Digital Extended Math Library (DXML) Version 3.4 for Digital UNIX Release Notes October, 1998 1 Purpose of Release Notes These release notes provide information about the DXML Version 3.4 release. Significant changes since the previous release: o Version 3.4 of the DXML is supported on Digital UNIX V4.0 through V4.0D. For users who wish to use the DXML libraries on systems running pre-V4.0 versions of Digital UNIX, we recommend the DXML V3.3a ECO release (April 1998). o The SCIPORT library in the SCIPORT subset in the Development Kit (XMDSCI340) now obtains its LAPACK and BLAS routines directly from the DXML library. Therefore, the user must now link in the DXML library after linking to the SCIPORT library. The user may now choose to link either the serial or the parallel DXML library. Thus, the SCIPORT library benefits from the parallelization. For example: f77 -i8 -r8 -double_size 128 myprog.f -lsciport -ldxml f77 -i8 -r8 -double_size 128 myprog.f -lsciport -ldxmlp 2 DXML Distribution DXML is distributed in two different forms: 1. The DXML Version 3.4 Development Kit allows you to link an application program with the DXML library and then run the executable image. The License Management Facility (LMF) name for the development option is EXT-MATH-LIB. The kit includes the following subsets: o XMDLOA340 - serial DXML subset. This subset includes shared library, archive library libdxml.a, release notes, Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), examples, and various DXML utilities. o XMDMAN340 - includes the DXML manpages. o XMDPLL340 - parallel DXML subset. This subset includes the shared parallel library ( and IVP tests for the parallel library. This subset should only be installed on SMP configurations running Digital UNIX Version 4.0 or later. o XMDSCI340 - includes the SCIPORT archive library and manpages 2. The DXML Version 3.4 Run-Time Kit allows an executable image that has been linked on a different system to be executed on the target system. The LMF name for the run-time option is EXT-MATH-LIB-RT. The kit includes the following subsets: o XMRLOA340 - includes the run-time version of the serial shared library, release notes, and IVP. o XMRPLL340 - includes the run-time version of the parallel shared library and the parallel version of the IVP. NOTE: Install either the development kit or the run-time kit on your system - never both. The installation script for the Run-Time Kit checks for the presence of the Development Kit, and declines to install the Run-Time Kit on top of the Development Kit. The installation script for the Development Kit deletes any Run-Time kit and installs the Development Kit in its place. The DXML Version 3.4 distribution kit includes versions of the library optimized for EV5 and versions optimized for EV4. The installation script determines whether the current under- lying system is EV4 or EV5, and asks for confirmation. The in- staller can override the installation script's choice of library to install. The DXML Version 3.4 was compiled using Fortran 5.1 on a Digital UNIX 4.0D system. The parallel DXML shared library includes KAP 3.2 (bl 30 1.2) runtime routines. 3 Changes Since Last Release The previous DXML Version 3.3A was released in January 1997. The intervening ECO 3.3A release (April 1998) improved the support for installation under DMS. It also fixed problems in the installation scripts and in the IVP testing for the parallel DXML library. In this release: o As noted, a DXML library must be linked in along with the SCIPORT library. The user may choose to link either the serial or the parallel DXML, thus allowing SCIPORT to benefit from parallelization. o As noted, this release of the DXML is supported on Digital UNIX V4.0 through V4.0D. For users on pre-V4.0 Digital UNIX platforms, we recommend the V3.3a DXML ECO release. o The performance of a number of BLAS and LAPACK routines has been improved. o The parallel sparse solver code has been modified to ensure correct execution on all versions of Digital UNIX 4.0. 2 o The DXML libraries have been reduced in size by about 5 Mbytes each. This was accomplished by removing static storage and symbol tables, and by compressing object modules. The SCIPORT library is considerably smaller because it no longer contains separately compiled BLAS and LAPACK code. o The installation scripts no longer offer to run the IVP tests during the "configure" phase. To run the IVP tests, the installer must use "setld -v subset_name", as follows: setld -v XMDLOA340 4 Reporting Problems and Comments to Digital Comments or problem reports on DXML can be sent to The DXML developers welcome your feedback. AlphaGeneration, AlphaServer, Bookreader, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. KAP is a trademark of Kuck & Associates, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. CRAY is a registered trademark of Cray Research, Inc. ©Compaq Computer Corporation. 1998. All rights reserved. 3