User's Guide to HP Insight Management Agents for OpenVMS Version 3.4 This guide contains the following sections: Section 1, Getting Started Section 2, Enabling SNMP Traps Section 3, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Section 4, Troubleshooting Tips Section 5, Appendix Section 6, Trademarks 1. Getting Started =================== Installation instructions are included on the web pages at the following URL: After you complete the installation, you can begin to use the Management Agents to monitor devices on your system. Follow these numbered steps: 1. Enter a URL to view device data from a web browser: https://host:2381 Replace host by the machine name, for example: where "atst02" is the system to be monitored. The number 2381 following the URL is the port that the Management Agents use to communicate with the browser. If you do not specify this number, your browser connects to another web page if the managed server is running a web server. 2. If you are using the default self-signed certificate, your browser will display a Security Alert message. If you get this alert, click on the "Yes" button to proceed. The Login page is the first screen displayed after the certificate is validated and a secure connection has been established with the server. 3. Before you can view the Device Home Page, you need to provide a valid user name and password. The login page contains the following information: ___________________________________________________________________________ Item of Information Description ___________________________________________________________________________ 'Login Account' Enter your OpenVMS user name here. User accounts that have been assigned the WBEM$ADMIN identifier get administrator privileges. All other accounts are treated as regular user accounts. Users with administrator privileges can change the default system options, set thresholds, and so on. 'Password' Enter your OpenVMS password*. ___________________________________________________________________________ * Please note that the secondary OpenVMS password is not validated. After successful login, the Device Home Page is displayed. The Device Home Page contains the following information: ___________________________________________________________________________ Item of Information Description _________________________________________________________________________ 'Login Account' Either "user" or "administrator" is displayed. If you click on this link, you are prompted to enter a User Name and Password. Enter your OpenVMS user name and password to log in as a new user. 'Refresh'...'Options'... Click each choice displayed at the top left to 'Devices'...'Logout' do the following: Refresh - Update the screen with the most recent information. Options - Configuration Options: List general options such as Anonymous Access, Local Access Type, Auto Delete Users, Logging, IP Restricted Logins and Trust Mode. Trusted Certificates: Specify the certificates for management applications on trusted servers. Customer Generated Certificates: Extract a PKCS #10 certificate request and import a PKCS #7 generated certificate. Devices - List Systems Insight Manager servers and HTTP Auto-Discovery devices. Logout - Log out from the Device Home Page. On the left are one Click the 'Management Agents for OpenVMS' or more product icons icon to display the initial (summary) view of the Management Agents for OpenVMS. 'Troubleshooting Tips' At the bottom right, click to display system and browser requirements as well as troubleshooting questions and answers. _________________________________________________________________________ 4. When you click the Management Agents for OpenVMS icon, a Summary page is displayed. On the left are the following choices: - Configuration - Mass Storage - NIC - Utilization - Recovery ______________________Note___________________________ The fact that a condition icon does not precede an option does not mean that the option contains no data, but rather, that the data displayed is static rather than dynamic in nature. _____________________________________________________ At any time, you can click the question mark next to a page heading to display more information and instructions for using the Management Agents for OpenVMS software. The help available for the Summary page includes browser requirements and a description of security measures. In general, the pages accessible from the Summary page contain the following information: - Configuration data, which includes: ________________________________________________________________________ Option Description ________________________________________________________________________ Software Version Versions of the system software installed on Info this computer. System Info Includes the following types of information: General - Type of computer, operating information system, type of expansion bus, and so on. Descriptive - Name of the computer, network information up time, contact name and location, IP address, and so on. Asset Control - Serial Number comes from the Information console on AlphaServer systems. The Serial Number is blank if it is not set, except GS series AlphaServer systems, for which the system Serial Number is always filled in. System Board Includes general system board information such as ROM version, time in service, serial number and bus type; CPU information such as processors, coprocessors, system slots, actions, and cache; memory; diskette drives; and serial and parallel ports. System Resources List of hardware resources in use on the computer, including names, buses, port/controller, and memory addresses for related data structures. _________________________________________________________________________ Help for this page contains more detailed descriptions of the data displayed on the page. - Mass storage data includes: __________________________________________________________________________ Option Description __________________________________________________________________________ File System Space Lists each volume with total size in megabytes, Used including space currently used and unused. The percentage of total space used is also shown. See Section 2, Enabling Traps, for instructions for setting thresholds for disk space usage. Diskette Drives Lists diskette drives, including device controller and capacity. IDE Devices Lists any IDE devices (such as a CD-ROM) installed on your system. SCSI Controllers Lists any SCSI controllers installed on your system. Fibre Channel(FC) Lists any FC controllers installed on your system. Controller Separate links are provided for each FC controller of a Fiber Channel. (The Adapter is connected to the system.) Smart Array Lists any Smart Array Controllers installed on your Controller system. Separate links are provided for each Smart Array Controller. Subsequent links are provided for Physical Devices, Logical Volumes and Storage Enclosures. ___________________________________________________________________________ - Network Interface Card (NIC) data includes Ethernet Controller Information, Interface Information, and Interface Ethernet Statistics. Separate links are provided for each NIC known to your system. Help for the NIC page includes detailed descriptions of the data displayed. - Utilization data includes information about the system’s CPU and Physical Memory utilization over time. Refer to Help for details. - Recovery data is described in the following table: _____________________________________________________________________ Option Description _____________________________________________________________________ Power-On Messages Messages logged when the computer is turned on. Refer to the computer documentation for a listing of possible Power-On messages and their meanings. Environment Data from temperature sensors and fans are displayed. Power Supply Information displayed for each power supply includes its location and status (OK, failed, degraded, or unknown). _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Enabling Set and SNMP Traps =============================== Enabling Sets allows the user to set information like File system Threshold, CPU and memory utilization threshold on the Management agents. SNMP traps allow the Management Agents for OpenVMS to signal when a computer you are monitoring exceeds a threshold that you have set. Beginning with Version 2.2 of the Management Agents for OpenVMS, you can enable the setting and discovery of traps. Currently, the Management Agents for OpenVMS support traps for disk file space used, environmental parameters, CPU utilization, and Memory utilization. You can enable traps on any of the following software versions: - Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.1 or later - MultiNet TCP/IP for OpenVMS Version 4.3 or later - TCPware TCP/IP for OpenVMS Version 5.5 or later For more information about generating traps when using MultiNet or TCPware, refer to the MultiNet Installation & Administrator's Guide and the TCPware Management Guide. This section contains the following subsections: Section 2.1, Steps for Enabling SNMP Set and SNMP Traps when Using HP TCP/IP Section 2.2, Steps for Enabling SNMP Set and SNMP Traps when Using Multinet Section 2.3, Steps for Enabling SNMP Set and SNMP Traps when Using Tcpware Section 2.4, Common Steps for Enabling Sets and Traps Section 2.5, Steps for using different write Community Name ______________________Note___________________________ TCP/IP Version 5.1 ECO-1 or later must be running as you complete these steps. _____________________________________________________ 2.1 Steps for enabling Set and SNMP Traps When Using HP TCP/IP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you did not enable traps while installing TCP/IP, you can enable traps now by following these steps: 1. Enter the following command after the DCL prompt: $ TCPIP SET CONFIGURATION SNMP/FLAG=SETS This command allows you to set threshold values. In other words, the command lets the master agent process SET commands from SNMP clients. 2. Enter the following commands after the DCL prompt: $ TCPIP SET CONFIGURATION SNMP/COMMUNITY="elmginkgo" - _$ /TYPE=(WRITE,TRAP))/ADDRESS= $ TCPIP SET CONFIGURATION SNMP/COMMUNITY="elmginkgo" - _$ /TYPE=(WRITE,TRAP)/ADDRESS=ip_address where ip_address is the address where you want the trap message to be delivered; for example, 3. You can send SNMP Version 2 traps by adding a line to the to the SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP]TCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF.DAT file for each Version 2 trap destination using the following format of the trap option: trap v2c community ip-address[:port] where, community specifies the community name, ip-address specifies the ip-address of host that is listening for traps and port specifies the port number. The default port number is 162. 4. If your system management tool does not understand SNMP Version 2.0 traps, you need to explicitly enable Version 1.0 format SNMP trap packets. Do this by following these lettered steps: ______________________Note___________________________ If you use Systems Insight Manager to manage SNMP events on your network, you do not need to enable SNMP V1.0 traps as described below. _____________________________________________________ a. Set the default to the directory where you want to create the file: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP] b. Create the TCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF.DAT file, and edit it to include the following line: trap v1 elmginkgo where ip_address is the port where you want the trap notification to be sent; for example, c. Set the owner and protection on this file as follows: $ SET FILE/OWNER_UIC=[TCPIP$AUX,TCPIP$SNMP] - _$ /PROT=(W:RE,G:RE,O:RWED,S:RWED) - _$ TCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF.DAT 5. To verify that your configuration is correct, review the output from the following command: $ TCPIP SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP/FULL The display must be similar to the following: SNMP Configuration Flags: Sets Contact: test Location not defined Community Type Address_list public Read elmginkgo Read Write Trap, 6.Enter the following pair of commands to stop and restart SNMP: On systems using TCP/IP, enter: $ @SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$SNMP_SHUTDOWN $ @SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUP 7. Next, follow the common steps for enabling sets and traps in Section 2.4. 2.2 Steps for enabling Set and SNMP Traps When Using Multinet --------------------------------------------------------------- To Enable SNMP sets and Traps on Multinet follow these steps: 1. Add the following write community to the file MULTINET:SNMPD.CONF for Insight management agents to set the SNMP data: community elmginkgo READ community elmginkgo WRITE community elmginkgo READ community elmginkgo WRITE community elmginkgo READ community elmginkgo WRITE … community elmginkgo READ community elmginkgo WRITE Where "IP address 1", "IP address 2", . . ., "IP address n" is the IP address configured on the OpenVMS system on each of the NIC interface. 2. If you want to send a Trap to a system, you need to do the following: a. Add the following line to Multinet:SNMPD.CONF: community elmginkgo TRAPS where "IP address of target system", is the system, which receives the Traps. If the traps needs to be received on the local system, then add the following line: community elmginkgo TRAPS b. Add the following line to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP] TCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF.DAT: config trap v1 elmginkgo where "IP address of target system", is the system, which receives the Traps. If the traps needs to be received on the local system, then add the following line: config elmginkgo traps 3. Add the following lines to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP TCPIP$SNMP_CONF.DAT: community elmginkgo write 4. Stop the HR_MIB process using the following command: $ STOP HR_MIB 5. Restart the Multinet SNMP services as described in the Multinet Install and Admin Guide (Configuring Multinet SNMP Services section). 6.Start the HR_MIB process using the following command: $ RUN/PROCESS=HR_MIB SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$HR_MIB 7. Next, follow the common steps for enabling sets and traps in the section 2.4. 2.3 Steps for enabling Set and SNMP Traps When Using TCPWare --------------------------------------------------------------- To Enable SNMP sets and Traps on TCPWare follow these steps: 1. Add the following write community to the file TCPWARE:SNMPD.CONF for Insight management agents to set the SNMP data: community elmginkgo READ-WRITE community elmginkgo READ-WRITE community elmginkgo READ-WRITE … community elmginkgo READ-WRITE Where "IP address 1", "IP address 2", . . ., "IP address n" is the IP address configured on the OpenVMS system on each of the NIC interface. 2. If you want to send a Trap to a system, you need to do the following a. Add the following line to TCPWARE:SNMPD.CONF community elmginkgo TRAPS where "IP address of target system", is the system, which receives the Traps. If the traps needs to be received on the local system, then add the following line: community elmginkgo TRAPS b. Add the following line to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP] TCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF.DAT config trap v1 elmginkgo where "IP address of target system", is the system, which receives the Traps.If the traps needs to be received on the local system, then add the following line: config trap v1 elmginkgo 3. Add the following lines to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP] TCPIP$SNMP_CONF.DAT: community elmginkgo write 4. Stop the HR_MIB process by the executing the following command: $ STOP HR_MIB 5.Restart the TCPWare SNMP services as described in the TCPWare Installation and Configuration Guide (Configure SNMP Services section). 6.Start the HR_MIB process by executing the following command: $ RUN/PROCESS=HR_MIB SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$HR_MIB 7.Next, follow the common steps for enabling sets and traps in the section 2.4. 2.4 Common Steps for enabling Sets and Traps ---------------------------------------------- Regardless of your TCP/IP product (TCP/IP, MultiNet or TCPware), complete the following steps: 1. Edit the file SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM.WEB.IM.WEBAGENT]WEBAGENT.INI.In the last line of the file,remove no from the word noelmginkgo, so that the line reads as follows: IDS_SNMP_WRITE_COMMUNITY=elmginkgo ______________________________Note___________________________________ The user should have SYSTEM privileges to edit the WEBAGENT.INI file. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. If you are running the Management Agents for OpenVMS, enter the following command to stop the application: $ @SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]WBEM$SHUTDOWN.COM 3. Start the Management Agents for OpenVMS application by entering the following command: $ @SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]WBEM$STARTUP.COM 4. From a web browser, connect to the system as described in Section 1, Getting Started, and then do the following to set thresholds: a. Click User. b. To set a trap, login using an OpenVMS account that has WBEM$ADMIN identifiers granted to it,and click OK. c. Click the Management Agents for OpenVMS icon. d. Click File System Space Used, CPU Utilization or Memory Utilization. e. Click Help for instructions on how to set thresholds for traps. You can view a trap in any one of the following ways: o If you are using Systems Insight Manager, at the top of the window under Uncleared Events, click the event displayed in red. o If you are not using Systems Insight Manager and would like to view the traps on the OpenVMS system with HP TCPIP stack, run the following program: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$SNMP_TRAPRCV.EXE o To view a system from the Systems Insight Manager, follow these steps: a. In the Systems Insight Manager window, select Options => Discovery => Automatic Discovery and add the IP address of the system into the IP address Inclusion range. b. Click Save to save the Changes, or Save and Run to make the change immediately. 2.5 Steps for using different write Community Name ---------------------------------------------------- The default write community name is elmginkgo. If for some reason, you want to use a different community name, follow these instructions: 1. Shutdown the Insight Management agents by executing the follwoing command: $ @SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]WBEM$SHUTDOWN.COM 2. Edit the last line of the file SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM.WEB.IM.WEBAGENT] WEBAGENT.INI, replacing new_name with the new name you choose: IDS_SNMP_WRITE_COMMMUNITY=new_name 3. If you are using HP TCPIP: a. To remove the "elmginkgo" community use the following command: $ TCPIP SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /NOCOMMUNITY="elmginkgo" b. Follow the "Steps for Enabling Set and SNMP Traps When Using HP TCP/IP" and "Common Steps for Enabling Sets and Traps" sections of the user guide, by replacing the name "elmginkgo" to the new name you choose. c. Refer to the "HP TCPIP Services for OpenVMS Management Manual" for further instructions, on SNMP configuration and "HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command Reference Manual" for Instruction on using "TCPIP SET CONFIGURATION SNMP" command. 4. If you are using Multinet: a. Follow the "Steps for Enabling Set and SNMP Traps When Using Multinet" and "Common Steps for Enabling Sets and Traps" sections of the user guide, by replacing the name "elmginkgo" to the new name you choose. 5. If you are using TCPWare: a. Follow the "Steps for Enabling Set and SNMP Traps When Using Multinet" and "Common Steps for Enabling Sets and Traps" sections of the user guide, by replacing the name "elmginkgo" to the new name you choose. 6. Start the Insight management Agents by executing the following command: $ @SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]WBEM$STARTUP.COM 7. If you are using System Insight Manager, to monitor the OpenVMS system, you also need to specify the new write community in System Insight manager, On System Insight Manager, Select All systems and Select the OpenVMS system. Use the Tools & Links Tab -> System Protocol Settings and change the "SNMP settings" write community, to the new write community name. 3. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) ============================== This section contains the following subsections: Section 3.1, Introduction to Using the Secure HTTP Server for OpenVMS Section 3.2, Device Home Page Section 3.3, Configuring Device Home Page Section 3.4, Security Section 3.5, Configuring Users and Groups 3.1 Introduction to Using the Secure HTTP Server for OpenVMS -------------------------------------------------------------- The Management Agents for OpenVMS allows you to view subsystem and status information from a Web browser, either locally or remotely. Version 3.4 of the Management Agents for OpenVMS uses security features for the HTTP Server, including OpenVMS account login using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), certificates, and Operating System authentication. To view data locally, use one of the following URLs: or https://localhost:2381/ To view data remotely, use this URL: https://host:2381/ For host, substitute the name of the machine or the IP address. _______________________Note____________________________ Notice that the URL is followed by ":2381". This is the secure port or socket number that the HP Management Agents for OpenVMS use to communicate with the browser. If this number is not specified, your browser might attempt to connect to another Web page if the managed server is running a Web Server. _______________________________________________________ 3.1.1 HP HTTP Server First-Time Initialization ------------------------------------------------ During first-time initialization, the HTTP Server creates a private key and a corresponding self-signed X.509 Certificate. _______________________Note____________________________ This initialization occurs only during the first time the HTTP Server initializes or after an administrator deletes the private key and corresponding certificate. _______________________________________________________ This certificate is a base64 encoded PEM file named CERT.PEM. The certificate is stored on the file system in the following location: $ SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM.WEB.IM]CERT.PEM The subdirectory SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM.WEB.IM] also contains the private key. To protect the key, only administrators can access this subdirectory. If, for any reason, you feel that the private key has been compromised and you want to generate a new private key and certificate, an administrator can delete the file SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM.WEB.IM]CERT.PEM and then restart the server. This causes the HTTP server to generate a new certificate and private key. 3.1.2 Logging in to Servers ----------------------------- The Login page allows you to access any of the available Web-enabled services. You can access the desired Web-enabled services by following the steps in either section, Internet Explorer Version 5.0 or later or, Netscape Version 4.73 or later and Mozilla Version 0.96 or later. Internet Explorer Version 5.0* or later ----------------------------------------------- 1. After you enter the URL https://devicename:2381, Internet Explorer displays the Security Alert dialog box every time you connect to it. Clicking on 'Yes' button will direct you to HP WBEM Login page. If you enter port 2301, the port used in previous versions of the Management Agents, you are directed automatically to port 2381. * Internet Explorer 6.0 or later is recommended for better results. _______________________Note_______________________________ The Security Alert dialog box is displayed. You are required to accept certificates to log in. If you want to implement your own Public Key Infra- structure (PKI) or install your own generated certificates in each managed device, you can install a Certificate Authority Root Certificate in each browser to be used for management. If you do this, the Security Alert dialog box is not displayed. You can refer to your browser's online help for more information about installing the Certificate Authority Root Certificate. __________________________________________________________ 2. Click the 'Yes' button. The Login page will be displayed. 3. Enter the OpenVMS user name in the User field. The accounts of the system you are logging into map to the system's OpenVMS accounts. See Section 3.5, Configuring Users and Groups, for more information. 4. Enter the OpenVMS password* in the Password field. 5. Click the OK button. The HP WBEM Device Home page will be displayed. * Secondary passwords are not accepted. Netscape Version 4.73 or later and Mozilla Version 0.96 or later ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. After you enter the URL URL https://devicename:2381, Netscape or Mozilla displays the New Site Certificate dialog box the first time you connect to it. If you enter port 2301, the port used in previous versions of the Management Agents, you are directed automatically to port 2381. The steps in this section apply in general to Netscape and most implementations of the Mozilla browser. However, there may be minor differences depending on the specific version of browser you use. ________________________Note_____________________________ The New Site Certificate dialog box is displayed. You are required to accept certificates in order to log in. If you want to implement your own Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) or install your own generated certificates on each managed device, you can install a Certificate Authority Root Certificate in each browser to be used for management. If you do this, the New Site Certificate dialog box is never displayed. Refer to your browser's online help for more information about installing the Certificate Authority Root Certificate. _________________________________________________________ 2. Click the Next button and follow the on-screen instructions to accept the New Site Certificate. If you choose Accept this certificate forever (until it expires), the New Site Certificate dialog box is not displayed the next time you open Netscape and attempt to view this page. You will be directed to the Login page instead. After you accept the new site certificate, the Login Page is displayed. 3. Enter the OpenVMS user name in the User field. The accounts of the system you are logging into map to the system's OpenVMS accounts. See Section 3.5, Configuring Users and Groups, for more information. 4. Enter the OpenVMS password* in the Password field. 5. Click the OK button, and then click Device home. The HP WBEM Device Home page will be displayed. * Secondary account passwords are not supported. Only the primary password will be used for authentication, even if a secondary password has been defined for the user account. 3.2 Device Home Page ---------------------- The Device Home Page is the first page displayed when you access the device at port 2381 after logging in. This page displays available Web-enabled services. Anonymous access to information is available without logging in if the administrator turns that option on in the Device Options web page. To go to the Device Options web page, select the Options link. To log in as a different user, select the Login Account link (which will display "user", "administrator" or "anonymous"). The login screen is displayed. See Section 3.4, Security, for more information about user accounts. The following options are available on the Device Home Page: NOTE: Other web-enabled options may appear depending on your specific environment. - HP Insight Management Agents for OpenVMS Select this link to view Subsystem and Status Information about a device that is running the Management Agents for OpenVMS. - OpenVMS DCL Show Commands Select this link to view DCL SHOW page, which provides information about the current status of the system, as well as the users, memory, cluster, CPUs, devices and Virtual I/O cached memory on the system. - Availability Manager Select this link to view more information about the Availability Manager. - OpenVMS Management Station Select this link to view more information about the OpenVMS Management Station. - Login Account Select the corresponding link ("user", "administrator" or "anonymous") to change the Login account. - Refresh Select this link to reload the device information displayed on the Device Home Page. - Options Select this link to set attributes for the Management Agents for OpenVMS access and the HTTP server. - Devices Select this link to display the Device list. - Logout Select this link to log out of the Device Home Page. - Troubleshooting Tips Select this link to view troubleshooting information. 3.3 Configuring the Device Home Page ---------------------------------- Options Page ------------ The Options page allows you to change various Management Agents for OpenVMS settings. The Options page is accessed from the Device Home Page by clicking the Options hyperlink. The available options are divided into three groups under Page Sections: o Configuration Options o Trusted Certificates o Customer Generated Certificates _______________________Note____________________________ If the user has administrator privileges, you can click the 'Save Configuration' or 'Default Configuration' buttons. If you have user privileges, then you will have 'Read' access. _______________________________________________________ Configuration Options --------------------- The Configuration Options section allows you to select the appropriate settings: - Anonymous Access Anonymous Access is disabled by default. Enabling Anonymous Access allows a user to access the Management Agents for OpenVMS without logging in. To enable Anonymous Access: 1. Select the Anonymous Access checkbox on the Configuration Options page. 2. Click the Save Configuration button in the Configuration Options section to save your settings. The Configuration Options page will be refreshed. - Local Access Set up the HTTP Server to automatically configure local IP addresses as part of the selected group. This means that any user with access to the local console is granted full access if Administrator is selected, or is granted limited access to unsecured pages if Anonymous is selected, without being challenged for a username and password. - Auto Delete Users Select the checkbox to automatically delete user directories that have not been accessed within a given time frame. This allows you to retain information about active users, and delete old information about inactive users. To set the Auto Delete Users option: 1. Select the Auto Delete Users checkbox. 2. In the field provided, specify the number of days you want to keep information before deleting the cached data for an unused login. _______________________Note____________________________ The cached data referred to in this step is not needed and will regenerate automatically if it is ever needed in the future. _______________________________________________________ 3. Click the Save Configuration button in the Configuration Options section to save your settings. You can click the Default Configuration button to return all options to their original settings. - Logging Logging allows you to specify the types of log entries you want to record, and whether you want to write to the log at all. To set the Logging options: 1. Select the Logging checkbox to record information in the log file. 2. Select the types of logs to be recorded. 3. Click the Save Configuration button in the Configuration Options section to save your settings. - IP Restricted Logins The HTTP Server can restrict login access based on the IP address of the machine from which the login is attempted. These restrictions apply only to direct login attempts and not to logins attempted as part of a trusted Systems Insight Manager server's Single Login or Secure Task Execution features. IP addresses can be explicitly excluded or explicitly included for each type of user. If an IP address is explicitly excluded, it will be excluded even if it is also explicitly included. If any IP addresses are in the inclusion list, then only those IP addresses will be allowed login access. If no IP addresses are in the inclusion list, then login access will be allowed to any IP addresses not in the exclusion list. IP address ranges list with the lower end of the range followed by a hyphen followed by the upper end of the range. All ranges are inclusive in that the upper and lower bounds are considered part of the range. IP address ranges and single addresses are separated by semi-colons. Enter IP address ranges in the following format:;; - Trust Mode The Trust Mode option allows you to select the security required by your system. Some situations that require a higher level of security than others. The following Trust Mode options are available: o Trust All o Trust By Name o Trust By Certificate _______________________Note____________________________ You can click the Default Configuration button located in the Configuration Options section to return all options to their original settings. _______________________________________________________ - Trust All The Trust All mode sets up the HTTP Server to accept certain requests from any server. You might want to use Trust All if you have a secure network, and everyone in the network is trusted. _______________________Note____________________________ Trust All mode leaves your system vulnerable to security attacks. _______________________________________________________ - Trust By Name The Trust By Name mode sets up the HTTP Server to accept only certain requests from servers with the Systems Insight Manager names designated in the Trust By Name field. The Trust By Name option is easy to configure, and prevents non-malicious access. You might want to use Trust By Name if you have a secure network but your network has two groups of administrators in two separate divisions. Trust By Name would prevent one group from changing settings on the wrong system. This option does not verify anything other than the Systems Insight Manager server name submitted. To use the Trust by Name option: 1. Select the Trust By Name option. 2. Enter the name of the server you want to allow access. If you want to trust more than one Systems Insight Manager server, you can separate the server names with a semi-colon. _______________________Note_______________________________ Although Trust By Name mode is a slightly stronger method of security than the Trust All mode, it still leaves your system vulnerable to security attacks. __________________________________________________________ Trust By Certificate -------------------- The Trust by Certificate mode sets up the HTTP Server to accept only certain requests from Systems Insight Manager servers with Trusted Certificate. This mode requires the submitted server to provide authentication by means of certificates. This mode is the strongest method of security, because it requires certificate data before allowing access. To use the Trust by Certificate option: 1. In the Systems Insight Manager Server Name field, enter the name of the server from which you want to receive a certificate. 2. Click the 'Get Cert' button. The certificate data is displayed. 3. Click the Options hyperlink. The bottom of the page should display the Systems Insight Manger servers you currently trust. You can click the View Certificate hyperlink associated with the Systems Insight Manager server to view certificate information related to that server. _______________________Note____________________________ If Systems Insight Manager is reinstalled or has regenerated a certificate, you must remove the trusted servers and start again with Step 1. _______________________________________________________ Customer Generated Certificates ------------------------------- The Customer Generated Certificates option allows you to use certificates that are not generated by HP. If you select this option, the self-signed certificate that was originally generated by the HTTP Server is replaced with one that was issued by a Certificate Authority. The first step of the process is to have the HTTP Server create a Certificate Request (PKCS #10). This request utilizes the original private key that was associated with the self-signed certificate and generates the appropriate data for certificate request. _______________________Note____________________________ The private key never leaves the server during this process. _______________________________________________________ After the PKCS #10 data has been created, you need to send that data off to a Certificate Authority. After the Certificate Authority has returned PKCS #7 data, you need to import this into the HTTP Server. After the PKCS #7 data has been successfully imported, the original certificate file certificate SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM.WEB.IM]CERT.PEM is overwritten with the device’s from that PKCS #7 envelope. The same private key is used for the new imported certificate as well as for the previous self-signed certificate. To use the Customer Generated Certificates option: 1. Click the Create PKCS #10 Data button. A screen is displayed indicating that the PKCS #10 Certificate Request data has been successfully generated. 2. Copy the certificate data by copying the data. 3. Send PKCS #10 certificate request data to a Certificate Authority and ask to have the certificate request reply data sent in PKCS #7 format. Request that the reply data be in base64 encoded format. If your organization has its own PKI/Certificate Server, send the PKCS #10 data to the Certificate Authority manager and request the PKCS #7 reply data. _______________________Note____________________________ The selected certificate signer generally charges a fee. _______________________________________________________ 3.4 Security -------------- The Management Agents for OpenVMS allows SNMP SET's for some system parameters. This capability requires you to configure OpenVMS user accounts to map to the Management Agents administrator and user accounts. See Section 3.5, Configuring Users and Groups, for more information. There are two types of data: Default (read only) and Sets (read/write). The WEBAGENT.INI file located in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM.WEB.IM.WEBAGENT] directory specifies the level of user who has access to data. The "read=" and "write=" entries in the WEBAGENT.INI file set the user accounts required for access, where: 0 = No access, 1 = Anonymous, 2 = User, 3 = Operator, and 4 = Administrator. Changing these entries changes the security of the Web-enabled services. 3.5 Configuring Users and Groups ---------------------------------- You can configure access to the Management Agents for OpenVMS by using the SYSUAF utility to grant identifiers to users for Insight Manager groups. You must grant the identifiers WBEM$ADMIN, which map directly to the HTTP server's Administrator accounts. Every user who has access to the system, including the SYSTEM account, automatically has user access to the Management Agents running on that system. Anonymous access is disabled by default. Note: Do not use a semicolon (;) in the username field. To configure access for specific users and groups: 1. Log in as SYSTEM on the OpenVMS system. 2. Grant the WBEM$ADMIN identifier to users who will have administrator privileges. In this example, the SYSTEM account is granted administrator privileges: UAF> GRANT/IDENTIFIER WBEM$ADMIN SYSTEM 3. All other users have the user privilege, even if it has not been explicitly granted _______________________Note____________________________ On a cluster, you need to perform this step only once for OpenVMS user accounts that are visible across the cluster. The privileges are automatically available to all nodes on the cluster. _______________________________________________________ 4 Troubleshooting Tips ======================== This section contains the following categories of troubleshooting tips: Section 4.1, System Requirements for Browsing a Device Section 4.2, Browser Requirements Section 4.3, Browser Recommendations Section 4.4, Known Browser Issues Section 4.5, Viewing Cluster Agents Section 4.6, Troubleshooting Questions and Answers 4.1 System Requirements for Browsing a Device -------------------------------------------------- The system requirements for the Management Agents for OpenVMS are the following: o HP Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Version 1.2 or updates to this version on OpenVMS V7.3-2, V8.2 and V8.2-1 and Version 1.3 or updates to this version on OpenVMS V8.3. Note: For more information about HP Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), refer to the HP SSL Installation Guide and Release Notes. o Compaq or HP TCP/IP Version 5.1 or later for OpenVMS Alpha and Version 5.5 or later for OpenVMS I64. o A supported web browser Process Software's MultiNet TCP/IP Version 4.3 for OpenVMS or later and TCPware TCP/IP Version 5.5 for OpenVMS or later are also supported. 4.2 Browser Requirements -------------------------- The browser you use with the Management Agents for OpenVMS must have the following features supported and enabled: o HTML tables o HTML frames o JavaScript o Accept all cookies o Full Java Development Kit 1.1 (JDK 1.1) support o Dynamic HTML 4.3 Browser Recommendations ----------------------------- Recommendations of browsers to use with the Management Agents are the following: - Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0* or later - Netscape Navigator 4.73 or later - HP Secure Web Browser for OpenVMS Alpha 0.96 or later (Mozilla) * Internet Explorer 6.0 is recommended. _______________________Note____________________________ If you are using HP Secure Web Browser, you must install the Java plugins SDK Version 1.3.1-2 or later for OpenVMS Alpha and 1.4.2-3 or later for OpenVMS I64. For more information about HP Secure Web Browser, refer to the following URL: _______________________________________________________ Additional browsers, or the browsers mentioned if used with different operating systems, might or might not work correctly, depending upon their specific implementations of the required browser technologies. 4.4 Known Browser Issues -------------------------- The following are some known issues in using a browser with the Management Agents for OpenVMS: - If you use a proxy server to access the Internet and you are unable to access a machine that has web-enabled agents installed with a URL such as or, try adding the address to the No Proxy list in the browser. - Internet Explorer does not print background colors and images by default. - When switching from a web agent browser window to another application, you might see the colors in the browser window change or flash. This is not specific to the web agent window but might happen when you look at other pages with a browser under the same conditions. - Frame sizes are optimized for "medium" fonts. If you switch your browser to use larger or smaller fonts, you must use the mouse to manually adjust the frame layout. - A JavaScript error can occur when you resize the browser window in Netscape Navigator. - A JavaScript error can occur when you try to print certain pages in Netscape Navigator. - If you use HP Secure Web Browser (Mozilla) or Netscape Version 6.2 and later and attempt to log in as a different user, the login screen re- appears with the new user name listed instead of the Device Home Page. If this happens, click the "Device Home Page" link displayed on the page to manually switch to the device page - With Internet Explorer 5.5 and update version SP1;Q288993; Q290108; Q299618, manually refreshing the utilization page causes the WBEM$SERVER process to hang. Upgrading Internet Explorer 5.5 to SP2 solves this problem. 4.5 Viewing Cluster Agents ---------------------------- To view OpenVMS clusters from Systems Insight Manager, you need to perform the following steps: On an OpenVMS Cluster --------------------- 1. Ensure that the Management Agents for OpenVMS are running by executing the following sets of DCL command: $ SHOW SYS/PROC=WBEM* Verify that the process WBEM$SVRCLU is listed. On Systems Insight Manager --------------------------- 1. Add the IP address of the OpenVMS Cluster to the address range for Auto detection. 2. Select Menu => Options => Security => Users and Authorizations tab and add a New Authorization Entry to the users, for the cluster system. 3. Each user will obtain access to the cluster, which can be monitored using the Cluster Monitor (Tools => System Information => Cluster Monitor). Refer to online help on the Systems Insight Manager pages for details. 4.6 Troubleshooting Questions and Answers ------------------------------------------- This section provides answers to frequently asked questions. Problem : I can access the Device Home Page, but I can't access the URL pointed to by the "Management Agents for OpenVMS" logo. Solution : Check the "Language Preference Window" in your Internet Explorer setup (Tools => Internet Options => Language). The Management Agents for OpenVMS expects your first language selection to be "English." Problem : Why does the "Version" display indicate Version 5.5? Solution : Version 5.5 is the MIB level that the HP SNMP subagents support. The version of the Management Agents for OpenVMS kit you are using is not the same as the version of the MIB that is supported. You can find the version of your kit at the bottom of the Device Home Page, next to the copyright notice. Problem : One of my subagents (MIBs) is not running. Solution : Define a foreign command and use TRACE to give an indication of failure. For example: $ STORAGE :== $SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM.AGENTS]CPQSTORAGE_MIB.EXE $ STORAGE -TRACE If this does not help you debug the subagent, mail the output of these commands to HP Technical Support. (The address is provided at the end of this section.) Note, however, that the WBEM$SVRCLU subagent runs only on clustered systems. Problem : I can access the Device Home Page, but no links to agents are on the page. Why? Solution : This occurs if JavaScript is not supported or enabled. If you are using a recommended browser, ensure that JavaScript is enabled. Problem : When I try to log in, I get a Java error, and I am not prompted for account and password. Why? Solution : This occurs if the browser does not fully support JDK 1.1 Java applets or if Java support has been disabled. Ensure that Java support is enabled in the browser. If it is not, upgrade to a browser that fully supports JDK 1.1 Java applets. Problem : Is there an easier way to access the local device with my browser without having to find out its IP address? Solution : Yes. You can access the local device at https://localhost:2381; for example, Also, if you have a proxy server configured in your browser, you might need to add the host (for example, to the list of addresses that should NOT be proxied. Problem : I can successfully access some web-enabled devices, but I cannot access others. Why? Solution : If your browser has a proxy server configured, you must enter the address of the web-enabled device in the list of addresses that should NOT be proxied. Problem : When I access a device, I am prompted many times to accept cookies. Why? Solution : Browser cookies are required to keep track of user state and security. Enable cookies in the browser, and disable prompting for acceptance of cookies. Problem : I entered a valid account and password to change my access level. It was accepted, but the web page still indicates that I have only Anonymous access. Why? Solution : This can occur if browser cookies are disabled. Enable cookies in the browser. They are required for security. Problem : Leaving my browser undisturbed for a while prompted for login. I entered a valid account and password, but still the login was rejected. Why? Solution : This can occur if browser cookies are disabled. Enable cookies in the browser. They are required for security. This will allow you to log in to your system. Problem : The Management Agents appear to hang on the Summary page or sometimes on the Device Home Page; at other times, I keep getting a login prompt even after I enter login information. Solution : You must have a public read community defined. Here is how to do that: First determine your SNMP settings: TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP You should see a display similar to the following: SNMP Configuration Flags: Contact: test Location not defined Community Type public Read If you do not see a Community "public" with type Read, set one up by entering the following: $ TCPIP SET CONFIGURATION SNMP - $ /COMMUNITY="public" /TYPE=READ Problem : Sometimes I cannot get the agents to run; at other times, I get a login prompt even after I enter login information. Solution : If you have the Version 1.0 product installed and you enter a POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) PRODUCT REMOVE command, PCSI does not remove all the files that the V1.0 product created. You must delete the files and reinstall the V3.3 or later kit as follows: 1. Stop any running agents from the account in which they were started. For versions prior to Version 2.0, enter the following command: $ @SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]STOP_WEBAGENTS For Version 2.1 and later, enter the following command: $ @SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]WBEM$SHUTDOWN Use the DCL command $ SHOW SYSTEM to make sure the agents are stopped. 2. Delete everything in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM...] directory. 3. Reinstall Version 3.3 or later (refer to the Installation Guide). Problem : I keep getting Java errors or other display errors even after I make the suggested fixes. Solution : Follow these steps: 1. Clear the cache in your browser. Do this by selecting the Settings option in Internet Explorer (View or Tools, Internet Options, Settings, General, and View Files) and deleting any files that might have been saved. 2. Delete the references of cookies from the browser. This is especially necessary if other changes in your environment were made and you have not exited from your browser since those changes were made. 3. Verify that you are running a current or supported browser, or both, that supports dynamic HTML. The Management Agents work with Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5.0 or later and with Netscape Navigator Version 4.73 or later. Problem : I am getting a PCSI error part-way through my installation: The following product will be installed to destination: COMPAQ AXPVMS V72_MGMTAGENTS V2.0-16 DISK$ALPHASYS-72:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40% %PCSI-E-READERR, error reading $6$DKA300:[SYS0.][SYSUPD]COMPAQ-AXPVMS-V72_MGMTAGENTS-V0200-16-1.PCSI;1 -DDIS-E-TNF, invalid element syntax %PCSI-E-OPFAILED, operation failed Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES] %PCSI-E-CANCEL_WIP, termination resulted in an incomplete modification to the system %PCSI-E-S_OPCAN, operation cancelled by request %PCSIUI-E-ABORT, operation terminated due to an unrecoverable error condition Solution : You probably have a corrupt kit. Please copy a new kit to your target machine and try again. Problem : I enter everything to start the Management Agents for OpenVMS, but it does not run. Solution : Make sure that SNMP is running. Problem : Importing certificates created with certain SSL tools to the Management Agents for OpenVMS results in one of the following error messages: - The certificates are not of base64 encoded format - Unable to add certificate Solution : Certificates created using most SSL tools can be used with the Management Agents for OpenVMS. To add a certificate to the Trusted Certificates list, cut and paste the base64 encoded certificate into the text box and press the "Submit Cert" button. Take care to copy and paste the entire contents of the certificate including the "--Begin Certificate--" and "--End Certificate--" lines before pressing the "Submit Cert" button. If the certificate generated by your tool does not contain the "--Begin Certificate--" and "--End Certificate--" lines, you need to add them yourself. Problem : Upon using Internet Explorer version 5.5 Service Pack 1 or later with Management Agents Version 3.3 or later kit, Internet Explorer generates an error message occasionally that indicates that the page could not be displayed. Solution : Please refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 305217 titled "Page Cannot Be Displayed Error During SSL 3.0 Server Session Timeout" to know more on the cause and refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 183110 titled "INFO: WinInet Limits Connections Per Server" for information on workarounds available for this problem. Problem : I cannot get into agents from Systems Insight Manager application or directly through a browser. If connect to the 2301 port I get the security alert, then the redirect and "Page cannot be displayed" message on the browser? Solution : Check if DSNLink is installed on the system. DSN_Tunnel process uses port 2381. Edit the dsn_services.dat file and change the dsn_tunnel port from 2381 to 12381. Rebuild Worldwide configuration. Restart WBEM. Problem : Inspite of configuring SNMP and Management agents on a TCPware or Multinet stack correctly, I find Management agents don't work correctly Solution : Check for public community entry in SNMP configuration file on TCPware or Multinet. The public community entry in the file snmpd.conf should read as follows: The entries in the file tcpware:snmpd.conf or multinet:snmpd.conf should be as follows (Assuming IP address of the target system is : ! Communities: ! community ! community public READ-ONLY Problem : When trying to login to the Management agents using either Mozilla or Netscape after I hit OK with a valid username/password, I don't get directed to the Device Home page? Solution : After you click the "OK" button, click "Device home". The HP WBEM device home page is displayed. Problem : I have a disk configured as a shadow disk. The Management Agents provide false alarm (TRAP of Disk/Memory/CPU utilization) with the Management Agents 3.3 or later kit. Solution : This is due to the solution provided in the Management Agents V3.3, which displays all the disks connected to the system, irrespective of it being a member of shadow set or not. To overcome this, perform the following: 1. Delete the SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$MGT_THRESHOLDS.DAT and SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$MGT_THRESHOLDS.BAK files. $ DELETE SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$MGT_THRESHOLDS.DAT;* $ DELETE SYS$SYSTEM:UCX$MGT_THRESHOLDS.BAK;* ___________________________Note______________________________ Deleting the files will reset all the thresholds (Disk/CPU/Memory Utilization). _____________________________________________________________ 2. Re-start the Insight Management agents. $ SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]WBEM$SHUTDOWN $ SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]WBEM$STARTUP 3. Reset all the threshold values in the Insight Management Agents. ___________________________Note______________________________ When you enter a problem report, the development engineers will need your configuration and the output of some of the following commands: $ PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY/FULL $ SHOW SYSTEM $ SHOW PROCESS/QUOTA/ID=(the id for the WBEM$SERVER process) $ SHOW PROCESS/ACCOUNT/ID=(the id for the WBEM$SERVER process) $ TCPIP SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP/FULL $ INSTALL LIST SYS$SHARE:PCSI$SHR.EXE $ DIR/PROT SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM...]*.TPL $ DIR/PROT SYS$SPECIFIC:[000000]WBEM.DIR $ DIR/PROT SYS$SPECIFIC:[WBEM]*.DIR $ TCPIP SHOW VERSION/ALL _____________________________________________________________ 5 Appendix ============ This section lists all the SNMP MIB Variables (Attributes) and Traps supported by the Management Agents for OpenVMS Version 3.4. -------------------- cpqHealth Agent -------------------- Attributes: cpqHeMibRev Group cpqHeMibRevMajor cpqHeMibRevMinor cpqHeMibCondition cpqHeOsCommon cpqHeOsCommonPollFreq cpqHePostMsg cpqHePostMsgCondition cpqHePostMsgIndex cpqHePostMsgCode cpqHePostMsgDesc cpqHeThermal cpqHeThermalCondition cpqHeThermalDegradedAction cpqHeThermalTempStatus cpqHeThermalSystemFanStatus cpqHeThermalCpuFanStatus cpqHeThermalFanIndex cpqHeThermalFanRequired cpqHeThermalFanPresent cpqHeThermalFanCpuFan cpqHeThermalFanStatus cpqHeTemperature cpqHeTemperatureChassis cpqHeTemperatureIndex cpqHeTemperatureLocale cpqHeTemperatureCelsius cpqHeTemperatureThreshold cpqHeTemperatureCondition cpqHeFltTolPwrSupply cpqHeFltTolPwrSupplyCondit cpqHeCriticalErrorTable cpqHeCriticalErrorIndex cpqHeCriticalErrorStatus cpqHeCriticalErrorType cpqHeCriticalErrorTime Traps : cpqHe3ThermalTempDegraded cpqHe3ThermalTempOK cpqHe3ThermalSystemFanFailed cpqHe3ThermalSystemFanOK cpqHe3FltTolPwrSupplyDegraded -------------------- cpqHost Agent -------------------- Attributes: cpqHoCpuUtilEntry cpqHoCpuUtilUnitIndex cpqHoCpuUtilMin cpqHoCpuUtilFiveMin cpqHoCpuUtilThirtyMin cpqHoCpuUtilHour cpqHoFileSysTable cpqHoFileSysIndex cpqHoFileSysDesc cpqHoFileSysSpaceTotal cpqHoFileSysSpaceUsed cpqHoFileSysPercentSpaceUsed cpqHoInfo cpqHoName cpqHoVersion cpqHoDesc cpqHoOsType cpqHoTelnet cpqHoMibRev cpqHoMibRevMajor cpqHoMibRevMinor cpqHoMibCondition cpqHoOsCommon cpqHoOsCommonPollFreq cpqHoSWRunning Table cpqHoSWRunningIndex cpqHoSWRunningName cpqHoSWRunningDesc cpqHoSwVerTable cpqHoSwVerIndex cpqHoSwVerName cpqHoSwVerDescription cpqHoSwVerLocation cpqHoSwVerVersion cpqHoSystemStatus cpqHoMibStatusArray Traps : None ------------------- cpqStore Agent ------------------- Attributes (IDE): cpqIdeMibRev cpqIdeMibRevMajor cpqIdeMibRevMinor cpqIdeMibCondition cpqIdeOsCommon cpqIdeOsCommonPollFreq Attributes (SCSI): cpqScsiCntlrTable cpqScsiCntlrIndex cpqScsiCntlrBusIndex cpqScsiCntlrModel cpqScsiCntlrSlot cpqScsiCntlrStatus cpqScsiCntlrCondition cpqScsiCntlrSerialNum cpqScsiCntlrBusWidth cpqScsiMibRev cpqScsiMibRevMajor cpqScsiMibRevMinor cpqScsiOsCommon cpqScsiOsCommonPollFreq cpqScsiOsCommonModuleTable cpqScsiOsCommonModuleIndex cpqScsiOsCommonModuleName cpqScsiOsCommonModulePurpose cpqScsiPhyDrvTable cpqScsiPhyDrvCntlrIndex cpqScsiPhyDrvBusIndex cpqScsiPhyDrvIndex cpqScsiPhyDrvModel cpqScsiPhyDrvFWRev cpqScsiPhyDrvVendor cpqScsiPhyDrvSize cpqScsiPhyDrvScsiId cpqScsiPhyDrvStatus cpqScsiPhyDrvHighReadSectors cpqScsiPhyDrvLowReadSectors cpqScsiPhyDrvHighWriteSectors cpqScsiPhyDrvLowWriteSectors cpqScsiPhyDrvHardReadErrs cpqScsiPhyDrvSeekErrs cpqScsiPhyDrvUsedReallocs cpqScsiPhyDrvCondition cpqScsiPhyDrvSerialNum cpqScsiPhyDrvLocation cpqScsiPhyDrvParent cpqScsiPhyDrvSectorSize cpqScsiPhyDrvHotPlug cpqScsiPhyDrvPlacement cpqScsiTargetTable cpqScsiTargetCntlrIndex cpqScsiTargetBusIndex cpqScsiTargetScsiIdIndex cpqScsiTargetType cpqScsiTargetModel cpqScsiTargetFWRev cpqScsiTargetVendor cpqScsiTargetLocation cpqScsiTargetPhyWidth Attributes (Fibre Channel): cpqFcaCntlrBoxIndex cpqFcaCntlrBoxIoSlot cpqFcaCntlrModel cpqFcaCntlrFWRev cpqFcaCntlrStatus cpqFcaCntlrCondition cpqFcaCntlrProductRev cpqFcaCntlrWorldWideName cpqFcaCntlrSerialNumber cpqFcaCntlrCurrentRole cpqFcaCntlrRedundancyType cpqFcaCntlrRedundancyError cpqFcaPhyDrvBoxIndex cpqFcaPhyDrvIndex cpqFcaPhyDrvModel cpqFcaPhyDrvFWRev cpqFcaPhyDrvBay cpqFcaPhyDrvStatus cpqFcaPhyDrvUsedReallocs cpqFcaPhyDrvRefHours cpqFcaPhyDrvHReads cpqFcaPhyDrvReads cpqFcaPhyDrvHWrites cpqFcaPhyDrvWrites cpqFcaPhyDrvHSeeks cpqFcaPhyDrvSeeks cpqFcaPhyDrvHardReadErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvRecvReadErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvHardWriteErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvRecvWriteErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvHSeekErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvSeekErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvSpinupTime cpqFcaPhyDrvFunctTest1 cpqFcaPhyDrvFunctTest2 cpqFcaPhyDrvFunctTest3 cpqFcaPhyDrvOtherTimeouts cpqFcaPhyDrvBadRecvReads cpqFcaPhyDrvBadRecvWrites cpqFcaPhyDrvFormatErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvNotReadyErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvHasMonInfo cpqFcaPhyDrvCondition cpqFcaPhyDrvHotPlugs cpqFcaPhyDrvMediaErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvHardwareErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvAbortedCmds cpqFcaPhyDrvSpinUpErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvBadTargetErrs cpqFcaPhyDrvSize cpqFcaPhyDrvBusFaults cpqFcaPhyDrvHotPlug cpqFcaPhyDrvPlacement cpqFcaPhyDrvBusNumber cpqFcaPhyDrvSerialNum cpqFcaPhyDrvPreFailMonitoring cpqFcaPhyDrvCurrentWidth cpqFcaPhyDrvCurrentSpeed Traps : cpqScsiPhyDrvStatusChange -------------------- cpqSysInfo Agent -------------------- Attributes: cpqSiAsset cpqSiSysSerialNum cpqSiMibRev cpqSiMibRevMajor cpqSiMibRevMajor cpqSiMibCondition cpqSiOsCommon cpqSiOsCommonPollFreq cpqSiSystemBoard cpqSiProductId cpqSiProductName Traps : None -------------------- cpqStdEquip Agent -------------------- Attributes: cpqSeCpuCacheTable cpqSeCpuCacheUnitIndex cpqSeCpuCacheLevelIndex cpqSeCpuCacheSize cpqSeCpuCacheSpeed cpqSeCpuCacheStatus cpqSeCpuCacheWritePolicy cpqSeCpuTable cpqSeCpuUnitIndex cpqSeCpuSlot cpqSeCpuName cpqSeCpuSpeed cpqSeCpuStatus cpqSeCpuExtSpeed cpqSeCpuDesigner cpqSeCpuThreshPassed cpqSeEisaFunctTable cpqSeEisaFunctSlotIndex cpqSeEisaFunctIndex cpqSeEisaFunctType cpqSeEisaFunctCfgRev cpqSeEisaFunctSels cpqSeFixedDiskTable cpqSeFixedDiskIndex cpqSeFixedDiskType cpqSeFixedDiskCyls cpqSeFixedDiskHeads cpqSeFixedDiskSectors cpqSeFixedDiskCapacity cpqSeFloppyDiskTable cpqSeFloppyDiskIndex cpqSeFloppyDiskType cpqSeFpuTable cpqSeFpuUnitIndex cpqSeFpuChipIndex cpqSeFpuSlot cpqSeFpuName cpqSeFpuSpeed cpqSeFpuType cpqSeMemory cpqSeTotalMem cpqSeBaseMem cpqSeMibRev cpqSeMibRevMajor cpqSeMibRevMinor cpqSeMibCondition cpqSeOsCommon cpqSeOsCommonPollFreq cpqSeParallelPort Table cpqSeParallelPortIndex cpqSeParallelPortAddr cpqSeParallelPortDesc cpqSePciSlot Table cpqSePciSlotBusNumberIndex cpqSePciSlotDeviceNumberIndex cpqSePciPhySlot cpqSePciSlotSubSystemID cpqSePciSlotBoardName cpqSeRom cpqSeSysRomVer cpqSeSerialPort Table cpqSeSerialPortIndex cpqSeSerialPortAddr cpqSeSerialPortDesc cpqSeComplex cpqSeComplexUUID Traps : None -------------------- cpqThresh Agent -------------------- Attributes: cpqMeAlarm cpqMeAlarmNextIndex cpqMeMibRev cpqMeMibRevMajor cpqMeMibRevMinor cpqMeMibCondition cpqMeAlarmIndex cpqMeAlarmInterval cpqMeAlarmVariable cpqMeAlarmSampleType cpqMeAlarmValue cpqMeAlarmStartupAlarm cpqMeAlarmRisingThreshold cpqMeAlarmFallingThreshold cpqMeAlarmPermanence cpqMeAlarmOwner cpqMeAlarmStatus Traps : cpqMeRisingAlarmExtended cpqMeFallingAlarmExtended -------------------- cpqNIC Agent -------------------- Attributes: cpqNicMibRevMajor cpqNicMibRevMinor cpqNicMibCondition cpqNicIfLogMapIndex cpqNicIfLogMapIfNumber cpqNicIfLogMapDescription cpqNicIfLogMapGroupType cpqNicIfLogMapAdapterCount cpqNicIfLogMapAdapterOKCount cpqNicIfLogMapPhysicalAdapters cpqNicIfLogMapMACAddress cpqNicIfLogMapSwitchoverMode cpqNicIfLogMapCondition cpqNicIfLogMapStatus cpqNicIfLogMapNumSwitchovers cpqNicIfLogMapOverallCondition cpqNicIfPhysAdapterPort cpqNicIfPhysAdapterSlot cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIoAddr cpqNicIfPhysAdapterMemAddr cpqNicIfPhysAdapterEntry.length cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIndex cpqNicIfLogMapAdapterCount cpqNicIfLogMapGroupType cpqNicIfLogMapDescription cpqNicIfLogMapStatus cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIfNumber cpqNicIfPhysAdapterRole cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatus cpqNicIfPhysAdapterDuplexState cpqNicIfPhysAdapterDma cpqNicIfPhysAdapterIrq cpqNicIfPhysAdapterMACAddress cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGoodReceives cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGoodTransmits cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBadReceives cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBadTransmits cpqNicIfPhysAdapterAlignmentErrors cpqNicIfPhysAdapterCarrierSenseErrors cpqNicIfPhysAdapterFrameTooLongs cpqNicIfPhysAdapterMultipleCollisionFrames cpqNicIfPhysAdapterFCSErrors cpqNicIfPhysAdapterLateCollisions cpqNicIfPhysAdapterInternalMacReceiveErrors cpqNicIfPhysAdapterSingleCollisionFrames cpqNicIfPhysAdapterExcessiveCollisions cpqNicIfPhysAdapterDeferredTransmissions cpqNicIfPhysAdapterInternalMacTransmitErrors cpqNicIfPhysAdapterCondition cpqNicIfPhysAdapterState cpqNicIfPhysAdapterStatsValid cpqNicIfPhysAdapterInOctets cpqNicIfPhysAdapterOutOctets Traps : None -------------------- svrClu Agent -------------------- Attributes: svrCluMibMajorRev svrCluMibMinorRev svrCluSoftwareVendor svrCluSoftwareVersion svrCluSoftwareStatus svrCluClusterType svrCluExtensionOID svrCluThisMember svrCluClusterName svrCluMemberIndex svrCluMemberName svrCluMemberComment svrCluMemberStatus svrCluMemberAddressIndex svrCluMemberAddressIndex Traps: svrCluMemberAdded svrCluMemberDeleted -------------------- cpqIDA Agent -------------------- Attributes: cpqDaMibRevMajor cpqDaMibRevMinor cpqDaMibCondition cpqDaOsCommonPollFreq cpqDaCntlrIndex cpqDaCntlrModel cpqDaCntlrFWRev cpqDaCntlrStndIntr cpqDaCntlrSlot cpqDaCntlrCondition cpqDaCntlrProductRev cpqDaCntlrPartnerSlot cpqDaCntlrCurrentRole cpqDaCntlrBoardStatus cpqDaCntlrPartnerBoardStatus cpqDaCntlrBoardCondition cpqDaCntlrPartnerBoardCondition cpqDaCntlrDriveOwnership cpqDaCntlrSerialNumber cpqDaCntlrRedundancyType cpqDaCntlrRedundancyError cpqDaCntlrAccessModuleStatus cpqDaCntlrDaughterBoardType cpqDaCntlrHwLocation cpqDaAccelCntlrIndex cpqDaAccelStatus cpqDaAccelMemory cpqDaAccelBadData cpqDaAccelErrCode cpqDaAccelBattery cpqDaAccelReadErrs cpqDaAccelWriteErrs cpqDaAccelCondition cpqDaAccelReadMemory cpqDaAccelSerialNumber cpqDaAccelTotalMemory cpqDaLogDrvCntlrIndex cpqDaLogDrvIndex cpqDaLogDrvFaultTol cpqDaLogDrvStatus cpqDaLogDrvAutoRel cpqDaLogDrvRebuildBlks cpqDaLogDrvHasAccel cpqDaLogDrvAvailSpares cpqDaLogDrvPhyDrvIDs cpqDaLogDrvCondition cpqDaLogDrvPercentRebuild cpqDaLogDrvStripeSize cpqDaLogDrvOsName cpqDaSpareCntlrIndex cpqDaSparePhyDrvIndex cpqDaSpareStatus cpqDaSpareReplacedDrv cpqDaSpareRebuildBlks cpqDaSpareCondition cpqDaSpareBusNumber cpqDaSpareBay cpqDaSpareReplacedDrvBusNumber cpqDaSpareReplacedDrvBay cpqDaSparePercentRebuild cpqDaPhyDrvCntlrIndex cpqDaPhyDrvIndex cpqDaPhyDrvModel cpqDaPhyDrvFWRev cpqDaPhyDrvBay cpqDaPhyDrvStatus cpqDaPhyDrvUsedReallocs cpqDaPhyDrvRefHours cpqDaPhyDrvHReads cpqDaPhyDrvReads cpqDaPhyDrvHWrites cpqDaPhyDrvWrites cpqDaPhyDrvHSeeks cpqDaPhyDrvSeeks cpqDaPhyDrvHardReadErrs cpqDaPhyDrvRecvReadErrs 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cpqDaLogDrvPerfIndex cpqDaLogDrvPerfInstance cpqDaLogDrvPerfSampleInterval cpqDaLogDrvPerfAvgQueueDepth cpqDaLogDrvPerfReads cpqDaLogDrvPerfWrites cpqDaLogDrvPerfTotalIO cpqDaLogDrvPerfCacheHits cpqDaLogDrvPerfCacheMisses cpqDaLogDrvPerfReadAheadSectors cpqDaLogDrvPerfSectorsRead cpqDaLogDrvPerfSectorsWritten Traps: cpqDa3LogDrvStatusChange cpqDa4SpareStatusChange cpqDa5AccelStatusChange cpqDa5AccelBadDataTrap cpqDa5AccelBatteryFailed cpqDa5CntlrStatusChange cpqDa5PhyDrvStatusChange cpqDa5PhyDrvThreshPassedTrap -------------------- cpqStsys Agent -------------------- Attributes: cpqSsMibRevMajor cpqSsMibRevMinor cpqSsMibCondition cpqSsBoxCntlrIndex cpqSsBoxBusIndex cpqSsBoxModel cpqSsBoxFWRev cpqSsBoxVendor cpqSsBoxFanStatus cpqSsBoxCondition cpqSsBoxTempStatus cpqSsBoxSidePanelStatus cpqSsBoxFltTolPwrSupplyStatus cpqSsBoxBackPlaneVersion cpqSsBoxTotalBays cpqSsBoxPlacement cpqSsBoxDuplexOption cpqSsBoxBoardRevision cpqSsBoxSerialNumber Traps: cpqSs3FanStatusChange cpqSs3TempFailed cpqSs3TempDegraded cpqSs3TempOk cpqSs3SidePanelInPlace cpqSs3SidePanelRemoved cpqSs4PwrSupplyDegraded cpqSiFruIndex cpqSiFruType cpqSiFruDescr cpqSiFruVendor cpqSiFruPartNumber cpqSiFruFirmwareRevision cpqSiFruSerialNumber cpqSiFruSlotNumber cpqSiFruAssemblyNumber cpqSiFruChassisNumber cpqSiFruPositionNumber cpqSiFruCabinetIDNumber cpqSiFruSiteLocation 5 Trademarks ============== Hewlett-Packard and the HP logo are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. in the U.S. and/or other countries. MultiNet and TCPware are registered trademarks of Process Software. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. © Copyright 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All rights reserved.