International_Lexicons________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-Q4WTA-TE March 1994 This guide describes how to install International Lexicons on an AXP processor (Alpha AXP architec- ture) running the OpenVMS AXP and DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system. Revision/Update Information: This is a new guide. Operating System & Version: OpenVMS AXP V1.5 or higher and DEC OSF/1 AXP V1.3 or higher. Future maintenance releases may require higher versions. Software Version: International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP and International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ First Printing, March 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1989, 1994. All Rights Reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, AXP, DEC, DECnet, DECwrite, Digital, OpenVMS, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX DOCUMENT, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: OSF and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP .............................. 1-1 1.1.1 Checking the Distribution Kit............ 1-2 1.1.2 Software Requirements.................... 1-2 1.1.3 Registering Your Software License ....... 1-3 1.1.4 Startup Procedure........................ 1-4 1.1.5 Disk Space Requirements ................. 1-5 1.1.6 VMSINSTAL Requirements................... 1-7 1.1.7 Backing Up Your System Disk.............. 1-7 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP.......................................... 1-7 1.2.1 General Information...................... 1-7 1.2.2 Installation Procedure................... 1-9 1.3 After Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP.............................. 1-14 1.3.1 VAXcluster Considerations................ 1-15 1.3.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure ............................... 1-15 1.3.3 Determining and Reporting Problems....... 1-16 iii 2 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP............................. 2-1 2.1.1 Checking the Distribution Kit............ 2-2 2.1.2 Registering Your Software License ....... 2-2 2.1.3 Installation Procedure Requirements...... 2-3 Login Privileges....................... 2-3 Hardware Requirements.................. 2-3 Software Requirements.................. 2-4 Available Lexicons..................... 2-5 2.1.4 Disk Space Requirements.................. 2-5 Disk Space Required for Installation... 2-6 Disk Space Required for Permanent Use.................................... 2-6 2.1.5 Backing Up Your System Disk.............. 2-6 2.1.6 Stopping the Installation................ 2-6 2.2 Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP................................ 2-6 2.2.1 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media.................................... 2-7 2.2.2 Using a RIS Distribution Area ........... 2-7 2.2.3 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts.................................. 2-8 Selecting Subsets...................... 2-8 2.3 After Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP............................ 2-9 2.3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure ............................... 2-10 A Sample Installation A.1 Sample Installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP......................... A-1 A.2 Sample Installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP....................... A-4 iv B Files Installed on Your System B.1 Lexicon Files Installed on Your OpenVMS AXP System....................................... B-1 B.2 Lexicon Files Installed on Your DEC OSF/1 AXP System....................................... B-5 Index Tables 1 Conventions Used in this Guide .......... viii 1-1 Disk Space Requirements During the Installation of the International Lexicons for OpenVMS AXP................. 1-5 1-2 Permanent Disk Space Requirements for Installing International Lexicons for OpenVMS AXP.............................. 1-6 B-1 Lexicon File Names Installed on OpenVMS AXP...................................... B-2 B-2 IVP Files Installed...................... B-5 B-3 Lexicon File Names Installed on DEC OSF/1 AXP...................................... B-6 v ________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install International Lexicons on Alpha AXP[TM] processors that are running the OpenVMS[TM] AXP and DEC[TM] OSF/1[TM] AXP operating systems. Keep this guide with your distribution kit. You will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall International Lexicons for any other reason. At the back of this guide are two Reader's Comments forms. If you have any comments about this document, fill out one form and mail it; your comments will be considered for the next revision of the installation guide. Who Should Use this Guide This guide is for the system manager who installs the International Lexicons software. Structure of this Guide This guide contains two chapters, two appendixes and an index as follows: o Chapter 1 describes how to install the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP[TM] systems. o Chapter 2 describes how to install the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP systems. o Appendix A contains a sample installation procedure for both the International Lexicons for OpenVMS AXP and the International Lexicons for DEC OSF/1 AXP. vii o Appendix B lists the files that are installed during the installation procedure for both the International Lexicons for OpenVMS AXP and the International Lexicons for DEC OSF/1 AXP. Related Documents For information about how to use the lexicons, see the following manuals: o WPS-PLUS for VMS User's References See the section about Spell Check, Thesaurus, and Usage Alert. o DECwrite User's Guide See the section about checking your spelling. For general information about OpenVMS AXP system management, see the OpenVMS AXP operating system documentation set. For general information about DEC OSF/1 AXP system management, see the DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system documentation set. Conventions Table 1 describes the conventions used in this guide. Table_1_Conventions_Used_in_this_Guide____________________ Convention__Meaning_______________________________________ $ In interactive examples, prompts or displayed @SYS$UPDATE:text appears in a monospaced font. User input appears in bold. $ The dollar sign indicates the DCL prompt. This prompt may be different on your system. Ctrl/x In interactive examples, a sequence such as Ctrl/x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button; for example, Ctrl /C or Ctrl/Z. (continued on next page) viii Table_1_(Cont.)_Conventions_Used_in_this_Guide____________ Convention__Meaning_______________________________________ # A (#) sign is the default superuser prompt for OSF/1 systems. In examples, a boxed symbol indicates that you must press the named key on the keyboard. user input In interactive examples, this typeface indicates input entered by the user. filesystem In text, this typeface indicates the exact name of a command, routine, partition, pathname, directory, or file. This typeface is also used in interactive examples and other screen displays. UPPERCASE Uppercase letters indicate the name of a lowercase command, a file, a parameter, a procedure, or a utility. The DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system differ- entiates between lowercase and uppercase characters. Examples, syntax descriptions, function definitions, and literal strings that appear in text must be typed exactly as shown. setld(8) Cross-references to online reference pages include the appropriate section number in parentheses. For example, setld(8) indicates that you can find the material on the setld command in Section 8 of the reference pages. [y] In a prompt, square brackets indicate that the enclosed item is the default response. For example, [y] means the default response is ____________Yes.__________________________________________ ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems This chapter describes how to install the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP systems. The information is structured as follows: o Preparing to install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP o Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP o After installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP 1.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP This section gives details about the preparations and requirements necessary for installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP systems. This section is structured as follows: o Checking the distribution kit o Software requirements o Registering your software license o Startup procedure o Disk space requirements o VMSINSTAL requirements o Backing up your system disk Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1-1 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP 1.1.1 Checking the Distribution Kit Your bill of materials (BOM) specifies the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital[TM] representative. Your distribution kit also includes a letter titled Read Before Installing International Lexicons. This letter discusses important information that might not be included in this guide. You should read this letter now. Finally, record the product identifier, INTLEX011. 1.1.2 Software Requirements This section lists the software requirements for installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP and DEC OSF/1 AXP platforms. For lexicons used with DECwrite on OpenVMS AXP, the following software is required: o OpenVMS AXP V1.5 or higher o DECwrite V3.0 for OpenVMS AXP For lexicons used with WPS-PLUS on OpenVMS AXP, the following software is required: o OpenVMS AXP V6.1 or higher o ALL-IN-1 IOS V3.1 for OpenVMS AXP ________________________Note ________________________ Two ALL-IN-1 products are sold on the OpenVMS AXP platform. ALL-IN-1 IOS V3.1 for OpenVMS AXP bundles the WPS-PLUS editor while ALL-IN-1 Core Services V3.1 does not. Unlike ALL-IN-1 on the OpenVMS VAX[TM] platform, WPS-PLUS cannot be purchased separately on the OpenVMS AXP platform. _____________________________________________________ 1-2 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP For lexicons used on DEC OSF/1 AXP systems, the following software is required: o DEC OSF/1 AXP V1.3 or higher o DECwrite V3.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP ________________________Note ________________________ A software patch is required to install the French Lexicon with DECwrite V3.0 for OpenVMS AXP. Please contact your local Customer Support Centre for information on how to obtain this software patch. _____________________________________________________ 1.1.3 Registering Your Software License Before you install and run International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP on a newly licensed node or cluster, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The license PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP as an update on a node or cluster already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP. You must register and load your license for International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP before you start the installation in order to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. If the installation procedure detects that a license is missing for any lexicon you have chosen, the procedure notifies you and prompts if you want to continue the installation without the lexicon. Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1-3 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. You have a choice of two ways to register a license: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. If you plan to use International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP on more than one node in a cluster, you will need to perform a license load on the other nodes after you complete this installation. See Section 1.3.1 for more information. For complete information on using the LMF, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 1.1.4 Startup Procedure Before starting the installation, check for the existence of the LCI$LEXICONS logical, as follows: $ SHOW LOGICAL LCI$LEXICONS If this logical is not defined and you have the required software on your system, you must run one of the following startup procedures. o ALL-IN-1 IOS V3.1 $ SYS$STARTUP:A1V31START o DECwrite for OpenVMS AXP $ SYS$STARTUP:LCI$STARTUP ________________________Note ________________________ If you do not run the appropriate startup file, the startup procedure from this installation could override the LCI$LEXICONS definition. _____________________________________________________ 1-4 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP If the installation procedure determines that LCI$LEXICONS is not defined, the procedure notifies you and prompts if you want a new area for LCI$LEXICONS assigned. If you answer YES, the installation prompts for the disk you want the lexicons copied. The LCI$LEXICONS logical name definition then defines this area. 1.1.5 Disk Space Requirements To install International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP for use with WPS-PLUS, ALL-IN-1, and DECwrite for OpenVMS AXP software, check that the system disk meets the disk space requirements as outlined in Table 1-1. The free blocks are needed during installation for temporary working space on your system disk. Table 1-1 Disk Space Requirements During the Installation __________of_the_International_Lexicons_for_OpenVMS_AXP___ OpenVMS_Software________________Blocks_During_Installation WPS-PLUS or ALL-IN-1 software 18 500 free blocks DECwrite software 8 500 free blocks WPS-PLUS_and_DECwrite_software__26_000_free_blocks________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE If your system disk does not have enough free disk blocks, delete any unnecessary files to provide enough space. To determine how much permanent disk space is required on the target disk (LCI$LEXICONS area), see the OpenVMS block sizes in Table 1-2. The last column in the table lists the total space required for installations of both WPS-PLUS or ALL-IN-1 and DECwrite lexicons. Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1-5 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Table 1-2 Permanent Disk Space Requirements for Installing __________International_Lexicons_for_OpenVMS_AXP__________ WPS-PLUS or Lexicon__________ALL-IN-1_________DECwrite_________Total__ American 700 500 1200 English American 700 550 1250 Business American 1300 950 2250 Medical British English 650 500 1150 Français 1450 450 1900 (French) Deutsch 2500 2100 4600 (German) Nederlands 2500 1000 3500 (Dutch) Svenska 1000 800 1800 (Swedish) Español 1150 950 2100 (Spanish) Italiano 1300 * 1300 (Italian) Dansk (Danish) 1300 * 1300 Norsk 1300 * 130000 (Norwegian) Português 2100 * 2100 (Portuguese)______________________________________________ * Italian, Danish, Norwegian, and Portuguese lexicons are not supported by DECwrite at this time. 1-6 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP 1.1.6 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: o Whether you have set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation o Whether DECnet[TM] is running o Whether any users are logged in to the system If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and prompts if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter Y (YES) to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter N (NO) or press Return. Correct the problem and restart the installation. 1.1.7 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP This section describes how to install the International Lexicons for OpenVMS AXP. 1.2.1 General Information After you register and load the license PAK, the installation takes approximately 30 minutes, depending on your system configuration and the number of lexicons to be installed. Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1-7 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP The installation procedure for International Lexicons for OpenVMS AXP adds a number of files to your system. See Appendix A for a list of all the files that are installed on your system. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) runs automatically after the installation to verify that the lexicons were installed correctly. You can run the IVP separately after the installation (see Section 1.3.2 for more information). To end the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl /y. When you press Ctrl/y, the installation procedure deletes all files created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. If you encounter any failures during installation, see Section 1.3.3. 1-8 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP 1.2.2 Installation Procedure If it is not already inserted, place the Compact Disc (CD) media into the CD drive. When the system prompts you with a question during the installation procedure, the default answer is often listed in brackets ([]). To install International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP, perform the following steps: 1. Log in to a privileged account and set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE as follows: Username:SYSTEM Password: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL: @VMSINSTAL saveset-name device-name option-list VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. The elements that you specify when you invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure are as follows: saveset-name The installation name for the component. For International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP, enter the following installation name: INTLEX011 device-name The name of the device on which you plan to mount the media and the directory containing the International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP save set. For example, MUA0: is the device name used in examples in this guide. The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP and shows the system response: Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1-9 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP $ @VMSINSTAL INTLEX011 MUA0: OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V1.0 It is 20-JAN-1994 at 15:40. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. 3. Confirm system backup. VMSINSTAL prompts if you are satisfied with your system backup: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Always backup your system disk before doing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press Return. Otherwise, enter NO to discontinue the installation. After you backup your system disk, you can restart the installation. 4. Mount the media. Depending on the type of device and whether the device is already mounted, the following prompt may or may not appear: Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0: * Are you ready? If you have not already done so, you should now insert the distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name appears in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks if you are ready to continue with the installation. If you respond YES to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. 1-10 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, INTLEX MOUNTED ON _$$MUA0: The following products will be processed: INTLEX V1.1 Beginning installation of INTLEX V1.1 at 16:00 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter NO in response to the "Are you ready?" question. To abort the installation for other reasons, press Ctrl/Y. 5. Decide whether to purge the files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Files are replaced during the installation with new files, but the old files are not automatically purged. Purging is recommended. In response to the purging prompt, press Return or enter YES to purge the files, or enter NO to keep them. Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1-11 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP 6. Select the lexicon or lexicons to be installed. The installation procedures lists the available lexicons with the abbreviations you are to use to indicate your selections. The procedure also indicates which lexicons are available for WPS-PLUS and ALL-IN-1 use only. The procedure then asks you which lexicons you want installed: * Which lexicons do you want to install: You can choose one or more lexicons. Use a space to indicate each selection. For example, to select the British, French, and German lexicons, enter the following: * Which lexicons do you want to install: BR FR GE 7. Verify your selection or selections. The installation procedure lists the lexicon or lexicons you have selected and issues the following verification prompt: * Is this correct [YES]? If you enter NO, the installation procedure lets you indicate your selections again. 8. Verify that you want your selections installed for use with the designated software. If the installation procedure finds both ALL-IN-1 or WPS-PLUS and DECwrite software on the system, the procedure indicates the software with which your selected lexicon or lexicons can be used. It then asks you to verify that you want the lexicons installed for those products: * Do you want to install lexicons for the above product/products? [YES] If you answer NO, the installation procedure prompts if you want to install the lexicons for ALL-IN-1 or WPS-PLUS use only. If you answer YES, the procedure installs only those lexicons. If you answer NO, the procedure prompts if you want to install the lexicons for DECwrite only. If you answer YES, the procedure installs only those lexicons for DECwrite. If you answer NO, the procedure prompts if you want to install 1-12 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP all the lexicons. If you answer YES, the procedure installs both sets of lexicons. If you answer NO, the installation procedure exists. If the installation procedure cannot find the proper versions of WPS-PLUS, ALL-IN-1, or DECwrite software, the procedure installs both sets of lexicons. 9. Decide whether to continue if a license is found not to be registered. If you have selected a lexicon, or lexicons, for which the installation procedure cannot find a license, the procedure informs you that the product license must be registered and loaded before the lexicon can be installed. The system then prompts if you want to continue. For example: %INTLEX-W-NOLISC, Your INTL-LEXICON-DANSK software product license must be %INTLEX-W-NOLISC, registered and loaded before installing this lexicon. * Do you want to continue this installation without this lexicon? [YES] %INTLEX-W-NOLISC, Your INTL-LEXICON-MEDICAL software product license must be %INTLEX-W-NOLISC, registered and loaded before installing this lexicon. * Do you want to continue this installation without this lexicon? [YES] Not all lexicons you choose will be installed due to missing licenses. If you answer YES, the installation continues, but does not install any lexicons for which there is no license. For information about registering your product authorizing key (PAK), see Section 1.1.3. 10.Decide whether to continue if the LCI$LEXICONS logical does not exist. If the procedure cannot find the LCI$LEXICONS logical, you are notified that it does not exist. If the installation procedure found the correct version of WPS-PLUS, ALL-IN-1, or DECwrite software on your system, you are notified that there is a startup procedure that you can run to define the LCI$LEXICONS area. For information about running this procedure, see Section 1.1.3. 11.Read informational messages. Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1-13 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.2 Installing International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. There are no further questions. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories and purges appropriate files. The procedure displays the following message: VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, files will now be moved to their target directories... 12.End the installation procedure. Installation of INTLEX V1.1 completed at 12:35 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12.35 You can now log out of the SYSTEM account: $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 20-JAN-1994 12:36:10.02 VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the installation account (such as SYSTEM) and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. ________________________Note ________________________ If the installation procedure does not find the proper versions of WPS-PLUS, ALL-IN-1, or DECwrite, and the user still wants to install the lexicons, the procedure installs both sets of lexicons. _____________________________________________________ 1.3 After Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP After International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP is installed, you may need to do the following tasks: o Make International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP available on each licensed node in your VAXcluster[TM] system (if you are installing International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP on a VAXcluster) 1-14 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.3 After Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP o Run the IVP separately This section explains how to do these tasks, as well as how to report any problems that may occur during the use of International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP. 1.3.1 VAXcluster Considerations After you install International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP on a VAXcluster system, you must load the PAK for each installed lexicon on all licensed nodes in the VAXcluster system. Log into the SYSTEM account and load the LMF license, using the LICENSE command in the following format: LICENSE LOAD lmf-product-name Insert the PAK name of the lexicon for the license you are loading for the lmf-product-name product name. 1.3.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure To run the IVP independently from the installation, enter one of the following commands, depending on the lexicons that you want to verify: o For example, to verify the French lexicon for DECwrite OpenVMS AXP: $ @SYS$TEST:INTLEXFR$IVP.COM DEC o For example, to verify the French lexicon for WPS-PLUS or ALL-IN-1: $ @SYS$TEST:INTLEXFR$IVP.COM WPL o For example, to verify the French lexicon for both WPS-PLUS and DECwrite: $ @SYS$TEST:INTLEXFR$IVP.COM ALL Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1-15 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.3 After Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP 1.3.3 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using the International Lexicons, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem has to do with the International Lexicons documentation. There are Reader's Comments forms at the back of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. 1-16 Installing the International Lexicons on OpenVMS AXP Systems 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP This chapter describes how to install International Lexicons on an AXP (Alpha AXP architecture) system running the DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system. The information is structured as follows: o Preparing to install International Lexicons on DEC OSF /1 AXP o Installing International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP o After installing International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP The installation procedure creates International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP file systems subordinate to the /usr/lib directory. Keep this guide with your distribution kit. You will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP for any other reason. 2.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP The information in this section is structured as follows: o Checking the distribution kit o Registering your software license o Installation procedure requirements o Disk space requirements o Backing up your system disk o Stopping the installation Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2-1 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.1.1 Checking the Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP software distribution kit. In addition to this guide, the software distribution kit includes the following: o A CD-ROM optical disk for systems with optical disk drives o A CD-ROM booklet and CD-ROM read first letter If your software distribution kit is damaged or incom- plete, contact your Digital representative. 2.1.2 Registering Your Software License International Lexicons includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) in the License Database (LDB) in order to use International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP on a newly licensed node. The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. To register a license under the DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system, first log in as superuser. At the superuser prompt, edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command as follows, and include all the information on your License PAK: # lmf register After you register your license, use the following lmf reset command to copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache: # lmf reset 2-2 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP For complete information on using the License Management Facility, see the Guide to Software License Management and the lmf(8) reference page. 2.1.3 Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP. Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 30 minutes, depending on your system configuration and the number of lexicons to be installed. Login Privileges You must have access to the root account and have superuser privileges to install the International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP software and to register the license PAK. Hardware Requirements To install International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP, you need the following hardware: o Software distribution device (if installing from media) Locate the CD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM software distribution media. The CD booklet or the documentation for the CD-ROM drive you are using explains how to load the CD-ROM media. o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2-3 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP Software Requirements International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP requires the following software: o DEC OSF/1 AXP V1.3 or higher o DECwrite V3.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Future International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP releases may require higher versions. 2-4 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP ________________________Note ________________________ The U.S. kit for DECwrite V3.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP contains the American lexicon. The American lexicon is installed automatically with the DECwrite installation; you do not need this installation procedure to install it. _____________________________________________________ Available Lexicons The following table shows the available lexicons and their code and subset names: __________________________________________________________ Title____________Code________Subset_Name__________________ American AER LEXAMERICAN011 English American ABR LEXAMBUS011 Business American AMR LEXAMMED011 Medical British English BER LEXBRITISH011 Deutsch GER LEXGERMAN011 Nederlands DUR LEXDUTCH011 Español ESR LEXSPANISH011 Français FRR LEXFRENCH011 Svenska__________SWR_________LEXSWEDISH011________________ 2.1.4 Disk Space Requirements The disk space required for installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP is outlined in this section. Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2-5 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.1 Preparing to Install International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP Disk Space Required for Installation Root file system: 0 Kbytes All other file 1072 Kbytes systems: Disk Space Required for Permanent Use Root file system: 0 Kbytes All other file 1072 Kbytes systems: These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. 2.1.5 Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. For information about backing up your system disk, see the DEC OSF/1 AXP system documentation. 2.1.6 Stopping the Installation To stop the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/C. You must then delete files created up to this point interactively. The directories and files created during the International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP installation are listed in Appendix B. 2.2 Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP This section describes how to install International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP. Before you start the installation, read Section 2.1. You can install International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF /1 AXP locally (using CD-ROM media). You should allow approximately 30 minutes to complete the installation. 2-6 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.2 Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP If you encounter any failures during installation, see Section 1.3.3. 2.2.1 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media This procedure loads International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP files on to a disk belonging to the system where you perform the installation. When International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP is run, the files created are mapped into memory on your system. Follow these steps to install International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP from CD-ROM media: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install International Lexicons. 3. Make sure you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / 4. Specify the /cdrom directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. If your drive is ral, enter the following command: # mount -dr /dev/ralc /cdrom 5. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where International Lexicons subsets are located. For example, enter the following command: # setld -l /cdrom See Section to continue the installation. 2.2.2 Using a RIS Distribution Area If you are installing International Lexicons subsets that reside in an /etc/ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install International Lexicons. Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2-7 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.2 Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: #cd / 3. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l option) and identifies the system where the International Lexicons subsets are located. For example, if you are loading International Lexicons subsets from a RIS distribution area on node orion, enter the following: #setld -l orion: Remote Installation Services now displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available to you and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 2.2.3 to continue the installation. 2.2.3 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. Selecting Subsets This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. You must specify which International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP subsets you want to load. ________________________Note ________________________ If you are installing from a RIS distribution area, the number of subsets can vary depending on what products are available in the RIS area and how many subsets they have. _____________________________________________________ *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 2-8 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.2 Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP 1) American English Lexicon 2) American Business Lexicon 3) American Medical Lexicon 4) British Lexicon 5) German Lexicon 6) Dutch Lexicon 7) Epanish Lexicon 8) French Lexicon 9) Swedish Lexicon 10) All of the Above 11) None of the Above 12) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s): If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Next, the script lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 5 in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: You are installing the following optional subsets: German Lexicon Is this correct? (y/n): If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. For more information about using International Lexicons, see your DECwrite documentation. 2.3 After Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP This section explains what you need to do after the installation to make International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP ready for use. Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2-9 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.3 After Installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP 2.3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP, you can run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command: # setld -v subsetname In this command, subsetname can be any International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP subset. If the verification process fails, look in the /var/adm /smlogs/fverify.log file for information to help diagnose the problem. 2-10 Installing the International Lexicons on DEC OSF/1 AXP A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation A.1 Sample Installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP This section contains a sample installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP. The sample was run on a system that had no previous version of International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP installed. The sample installation assumes that no users are logged on to the system. The installation Verification Procedure (IVP) runs automatically at the end of the installation. $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL INTLEX011 MUA0: OpenVMS ALPHA Software Product Installation Procedure V1.5 It is 26-JAN-1994 at 17:16. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: INTLEX V1.1 Beginning installation of INTLEX V1.1 at 17:18 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Please select the lexicons you wish to install. Separate each entry with a space. Sample Installation A-1 Sample Installation A.1 Sample Installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP (AM) American English (BU) American Business (ME) American Medical (BR) British (DA) Danish (WPS-PLUS or ALL-IN-1 only) (DU) Dutch (FR) French (GE) German (IT) Italian (WPS-PLUS or ALL-IN-1 only) (NO) Norwegian (WPS-PLUS or ALL-IN-1 only) (PO) Portuguese (WPS-PLUS or ALL-IN-1 only) (SP) Spanish (SW) Swedish Example: BR DA FR The above example will install British, Danish and French lexicons. * Which lexicons do you want to install: FR THE FOLLOWING LEXICONS WILL BE INSTALLED: FRENCH You have chosen the above lexicons. * Is this correct [YES]? This installation has determined the existence of DECwrite * Do you want to install lexicons for the above product/products [YES]? %INTLEX-I-LICCHECK, Checking for authorization key. ***************************************************************************** Your lexicon directory is located on SYS$SYSDEVICE:[LCI.LEXICONS], therefore lexicon files will be installed in this area. ***************************************************************************** All questions regarding the installation have been asked. The installation will now continue... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... A-2 Sample Installation Sample Installation A.1 Sample Installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | International CorrectSpell(TM) Copyright 1990 by Houghton Mifflin | | Company. All rights reserved. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1991 | | All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved | | under the copyright laws of the United States. | | | | The software contained on this media is proprietary | | to and embodies the confidential technology of | | Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, | | duplication or dissemination of the software and | | media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written | | license from Digital Equipment Corporation. | | | | RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or | | disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to | | restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) | | of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as | | applicable. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ MESSAGE I INTLEXIVP Running International Lexicons IVP Executing IVP for: International Lexicon/Francais for OpenVMS AXP V1.5 ********************************************* International Lexicon/Francais for OpenVMS AXP V1.5 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ********************************************* IVP COMPLETED FOR: International Lexicon/Francais for OpenVMS AXP V1.5 Installation of INTLEX V1.1 completed at 17:20 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]INTLEX011.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 17:20 Sample Installation A-3 Sample Installation A.2 Sample Installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP A.2 Sample Installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP This section contains a sample installation of the German International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP. # setld -l /cdrom The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) American English Lexicon 2) American Business Lexicon 3) American Medical Lexicon 4) British Lexicon 5) German Lexicon 6) Dutch Lexicon 7) Epanish Lexicon 8) French Lexicon 9) Swedish Lexicon 10) All of the Above 11) None of the Above 12) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 5 You are installing the following optional subsets: German Lexicon Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. A-4 Sample Installation Sample Installation Sample Installation of International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP German spelling software developed by Houghton Mifflin Company in cooperation with Librairie Larousse, publishers of the Larousse dictionaries. Copying German Lexicon (LEXGERMAN011) from cdrom Verifying German Lexicon (LEXGERMAN011) Sample Installation A-5 B ________________________________________________________________ Files Installed on Your System The International Lexicons installation procedure installs a number of files on your system and defines some logical names. Section B.1 lists the files installed when the International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP is installed. It contains a list of the files installed for each optional lexicon and indicates the file size in OpenVMS blocks. The lexicon files are installed in the LCI$LEXICONS area. Table B-1 lists the files that are installed on your system when the International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP is installed. The following files are installed in the LCI$LEXICONS area for use with WPS-PLUS and ALL-IN-1 software only: o CFSCHMCO.TXT o LOOKUP.TXT B.1 Lexicon Files Installed on Your OpenVMS AXP System Table B-1 contains the names of all the lexicon files created on your system when the International Lexicons V1.1 for OpenVMS AXP is installed. Files Installed on Your System B-1 Files Installed on Your System B.1 Lexicon Files Installed on Your OpenVMS AXP System Table_B-1_Lexicon_File_Names_Installed_on_OpenVMS_AXP___________ WPS-PLUS /ALL-IN-1_Files__Block_Size__DECwrite_Files___Block_Size________ American Business IAFFX538.DSK 433 AM103BKH.DSK 476 IAFFX538.RAM 82 AM103BKH.RAM 56 IENFP128.DSK 98 IENFP128.RAM 58 American English IAMFX528.DSK 375 AM2878KH.DSK 419 IAMFX528.RAM 375 AM2878KH.RAM 56 IENFP128.DSK 98 IENFP128.RAM 58 British English IBSFX528.DSK 366 BS2878KH.DSK 413 IBSFX528.RAM 78 BS2878KH.RAM 56 IENFP128.DSK 98 IENFP128.RAM 58 Danish IDNFX220.DSK 938 IDNFX220.RAM 95 IDNFY220.DSK 194 IDNFY220.RAM 26 Dutch IDUFS720.DSK 98 DU42.DSK 816 IDUFS720.RAM 24 DU42.RAM 145 IDUFX620.DSK 946 IDUFX620.RAM 106 IDPFX620.DSK 935 (continued on next page) B-2 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System B.1 Lexicon Files Installed on Your OpenVMS AXP System Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Lexicon_File_Names_Installed_on_OpenVMS_AXP___ WPS-PLUS /ALL-IN-1_Files__Block_Size__DECwrite_Files___Block_Size________ IDPFX620.RAM 106 IDPFS720.DSK 98 IDPFS720.RAM 24 French IFRFS119.DSK 50 FR41.DSK 310 IFRFS119.RAM 21 FR41.RAM 124 IFRFX629.DSK 1235 IFRFX629.RAM 95 German IGRFS219.DSK 194 GR120.DSK 883 IGRFS219.RAM 32 GR120.RAM 145 IGRFX629.DSK 889 GS120.DSK 880 IGRFX219.RAM 96 GS120.RAM 145 IGSFS229.DSK 194 IGSFS229.RAM 32 IGSFX629.DSK 866 IGSFX629.RAM 96 Italian IITFS210.DSK 14 IITFS210.RAM 20 IITFX529.DSK 1167 IITFX529.RAM 85 Norwegian INBFX220.DSK 938 INBFX220.RAM 95 INBFY220.DSK 194 INBFY220.RAM 32 Portuguese (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System B-3 Files Installed on Your System B.1 Lexicon Files Installed on Your OpenVMS AXP System Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Lexicon_File_Names_Installed_on_OpenVMS_AXP___ WPS-PLUS /ALL-IN-1_Files__Block_Size__DECwrite_Files___Block_Size________ IPBFX221.DSK 893 IPBFX221.RAM 83 IPBFY220.DSK 26 IPBFY220.RAM 21 IPIFX221.DSK 888 IPIFX221.RAM 83 IPIFY220.DSK 26 IPIFY220.RAM 21 Spanish ISPFS110.DSK 26 SP30.DSK 772 ISPFS110.RAM 23 SP30.RAM 129 ISPFX519.DSK 970 ISPFX519.RAM 87 Swedish ISWFS618.DSK 194 SW90.DSK 601 ISWFS618.RAM 38 SW30.RAM 143 ISWFX529.DSK 597 ISWFX529.RAM_____100____________________________________________ Table B-2 lists the files installed for the IVP. The files are installed in the SYS$TEST directory. The size of each file is nine blocks. B-4 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System B.1 Lexicon Files Installed on Your OpenVMS AXP System Table_B-2_IVP_Files_Installed_____________________________ Lexicon__________IVP_File_________________________________ American INTLEXAE$IVP.COM American INTLEXAB$IVP.COM Business American INTLEXAM$IVP.COM Medical British INTLEXBE$IVP.COM Français INTLEXFR$IVP.COM (French) Deutsch INTLEXGE$IVP.COM (German) Nederlands INTLEXDU$IVP.COM (Dutch) Svenska INTLEXSW$IVP.COM (Swedish) Español INTLEXSP$IVP.COM (Spanish) Italiano INTLEXIT$IVP.COM (Italian) Dansk (Danish) INTLEXDA$IVP.COM Norsk INTLEXNO$IVP.COM (Norwegian) Português INTLEXPO$IVP.COM (Portuguese)______________________________________________ B.2 Lexicon Files Installed on Your DEC OSF/1 AXP System Table B-3 contains the names of all the lexicon files created on your system when the International Lexicons V1.1 for DEC OSF/1 AXP is installed. All files have the following protection: -rwxr-xr-x Files Installed on Your System B-5 Files Installed on Your System B.2 Lexicon Files Installed on Your DEC OSF/1 AXP System This protection means: (user: read, write, execute), (group: read, execute), (others: read,execute) Table_B-3_Lexicon_File_Names_Installed_on_DEC_OSF/1_AXP_________ File_Name________Directory________Block_Size____________________ American AM2878KH.dsk usr/lib 224 /lexicons AM2878KH.ram usr/lib 28 /lexicons British AM2878KH.dsk usr/lib 216 /lexicons AM2878KH.ram usr/lib 28 /lexicons France FR41.dsk usr/lib 168 /lexicons FR41.ram usr/lib 62 /lexicons Deutsch GR120.dsk usr/lib 456 /lexicons GR120.ram usr/lib 73 /lexicons GS120.dsk usr/lib 448 /lexicons GS120.ram usr/lib 73 /lexicons Nederlands DU42.dsk usr/lib 416 /lexicons (continued on next page) B-6 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System B.2 Lexicon Files Installed on Your DEC OSF/1 AXP System Table_B-3_(Cont.)_Lexicon_File_Names_Installed_on_DEC_OSF/1_AXP_ File_Name________Directory________Block_Size____________________ DU42.ram usr/lib 73 /lexicons Svenska SW90.dsk usr/lib 312 /lexicons SW90.ram usr/lib 72 /lexicons Español SP30.dsk usr/lib 400 /lexicons SP30.ram usr/lib 65 /lexicons American Business AM103BKH.dsk usr/lib 248 /lexicons AM103BKH.ram usr/lib 28 /lexicons American Medical AM1005KH.dsk usr/lib 456 /lexicons AM1005KH.ram usr/lib 28 _________________/lexicons______________________________________ Files Installed on Your System B-7 ________________________________________________________________ Index A Determining and reporting ___________________________ problems ALL-IN-1 on OpenVMS systems, 1-16 IOS, 1-3 Disk Space Audience, vii requirements, 1-5 Available Distribution Kit lexicons, 2-5 checking, 1-2 Documents B__________________________ related, viii Backup structure, vii system disk, 1-7 F BOM ___________________________ Bill Of Materials, 2-2 Files installed on your system C__________________________ on DEC OSF/1 AXP systems, Checkin B-5 to B-7 hardware requirements, on OpenVMS AXP systems, 2-3 B-1 to B-5 Checking hardware requirements, I__________________________ 2-3 Installation software requirements, DEC OSF/1 AXP, 2-1 2-4 general information, 1-7 Conventions, viii preparing for, 1-1, 2-1 procedure for DEC OSF/1 D__________________________ AXP, 2-3 DEC OSF/1 AXP time, 1-7 system management, viii Installation procedure DECwrite, 1-3 OpenVMS AXP, 1-7 Installation Procedure International Lexicons for OpenVMS AXP, 1-9 Index-1 Installing International Lexicons, P__________________________ 1-1 PAK OpenVMS AXP, 1-1 Product Authorization Integrated Office System Key, 1-3, 2-2 IOS, 1-3 Preface, vii International Lexicons, Preparing vii, 2-5 for installation on DEC installing, 1-1 OSF/1 AXP, 2-1 software, vii for installation on INTLEX011 OpenVMS AXP, 1-1 Product identifier, 1-2 Problems IOS determining and reporting Integrated Office System, on OpenVMS systems, 1-3 1-16 IVP Procedure Installation Verification requirements for DEC OSF Procedure, 1-8, 2-3 /1 AXP, 2-3 K Product Authorization Key ___________________________ PAK, 1-3, 2-2 Kit Product identifier software distribution, INTLEX011, 1-2 2-2 R__________________________ L__________________________ Registering License Management Facility software license, 2-2 LMF, 1-3, 2-2 Software License, 1-3 LMF Related documents, viii License Management Required software, 1-2 Facility, 1-3, 2-2 Login Privileges S__________________________ checkin, 2-3 Software License Registering, 1-3 O__________________________ Software requirements, 1-2 OpenVMS Spell Check, viii startup procedure, 1-4 superuser, 2-2 OpenVMS AXP System disk installation procedure, backup, 1-7 1-7 Installing, 1-1 Index-2 T__________________________ V__________________________ Thesaurus, viii VMSINSTAL, 1-9 Time VMSINSTAL requirements installation, 1-7 on OpenVMS systems, 1-7 U__________________________ W__________________________ Usage Alert, viii WPS-PLUS, 1-3 Index-3