MAILbus 400 Message Store for_DIGITAL_UNIX______________________________ Release Notes Revision/Update Information: Version 1.2A Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1997. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECnet, DIGITAL, MAILbus, PATHWORKS, and the DIGITAL logo. ISOCOR and ISOPRO are trademarks of ISOCOR. MailmaX.400 and MaXware are trademarks of MaXware. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. EXM Mail is a trademark of Enterprise Solutions Limited. OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. Route 400 and NET-TEL are trademarks of NET-TEL Computer Systems Limited. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. X/Open is a trademark of the X/Open Company Limited. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Part I Introduction 1 Introduction................................. 3 2 Structure of These Release Notes............. 3 Part II Installing V1.2A and the Differences Between Version 1.2A and Version 1.2 3 Installing MAILbus 400 Message Store......... 7 4 Differences Between Version 1.2A and Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store......... 9 4.1 Disconnecting Inactive Associations...... 9 4.2 Corrupted User Information Databases Repaired................................. 10 4.3 Checking for Failed Database Defragmentations......................... 11 4.4 Multiple Incoming Connections............ 11 4.5 Retrying Partial Deliveries.............. 11 4.6 Displaying Information About Message Store Users.............................. 11 4.7 Submitting Messages with Large SPDUs..... 12 4.8 Specified Maximum Segmentation Size for Messages Can Be Ignored.................. 12 4.9 Processes No Longer Left in Defunct State.................................... 12 4.10 Switching Off a PC While the MAILbus 400 Message Store Is Fetching a Large Message.................................. 12 iii Part III Restrictions 5 Restrictions in Other Products that Can Affect the Message Store .................... 15 5.1 User Password Stored with O/R Address Entry Must Be Printable String........... 15 6 Restrictions in the MAILbus 400 Message Store........................................ 15 6.1 Cannot Use Limitlog with Version 1.2A.... 16 6.2 Setup Always Generates New Agent Entity Script................................... 16 6.3 Some Events Issued as Part of Normal Operation................................ 16 6.4 Entry Entities Created for Subordinate Entries Do Not Contain Message Identifier............................... 17 6.5 ISO6937 Bodyparts Not Supported.......... 17 Part IV Background to Previous Kits 7 Documentation Provided with the MAILbus 400 Message Store Version 1.2.................... 21 8 New Functionality in the MAILbus 400 Message Store Version 1.2............................ 21 9 Interworking with User Agents ............... 22 9.1 Ensuring that EXM Mail Can Contact the Message Store over TCP/IP on PATHWORKS... 22 9.2 Increasing the Buffer Size When Using a User Agent Over TCP/IP................... 23 10 Restrictions Removed Since the MAILbus 400 Message Store Version 1.1.................... 23 10.1 Limit on the Length of a Message Store User's O/R Address....................... 23 10.2 Extended Wildcard Support for Message Store Entities........................... 23 iv Part I ________________________________________________________________ Introduction This part provides a brief introduction to the product and describes the structure of these Release Notes. 1 Introduction The MAILbus [TM] 400 Message Store for DIGITAL[TM] UNIX[R], Version 1.2A provides X.400 message storage and submission services to User Agents. It conforms to CCITT Recommendation X.413 and International Standard ISO/IEC 10021-5. It allows you to run multiple Message Stores on one node. The MAILbus 400 Message Store Version 1.2A is designed to be used with the MAILbus 400 MTA for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 2.0A or later, and uses the MTA's routing information in the DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service to store information about its users. 2 Structure of These Release Notes These Release Notes are divided into four parts, as follows: o Part I provides a brief introduction to the MAILbus 400 Message Store and describes the structure of the Release Notes. o Part II describes how to install the MAILbus 400 Message Store and also the differences between Version 1.2A and Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store. o Part III describes restrictions in other products that can affect the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 5), and also restrictions in the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 6). o Part IV provides background information about previous kits. This information was available in the Release Notes for previous kits. It includes the following: - The documentation provided with the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 7) - A list of the New Features introduced in Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 8) - Information about interworking with User Agents (see Section 9) - A list of the restrictions removed in Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 10) 3 Part II ________________________________________________________________ Installing V1.2A and the Differences Between Version 1.2A and Version 1.2 This part is divided into two main sections, as follows: o Section 3 describes how to install Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store. o Section 4 describes the differences between Version 1.2A and Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store. 3 Installing MAILbus 400 Message Store To install this kit follow the instructions in MAILbus 400 Message Store Installing on a DIGITAL UNIX System, with the following exceptions: o Make sure you install one of the following configura- tions of prerequisite software: - DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G DECnet[TM]/OSI[R] for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2B MAILbus 400 MTA for DIGITAL UNIX (Base and Mgt Subsets) V2.0A DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service for DIGITAL UNIX (Base Subset) V3.0 - DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B with patches: OSF410-400151 (44.00), OSF410-400196 (85.00), and OSF410-400239-1 (136.01) DECnet[TM]/OSI[R] for DIGITAL UNIX, V4.0A or later with dnaevld patched to 12-MAR-97, or later MAILbus 400 MTA for DIGITAL UNIX (Base and Mgt Subsets) V2.0A, or later DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service for DIGITAL UNIX (Base Subset) V3.1, or later o Deinstall the previous MAILbus 400 Message Store software installed on your system, as follows: 1. Enter the following command to display the currently installed version of the MAILbus 400 Message Store: # setld -i |grep XMS |grep installed 2. Delete the installed version as follows: # setld -d XMSASRVR12? XMSANETMAN12? where XMSASRVR12? and XMSANETMAN12? are the savesets displayed in Step 1. o The approximate disk space required (in Kilobytes) for each of the MAILbus 400 Message Store subsets in /usr /opt and /var/opt, and the corresponding softlinks for the files in /usr and /var are shown in the following table. 7 ________________________________________________________________ Space Required Subset Title Subset Name (in kB) _______________________________________________/usr_______/var__ MAILbus 400 Message Store XMSANETMAN121 150 10 Mgt MAILbus 400 Message Store XMSASRVR121 7100 1300 Server__________________________________________________________ o The installation instructions are: 1. Mount the disk as follows: # mount -r /dev/cdrom-device-name /mnt where cdrom-device-name is the name of your CDROM device special file, usually rz4c. 2. Load the subsets as follows: # setld -l /mnt/XMSA121/kit The version number of this kit when displayed using NCL management is V1.2.100. To identify this kit, type the following command: what /usr/sbin/xms/xms_server | grep MAILbus The following is the response from this command: MAILbus 400 Message Store V1.2A-100 23-OCT-1997 Be aware that if you have installed Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store on a version of DIGITAL UNIX prior to V4 and want to upgrade DIGITAL UNIX to V4 (or later), you must deinstall and then reinstall Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store before you run Version 1.2A on the upgraded DIGITAL UNIX system. If you fail to do this and attempt to run the MAILbus 400 Message Store without deinstalling and reinstalling it on DIGITAL UNIX V4, the MAILbus 400 Message Store reports a Forced Exit event accompanied by a System Interface Error event when you try to start the MAILbus 400 Message Store, as follows: 8 Event: System Interface Error from: Node nodename Message Store at : 1997-08-01-11:04:05.822+00:00I0.279 System Interface Error = Process Creation Parameter = "Reinstall MS for this UNIX version" Error Text = "Version mismatch" Event: Forced Exit from: Node nodename Message Store at : 1997-08-01-11:04:05.839+00:00I0.279 If you see this error, deinstall Version 1.2A and then reinstall Version 1.2A. You can do this after you have upgraded to V4 of DIGITAL UNIX. 4 Differences Between Version 1.2A and Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store The following sections describe the differences between Version 1.2A and Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store. 4.1 Disconnecting Inactive Associations Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store allows you to set timeout periods after which inactive associations are closed. Timeouts are useful because if a user switches off his or her PC while connected to the MAILbus 400 Message Store, the PC may not be able to send a disconnect request to the transport service. This results in the association being kept open but left permanently inactive. That user will not be able to bind to the MAILbus 400 Message Store until the association is closed manually. Use the /var/xms/scripts/xms_setup procedure to set values for the timeouts. The setup procedure asks a set of questions about the way in which you want to set up the MAILbus 400 Message Store. The setup procedure also displays information to help you answer the questions. After the question about using MAILbus 400 Message Store accounting, the setup procedure displays information about the timeouts, and asks whether you want to set values for them. 9 The three timeouts are as follows: o User Agent to Message Store inactivity timeout This is the time that the Message Store waits for the User Agent to send a segment of a large message. The minimum setting for this timeout is 15 seconds. o Message Store to User Agent inactivity timeout This is the time that the Message Store waits for the User Agent to receive a segment of a large retrieval. The minimum setting for this timeout is 15 seconds. o Permanent connections inactivity timeout This is the time that the Message Store waits for the User Agent to send a request. This is specifically useful for User Agents that use a permanent connection. The minimum setting for this timeout is 300 seconds. There is no default value for any of these timeouts. If you do not set values for the timeouts, the MAILbus 400 Message Store will not disconnect inactive associations. In this case, the system administrator will have to manually delete inactive associations. 4.2 Corrupted User Information Databases Repaired There was a problem in previous versions of the MAILbus 400 Message Store that resulted in corrupted databases. This problem has been removed in Version 1.2A. If any of your users have corrupted databases, upgrade to Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store and then do the following: 1. Tell the users to access their messages from the RUA. This causes the Message Store to access the database and the Message Store will then fix the information base. Note that some incomplete and unreadable messages may appear in the user's inbox. These are orphaned messages that have not been completely delivered as a result of the database problems. Use the RUA to delete these messages. The deletion phase itself may generate errors. Please ignore such errors and continue until all incomplete messages have been removed. 10 2. Use NCL to reset the information base statistics, as follows: ncl> disable message store ncl> enable message store ncl> show message store user "*" all This recalculates the "Number of Entries" and "Information Base Size" fields for each user. This is necessary because the database problems cause some of the statistics to be inaccurate. The above commands ensure that the statistics are now accurate. 4.3 Checking for Failed Database Defragmentations When the MAILbus 400 Message Store is started, it checks for a failed database defragmentation attempt. This could happen if, for example, a user turned off the MAILbus 400 Message Store while it was performing a database defragmentation. If the MAILbus 400 Message Store finds a failed defragmentation, it performs another defragmentation. Previous versions of the MAILbus 400 Message Store ignore the failed database defragmentation attempt. 4.4 Multiple Incoming Connections Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store allows a maximum number of 6 incoming connections. In previous versions, only 1 incoming connection was allowed. 4.5 Retrying Partial Deliveries If the MAILbus 400 Message Store crashes while delivering a message, and the message is consequently only partially delivered, the MAILbus 400 Message Store retries the delivery when it is restarted. 4.6 Displaying Information About Message Store Users If you enter the following NCL command, the MAILbus 400 Message Store displays information about all the Message Store users on the system: NCL> SHOW MESSAGE STORE USER * 11 Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store checks each user on the system in turn and displays the results of the check immediately. This avoids delays between entering the command and information being displayed. Previous versions of the MAILbus 400 Message Store check all users before displaying any results for the command. This could cause delays of up to several minutes, depending on the number of users. 4.7 Submitting Messages with Large SPDUs Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store supports messages that contain DATA attachments that use large SPDU sizes. These messages are normally created by the Maxware RUA. Previous versions of the MAILbus 400 Message Store did not support such messages. 4.8 Specified Maximum Segmentation Size for Messages Can Be Ignored Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store allows an RUA to specify a maximum segmentation size but to then submit a message in one unit, ignoring the maximum segmentation size. Previous versions of the MAILbus 400 Message Store terminated if this happened. 4.9 Processes No Longer Left in Defunct State The MAILbus 400 Message Store does not leave any processes in the defunct state when it exits. Previous versions of the MAILbus 400 Message Store occasionally left processes in the defunct state rather than stopping them. 4.10 Switching Off a PC While the MAILbus 400 Message Store Is Fetching a Large Message If a user switches off his or her PC while the MAILbus 400 Message Store is fetching a large message, other users on the system will not be affected. In previous versions, when this happened the transport system stopped sending data to other users on the system. 12 Part III ________________________________________________________________ Restrictions This part includes the following information: o Restrictions in other products that can affect the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 5) o Restrictions in the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 6) 5 Restrictions in Other Products that Can Affect the Message Store The MAILbus 400 Message Store is layered on DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX. Read the release notes provided with DECnet /OSI for DIGITAL UNIX to be aware of any restrictions in DECnet/OSI that might affect the MAILbus 400 Message Store, in particular the restrictions on NCL and OSI Transport. The Message Store should be used with the MAILbus 400 MTA for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 1.4A or later. Read the release notes provided with the MAILbus 400 MTA for DIGITAL UNIX to be aware of restrictions in the MTA that might affect the Message Store. Section 5.1 provides information about an additional restriction in the MAILbus 400 MTA that affects the Message Store. 5.1 User Password Stored with O/R Address Entry Must Be Printable String The user password that a user must quote when connecting a User Agent to the Message Store is held in the Password attribute of the user's ORaddress entity, an entity of the MTS module. The value of the Password attribute of the ORaddress entity must be a printable string. Message Store users can change the user password, and might specify characters that are not part of the printable string character set. If a Message Store user provides a non-printable string password, the Message Store does not accept the password, returns an error to the user, and issues the Authentication Error event. If Message Store users experience problems changing their user passwords, advise them that the user password must consist of printable string characters only. The characters of the printable string character set are described in the Message Store Module Online Help. 6 Restrictions in the MAILbus 400 Message Store The following sections list restrictions in the MAILbus 400 Message Store. 15 6.1 Cannot Use Limitlog with Version 1.2A You cannot use the limitlog utility with Version 1.2A of the MAILbus 400 Message Store. The limitlog utility is used to provide log files and other information for DIGITAL Engineering to use to solve problems in the MAILbus 400 Message Store. 6.2 Setup Always Generates New Agent Entity Script Whenever you run the Message Store setup procedure for an existing Message Store, a new script /var/xms/scripts/create_xms_ms-id_agent_entity.ncl is generated, even if you do not specify any new setup values. In the name of this script, ms-id is the identi- fier of the Message Store. This script creates and enables the Agent entity that represents the Message Store at the local MTA. The existing Agent entity script is renamed to /var/xms/scripts/create_xms_ms-id_agent_entity.ncl.savn, where n is a number. This may cause problems if you have made modifications to the existing script, for example, added commands to enable Archiving for the Message Store at the MTA. When you have re-run the Message Store setup procedure, ensure that you add any changes that you have made in the existing Agent entity script to the new script, and ensure that the new script is executed at the MTA that this Message Store connects to. 6.3 Some Events Issued as Part of Normal Operation In certain circumstances, the Message Store issues an MTA Interface Error event, followed by a Directory Service Error event. These two events, when issued together, can be ignored. These events are issued when the DSA releases the connection that the MAILbus 400 MTA has been maintaining with the DSA on behalf of the Message Store. The DSA releases connections that have not been used for a certain period of time as part of normal operation. The next time the Message Store requires the MTA to access the DSA, a new connection between the MTA and the DSA is established. 16 See MAILbus 400 Message Store Managing for information about the MTA Interface Error event issued by the Message Store, and the MAILbus 400 MTA events that you should monitor. For more information about the Directory Service Error event issued by the MAILbus 400 MTA see MAILbus 400 MTA Tuning and Problem Solving. 6.4 Entry Entities Created for Subordinate Entries Do Not Contain Message Identifier Entry entities that the Message Store creates for subordinate entries do not contain the message identifier of the original message. The Message Identifier attribute in such an Entry entity contains null values. An example of a subordinate entry is the returned content of a non- delivery report. 6.5 ISO6937 Bodyparts Not Supported The Message Store supports the following IPM bodyparts: Bilaterally Defined IA5 Text Encrypted Externally Defined G3Fax G4Class1 Message Mixed-mode Nationally Defined ODA Teletex Videotex Voice If the Message Store detects an unsupported bodypart in a message delivered by the MAILbus 400 MTA, it does not accept the message. The MAILbus 400 MTA will generate a non-delivery report for the message. The Message Store does not support ISO6937 bodyparts. If you expect these bodyparts in your messaging environment, you can set content information at the appropriate level in the directory hierarchy of your users' O/R address entries, so that ISO6937 bodyparts are converted to supported bodyparts, for example, IA5 Text bodyparts. 17 The following example shows how to set content information on a user's O/R address entry in the directory to ensure that only IA5 Text bodyparts are delivered for the user: NCL> SET MTS "/MTS=ACME" ORADDRESS - "C=NZ;A=NZ-PTT;P=ACME;O=ACME;OU1=AUCK;CN=Tim Slade" - CONTENT INFORMATION [MAXIMUM CONTENT LENGTH = 1000, - CONTENT TYPES = ("{1 3 12 2 1011 5 5 0 1 2}"), - ENCODED INFORMATION TYPES = ( "{2 6 3 4 2}" )] In this example, the following content information is specified: Maximum content length is 1000 Kilobytes Acceptable content type is Interpersonal messaging 1984 Acceptable encoded information type (EIT) is IA5 Text See MAILbus 400 MTA Tuning and Problem Solving for more information about specifying content information. 18 Part IV ________________________________________________________________ Background to Previous Kits This part gives a brief description of Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store. This information was available in the Release Notes for previous versions of the MAILbus 400 Message Store and so might be familiar to you. It includes the following: o Documentation provided (see Section 7). o New features for the Version 1.2 release of the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 8). o Functional improvements introduced in Version 1.2 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store (see Section 10). 7 Documentation Provided with the MAILbus 400 Message Store Version 1.2 The documentation comprises: o MAILbus 400 Message Store Managing (Version 1.2) o MAILbus 400 Message Store Installing on a DIGITAL UNIX System (Version 1.2) o MAILbus 400 Message Store Release Notes for DIGITAL UNIX (Version 1.2 - this document) o MAILbus 400 Message Store for DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Description (Version 1.2) In addition, reference information is available in the Message Store Module Online Help. 8 New Functionality in the MAILbus 400 Message Store Version 1.2 The MAILbus 400 Message Store Version 1.2 offers the following new functionality: o Extended NCL management Management of the Message Store entity and its subentities has been extended as follows: - The Message Store entity has several new counters, which cover normal Message Store activity, and not just error situations. - Message Store Accounting can now be switched on and off. - The User entity has two new status attributes: Information Base Size and Database Occupancy. - There is a new Association entity, which is automatically created when a Message Store user connects, and deleted when the user disconnects. This entity allows you to see who is currently connected to the Message Store. Refer to the Message Store documentation and Online Help for details of new Message Store NCL management. 21 o Performance improvements Submission, retrieval, and delivery operations have been modified to increase the overall performance of the Message Store. Improvements have also been made to the startup time of the Message Store. Message Stores which hold a large number of entries will benefit most from these improvements. o Database improvements The database is now more efficient in its use of disk space. Version 1.1 Message Store databases must be upgraded to the Version 1.2 format using the xms_setup utility. MAILbus 400 Message Store Managing describes how to upgrade your database. o 1992 Standards conformance The Message Store now conforms to the 1992 Revisions of the CCITT Standards X.411, X.413 and X.420. 9 Interworking with User Agents The MAILbus 400 Message Store has interworked, over X.25 and TCP/IP (RFC 1006), with the following User Agents: o EXM Mail[TM] Version 3.0 from Enterprise Solutions Limited[TM]. o MailmaX.400[TM] for Windows, Version 3.1 Remote User Agent from MaXware[TM] o Route 400 Mail[TM] Version 5.00.04/MS from NET-TEL[TM] Computer Systems Limited o ISOPRO[TM] Remote X.400 Document Transport Client for Microsoft[R] Windows, Version 1.41 from ISOCOR[TM] 9.1 Ensuring that EXM Mail Can Contact the Message Store over TCP/IP on PATHWORKS To connect EXM Mail to the Message Store over TCP/IP on PATHWORKS[TM], ensure that EXM Mail uses Version 1.1 of winsock.dll. 22 9.2 Increasing the Buffer Size When Using a User Agent Over TCP/IP If you are using a User Agent over TCP/IP and feel that message submission is slow, it is recommended that you investigate increasing the User Agent's buffer size to the maximum TPDU setting possible. 10 Restrictions Removed Since the MAILbus 400 Message Store Version 1.1 This section describes the restrictions that have been removed since Version 1.1 of the MAILbus 400 Message Store. 10.1 Limit on the Length of a Message Store User's O/R Address The limit on the number of characters that the O/R address of a Message Store user, as stored in the user's User entity, can contain has been raised to 1023 characters, including keywords, equals signs (=), semi-colons (;) etc. 10.2 Extended Wildcard Support for Message Store Entities Wildcard support in NCL management commands has been extended as follows: o SHOW MESSAGE STORE * ALL This command shows all the Message Stores currently created. o SHOW MESSAGE STORE ms_id USER "*" ALL This command shows all the users that belong to the named Message Store. o SHOW MESSAGE STORE ms_id USER oraddress ENTRY * ALL This command shows all the entries that belong to the named user. o SHOW MESSAGE STORE ms_id ASSOCIATION "*" ALL This command shows all the users who have User Agents currently connected to the Message Store. 23