystem tpcontroller acms_update_tpsystems acms_verify_principal translateError acmsadmin B.3 /include Directory eclass.cob tps_pthread_exc.h eclass.h tps_que.h einfo.cob tps_rec.h einfo.h tps_rec_agent.h einfo_mf.cob tps_rpc.h encina tps_rpc_apinfo_idl.h liblist tps_rpc_apinfo_idl.idl stdl_system_wksp.stdl tps_rpc_context.h stdl_system_wksp_x.stdl tps_rpc_context.idl stdldefs.h tps_rqs.h stdldefs_gs.h tps_rqs_invoke.h threadTid tps_rqs_types.h tmxa tps_sec.h tps.h tps_shm.h tps_cdb.h tps_si.h tps_cfe.h tps_si_i18n.h stdldefs_gs.h tps_sm.h threadTid tps_sma.h tmxa tps_srtl.h tps_common.h tps_stdl.h tps_common_idl.h tps_stdl.idl B-2 Files Installed on an ACMSxp System tps_common_idl.idl tps_svr.h tps_cos.h tps_tas.h tps_evt.h tps_txn.h tps_fil.h tps_txn_gw_idl.h tps_forms_def_osf.h tps_txn_gw_idl.idl tps_lst.h tps_txn_rpc_idl.h tps_msg.h tps_txn_rpc_idl.idl tps_ps.h tps_vdb.h tps_ps_decforms.h tps_wrm.h tps_ps_idl.h tran tps_pthread.h B.3.1 /include/encina Directory c_epilogue.h encina.h c_prologue.h encina_arch.h c_prologue_local.h symbols.h enc_status.h B.3.2 /include/threadTid Directory threadTid.h B.3.3 /include/tmxa tmxa.h xa.h tmxa_status.h B.3.4 /include/tran Directory tra_status.h tran.h B.4 /lib Directory libmia.a librqs.a tps_set_einfo_dec.o libsrtl.a tps_set_einfo_mf.o libtps.a tps_txn_ingres_xainit.c libtpsextfh.a tps_txn_ingres_xainit.o libxopen.a tps_txn_xainit.c tps_get_einfo_dec.o tps_txn_xainit.o tps_get_einfo_mf.o Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B-3 B.5 /man Directory man1 man3 man8 B.5.1 /man/man1 Directory acms.1 acmsdbx.1 acms_create_tpsystem.1 acmslog.1 acms_delete_tpsystem.1 acmsxp_introduction.1 acms_set_version.1 assignment.1 acms_start_tpsystem.1 audit.1 acmsadmin.1 block.1 call_presentation.1 enqueue_record.1 call_procedure.1 exception.1 call_task.1 exception_handler.1 cancel_task_submit.1 exit_block.1 conditional_statements.1 exit_task.1 data_type_definition.1 get_message.1 dequeue_record.1 goto.1 restart_transaction.1 gwlog.1 statement.1 message_group.1 statement_block.1 preprocessor_directives.1 stdl.1 presentation_group.1 stdl_syntax.1 presentation_procedure.1 submit_task.1 processing_group.1 task_argument.1 processing_procedure.1 task_attribute.1 queue_specification.1 task_definition.1 raise_exception.1 task_group.1 read_queue.1 transaction_block.1 reraise_exception.1 workspace.1 workspace_field.1 B.5.2 /man/man3 directory isbegin.3 tisam_SetCaching.3 iscommit.3 tisam_SetVolume.3 isrollback.3 tisam_interface_t.3 tisam_DumpState.3 tisam_intro.3 tisam_ErrorToString.3 tisam_issettimeout.3 tisam_Initialize.3 tmxa_RegisterRMI.3 B-4 Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B.5.3 /man/man8 Directory interpretTrace.8 sfsadmin_query_lvol.8 sfs.8 sfsadmin_query_ofd.8 sfsadmin.8 sfsadmin_query_server.8 sfsadmin_add_index.8 sfsadmin_query_tranlock.8 sfsadmin_add_lvol.8 sfsadmin_rebuild_index.8 sfsadmin_copy_file.8 sfsadmin_rename_file.8 sfsadmin_create_clusteredfile.8 sfsadmin_rename_index.8 sfsadmin_create_relativefile.8 sfsadmin_reorganize_file.8 sfsadmin_create_sequentialfile.8 sfsadmin_set_recordlimit.8 sfsadmin_deactivate_index.8 sfsadmin_terminate_ofd.8 sfsadmin_delete_index.8 tkadmin.8 sfsadmin_destroy_file.8 tkadmin_abort_ transaction.8 sfsadmin_empty_file.8 tkadmin_add_mirror.8 sfsadmin_expand_file.8 tkadmin_backup_lvol.8 sfsadmin_expand_index.8 tkadmin_clear_ exclusiveauthority.8 sfsadmin_export_file.8 tkadmin_create_logfile.8 sfsadmin_help.8 tkadmin_create_lvol.8 sfsadmin_import_file.8 tkadmin_create_pvol.8 sfsadmin_list_files.8 tkadmin_delete_disk.8 sfsadmin_list_lvols.8 tkadmin_delete_logfile.8 sfsadmin_list_ofds.8 tkadmin_delete_lvol.8 sfsadmin_query_export.8 tkadmin_delete_pvol.8 sfsadmin_query_file.8 tkadmin_disable_lvol.8 sfsadmin_query_filelock.8 tkadmin_disable_ mediaarchiving.8 sfsadmin_query_index.8 tkadmin_dump_component.8 tkadmin_map_lvol.8 tkadmin_dump_product.8 tkadmin_move_pvol.8 tkadmin_dump_ringbuffer.8 tkadmin_query_application.8 tkadmin_enable_archfile.8 tkadmin_query_authorization.8 Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B-5 tkadmin_enable_logfile.8 tkadmin_query_backup.8 tkadmin_enable_lvol.8 tkadmin_query_bufferpoolsize.8 tkadmin_enable_mediaarchiving.8 tkadmin_query_checkpointinterval.8 tkadmin_enable_server.8 tkadmin_query_component.8 tkadmin_expand_lvol.8 tkadmin_query_disk.8 tkadmin_expand_pvol.8 tkadmin_query_exclusiveauthority.8 tkadmin_flush_lvol.8 tkadmin_query_identity.8 tkadmin_force_checkpoint.8 tkadmin_query_keyfile.8 tkadmin_force_transaction.8 tkadmin_query_logvol.8 tkadmin_help.8 tkadmin_query_lvol.8 tkadmin_init_disk.8 tkadmin_query_mediaarchiving.8 tkadmin_init_logvol.8 tkadmin_query_minprotectlevel.8 tkadmin_list_components.8 tkadmin_query_principal.8 tkadmin_list_disks.8 tkadmin_query_process.8 tkadmin_list_lvols.8 tkadmin_query_product.8 tkadmin_list_products.8 tkadmin_query_pvol.8 tkadmin_list_pvols.8 tkadmin_query_redirect.8 tkadmin_list_redirect.8 tkadmin_query_restore.8 tkadmin_list_trace.8 tkadmin_query_trace.8 tkadmin_list_transactions.8 tkadmin_query_transaction.8 tkadmin_list_versions.8 tkadmin_query_workingdirectory.8 tkadmin_recover_lvols.8 tkadmin_set_exclusiveauthority.8 tkadmin_recreate_lvol.8 tkadmin_set_minprotectlevel.8 tkadmin_redirect_trace.8 tkadmin_stop_server.8 tkadmin_remap_lvol.8 tkadmin_sync_mirrors.8 tkadmin_remove_mirror.8 tkadmin_trace_component.8 tkadmin_rename_lvol.8 tkadmin_trace_product.8 tkadmin_rename_pvol.8 tkadmin_trace_specification.8 tkadmin_restore_logvol.8 tkadmin_truncate_backup.8 tkadmin_restore_lvols.8 tkadmin_unmap_lvol.8 tkadmin_retain_backups.8 tkadmin_untrace_component.8 tkadmin_set_arrivaltimequality.8 tkadmin_untrace_product.8 tkadmin_set_authorization.8 translateError.8 tkadmin_set_checkpointinterval.8 B.6 /msg Directory C ja_JP.sdeckanji en_US.ISO8859-1 B-6 Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B.6.1 /msg/C Directory adl_status.sym trace_afac.tpp adm_status.sym trace_area.tpp admin_status.sym trace_bde.tpp alf_status.sym trace_cmdline.tpp bde_status.sym trace_dceutils.tpp dceacl.sym trace_diag.tpp dceaud.sym trace_enconsole.tpp dcecds.sym trace_epm.tpp dcecdscp.sym trace_extfh.tpp dcecfg.sym trace_flt.tpp dcedb.sym trace_lock.tpp dcedce.sym trace_log.tpp dcedced.sym trace_ots.tpp dcedhd.sym trace_ppc.tpp dcedts.sym trace_ppc_cpic.tpp dceept.sym trace_ppc_gwy.tpp dceevt.sym trace_ppc_rsn.tpp dcegss.sym trace_ppc_sna.tpp dcegssdce.sym trace_ppc_snp.tpp dcelib.sym trace_ppc_tcp.tpp dcemsg.sym trace_private.tpp dcerpc.sym trace_rec.tpp dcesec.sym trace_restart.tpp dcesvc.sym trace_rqs.tpp dcesvr.sym trace_rqs_admin.tpp dcetwr.sym trace_sfs.tpp dceutils.sym trace_sfs_admin.tpp dceuuid.sym trace_sfs_btree.tpp default_status.sym trace_sfs_ddt.tpp dss_status.sym trace_sfs_dir.tpp eai_status.sym trace_sfs_ems.tpp ema_status.sym trace_sfs_es.tpp enc_status.sym trace_sfs_ie.tpp encina_status.sym trace_sfs_rel.tpp enconsole_status.sym trace_sfs_svr.tpp enp_status.sym trace_status.sym epm_status.sym trace_sutils.tpp flt_status.sym trace_tc.tpp lck_status.sym trace_threadTid.tpp lock_status.sym trace_tidl.tpp log_status.sym trace_tkadmin.tpp mon_status.sym trace_tmxa.tpp Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B-7 ots_status.sym trace_tpm.tpp ppc_status.sym trace_tran.tpp rec_status.sym trace_tranLog.tpp restart_status.sym trace_trdce.tpp ros_status.sym trace_trpc.tpp rqs_status.sym trace_tx.tpp rsa_status.sym trace_vendor_bpg.tpp rst_status.sym trace_vol.tpp sec_status.sym tran_status.sym sfs_status.sym trc_status.sym tc_status.sym trf_status.sym tmx_status.sym trp_status.sym tmxa_status.sym trpc_status.sym tra_status.sym tx_status.sym trace_admin.tpp txx_status.sym vol_status.sym B.6.2 /msg/en_US.ISO8859-1 Directory B-8 Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B.6.3 /msg/en_US.sdeckanji B.7 /sample Directory add ivp avertz_vm std avertz_vr std_tpc employee B.7.1 /sample/add Directory add.make add_procedure.c add_client.c add_setup.csh add_number.stdl add_task_group.stdl add_proc_group.stdl add_tasks.stdl Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B-9 B.7.2 /sample/avertz_vm Directory /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/avertz_vm client server /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/avertz_vm/client avertz.exe avertz.hlp /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/avertz_vm/server avertz.dat sites_wksp.stdl avertz.make start_server_avertz.csh cleanup_avertz.csh stop_server_avertz.csh control_wksp.stdl vehicle_rental_history_wksp.stdl create_server_avertz.csh vehicles_array_wksp.stdl create_table_avertz.sql vehicles_wksp.stdl cu_array_wksp.stdl vm_add_task.stdl customers_wksp.stdl vm_display_task.stdl delete_server_avertz.csh destination_wksp.stdl hist_wksp.stdl vm_list_task.stdl list_control_wksp.stdl ora_add_user_avertz vm_modify_task.stdl ora_create_db_avertz vm_msg_group.stdl rental_classes_wksp.stdl vm_proc_group.stdl reservations_wksp.stdl vm_ro_proc_group.stdl rs_array_wksp.stdl set_avertz.csh vm_task_group.stdl set_env_avertz.csh si_array_wksp.stdl B.7.3 /sample/avertz_vr Directory B-10 Files Installed on an ACMSxp System vr_check_ve_avail_task.stdl vr_menu_task.stdl vr_checkin_task.stdl vr_menu_wksp.stdl vr_checkout_task.stdl vr_mod_ve_avail_task.stdl vr_control_wksp.stdl vr_msg_grp.stdl vr_count_rs_task.stdl vr_rent_task_grp.stdl vr_do_ckout_or_cncl_task.stdl vr_reserve_task.stdl vr_find_cu_task.stdl vr_resv_task_grp.stdl vr_find_rs_cu_task.stdl vr_rs_ro_proc_grp.stdl vr_find_rs_task.stdl vr_rs_rw_proc_grp.stdl vr_find_si_task.stdl vr_store_cu_task.stdl vr_find_ve_task.stdl vr_update_rs_task.stdl vr_get_ve_data_task.stdl vr_ve_ro_proc_grp.stdl vr_get_ve_hist_task.stdl vr_ve_rw_proc_grp.stdl vr_getresv_task.stdl vr_ve_task_grp.stdl vr_hist_proc_grp.stdl vr_write_rs_task.stdl B.7.4 /sample/employee Directory /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/employee client server /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/employee/client employee.exe employee_uwc.h employee_cli.make res employee_uwc.c /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/employee/client/res This directory is reserved for future use. /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/employee/server acms_create_employee_db employee_record.stdl admin_setup.csh employee_server_oracle.make control_record.stdl employee_setup.csh empl_msg_grp.stdl employee_setup_oracle.sql employee_proc_grp.stdl employee_task_grp.stdl employee_tasks.stdl B.7.5 /sample/ivp Directory Makefile ivp.c ivp_task.stdl ivp_task_group.stdl workspaces.stdl Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B-11 B.7.6 /sample/std Directory Makefile READ_ME_UNIX.TXT std7.csh STDMFCOBOL.cob std8.csh STD_MC_COBOL.COB std9.csh std_cwp.stdl check_for_oracle_db.csh std_mt_uwc.c create_oracle_db.csh std_proc_dec_cob.stdl employee.h std_proc_mf_cob.stdl profile.h std_proc_svr_a.stdl std10.csh std_read_sql.sco std14.csh std_setup.csh std15.csh std16.csh std_task_groups.stdl std18.csh std_task_groups_a.stdl std18_uwc_uwp.c std_task_groups_b.stdl std19.csh std_task_svr.stdl std19_uwc_uwp.c std_task_svr_a.stdl std20.csh std_task_svr_b.stdl std3.csh std_uwc.c std3a_uwc_uwp.c std_uwp.c std5.csh std_wait.csh std6.csh std_wksp_def.stdl std6_uwc_uwp.c std_write_sql.sco std6a.csh temp std6a_uwc_uwp.c twrk /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/std/temp /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/std/twrk These directories are empty after installation. B.7.7 /sample/std_tpc Directory std_clean_up.csh std_startup.csh std_setup_tpc.csh temp std_shutdown.csh twrk /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/std_tpc/temp /usr/opt/ACMSXPV320/sample/std_tpc/twrk These directories are empty after installation. B-12 Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B.8 /shlib Directory Files Installed on an ACMSxp System B-13 C _________________________________________________________________ Recovering from Errors This appendix provides information to help you deal with failures or errors that might occur during product installation or product use. If you find an error in the documentation, fill out and submit a report on the document that contains the error. Include the section and page number of the error. C.1 Failures During Product Installation If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message shown in Example C-1 appears. Example C-1 Sample Installation Failure Message There is not enough space for subset ACMSXPVBASE320 ACMSXPVBASE320 will not be loaded. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o The prerequisite software version is incorrect. o There is insufficient disk space. o The values for kernel attributes are insufficient. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the DIGITAL UNIX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and DIGITAL UNIX software installation. For information on system software requirements, see Section 1.4.3. Recovering from Errors C-1 C.2 Failures During Product Use If an error occurs while ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software is in use and you believe the error is caused by a problem with the product, take one of the following actions: o If you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement, contact your Customer Support Center (CSC) by telephone or by using the electronic means provided with your support agreement (such as DSNlink). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. When you initially contact the CSC, indicate the following: - Name and version number of the operating system you are using - Version number of ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX you are using - Hardware system you are using (such as a model number) - Brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible) - How critical the problem is o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If you do not have any type of software services support agreement and you purchased ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX within the past year, you can submit an SPR if you think the problem is caused by a software error. When you submit an SPR, take the following steps: 1. Describe as accurately as possible the circumstances and state of the system when the problem occurred. Include the description and version number of the ACMSxp for DIGITAL UNIX software being used. Demonstrate the problem with specific examples. 2. Reduce the problem to as small a size as possible. 3. Include listings of any command files, INCLUDE files, or relevant data files, and so forth. 4. Provide a listing of the program. C-2 Recovering from Errors 5. Report only one problem per SPR. This facilitates a faster response. 6. Mail the SPR package to Digital Equipment Corporation. Recovering from Errors C-3 _________________________________________________________________ Index A Disk space, 1-5 _______________________________ checking, 1-6 ascii_docs directory, B-1 IVP, 1-6 Attributes doconfig, 2-5 kernel minimums, 2-2 modifying kernel, 2-1 E______________________________ B Errors _______________________________ installation, C-1 bcheckrc, 2-5 IVP, 4-5 bin directory, B-1 messages text file, B-1 product use, C-2 C______________________________ recovering, C-1 CD-ROM, 1-2, 1-3, 3-2 setld, 3-6 celladmin F login, 2-6 _______________________________ fstab, 1-6 D______________________________ DCE H______________________________ IVP Hardware requirements, 1-3 keys for server, 2-9 server principal and I______________________________ account, 2-8 include directory, B-2 set-up for IVP, 2-6 Installation Directories CDROM use, 3-2 ascii_docs, B-1 errors, 3-6, C-1 bin, B-1 failures during, 3-1 include, B-2 keeping a record, 3-1 lib, B-3 loading subsets, 3-2 man, B-4 prompts, 3-3 msg, B-6 release notes, A-1 sample applications, B-9 requirements, 1-2 to 1-6 shlib, B-13 RIS, 3-2 var, B-1 Index-1 Installation (cont'd) online, 1-1 sample, A-2 RIS selecting subsets, 3-3 distribution area, 3-2 stopping, 3-1 using, 1-7 IVP DCE procedures, 2-6 S______________________________ description, 4-2 sample directories, B-9 sample, A-5 setld -d, 4-6 K______________________________ errors, 3-6 Kernel -i, 1-4 copying old, 2-5 -l, 3-2, 3-3 license in cache, 1-2 -v, 4-2 modifying attributes, 2-1 shlib directory, B-13 rebuilding, 2-4 shutdown, 2-5 Software L checking contents, 1-2 _______________________________ license, 1-1 lib directory, B-3 requirements, 1-3 License SPR, C-2 copying to kernel cache, 1-2 Storage software, 1-1 backing up system disk, 3-1 free disk space, 1-6 M______________________________ Subsets man directory, B-4 ACMSxp, 1-5 maxusers checking, 1-4 determining value, 2-4 deleting, 4-6 msg directory, B-6 required, 1-3 selecting, 3-3 P Support, C-2 _______________________________ System Privileges reboot, 2-6 login, 1-3 V______________________________ R______________________________ var directory, B-1 Reboot procedure for, 2-6 Release notes Index-2