TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 Graphical ASCII Toolkit (GAT) V1.0A V1.0.1 Release Notes Revision: V1.0.1 Level 1 E Date: 9th January 1998 Operating System and Version: DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B Software Version: TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 Graphical ASCII Toolkit V1.0A Contents CONTENTS 2 1 INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 TEMIP GAT V1.0.1 RELEASE 3 2 SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS 3 2.1 INSTALLATION PREREQUISITES 3 2.2 LICENCING 3 2.3 X SERVER CRASHES WITH SPECIFIC GRAPHICS CONTROLLERS 4 3 ASYNCHRONOUS MESSAGE HANDLER (AMH) 5 3.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 5 3.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 5 3.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 5 3.3.1 FORWARDALARM ACTION NOT EXECUTED 5 3.4 RESTRICTIONS 5 3.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 5 4 DOCUMENTATION 6 4.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 6 4.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 6 4.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 6 4.3.1 INSTALLATION GUIDE: VERSION AND SUBSET NUMBERING 6 4.4 RESTRICTIONS 6 4.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 6 1 Introduction The TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 Graphical ASCII Toolkit (GAT) V1.0A product makes available on the DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B platform a version of the product previously only available on DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G. All components of TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 GAT V1.0 are supported. TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 GAT V1.0A is a sister product to TeMIP for Sun Solaris GAT V1.0A. Both products are based on a common line of dual-platform ready code. Available as separate kits are versions of TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 and the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. 1.1 TeMIP GAT V1.0.1 Release These are the Release Notes for TeMIP GAT version 1.0.1, the final version of the new TeMIP GAT product, TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 GAT V1.0A. They describe known problems or restrictions of the product as well as any compatibility and migration aspects. The document is composed of the following sections: ? System Considerations: Section 2 ? Release Notes: Section 3 provides information about any new features and enhancements since TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G GAT V1.0, and known problems and restrictions, if any. Additionally, any compatibility and migration aspects relative to TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G GAT V1.0 are addressed. ? Documentation: Section 4 provides information about the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 GAT V1.0A documentation set. Please read this document before installing or using the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 GAT V1.0A software. 2 System Considerations This section contains the system-specific information you need to know to run the TeMIP GAT V1.0A software on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. 2.1 Installation Prerequisites Please refer to Chapter 1 of the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Graphical ASCII Toolkit (GAT) Installation Guide for complete information. 2.2 Licencing TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 GAT V1.0A uses the same licencing scheme as TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G GAT V1.0. See the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Graphical ASCII Toolkit (GAT) Installation Guide for details. 2.3 X Server crashes with specific graphics controllers X server crashes have been detected while running a TCL/Tk application when the display used is directed onto a DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 workstation. The crashes have been observed while trying to move or re-size the GAT GUI window or some other TCL/Tk application. After the crash, you return to the Desktop login. The problem has never been observed when using the displays of DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 workstations. This is not a TeMIP GAT problem, but appears to be related to specific hardware: ? DEC3000 with PMAGB-BA graphic controller, ? AlphaStation with ZLXp-E graphic controller. 3 Asynchronous Message Handler (AMH) 3.1 Enhancements and New Features None 3.2 Problems Fixed None 3.3 Known Problems 3.3.1 ForwardAlarm Action not executed The following situation has been observed. ? the result of the parser was OK. The last statement was “Action is ForwardAlarm”. ? the action ForwardAlarm was not executed, the error action was fired instead. When testing both the parser and the AE with the test GUI, the behavior was correct. The problem was encountered when using the built AM, at the time an alarm is delivered to the AMH component of the Access Module. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00155. Workaround: Rename the action ForwardAlarm to something else and it works. 3.4 Restrictions None 3.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 4 Documentation 4.1 Enhancements and New Features None 4.2 Problems Fixed None 4.3 Known Problems 4.3.1 Installation Guide: Version and Subset numbering The TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 software version is incorrectly given as V3.1 (e.g. TeMIP Framework V3.1 on page 1-1). The correct version number is V3.1A. The TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 component subset names are incorrectly given as the corresponding TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL V3.2G names (e.g. TFRBASEV310 instead of TFRBASEV31A on page 1-2). The revision / level of TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 GAT V1.0A is incorrectly given as Level 1 Rev B. The correct revision / level is Level 1 Rev E (e.g. on page 2-2). Throughout the Installation Guide (e.g. section 1.2.7, page 11, and in appendix B) the kits directory is defined as /usr/kits/GAT10A. The kits directory is in fact /usr/kits/GAT100. 4.4 Restrictions None 4.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues Copyright © 1998 by DIGITAL Equipment Corporation