TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 V3.1.1 Release Notes Revision: V3.1.1 Level 5 E Date: 7th January 1998 Operating System and Version: DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B Software Version: TeMIP Framework V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 TeMIP Software Developer’s Toolkit V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 Visual TeMIP V1.1A on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 Contents CONTENTS 2 1 INTRODUCTION 7 1.1 TEMIP V3.1.1RELEASE 7 1.2 HTML-BASED ON-LINE HELP SYSTEM 8 2 SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS 9 2.1 INSTALLATION PREREQUISITES 9 2.2 LICENCING 9 3 INSTALLATION 10 3.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 10 3.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 10 3.2.1 LSOF TOOL 10 3.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 10 3.3.1 TEMIP_SETUP ERROR WHEN DIRECTOR CREATED MANUALLY 10 3.4 RESTRICTIONS 10 3.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 11 3.5.1 REMOVE MCC_RESOURCE.DAT FROM TEMIP USER ENVIRONMENT 11 4 TEMIP FRAMEWORK KERNEL 12 4.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 12 4.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 12 4.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 12 4.3.1 PERFORMANCE PROBLEMS WITH DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B 12 4.4 RESTRICTIONS 12 4.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 12 5 TEMIP NAME SERVICE (TNS) 13 5.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 13 5.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 13 5.2.1 WRITING IN A READ-ONLY TNS DIRECTORY 13 5.2.2 DE-REGISTERING A PARTIALLY REGISTERED DNA5 NODE 13 5.2.3 OCCASIONAL CRASH OF THE TNS SERVER 13 5.2.4 SHOW CLERK KNOWN NAMESPACE 13 5.2.5 TNS_CLERK_STOP AND TNS_SERVER_STOP SCRIPTS 13 5.2.6 COMMUNICATING WITH OFF-LAN SERVERS 14 5.2.7 TNS_SERVER_SETUP MENUS 14 5.2.8 TNS_SERVER_SETUP MAN PAGE 14 5.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 14 5.3.1 TNSCP HANGS 14 5.4 RESTRICTIONS 14 5.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 14 5.5.1 DUAL-STACK MODE NO LONGER SUPPORTED 14 6 VISUAL TEMIP 15 6.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 15 6.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 15 6.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 15 6.3.1 BAD DISPLAY OF MBOOLEAN SET TO FALSE IN A TRACESTREAM 15 6.4 RESTRICTIONS 15 6.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 15 7 TEMIP SECURITY 16 7.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 16 7.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 16 7.2.1 PROLOG COMPILER MESSAGES 16 7.2.2 LIMIT ON SIZE OF AC VIEWS THAT CAN BE COMPILED 16 7.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 16 7.3.1 MCC_TEMPLATE_VIEW.D CONTAINS UNSUPPORTED ENTITY 16 7.3.2 TEMIP_SESSION_LOC_TRANSLATOR DOES NOT DISPLAY DIRECTOR NAME 16 7.3.3 TEMIP_AC_COMPILER CRASH ON BIG AC VIEWS 17 7.4 RESTRICTIONS 17 7.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 17 7.5.1 /ETC/HOSTS AND /ETC/RESOLV.CONF REQUIRED BY TEMIP SECURITY 17 8 ALARM HANDLING FM 18 8.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 18 8.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 18 8.2.1 ARCHIVE SEQUENCE NAME ARGUMENT SETTING 18 8.2.2 INCORRECT OC BEHAVIOUR WHEN DATA STORE DISK IS FULL 18 8.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 18 8.4 RESTRICTIONS 18 8.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 18 9 TROUBLE TICKETING FM 19 9.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 19 9.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 19 9.2.1 SQL API ERROR 19 9.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 19 9.4 RESTRICTIONS 19 9.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 19 10 EVENT LOG FM 20 10.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 20 10.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 20 10.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 20 10.3.1 CHANGE OF ERROR MESSAGE 20 10.4 RESTRICTIONS 20 10.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 20 11 EVENT FILTERING FM 21 11.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 21 11.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 21 11.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 21 11.3.1 THRESHOLD FILTER FILTERS THE CLEARANCE ALARMS 21 11.4 RESTRICTIONS 21 11.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 21 12 DOMAIN FM 22 12.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 22 12.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 22 12.2.1 REFERENCES TO STATION ENTITY REMOVED 22 12.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 22 12.4 RESTRICTIONS 22 12.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 22 13 ALARMS FM 23 13.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 23 13.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 23 13.2.1 CLEARANCE OF GENERATED ALARMS 23 13.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 23 13.4 RESTRICTIONS 23 13.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 23 14 NOTIFICATION FM 24 14.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 24 14.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 24 14.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 24 14.3.1 NOTIFY REQUEST WITH ENTITY LIST ABORTS 24 14.4 RESTRICTIONS 24 14.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 24 15 SCRIPT AM 25 15.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 25 15.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 25 15.2.1 MCC_PS SCRIPT 25 15.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 25 15.4 RESTRICTIONS 25 15.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 25 16 ICONIC MAP PM 26 16.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 26 16.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 26 16.2.1 USE OF LIGHT GREEN COLOR 26 16.2.2 ICONIC MAP PM CRASH ON EXIT (COLOR CHANGE REQUESTS) 26 16.2.3 ENTITY CLASS SYNTAX ERROR WITH "GET ONE FROM MANAGED OBJECT" 26 16.2.4 FULL PATH IN THE MAP WINDOW TITLE BAR 26 16.2.5 CANCEL BUTTON 26 16.2.6 MEMBERSHIP SEARCH ON A TEMIP CLIENT SYSTEM 26 16.2.7 ICONIC MAP PM COLOR PROPAGATION 27 16.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 27 16.3.1 NO “ACCESS BANNED” ICON DISPLAYED 27 16.3.2 NO ERROR MESSAGE GIVEN WHEN WRONG BACKDROP FILE IS LOADED 27 16.3.3 COLOR PROBLEM ON PC 27 16.3.4 ICONIC MAP PM AND NOTIFICATION SERVICES CRASH ON EXIT (PROCESSING ALARMS) 27 16.3.5 BAD HIGHLIGHTING WHEN USING ACCELERATOR ICONS 28 16.3.6 ICONS DISAPPEAR IF DRAGGED OUT OF THE ICONIC MAP 28 16.4 RESTRICTIONS 28 16.4.1 EDIT ALIGN 28 16.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 28 17 FCL PM 29 17.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 29 17.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 29 17.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 29 17.3.1 MCC ROUTINE ERROR MESSAGE DISPLAY 29 17.3.2 FCL PM CRASH ON SET DIRECTIVE IF NO ATTRIBUTE SPECIFIED 29 17.3.3 FCL PM CRASH IF STARTED WITH TOO MANY CHARACTERS ON COMMAND LINE 29 17.3.4 FCL PM CRASH ON GETEVENT DIRECTIVE IF NO EVENT SPECIFIED 29 17.3.5 BAD ALARM DISPLAY BY FCL PM 30 17.4 RESTRICTIONS 30 17.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 30 18 NMS PM 31 18.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 31 18.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 31 18.2.1 ERROR TRYING TO RECEIVE A PACKET 31 18.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 31 18.3.1 ALARM HANDLING PM EXITS WHEN CTRL Z / BG ENTERED IN TERMINAL WINDOW 31 18.3.2 DEFER VERB 31 18.3.3 ACKNOWLEDGE PICTURE NOT REFRESHED IN TTR LIST WINDOW 31 18.3.4 TT PM ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES HAVE NO EFFECT 32 18.3.5 PREVIOUS / NEXT BUTTONS NOT ACTIVE 32 18.3.6 INCONSISTENT SCHEDULING PACKAGE 32 18.3.7 REVERSE BEHAVIOUR WITH MB1+MB3 ON ACCELERATOR ICONS 33 18.3.8 TTR RE-SEARCH NOT APPLIED AFTER TEMIP_START 33 18.4 RESTRICTIONS 33 18.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 33 19 DOCUMENTATION 34 19.1 ENHANCEMENTS AND NEW FEATURES 34 19.2 PROBLEMS FIXED 34 19.3 KNOWN PROBLEMS 34 19.4 RESTRICTIONS 34 19.5 TEMIP V3.1 COMPATIBILITY AND MIGRATION 34 1 Introduction The TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 product makes available on the DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B platform a version of the product previously only available on DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G. The major components of TeMIP V3.1 on DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 are supported. TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 is a sister product to TeMIP V3.1A for Sun Solaris. Both products are based on a common line of dual-platform ready code. TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 is aligned with the fixes available in the Level 01 Patch 02 maintenance release of TeMIP V3.1 on DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G. The TeMIP V3.1 “extension” kits V3.2I/N, V3.2T, V3.2S, available on DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G, are not supported as part of the TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 product. However, a new version of the V3.2H (HTML) kit, for installation on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0, is supported. In TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0, the TeMIP Presentation Modules use the TeMIP HTML documentation set to provide On-line Help. See Section 1.2 for more details. Other differences between TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 and the DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G version are listed below: ? The Historian, Exporter, and Performance Analyzer Functional Modules (FMs) are not available. ? The Ethernet Access Module (AM) is not available. ? The Sample AM is not available (formerly part of the TeMIP Framework Development Toolkit). ? The TeMIP Name Service (TNS) “dual-mode” is not supported. ? The only database technology supported is Oracle (7.3.3); neither Ingres nor Sybase is supported. The DECsafe feature is supported using the TruCluster V1.4a DECsafe function on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B. Available as separate kits are versions of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V2.1 and GAT V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. 1.1 TeMIP V3.1.1 Release These are the Release Notes for TeMIP version 3.1.1, the final version of the new TeMIP product, TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. They describe known problems or restrictions of the product, as well as any compatibility and migration aspects. The document is composed of the following sections: ? System Considerations: Section 2 ? Installation Aspects: Section 3 ? Release Notes per TeMIP component: Sections 4 to 18 provide information about any new features and enhancements since TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G, problems fixed since the TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 early release, that is, T3.1.0, and known problems and restrictions, if any, in each TeMIP component: Framework, Toolkits, Presentation Modules (PMs), Functional Modules (FMs), and Access Modules (AMs). Additionally, any compatibility and migration aspects relative to TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G are addressed. ? Documentation: Section 19 provides information about the TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 documentation set. Please read this document before installing or using the TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 software. 1.2 HTML-based On-line Help System In TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0, the Iconic Map, Alarm Handling, and Trouble Ticketing Presentation Modules (PMs) uses the TeMIP HTML documentation set to provide On-line Help. An updated version of the TeMIP V3.1 documentation kit - the V3.2H (HTML) kit - is provided for use with TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. This new TeMIP V3.1A HTML documentation kit can be installed on a DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 system. If you install both this documentation kit and the TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 kit on the same local DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 system, then the TeMIP On-line Help configuration is automatic, based on answers you give when running the utility temip_setup. However, if you do not install both kits on the same system, you will need to customize the configuration of the TeMIP On-line Help System. See Section 4.8 of the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide for details. Section IV of the README file installed when you install the TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules subset describes how to configure your systems to use the new TeMIP V3.1A HTML documentation kit located on a DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G system on your network, using the help_server_Dux_v3.2 program. The README file is part of a compressed tar file installed with the TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules subset, and located at: /usr/mcc/temip_doc_html/ temip_help_system.tar.Z The tar file contains the following items: ? README: A text file describing the HTML-based On-Line Help System used by TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. ? help_server_Dux_v3.2: Help Server CGI program for D-UNIX V3.2 ? help_server_Dux_v4.0: Help Server CGI program for D-UNIX V4.0 ? help_server_SunOS: Help Server CGI program for SunOS 5.5.1 ? iconic_map_help.conf: Iconic Map configuration file. ? temip_pm_help.conf: Other TeMIP PMs configuration file. 2 System Considerations This section contains the system-specific information you need to know to run the TeMIP V3.1A software on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. 2.1 Installation Prerequisites Please refer to Chapter 1 of the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide for complete information. Ensure that you have installed the latest DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B patches. Important Note: A DIGITAL UNIX patch (Patch ID: OSF410-405058-1) is mandatory when running TeMIP in a TruCluster / ASE environment. This patch is available in the DIGITAL UNIX patch kit 6. 2.2 Licencing TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 uses the same licencing scheme as TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G. See the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide for details. 3 Installation 3.1 Enhancements and New Features None 3.2 Problems Fixed 3.2.1 lsof tool The tool lsof was not delivered with the early release of the product (T3.1.0). It is now available. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00101 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 3.3 Known Problems 3.3.1 temip_setup error when director created manually If you manually delete then re-create a TeMIP director, the following error occurs during the subsequent temip_setup on the registration_fm application: OSI_SYSTEM LOCAL_NS:.cmix_osilocal On director: LOCAL_NS:.temip.cmix_director AT Tue Nov 4 11:48:21 No such entity: MCC LOCAL_NS:.temip.cmix_director APPLICATION "registration_fm" Unknown Entity = MCC LOCAL_NS:.temip.cmix_director APPLICATION "registration_fm" Please check your OSI_SYSTEM name. The following scenario reproduces the problem: ? Stop the applications registration_fm and domain_fm ? Delete the director using temip_config -d ? Re-create the director using temip_config -c ? Stop TeMIP ? Run temip_setup ? Fails with error listed above The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00155. Workaround: Use temip_setup only (not temip_config) 3.4 Restrictions None 3.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration 3.5.1 Remove mcc_resource.dat from TeMIP user environment In this release there has been a modification in the default internal stack size of the Iconic Map PM (IMPM). It is recommended to delete the previous mcc_resource.dat file in the user's directory, as continued use of the previous values could lead to a crash of the IMPM due to insufficient stack size. If the user’s mcc_resource.dat file needs to be kept, please apply the following mandatory modifications: mcc_pml.stacksize.palette: 64 mcc_pml.stacksize.map: 32 mcc_pml.stacksize.histmap: 32 mcc_pml.stacksize.lookinto: 32 All the other values could remain unchanged. 4 TeMIP Framework Kernel 4.1 Enhancements and New Features None 4.2 Problems Fixed None 4.3 Known Problems 4.3.1 Performance problems with DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B exhibits a decrease in performance compared against TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G when running certain performance benchmarks. The cause of the performance degradation is a change in the thread architecture in DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B. 4.4 Restrictions None 4.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 5 TeMIP Name Service (TNS) 5.1 Enhancements and New Features None 5.2 Problems Fixed 5.2.1 Writing in a read-only TNS directory It is now not possible for a director (user) to create an entity in a TNS directory for which the user has only read access rights. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00018 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 5.2.2 De-registering a partially registered DNA5 node The de-registration of a partially registered DNA5 node now works correctly. The cause of the problem was linked to the registration operation for DNA5 node entity, if the Register directive was specified with a random string for the NSAP address instead of a correctly formed hex address. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00050 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 5.2.3 Occasional crash of the TNS server The cause of the occasional TNS server crashes observed during qualification testing of T3.1.0 has been fixed. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00064 and #00088 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 5.2.4 Show clerk known namespace The tnscp command “show clerk known namespace*” now returns information about all known namespaces. Previously, the command would sometimes block after listing only a few namespaces. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00072 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 5.2.5 tns_clerk_stop and tns_server_stop scripts The tns_clerk_stop and tns_server_stop scripts now work correctly. Previously, use of the csh variable "$status" was wrong in the scripts This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00074 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 5.2.6 Communicating with off-LAN servers The tns_server_setup option 2 (“trying to establish communications with an off-LAN TNS server”), now works when the remote TNS server is running DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G. In version T3.1.0, the management interface of TNS was only able to communicate with remote servers running DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B. Now both DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G and DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B servers are supported. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00076 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 5.2.7 tns_server_setup menus The tns_server_setup sub-menu reference numbers have been corrected, to take account of the removal of the TNS dual-stack option. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00084 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 5.2.8 tns_server_setup man page The tns_server_setup man page no longer contains the “dual-stack” option (option[6]). This option is not supported in TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00085 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 5.3 Known Problems 5.3.1 tnscp hangs The utility tnscp hangs when manually aborted using Ctrl C. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00227. 5.4 Restrictions None 5.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration 5.5.1 Dual-stack mode no longer supported There is no support for TNS dual-stack mode in TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. This means that it is not possible for a TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 TNS server to inter-operate with a DECdns server, nor with a TeMIP V3.0 director. Similarly, a TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 director system cannot inter-operate with a DECdns server. Important Note: Full inter-operability is provided between the TNS clerk and TNS server of versions TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 and TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G. 6 Visual TeMIP 6.1 Enhancements and New Features None 6.2 Problems Fixed None 6.3 Known Problems 6.3.1 Bad display of MBoolean set to false in a Tracestream If an MBoolean is set to MCC_K_FALSE and then dumped with a TraceStream, with a comment just after, the comment is not printed: MTraceStream t(1); MBoolean theBoolean = MCC_K_FALSE; t << “Before” << theBoolean << “After” << endl -> Before Note that the problem does not occur when the boolean is set to true or when ‘cout’ is used. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00062. Workaround: Cast the MBoolean object in a MCC_T_Boolean. For example: MTraceStream t(1); MBoolean theBoolean=MCC_K_FALSE; t <<"Before" << (MCC_T_Boolean) theBoolean << "After" << endl; -> Before0After 6.4 Restrictions None 6.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 7 TeMIP Security 7.1 Enhancements and New Features None 7.2 Problems Fixed 7.2.1 Prolog compiler messages Prolog compiler traces are no longer displayed. This problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00017 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 7.2.2 Limit on size of AC views that can be compiled The size limitation on AC views that could be compiled in T3.1.0 has been removed. However, see Section 7.3.3. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00067 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 7.3 Known Problems 7.3.1 mcc_template_view.d contains unsupported entity The mcc_template_view.d file delivered in /usr/mcc/acloc/examples contains references to the Ethernet AM Station entity. The Ethernet AM is not supported in TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0, and running the temip_ac_compiler with mcc_template_view.d gives an error. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00161. 7.3.2 temip_session_loc_translator does not display director name The director name is not displayed by the temip_session_loc_translator. For example, a typical output would normally look as follows: ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Record logged on day mmm dd hh:mm:ss ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! MCC Command ! Record logged on day mmm dd hh:mm:ss ! CREATE MCC LOCAL_NS:.temip.station_director APPLICATION "domain_fm" ! ! MCC LOCAL_NS:.temip.station_director APPLICATION "domain_fm" ! ON DIRECTOR: LOCAL_NS:.temip.station_director ! AT day mmm dd hh:mm:ss However, with this release the “ON DIRECTOR” information is missing. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00190. 7.3.3 temip_ac_compiler crash on big AC views A problem that occurred with the temip_ac_compiler on DIGITAL UNIX V3.0 and that seemed to have disappeared on DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G has been seen again on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. The symptom is that temip_ac_p1 or temip_ac_p3 sometimes crash in a non-reproducible way with a “DISASTER...” message. Running again the executable will make it work, although in some cases 2 or more retries may be needed before the executable runs successfully. This crash is most likely to occur on big AC views but can also occur (although quite infrequently) on small AC views. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00116. 7.4 Restrictions None 7.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration 7.5.1 /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf required by TeMIP security The files /etc/.hosts and /etc/resolv.conf were required in TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G, but their presence was not explicitly checked. It is in TeMIP V3.1A on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0, and an ACLOC fatal error message is displayed if the files are missing. 8 Alarm Handling FM 8.1 Enhancements and New Features None 8.2 Problems Fixed 8.2.1 Archive Sequence Name argument setting An attempt to set the “Archive Sequence Name” argument of an OC to a value greater than the permitted maximum now returns the correct error message. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00068 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 8.2.2 Incorrect OC behaviour when data store disk is full The behavior is now correct. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00094 and #00096 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 8.3 Known Problems None 8.4 Restrictions None 8.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 9 Trouble Ticketing FM 9.1 Enhancements and New Features None 9.2 Problems Fixed 9.2.1 SQL API error The cause of the following SQL API Error, detected while using Trouble Ticketing (Set TTC TTR state, Delete, Dissociate), has been fixed. API Error = %MCC-E-SYS_INTERRUPTED, A system call was interrupted by a signal The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00057 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 9.3 Known Problems None 9.4 Restrictions None 9.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 10 Event Log FM 10.1 Enhancements and New Features None 10.2 Problems Fixed None 10.3 Known Problems 10.3.1 Change of error message If you attempt to create a new entity (for example a Log entity) with a name, the first 9 characters of which correspond to the first 9 characters of an already existing entity, the error message given is different from that given in TeMIP V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G. The message given in that previous release was as follows: Datastore already exist : a Log with same 9 first characters name might already exist In TeMIP V3.1A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0, the error message is as follows: Data base error occurred while accesssing the LOG repository. MCC Error = %MCC-W-FILEXISTS, file already exists – not created The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00090. 10.4 Restrictions None 10.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration See Section 10.3.1. 11 Event Filtering FM 11.1 Enhancements and New Features None 11.2 Problems Fixed None 11.3 Known Problems 11.3.1 Threshold filter filters the clearance alarms The threshold filter also filters clearance alarms. The following scenario illustrates the problem: ? On the Iconic Map create a threshold filter with the following properties: DC blocking Managed Object = OSI_SYSTEM OSI_1 Time Interval Length = 00:00:30 Count = 10 Similarity = SameCauseProblemManagedObjectAndType ? Send 11 alarms with the same ManagedObject, EventType, ProbableCause, and PerceivedSeverity (Major). After 30 seconds, one Major alarm is correctly received containing value-added information about the other alarms. ? Send a clearance alarm specifying the same ManagedObject, EventType and ProbableCause, but with PerceivedSeverity of Clear. ?Nothing happens, that is, a clearance alarm is not received. However, if 11 clearance alarms are sent, then after 30 seconds one clearance alarm is received containing value-added information about the others, and the major alarm received previously is cleared. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00226. 11.4 Restrictions None 11.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues. 12 Domain FM 12.1 Enhancements and New Features None 12.2 Problems Fixed 12.2.1 References to Station entity removed References to the (unsupported) Ethernet AM Station entity have been removed from the /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_dump_ns.csh script. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00049 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 12.3 Known Problems None 12.4 Restrictions None 12.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration See Section 12.2.1. 13 Alarms FM 13.1 Enhancements and New Features None 13.2 Problems Fixed 13.2.1 Clearance of generated alarms Specific Problem is no longer generated in occurs rule notifications, now permitting two rules to be correlated (and cleared). The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00045 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 13.3 Known Problems None 13.4 Restrictions None 13.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 14 Notification FM 14.1 Enhancements and New Features None 14.2 Problems Fixed None 14.3 Known Problems 14.3.1 Notify request with entity list aborts A notify request issued specifying the optional “entity list” argument causes the request to abort. Note that the TeMIP OC and Log do not use the entity list argument The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00210 14.4 Restrictions None 14.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 15 Script AM 15.1 Enhancements and New Features None 15.2 Problems Fixed 15.2.1 mcc_ps script The script mcc_ps now runs correctly under DIGITAL UNIX V4.0. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00020 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 15.3 Known Problems None 15.4 Restrictions None 15.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 16 Iconic Map PM 16.1 Enhancements and New Features None 16.2 Problems Fixed 16.2.1 Use of light green color The mcc_circuit_icon.dat file no longer uses the non-standard color “lightgreen” which not available on some X terminals. Instead, the closest standard green color is used. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00041 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 16.2.2 Iconic Map PM crash on exit (color change requests) The Iconic Map PM no longer crashes when exiting (Menu File?Quit) while color change requests are being received. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00069 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 16.2.3 Entity class syntax error with "Get one from managed object" The "Get one from managed object" window no longer displays the following error when the child name is entered: Map:t1_ns:.cole_dom Entity class syntax error. Please check spelling. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00071 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 16.2.4 Full path in the map window title bar The full path for a child entity is now displayed in the title bar of the map window. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00079 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 16.2.5 Cancel button Following a "double-click" on a Domain or "looking into" an entity, the cancel button does now appear at the bottom right of the Map. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00082 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 16.2.6 Membership search on a TeMIP client system The membership search does now work on a TeMIP client (with no domain_fm running). The membership search application has been modified to take into account a non-mandatory domain qualifier argument. Whenever present in the /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_appl_mccbase.def application definition file, this argument is used to route MCC calls to the managing director of the domain. For example, in mcc_appl_mccbase.def, add a second argument to be passed to the membership search application. Menu: Navigation Button: Membership Search ... binary: /usr/mcc/mmexe/mcc_membership_search env_type: window argument: argument: .mif.dom_1 Endmenu: The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00100 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 16.2.7 Iconic Map PM color propagation The Iconic Map PM no longer crashes if color propagation occurs while the hierarchy is being unloaded. The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00102 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 16.3 Known Problems 16.3.1 No “access banned” icon displayed The Iconic Map PM does not display the “access banned” icon to a domain managed by a stopped remote director. The user is able to open the domain (but cannot access the resources) The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00036. 16.3.2 No error message given when wrong backdrop file is loaded The Iconic Map PM does not display an error message (Bad data found in map file, Error adding backdrop) when a wrong backdrop file is loaded. Instead, the normal (non-error) message is displayed, for example: "Current backdrop is /usr/mcc/backdrops/mcc_wrong_test_v31.mcc_backdrop" The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00037. 16.3.3 Color problem on PC When displaying the Iconic Map PM on a PC running Windows NT or Windows 95 with 32K or 64K colors, a blue background instead of a black background, and a white foreground instead of an orange foreground is used. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00099. 16.3.4 Iconic Map PM and Notification Services crash on exit (processing alarms) The following scenario causes the Iconic Map PM crash on exit. ? Open a Map hierarchy, for example, .mif.top ? Start the Notification Services and create a notification request on the loaded hierarchy, for example, notify domain .mif.top ? Generate alarms on entities belonging to the map hierarchy ? While alarms are being processed by the Notification Services, exit the Iconic Map ? Segmentation fault The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00123. 16.3.5 Bad highlighting when using accelerator icons The highlighting of accelerator icons is wrong. The following scenario illustrates the problem: ? Click (MB1) on the TTC accelerator icon within the main window of Iconic Map PM ? Release the MB1 The TTC choice is well taken into account, but the highlight rectangle moves to the right icon (the mcc_dap_browser in this scenario), giving the (false) impression that the mcc_dap_browser has been launched instead of the List TTC window. The problem appears also with other accelerator icons. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00193. 16.3.6 Icons disappear if dragged out of the Iconic Map If an entity icon is selected from the Iconic Map window, dragged out of the window, and MB2 released, then the icon disappears. The following scenario illustrates the problem: ? Open the Iconic Map for a domain. ? Using the mouse, drag any entity icon out of the map. ? Release MB2 outside of the map. After this final step the entity icon will not be visible. The icon reappears if the icon name on the map is selected, but then disappears once more if some other entity icon is selected. The icon reappears if the map is reloaded. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00209. 16.4 Restrictions 16.4.1 Edit align Arranging the references in a domain with “Edit Align” doesn’t work with double lines and single The restriction is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00207. 16.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration See Section 3.5.1. 17 FCL PM 17.1 Enhancements and New Features None 17.2 Problems Fixed None 17.3 Known Problems 17.3.1 MCC Routine Error message display In some error cases, status messages are displayed using message numbers instead of message text. For example, a message such as: The requested operation cannot be completed MCC Routine Error = %MCC-E-NORMAL, normal successful completion might instead be displayed by the FCL PM using message numbers as: The requested operation cannot be completed MCC Routine Error = %NONAME-E-NOMSG, message number 0326800A The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00012. 17.3.2 FCL PM crash on Set directive if no attribute specified With FCL PM it is possible to issue a Set directive on an entity without specifying the attribute to be set. In this case, the FCL PM prompts the user to enter a “?” to obtain a list of valid attributes. After the attribute list is displayed, the FCL PM prompts the user to enter the ID (name) of an attribute. Entering an attribute ID at this step causes a crash of FCL PM. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00025. Workaround: Specify the attribute ID directly on the Set directive. If necessary, use the mcc_dap_browser to find the list of valid attributes for an entity class. 17.3.3 FCL PM crash if started with too many characters on command line If you launch the FCL PM (manage) with too many characters specified on the command line, manage exits. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00040. Workaround: Reduce the number of characters passed in “manage do xxx” commands. 17.3.4 FCL PM crash on Getevent directive if no event specified With FCL PM it is possible to issue a Getevent directive on an entity without specifying the event to be received. In this case, the FCL PM prompts the user to enter a “?” to obtain a list of valid events. Entering an event ID at this step causes a crash of FCL PM. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00160. Workaround: Specify the event ID (name) directly on the Getevent directive. If necessary, use the mcc_dap_browser to find the list of valid events for an entity class. 17.3.5 Bad Alarm Display by FCL PM The FCL PM does not properly decode and display some fields of alarms received via the Getevent directive, resulting in the following error message being displayed: MCC-E-ILVSYNTAXERROR data type of ASN.1 value conflicts with type supplied. The same alarms are correctly decoded by the AH FM / PM. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00220. 17.4 Restrictions None 17.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 18 NMS PM 18.1 Enhancements and New Features None 18.2 Problems Fixed 18.2.1 Error trying to receive a packet A State Change event (for example, an alarm clearance) is now correctly processed during Alarm Handling application start-up with Map Notification enabled for at least 1 OC. In the previous release (T3.1.0), this caused the following error message to appear in the console window: "Map... error trying to receive a packet" The problem was referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00081 in the T3.1.0 Release Notes. 18.3 Known Problems 18.3.1 Alarm Handling PM exits when Ctrl Z / bg entered in terminal window The Alarm Handling PM exits / crashes when “Ctrl Z” then “bg” are entered on the terminal window where the IMPM is in the foreground. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00070. Workaround: Start the IMPM with mcc_iconic_map% (i.e. with percent) 18.3.2 DEFER verb The DEFER action is still possible even after disallowing the DEFER verb on entity tt_context * tt * in a profile. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00087. 18.3.3 Acknowledge picture not refreshed in TTR List window The acknowledge picture is not refreshed in the TTR_List window. The problem is illustrated by the following scenario: ? Create a TTR with a responsible person <> user ? Click on Deliver icon to display this new TTR ? Open it. The state is refreshed in the Deliver/Search area (becomes "openActive") ? Acknowledge this TTR (the TEMIP_TT_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL must be unsetenv) The Acknowledge Column is not refreshed. ? Double click on the TTR. It appears in the Details area with the good Acknowledge Picture, but still remains with the Unacknowledge picture in the TTR list. Note that this picture is correctly refreshed when you open a queued TTR for whom you are the responsible person. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00196. Workaround: Re-display the TTR list by doing a search action 18.3.4 TT PM environment variables have no effect The TT PM does not take the following environment variables into account: ? TEMIP_TT_ACTIVITY_NO_CONTROL. A create repair activity operation on a cleared/closed TTR is allowed even if this variable has been unset before starting the TT PM. ? TEMIP_TT_SET_TR_NO_CONTROL. A Set characteristic operation on a TTR is not allowed even if this variable has been set before starting TT PM. ? TEMIP_TT_OWNERSHIP_CONTROL. Ack./Clear directives on a TTR are not allowed when UserId <> Responsible person even if this variable is unset. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00201. 18.3.5 Previous / Next buttons not active The Previous / Next buttons become not active after executing the following sequence: ? Double-click on a TTR ? Click on “redo last search” icon ? no more TTR is selected ? Click on “previous” or “next” button ? nothing happens The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00208. 18.3.6 Inconsistent Scheduling Package From the Iconic Map PM it is possible to create a Log object with inconsistent scheduling parameters. For example: Start time: (Monday) Dec 1st 97 15h30 End time : (Monday) Dec 1st 97 22h30 Week mask: Monday 15h50 15h55 15h40 15h45 Tuesday 15h40 15h45 Note: the End Time is Monday 22h30, whereas the Week mask contains an element for Tuesday. In this example, Event Logging works correctly for the two Monday logging intervals. Event Logging starts on Tuesday 15h40, but only stops when the event log becomes full (one hour later), not at 15h45. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00182 and #00184. 18.3.7 Reverse behaviour with MB1+MB3 on accelerator icons When you click on any TT PM accelerator icon by pushing the MB1 and MB3 buttons at the same time, the dynamic behaviour of the icon is reversed, that is, the icon pops up when clicking on it instead of pop down. Workaround: To stop this situation, repeat the same action another time. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00197. 18.3.8 TTR re-search not applied after temip_start A re-search of the TTRs is not done after stopping and restarting TeMIP. The following scenario illustrates the problem: 1. temip_stop 2. temip_start 3. Launch the TT PM in standalone mode with a TTC containing several Acknowledged and Unacknowledged TTR : ? Nothing appears in the Deliver/Search window: Unacknowledged TTRs are not displayed ? Click on the SEARCH accelerator icon: the OK and Apply buttons are not sensitive 4. Stop TT PM (File ? Close Window): the time to leave the application is much longer than usual (for example, 35 seconds versus 2 seconds) Notes: a) Repeat step 3 above to re-launch TT PM: all is OK now. b) This problem does not appear when you launch TT PM from the Iconic Map. c) When you are in the step 3 above, you can display the TTRs by clicking on the OWN accelerator icon. The problem is referenced as TEMIPV31_DUV4#00202. Workaround: See Notes 18.4 Restrictions None 18.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues 19 Documentation 19.1 Enhancements and New Features None 19.2 Problems Fixed None 19.3 Known Problems None 19.4 Restrictions None 19.5 TeMIP V3.1 Compatibility and Migration No known issues Copyright © 1998 by DIGITAL Equipment Corporation