DECwindows SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OSF/1, V2.1A Release Notes Copyright (c) 1995 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All rights reserved. This document contains information not included elsewhere in the DECwindows SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OSF/1, V2.1A documentation. It includes information about software problems and documentation changes. Revision/Update Information: This is a new document. Operating System and Version: DEC OSF/1 V2.0, V2.1, V3.x Prerequisite Software: DECwindows MOTIF Software Version: DECwindows SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OSF/1, V2.1A Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts 1 INTRODUCTION This document contains the following information: o Brief description of the product o Installation considerations o Using the terminal emulator o Restrictions of the product o Known problems o Problem Isolation and Reporting You should read this document carefully before using the DECwindows SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OSF/1, V2.1A software. 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The DECwindows SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OSF/1, V2.1A (TE) allows users on suitably configured OSF/1 systems to interactively access IBM applications. The TE runs in the DECwindows Motif environment and uses DECwindows Motif style interface for many of its functions. These functions include: o key definition o font size selection o screen capture to a file o cursor blink setting o transport selection o transport selection TE can be used to access IBM applications that output graphics using 3270 graphics data stream, as well as applications that use 3270 base data stream. The TE can run in several different network environments. It can access various DEC SNA Gateways on TCP/IP or DECnet networks. It can also communicate via a local transport on the same system as the DEC SNA Peer Server. Additionally, it can use the TN3270 protocol to connect directly to an IBM mainframe running the TN3270 protcol software, or to the TN3270 server within the DEC SNA Peer Server. The TE can be started either from a command, or from Session Manager Applications menu when customized. Please refer to the user's guide for more information on customizing. The TE can be made to emulate either an IBM 3192-G, an IBM 3279-S3G or 3180/3278 Mod 4 and Mod 5 terminals when connection is made over a TCP/IP, or DECnet Gateway, or when connecting locally to the DEC SNA Peer Server. By default, the TE emulates the IBM 3192-G when running over TCP/IP, DECnet, or locally. Several additional terminal types are now available with addition of support for the TN3270 protocol. If TN3270 is selected, the TE will emulate either the IBM-3279-2-E, IBM-3278-2, IBM-3278-3, IBM-3278-4 or the IBM-3278-5 terminal type, with a default of IBM-3279-2-E. Use the -tt qualifier to indicate the type of terminal you wish the TE to emulate. 3 INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS The kit contains two parts: the TE software and workstation font files. Make sure the font files are installed on all the workstations the TE needs to display on. You can install the fonts using the kit installation procedure or copy the font files to the display server using the /usr/lib/sna/cpfonts utility provided by the TE. Once the fonts are installed, remember to update the server's font directory information before starting the TE. See the Installation Guide for more details. In order for applications on the IBM host to realize that the TE is capable of processing extended data stream and Read Partition (query) (used to identify the graphic capabilities of the TE), appropriate entries should be defined in the LOGMODE table (and used when starting up the TE). The following mode entries define the 3192-G and 3279-S3G in the LOGMODE table: S3192G MODEENT LOGMODE=S3192G, X FMPROF=X'03', X TSPROF=X'03', X PRIPROT=X'B1', X SECPROT=X'90', X RUSIZES=X'8587', X PSNDPAC=X'04', X SRCVPAC=X'04', X SSNDPAC=X'04', D COMPROT=X'3080', X PSERVIC=X'028000000000185020507F00' XT3279M3 MODEENT LOGMODE=XT3279M3, X FMPROF=X'03', X TSPROF=X'03', X PRIPROT=X'B1', X SECPROT=X'B0', X RUSIZES=X'8787', X PSNDPAC=X'04', X SRCVPAC=X'04', X SSNDPAC=X'04', D COMPROT=X'3080', X PSERVIC=X'028000000000185020507F00' The following table illustrates how to define the TCT (Terminal Control Table) system for use with CICS based applications: LN01 DFHTCT TYPE=TERMINAL, C TRMIDNT=LUNAME, TERMINAL ID : LUNAME C TRMTYPE=3270, TERMINAL TYPE : 3270 C ACCMETH=VTAM, ACCESS METHOD : VTAM C ALTSCRN=(32,80), C DEFSCRN=(24,80), C FEATURE=(COLOR,EXTDS,HILIGHT,PS,UCTRAN),C GMMSG=YES, C PGESIZE=(24,80), C RELREQ=(YES,YES), C TCTUAL=64, C TIOAL=128, C TRMMODL=2, C TRMSTAT=TRANSCEIVE, C BRACKET=YES NETNAME=NSB21 LU NAME : NSB21 When displaying the TE to a Digital X terminal, you may encounter the following error: Fatal internal error in routing dte_create_status_icons. Unable to find any suitable fonts. The TE is looking for a font with the name: "-*-*-Bold-R-Normal--*-180-*-*-C-*-ISO8859-1" This is a DECwindows font and can be found in /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/75dpi or /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/100dpi. Make sure that this font is loaded on your X terminal. 4 USING THE TERMINAL EMULATOR The DEC SNA Peer Server supports connections over DECnet, TCP/IP, a Local Transport, as well as TN3270. Other DEC SNA Gateways only support connections over DECnet. In order to use the TE you need to select the transport or method of network connection. The choices and what you need to know to operate under each choice are as follows: o Connection to a DEC SNA Gateway running either TCP/IP or DECnet: you need to obtain the Gateway node name and a valid access name. The Gateway node name must be known to the OSF/1 system which is running the TE software. o Local connection to a DEC SNA Peer Server: if you are running the TE software on a system where the DEC SNA Peer Server is also running, you may select the local transport option. o Connection to a DEC SNA Peer Server using the TN3270 protocol: you need to know the name of the node which is running the Peer Server software. The name of the node running the Peer Server software must be known by the OSF/1 system that is running the TE software. o Direct connection to the IBM mainframe: if the IBM mainframe supports the TN3270 protocol, you need to know the name of the IBM node. Use the -tt 3270 qualifier when you wish to access an application that uses Mod 4 or Mod 5 terminal. When used as a 3270, the TE cannot display graphics. In order to make the command line syntax compatible with the previous version of the product, it is possible to specify the desired default transport in either of the TE's resource files. By adding the following line, the TE defaults to the specified transport, and it is not necessary to specify this on the command line with the -T option: dxsnaterm.transport DECnet Any of the 4 transport options can be added (DECnet, TCPIP, local, TN3270) to either of the TE's resource files: /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Dxsnaterm or ~`username'/Dxsnaterm. As with all resource file options, the values in the private resource file (~`username'/Dxsnaterm) override those read from the system resource file, and the values specified on the command line override those read from either resource file. 4.1 Using The 3270 TE On MacX Server Before you are able to display the TE to a MacX server, you must copy the 4 font files in Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) to the Mac and compile them. You can use /usr/bin/cpfonts utility provided by the TE to copy the font files. Refer to the Installation Guide for details. When you display the 3270 TE on MacX server using Pathwork, you must display it to a root window (screen 1 is black and white root window, screen 3 is color root window.) When emulating 3192G or 3279S3G mode, the whole TE screen cannot fit on the Mac, so you need to use the panning provided by the root window to move the TE window around. If your application does not require graphics, we recommend that you use the 3270 emulation mode (-tt 3270) and use 12 pt size fonts so the whole TE screen fits on the Mac screen. For the TE to function properly, we recommend that you run the Motif window manager and display it to the same root window before running the TE. To make the TE easier to use on the Mac, we provided a key definition file (/usr/lib/sna/snadwte_mac_key.bin) and a keyboard layout file (/usr/lib/sna/snadwte_mac_layout.dat) that are customized to Mac keyboard layout. Please refer to Chapter 2 of the Use Guide on how to use keyboard help and key definition files for Mac. 4.2 Using The 3270 TE On PC DECwindows Server Before you are able to display the TE to a PC DECwindows server, you must copy the 4 font files in Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) to the PC and compile them. You can use /usr/bin/cpfonts utility provided by the TE to copy the font files. Refer to the Installation Guide for details. If your application does not require graphics, we recommend that you use the 3270 emulation mode (-tt 3270) so that the entire TE screen fits on the PC screen. To make the TE easier to use on the PC, we provided a key definition file (/usr/lib/sna/snadwte_enhpc_key.bin) and a keyboard layout file (/usr/lib/sna/snadwte_enhpc_layout.dat) that are customized to Enhanced 101 key PC keyboard layout. Please refer to chapter 2 of the Use Guide on how to customize the TE to use keyboard help and key definition files for the PC. 5 RESTRICTIONS OF THE PRODUCT 5.1 General Restrictions The TE has the following restrictions: o In 3270 mode, when 28 points with normal width font size is chosen, part of the TE screen is truncated. This occurs because the TE screen size is larger than the physical screen size. Whenever possible, use narrow width fonts when using 28 points fonts. o In 3192G mode, the underpaint mode is not supported. Instead, overpaint mode is used. 5.2 Restrictions On PC DECwindows When running the TE on PC DECwindows, the TE has the following restrictions: The TE has the following restrictions: o PC DECwindows displays with screen sizes smaller than 800x600 are not supported, unless panning is supported on the PC. o If the screen size is 800x600, in 3192G emulation mode the last line on the screen is covered by the status line. o The PC DECwindows keyboard layout file and binary key definition file are for an enhanced 101 key keyboard only. 5.3 Restrictions On MacX When running the TE on a MacX server, the TE has the following restrictions: o When displaying TE on MacX server, warping is disabled. o Some of the TE windows are too large and therefore not usable in a rootless environment. 6 KNOWN PROBLEMS o The View Function List function sometimes doesn't update the entries properly when you scroll the function list. o The View Function List function does not update the entries if a key definition file is read in, and View Function List had been selected prior to reading in the key definition file. To avoid this, read in the key definition file prior to selecting View Function List. o When TE is displayed on VT1000 and VT1200, the horizontal scroll bars in "Print Filename", "Load Key Definitions", and "Save Key Definitions" windows do not work properly. o The Playback function does not work properly when key sequences that span SSCP-LU session (into LU-LU session) are recorded, or when the key sequences are recorded while accessing VM or Netview. 7 PROBLEM ISOLATION AND REPORTING Depending on the nature of the problem, it may be necessary to obtain trace information in order to resolve it. The 3270 TE has a trace mechanism built into it which is designed to aid problem determination. Tracing is enabled by setting the following environment variables: SNALOG_FILE=trace-file (name of the file to receive the trace information) SNALOG_MASK=trace-value (value specifies the components to be traced) SNALOG_BUFLEN=max bytes (maximum file size) The following values are valid trace masks. Several components can be traced simultaneously by specifying the sum of the individual trace values. Component to be traced Trace value User interface 0x00030000 Screen and attribute buffers 0x000C0000 3270 Data Stream 0x0000F000 Data Flow Control 0x000000F0 Gateway Access Protocol 0x0000000F Gateway Communications Interface 0x0F000000 Example In order to obtain a trace of the Gateway Access Protocol component and the 3270 Data Stream component, use the following commands before running dxsnaterm: export SNALOG_FILE=trace.lis export SNALOG_MASK=0x70000F00F export SNALOG_BUFLEN=1000 Note: This example assumes that you are running in the Korn Shell environment. Use the appropriate assignment command for the shell you are running. When the dxsnaterm command is used, trace data from the 3270 Data Stream component and from the Gateway Access Protocol component will be logged in the file trace.lis. The logging can be disabled by resetting the SNALOG_MASK environment variable to zero (0). Other valuable problem determination tools are the trace facilities provided with the DEC SNA Gateway Management software. This tool is available on your gateway management node and is described in detail in the Gateway Management Guide. Depending upon the type of gateway and the associated management software, the trace facility will be either SNATRACE, NETTRACE, or CTF (Common Trace Facility). In may be necessary to provide these traces to aid in problem determination.