DSM_for_DEC_OSF/1_AXP_______________________________ Release Notes Part Number: AA-PZV2A-TE August 1993 ________________________ Note ________________________ Digital Standard M was formerly called Digital Standard MUMPS. ______________________________________________________ Revision/Update Information: This is a new document. Operating System and Version: DEC OSF/1 AXP Version 1.3 and higher Software Version: DSM Version 1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ First Printing, August 1993 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital, an authorized sublicensor, or the identified licensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1993. All Rights Reserved. The Reader's Comments form at the end of the hardcopy version of this document requests your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, AXP, Bookreader, CI, DASL, DDCMP, DEC, DEC C, DECnet, DECserver, DECstation, DECUS, DECUSCOPE, DECwindows, DELUA, DSM, DSM-11, MicroVAX II, OpenVMS, PDP-11, RA, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX DSM, VAX DSM DDP, VMS, VT100, VT300, the AXP logo, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Helvetica, Times, and New Century Schoolbook are trademarks of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc., licensed by Digital. OSF, OSF/1, and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. MUMPS is a registered trademark of Massachusetts General Hospital. NFS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents ................................................... v DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features Overview...................................... 1-1 Documentation Information..................... 1-2 DSM Environments.............................. 1-3 Configuration Definitions................. 1-4 Configuration Access Control.............. 1-4 Baseline Volume Set....................... 1-4 Baseline Mode............................. 1-5 UCI Chaining.............................. 1-6 Global Functionality.......................... 1-6 Global Purge Protection................... 1-7 Global Keep Attribute..................... 1-7 Global Performance........................ 1-7 Maximum String and Global Reference Lengths................................... 1-7 After-Image Journaling Management............. 1-8 After-Image Journal File Management Routines.................................. 1-8 User Open Callback........................ 1-9 Incremental Backup............................ 1-10 Miscellaneous Information About Volume Sets and Database Sets............................. 1-12 Source Routine Code Protection................ 1-12 Command Line Options and Online Help.......... 1-13 Programmer Mode Sign-On Banner................ 1-14 Supplied Library External Routines............ 1-14 Maximum Routine Line Length is 512 Characters.................................... 1-16 Language Elements............................. 1-16 Type A Language Extensions................ 1-16 iii New DSM Extended Commands................. 1-20 Setting the Programmer Mode Prompt............ 1-21 Using DSM TCP/IP with the inetd Process....... 1-22 [NO]TRAP USE Command Parameter for Sequential File I/O...................................... 1-22 Terminal Settings Utility (^%TERMUTL)........ 1-23 Global Translation Extrinsic Functions........ 1-23 Library and System Utility Updates............ 1-24 New DSM Device Handling Features.............. 1-25 Magnetic Tape Restriction..................... 1-26 Input/Output Processing for Files and Network Devices....................................... 1-26 DSM for OpenVMS I/O Functionality that Is Unsupported in DSM for DEC OSF/1.......... 1-27 DSM for OpenVMS I/O Functionality that Is Different in DSM for DEC OSF/1............ 1-28 DSM for DEC OSF/1 Functionality that is not Present in DSM for OpenVMS............ 1-30 Terminal I/O Functionality in DSM for DEC OSF/1............................. 1-32 DSM for OpenVMS Terminal I/O Functionality that Is Unsupported in DSM for DEC OSF/1......................... 1-32 DSM for OpenVMS Terminal I/O Functionality that Is Different in DSM for DEC OSF/1.... 1-32 MUMPS JOB Command Differences in DSM for DEC OSF/1............................. 1-33 DSM-11 Block Mode Global Save (^%GBS11)...... 1-35 DSM-11 Compatibility Issues................... 1-35 Index Tables 1-1 Substitution Characters................... 1-21 1-2 Unsupported DSM for OpenVMS JOB Command Parameters................................ 1-33 1-3 DSM for OpenVMS Compatible JOB Command Parameters................................ 1-34 1-4 Additional DSM for DEC OSF/1 JOB Command Parameters................................ 1-34 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience The Release Notes is intended for all users of DSM for DEC OSF/1[R] AXP[TM] software. Some of the functionality described in these release notes was added to DSM for ULTRIX Version 1.0, DSM Version 6.2 for OpenVMS VAX, and DSM Version 6.2 for OpenVMS AXP. If you are migrating from DSM for ULTRIX, read the DEC OSF/1 ULTRIX to DEC OSF/1 Migration Guide. If you are migrating from DSM for OpenVMS, read the DEC OSF/1 VMS to DEC OSF/1 Migration Guide. Manual Objectives The Release Notes contains information about new functions and features included in the current version of Digital Standard M (DSM[TM]). It also includes information about the DSM Application Software Library (DASL[TM]). The DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP documentation set is a multiplatform documentation set. In addition to information about DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP, some of the manuals in the documentation set contain information about the following platforms: o DSM for OpenVMS VAX[1] o DSM for OpenVMS AXP o DSM for ULTRIX ____________________ [1] DSM for OpenVMS VAX was formerly called VAX DSM. v Related Documents In addition to this manual, the DSM documentation set consists of the following: o Introduction to DSM This document introduces the common syntax and language elements of of DSM. It is an introduction to MUMPS[R] programming and is presented tutorially. o Database Operations Guide This document describes how to maintain the integrity and reliability of the DSM database. It also describes the internal structure of the DSM database. o Installation and Management Guide This document describes how to install and manage DSM systems. vi o Master Index This document contains index entries for manuals in the DSM documentation set (excluding the DASL manuals). o Language Pocket Reference This document summarizes DSM language elements, the DSM command syntax, and I/O options. o Programmer's Guide This document describes how to use the programming capabilities of DSM. o Language Reference Manual This document describes the syntax and elements of the DSM language. o X and Motif Reference and Programming Guide for DSM This document describes the X, Motif[R], and ZXMUMPS routines that programmers can use to create windows applications. The following DASL manuals are part of the DSM documentation set. For more information about these manuals, see the DASL documentation set or the Introduction to DSM. o DASL Handbook o DASL Management Guide o DASL Pocket Reference o DASL Programmer's Guide o DASL Reference Manual o DASL Master Index The DSM documentation set is available on the DEC OSF/1 AXP Online Documentation Library Compact Disc. These documentation files can be used with the Bookreader[TM] for DEC OSF/1 AXP. For more information about accessing and displaying these files, see the DEC OSF/1 Layered Products Disc User's Guide. vii Conventions Used in This Document This manual uses the following documentation conventions and symbols. ___________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ boldface Emphasizes important information. type italic type Introduces new terms. Indicates the title of a manual. red type Indicates user input for hardcopy documentation. " " Indicates a section title. Indicates that you press the Ctrl key on the terminal keyboard while you simultaneously press some other key (represented here by x). Indicates that you press the Return key on the terminal keyboard. Indicates that a space must separate components of a command or command line. [item] Indicates that the enclosed item is optional. pathname Indicates the path from root directory or file on a DEC OSF/1 AXP system. UPPERCASE The DEC OSF/1 AXP system differentiates and between lowercase and uppercase characters. lowercase You must enter text that appears in examples exactly as shown. root This typeface indicates the exact name of a command, option, partition, pathname, directory, or file on a DEC OSF/1 AXP system. OSF/1_________Indicates_the_DEC_OSF/1_AXP_operating_system. Your Comments Are Invited Comments regarding the usability of our documentation, including feedback on clarity, organization, and accuracy are welcome. Comments are also welcome regarding figures, examples, and the index. Please send your comments about the content of the documentation to Digital Equipment Corporation through any of the following methods: viii o DSM Product Group FAX: 508-467-1605 o Internet address doc_comment@nurse.enet.dec.com o Postal Service Digital Equipment Corporation DSM Product Group MR02-3/5E 2 Results Way Marlboro, MA 01752-9840 U.S.A. Please include the product name and version, and the name of the manual and section on which you are commenting. For your convenience, a Reader's Comment page is located at the back of each manual. ________________________ Note ________________________ The communication methods listed in this section should be used only for comments on documentation. Other types of information - such as Software Performance Reports or software enhancement requests - cannot be handled through these methods. ______________________________________________________ ix DECUS - Digital Equipment Computer Users Society DECUS,[TM] the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, was established in March, 1961. The purpose of the U. S. Chapter of DECUS is to promote the exchange of information- processing-related information among users of Digital Equipment Corporation's products. Through membership in DECUS, individuals can connect to their peers sharing both interest and geographic ties. Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are established for various areas including M technology. Local Users Groups (LUGs) help members establish contacts with other Digital computer users within their own geographic area. DECUS members have access to the following: o Year-round training programs including full-day seminars, regional conferences, and national symposia o Published materials including the monthly SIGs Newsletter, DECUSCOPE,[TM] the Society's quarterly membership bulletin, and the semiannual Proceedings o DECUServe, an electronic conferencing system o The widest collection of public domain software for Digital computers found anywhere x 1 _________________________________________________________________ DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP is a new implementation of Digital Standard M (DSM) on Alpha AXP[TM] processors. DEC OSF/1 Version 1.3 is required to run DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP. If you want to install the X Window System Interface for DSM, you must first install the OSF/1 windowing environment subsets. This chapter describes functions and features available in this version of DSM. It also contains DSM-11, DSM for OpenVMS, and DSM for ULTRIX compatibility considerations. Overview This chapter describes the following: o Documentation Information o DSM Environments o Configuration Definitions o Configuration Access Control o Baseline Volume Set o Baseline Mode o UCI Chaining o Global Functionality o After-Image Journaling Management o Incremental Backup o Miscellaneous Information About Volume Sets and Database Sets o Source Routine Code Protection o Command Line Options and Online Help DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-1 o Programmer Mode Sign-On Banner o Supplied Library External Routines o Maximum Routine Line Length is 512 Characters o Language Elements (including Type A extensions) o Setting the Programmer Mode Prompt o Using DSM TCP/IP with the inetd Process o [NO]TRAP USE Command Parameter for Sequential File I/O o Terminal Settings Utility (^%TERMUTL) o Global Translation Extrinsic Functions o Library and System Utility Updates o New DSM Device Handling Features o Input/Output Processing for Files and Network Devices o Terminal I/O Functionality in DSM for DEC OSF/1 o MUMPS JOB Command Differences in DSM for DEC OSF/1 o DSM-11 Block Mode Global Save (^%GBS11) o DSM-11 Compatibility Issues Documentation Information The Language Reference Manual and the Language Pocket Reference are multiplatform manuals that describe the DSM language elements on all DSM platforms. The X and Motif Reference and Programming Guide for DSM describes the X Window Interface for DSM also on all platforms. All DSM-11 related information was removed from the Introduction to DSM. Because we value input from our users about our documentation, we have added ways for you to send us your input. For more information, see the section "Your Comments Are Invited" in the Preface of each manual in the documentation set. 1-2 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features DSM Environments A DSM environment is the working area used by a DSM environment manager for the purposes of enabling and controlling the operations of DSM. An environment includes the following resources: o An OSF/1 account for the DSM environment manager o Directories to hold environment files, including: - DSM volume sets - Journal files - Log files To establish an environment for running DSM, log in to the superuser account and run the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh (dsminit.sh) shell script. The dsminit.sh shell script initializes an OSF/1 account for use as a DSM environment manager account. If the account does not exist, dsminit.sh creates the account and all the necessary directories. The dsminit.sh procedure creates a dsmdir directory in the DSM manager's home directory. Additional files and directories are then created in the dsmdir directory. Figure 1-1 describes the directory hierarchy created by dsminit.sh. Note that the envnm represents the login name of the DSM environment manager's account. You can establish multiple DSM environments within an OSF/1 system (one environment for each OSF/1 user account). Each account can independently define and run a unique DSM configuration. The running configurations are accessible to all other OSF/1 users. You can run configurations in multiple environments simultaneously on your system. Application programmers and users indicate which environment to access by specifying the -E envnm command line option. For example: DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-3 % dsm -E personnel DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP personnel [REB,KMF] > Configuration Definitions A DSM configuration describes the operational capabilities of a fully functional DSM environment. Configuration definitions are stored in the ^SYS environment configuration global on the baseline volume set. A configuration definition includes the following: o Number of disk buffers o Database sets o Journaling o Global translation o Distributed Data Processing (DDP) o Default command line options Configuration Access Control The DSM environment manager can enable environment access for any user on an OSF/1 system. If configuration access control is enabled, the /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsmaccess.dat file specifies which users are allowed to run the configuration (envnm is the login name of the DSM environment manager's account). Baseline Volume Set Each DSM environment has its own baseline volume set (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsmbaseline.gls). The baseline volume set name is DSM and it contains two UCIs, MGR and PDP. The MGR,DSM UCI and volume set contains the management routines and globals needed to define and start up configurations and the library (%) routines and globals. The PDP,DSM UCI contains the library (%) routines used if DSM-11 compatibility mode is enabled. When you run DSM with the -M command line option, you always access routines and globals in MGR,DSM. 1-4 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features You cannot extend the baseline volume set or add volumes to it. The baseline volume set cannot be protected by Before- Image or After-Image Journaling. ________________________ Note ________________________ The baseline volume set is not intended for storing application library routines or globals. If your application provides its own library routines or globals, use UCI chaining and store them in a single primary LIB UCI on an application volume set. ______________________________________________________ For more information about UCI chaining, see the section "UCI Chaining" in this chapter and the Database Operations Guide. Baseline Mode Once a DSM environment has been initialized for use, you can log in to the DSM environment manager's account and run DSM in baseline mode. Run DSM with the -M command line option to enter baseline mode: % dsm -M DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP dsmmgr [Baseline] > The [Baseline] access mode specifier indicates that there is no configuration running. In baseline mode, DSM offers minimal services; its primary function is intended for use in running DSM utilities. Baseline mode has the following characteristics: o All interpreter capabilities are available. o Global and routine access is limited to MGR,DSM on the baseline volume set. o Journaling, Distributed Data Processing (DDP), and other advanced capabilities are not available. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-5 A DSM environment manager uses baseline mode for management activities such as: o Creating volume sets o Defining configurations o Starting configurations For more information about baseline mode, see the Installation and Management Guide. UCI Chaining The baseline volume set is intended exclusively for storing DSM system utilities and globals. It cannot be enlarged by either extending or adding new volumes. The baseline volume set cannot be configured with After-Image or Before-Image Journaling. Because of these restrictions, it is recommended that you place all application % routines and % globals in the LIB UCI of the first application volume set. DSM defines UCI chains such that references to % routines and globals are resolved from the LIB UCI first. If the reference is not resolved from LIB, then the manager's UCI (MGR,DSM) is searched. UCI chaining is a facility that allows you to control the location and order in which references to routines and globals are resolved. A search chain is created by carefully specifying the primary and alternate directories for one or more UCIs. For more information about UCI chaining, see the Database Operations Guide. Global Functionality The following sections describe global protection, the global keep attribute, global performance, and maximum string length for globals. 1-6 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features Global Purge Protection The ^%GLOMAN Utility allows you to enable or disable purge protection (P) for a global. If purge protection is enabled, DSM prevents you from using the KILL command to perform a kill at the global directory level (killing the root node), and DSM returns the following error: %DSM-E-PROT, Protection Violation Do not confuse purge protection with delete protection (D), which controls use of the KILL command on an individual node or subtree. For more information, see the Database Operations Guide and the Installation and Management Guide. Global Keep Attribute The ^%GLOMAN Utility allows you to enable or disable the global keep attribute. If the keep attribute is enabled, DSM retains all global protection and journaling attributes after the KILL command is used to perform a kill at the global directory level (killing the root node). The global directory entry is maintained; however, its $DATA value becomes 0. Note that preservation of this information can incur additional system overhead during global directory searches. The ^%EGD Utility displays all globals in the global directory. For more information, see the Database Operations Guide. Global Performance DSM for DEC OSF/1 uses two-stage caching and 2KB disk block buffers to achieve high performance. Interprocess synchronization has been specifically optimized for the OSF/1 environment. Maximum String and Global Reference Lengths DSM for DEC OSF/1 supports a maximum string length of 512 bytes for MUMPS local and global variables. Also, the maximum length of subscripted variable names (global and local) is 245 bytes. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-7 Note that the maximum string size in the ANSI MUMPS Portability Standard is only 255 bytes. The subscripted variable name reference size standard is only 128 bytes. Therefore, the DSM supported values exceed portability requirements. After-Image Journaling Management The following sections describe extrinsic functions and a user open callback routine that can be used to manage after-image journal files. For more information about After-Image Journaling, see the Database Operations Guide. After-Image Journal File Management Routines The following journal file management extrinsic functions have been added to DSM. They replace the ^JRNUTL Utilities, which are being maintained for backward compatibility if you are migrating from VAX DSM Version 6.1 and previous versions or from DSM for ULTRIX Version 1.0. Journal File Control and Status Routines o status=$$STATUS^JRNLIB(vsnam,.what) This routine returns the journaling status of a volume set. o status=$$DISABLE^JRNLIB(vsnam,[,nxtflg]) This routine disables journaling to a volume set and closes the current journal file. It optionally marks it as FULL. o status=$$ENABLE^JRNLIB(vsnam) This routine enables journaling to the first non-full file on the list. Journal File List Management Routines o status=$$GETLIST^JRNLIB(vsnam,.jrnlst[,lock]) This routine reads the contents of the journal file list into a local symbol table array. It optionally locks the journal file list. o status=$$PUTLIST^JRNLIB(vsnam,.jrnlst[,unlock]) 1-8 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features This routine stores the journal file list from the local symbol table where it can be read by the Journal Process. It optionally unlocks the journal file list. o status=$$LOCK^JRNLIB(vsnam) This routine locks the journal file list. This is a lock at the DSM level. o status=$$UNLOCK^JRNLIB(vsnam) This routine releases the lock taken by GETLIST or LOCK. o status=$$NEXTFILE^JRNLIB(vsnam) This routine forces the Journal Process to move to the next file on the list. This is a quick way to perform the same combination of functions that occur when a journal file fills up. Journal File Management Routines o status=$$CREATE^JRNLIB(vsnam,glsfil,jrnfil,size[,owrt]) This routine creates a new after-image journal (AIJ) file or reinitializes an old one. o status=$$MARKFULL^JRNLIB(jrnfil) This routine marks the journal file as FULL. o status=$$NEWLOG^JRNLIB(vsnam) This routine creates a new journal file log for the volume set. o text=$$ERROR^JRNLIB(status) This routine returns a text error message for a status code. User Open Callback The new journaling extrinsic functions (described in the previous section) are available for use by an optional user-specified callback routine, which is invoked whenever an after-image journal (AIJ) file is closed. This callback can be used to do the following: o Initialize a new AIJ file o Put a new AIJ file on the list o Reinitialize an existing AIJ file DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-9 o Cause the Journal Process to open a new AIJ file For a callback example, see the Database Operations Guide. Incremental Backup The Incremental Backup Utility (^BACKUP) now allows writes to occur to the volume set that is being backed up throughout most of the backup operation, regardless of whether or not the volume set is cluster-mounted. ________________________ Note ________________________ This functionality was changed in DSM for OpenVMS Version 6.2. Incremental backup is not supported in DSM for ULTRIX. ______________________________________________________ The menu-driven interface to the ^BACKUP Utility has changed. The BACKUP function no longer asks whether it is okay to extend an existing backup file; it is assumed that it is always okay to overwrite or extend an existing backup file. The information displayed by the ^BACKUP Utility has also changed. 1-10 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features The following are sample backup and restore sessions: Sample Backup Session >D ^BACKUP Incremental Backup Utilities 1. BACKUP (BCKUP^BACKUP) 2. RESTORE (REST^BACKUP) 3. UPDATE (REV^BACKUP) Select Option > 1 BACKUP Back up which volume set > EMP Backup file for EXA Increment revision level when backup finished [Y OR N] ? Time Pass Blocks Database Writes ----------------------- ------- ---------- --------------- 10-NOV-1992 11:05:39.26 Scan 16,000 Enabled 10-NOV-1992 11:06:07.13 Write 1 1,657 Enabled 10-NOV-1992 11:06:28.96 Write 2 653 Enabled 10-NOV-1992 11:06:33.20 Write 3 246 Disabled Number of read transfers : 524 Average read size : 4.9 Backup for EMP complete. Sample Restore Session >D ^BACKUP Incremental Backup Utilities 1. BACKUP (BCKUP^BACKUP) 2. RESTORE (REST^BACKUP) 3. UPDATE (REV^BACKUP) Select Option > 2 RESTORE Restore Incremental Backup to which volume set > EMP Backup file for EXA DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-11 Time Pass Blocks ----------------------- --------- ---------- 10-NOV-1992 11:10:07.41 Verify 10-NOV-1992 11:10:10.42 Restore 1 1,656 10-NOV-1992 11:10:21.90 Restore 2 653 10-NOV-1992 11:10:23.53 Restore 3 246 EMP restored. For more information about incremental backup, see the Database Operations Guide. Miscellaneous Information About Volume Sets and Database Sets The following list describes new functionality for volume sets and database sets and differences that exist between DSM for OpenVMS and DSM for DEC OSF/1 systems: o DSM for OpenVMS allows you to mount 31 volume sets. DSM for DEC OSF/1 allows you to mount 16 volume sets (15 volume sets and the baseline volume set). o Quotation marks are no longer needed when you enter the volume label for a volume set. o You cannot create volume sets on raw devices, which is supported on DSM for ULTRIX systems. For more information about volume sets and database sets, see the Database Operations Guide and the Installation and Management Guide. Source Routine Code Protection DSM provides source routine code protection that lets you delete source routines and leave precompiled routines intact. This feature protects your source routines from unauthorized use. Precompiled code is produced by the DSM language precompiler when you save a routine (ZSAVE). Source code protection is supported by the following: o ZDELETE command o Delete Routine Utility (^%RPURGE) o Precompiled Routine Save Utility (^%PS) o Precompiled Routine Restore Utility (^%PR) 1-12 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features Keep the following points in mind if you want to run an application with precompiled code only: o In your source code, you must precede any line that is referenced by $TEXT(lineref) with two semicolons (;;). DSM includes the line in the precompiled code rather than accessing the source code at run time. If you do not use two semicolons (;;) and the source code is absent, DSM returns a %DSM-E-NOSUCHPGM error at run time. o $TEXT(entry^routine) always returns a null string if the source code is not present. o When you upgrade to a new version of DSM you usually need to recompile your routines with the latest version of the precompiler. Failure to do so results in a %DSM- E-INTVER error at run time. The following utilities support precompiled code: o ^%RD (Routine Directory) o ^%RDX (Extended Routine Directory) o ^%REPLACE (Routine Recompile) o ^%RSEL (Routine Select) o ^%RSIZE (Routine Size) Command Line Options and Online Help The dsm command accepts command line options, which are documented in the Programmer's Guide. For online help about the dsm command and the valid command line options, see the dsm(1) reference page. Enter the OSF/1 man command as follows to display the dsm reference page: % man dsm DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-13 Programmer Mode Sign-On Banner If you specify a routine directory that is different from the global directory, the routine directory is now displayed in the programmer mode sign-on banner. For example: % dsm DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP production [REF,KMF] % dsm -r [ACS,MSS] DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP production [REF,KMF][ACS,MSS] 1 2 1 Global directory 2 Routine directory Supplied Library External Routines DSM for DEC OSF/1 supplies the following DSM for OpenVMS and DSM for ULTRIX compatible external routines. ___________________________________________________________ External External Routine__________Routine__________External_Routine_________ %ARCCOS %CTIMASC %PROMPT[1] %ARCSIN %CTIMNUM %SETUCI %ARCTAN %DEJRNL %SIN %ASCEBC %DIRECTORY %SQRT %BASEDIT %EBCASC %TAN %BOOLEAN %EXP %UCI %CDATNUM %IOCLOSE %UPCASE %CDATASC %LOG %UPCASEQ %CHKSUM %LOG10 %VERSION[1] [1]This_external_routine_was_added_to_DSM_for_OpenVMS______ Version 6.2 and is not available in DSM for ULTRIX. 1-14 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features ___________________________________________________________ External External Routine__________Routine__________External_Routine_________ %COS %OPCOM %VIEWASSIGN %CRC_____________%POWER___________%VIEWBUFFER______________ In addition, DSM for DEC OSF/1 supplies the following library external routines. ___________________________________________________________ External Routine__________External_Routine__________________________ %DEV11 %SHELL %GETENV %STAT %LOWCASE %UNSETENV %SETENV____________________________________________________ For a description of these external routines and a description of how to create your own routines, see the Programmer's Guide. ________________________ Note ________________________ The interface for writing external routines was changed in VAX DSM Version 6.1 and DSM for ULTRIX Version 1.0 to support the ANSI MUMPS Standard external call syntax. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP also supports this syntax. The $ZCALL function and the ZCALL routine table keywords were maintained for backward compatibility. Therefore, you do not need to rewrite any existing external routines. However, the description of the $ZCALL interface has been removed from the documentation. If you continue to use the VAX DSM Version 6.0 interface, see the Version 6.0 VAX DSM Programmer's Guide. ______________________________________________________ Application routines can continue to use the $ZCALL function to call DSM library external routines. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-15 Maximum Routine Line Length is 512 Characters The maximum routine line length for a DSM source routine has been increased from 255 characters to 512 characters. You can now develop routines with routine lines containing 512 characters (including the line label). Language Elements The following sections describe new language elements that have been added to DSM. For more information, see the Language Reference Manual. Type A Language Extensions The following Type A language extensions are included in DSM: o Binary EXPONENTIATION operator (**) Produces the exponentiated value of operand A raised to the power of operand B. o Binary SORTS AFTER operator (]]) Tests whether the left operand sorts after the right operand in numeric subscript collating sequence. o Logical OR capability for binary PATTERN MATCH Adds a logical OR capability to pattern matching that simplifies your patterns. You use an alternation to specify that any one of a number of patatom sequences can be used to pattern match a particular segment of your operand string. A patatom can be one of the following: repcount patcharacter repcount string_literal repcount alternation An alternation has the following syntax: (patatom sequence {, patatom sequence } ... ) For example, you may want to validate a U.S. telephone number. At a minimum, the phone number must be a 7-digit local number with a hyphen (-) separating the third and fourth digits. The phone number can also include a 3-digit area code that must either have surrounding 1-16 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features parentheses or be separated from the rest of the number by a hyphen. The following pattern match expressions describe three valid forms of a U.S. telephone number: PHONE?3N1"-"4N PHONE?3N1"-"3N1"-"4N PHONE?1"("3N1")"3N1"-"4N Without an alternation, the following compound Boolean expression would be required to validate a U.S. telephone number: (PHONE?3N1"-"4N)!(PHONE?3N1"-"3N1"-"4N)!(PHONE?1"("3N1")"3N1"-"4N) With an alternation only a single pattern expression is required: PHONE?.1(1"("3N1")",3N1"-")3N1"-"4N The alternation in this example allows the area code component of the phone number to be satisfied by either 1"("3N1")" or 3N1"-". The alternation's repeat count range of 0 to 1 indicates that the operand string PHONE can have 0 or 1 area code components. o MERGE command Copies data from a source variable node and its descendant nodes to a destination variable node and corresponding descendant nodes. o QUIT command indirection Accepts an expression as a valid argument to the QUIT command. o READ, WRITE, OPEN, USE commands Changes have been made to the READ, WRITE, OPEN, and USE commands that allow MUMPS programmers to standardize device handling. For more information, see the section "New DSM Device Handling Features" in this chapter. o $FNUMBER function Allows lowercase for the T and P code strings. For example: >W $FN(B,"p") (30.567) DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-17 o $GET function Accepts a second argument. The argument is the value to be returned when the specified variable is undefined. o $NAME function Returns a variable name string resulting from the specified variable name after all subscripts have been evaluated to string or numeric literals. o $QLENGTH function Returns the number of subscripts in the specified variable name string. 1-18 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features o $QSUBSCRIPT function Parses and returns selected components from a variable name string. These components include individual subscripts, the variable name, and the UCI and volume set specification in an extended reference string. $QSUBSCRIPT performs a parsing operation on the specified variable name string and extracts and returns the specified subscript from the string. For example: >S REF="^X(""ONE"",2,3)" >W $QS(REF,1) ONE >W $QS(REF,2) 2 >W $QS(REF,3) 3 o $REVERSE function Reverses the input string such that the last character in the input string becomes the first character in the result string, the second from the last character in the input string becomes the second character in the result string, and so on until all characters have been reversed. For example: >W $RE("abcd") dcba o $ZDEVTYPE special variable Returns the device type string that was assigned to the current device using the DEVTYPE USE command parameter. o Structured system variables Allows a DSM programmer to write portable MUMPS programs to get information about system data. You can use the same MUMPS code to retrieve system data such as global directory, routine directory, lock table, and job table information. The same MUMPS code can retrieve system data information from any MUMPS implementation using structured system variables. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-19 Structured system variables use the circumflex and dollar sign (^$) as a standard prefix followed by one of a designated list of names, which is then followed by one or more expressions in parentheses. These expressions are called subscripts. DSM supports the following structured system variables: - ^$G{LOBAL}(global name) - ^$J{OB}(job number) - ^$L{OCK}(lock name) - ^$R{OUTINE}(routine name) The $NEXT function is no longer part of the MUMPS ANSI Standard. New DSM Extended Commands The following extended commands have been added to DSM: o ZBREAK command ZBREAK is a debugging command that has been added as a DSM-11 compatibility feature for programmers familiar with the DSM-11 debugging environment. It implements functionality available with the ZDEBUG and ZSTEP commands. For example, the ZBREAK ON and ZBREAK OFF commands are functionally equivalent to the ZDEBUG ON and ZDEBUG OFF commands. The ZBREAK IN, ZBREAK OUT, and ZBREAK OVER commands are functionally equivalent to the ZSTEP INTO, ZSTEP OUTOF, and ZSTEP OVER commands, respectively. o ZDELETE command ZDELETE deletes the specified routine from your routine directory. By default, ZDELETE deletes the source and precompiled code for the specified routine. However, you can specify the S (or s) option character when you specify a ZDELETE routine name option string. If you specify the S option, ZDELETE deletes the routine source only; routine precompiled code is preserved. For example: >ZDELETE MENU:"S" 1-20 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features Setting the Programmer Mode Prompt DSM includes the -P "string" command line option and the %PROMPT external routine, which can be used to set the DSM programmer mode prompt. The string argument to the -P command line option must be enclosed in quotation marks and can contain the substitution characters described in Table 1-1 and free text. Table_1-1_Substitution_Characters__________________________ Substitution Character________Description_______________________________ %g Displays the current global directory[1] %r Displays the current routine directory[1] %e Displays the environment name %n Displays the DECnet node name [1]Ignored_if_a_configuration_is_not_running.______________ ___________________________________________________________ The maximum prompt length after substitution is 30 characters. Additional characters are truncated. The -P option has the same effect as the %PROMPT external routine. If you specified %g or %r, the %SETUCI external routine automatically updates the prompt with the new global directory or routine directory. You can combine free text with any of the substitution characters described in Table 1-1. The substitution characters must be entered as lowercase characters. Free text is displayed as it is entered. The -P option is ignored if you run DSM in application mode. The following are some examples: % dsm -P "%n >" nurse > % dsm -P "[%g][%r] >" [PHA,EMP][EMP,EMP] > DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-21 % dsm -P "Inventory >" Inventory > For more information about both features, see the Programmer's Guide. Using DSM TCP/IP with the inetd Process DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP includes support for using TCP/IP with the OSF/1 inetd daemon. The inetd daemon is an OSF/1 process that is started at system startup time. It listens for requests on each of the system ports (1 to 65535). When a request is received on a port, the inetd daemon checks the /etc/services file to see if a service has been registered to that port. If a service has been registered, the inetd daemon then references the /etc/inetd.conf file to start a program associated with that service. The program then services the port request. It is possible to register a DSM service with a logical input or output channel (port) at system startup by registering the DSM service in the /etc/services file and by registering a program in the /etc/inetd.conf file, which the DSM service should execute. For more information about TCP/IP and the inetd process, see the Programmer's Guide. [NO]TRAP USE Command Parameter for Sequential File I/O Previous versions of DSM required you to establish an error trap in $ZTRAP and to check $ZERROR for a %DSM-E-ENDOFILE error when reading from sequential files. DSM now supports the [NO]TRAP USE parameter to allow polling for the end of a file. TRAP is the default. When TRAP is in effect, you must establish an error trap in $ZTRAP and check $ZERROR for a %DSM-E-ENDOFILE error when reading from sequential files. When NOTRAP is in effect, DSM uses the $ZA special variable to report the end-of-file (EOF) status. When EOF is false, $ZA is equal to the length of the last record read. When EOF is true, $ZA is equal to -1 and the value returned by the READ command is a null string. For more information, see the Programmer's Guide. 1-22 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features Terminal Settings Utility (^%TERMUTL) The ^%TERMUTL Utility supplies entry points to show, get, and set terminal USE parameters. The following describes the entry points: o DO SHOW^%TERMUTL Shows the USE parameters for the current $IO device. The parameters are displayed on the principal device ($PRINCIPAL). o DO GET^%TERMUTL(.PARM) Gets the USE parameters for the current $IO device. o DO SET^%TERMUTL(.PARM) Sets the USE parameters for the current $IO device. Note that $IO is an implicit input parameter for all entry points and $IO must be a terminal device. For more information about this utility, see the Programmer's Guide. Global Translation Extrinsic Functions The following global translation extrinsic functions are included in DSM for DEC OSF/1: o $$TR^%TRAN(NAME,UCI,VOL) o $$REP^%TRAN(NAME,UCI,VOL,FLAG) Global translation extrinsic functions allow you to obtain translation information for a global from the in-memory translation table. You can access translation information for globals only in your current UCI if you are not the DSM environment manager. You can access global translation information for any UCI or volume set if you are logged in to DSM with the -M command line option. For more information, see the Database Operations Guide. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-23 Library and System Utility Updates The following is a list of new utilities and changes to existing utilities. For more information about Library Utilities, see the Programmer's Guide. For more information about System Utilities, see the Installation and Management Guide. o The ^CONDEF Utility has been added to the MODIFY^CONFIG Utility. It allows you to change the default configuration. o The %PR and %PS Utilities allow you to save and restore precompiled routines from magnetic tape or from a sequential file. o The ^%RXFER Utility has been added to DSM. It allows you to transfer routines from one UCI and volume set to another. o The ^%RCMP Utility now allows you to compare routines in different UCIs and volume sets. o The ^%RR Utility now prompts for a confirmation before it overwrites another routine. o The ^%TERMUTL Utility has been added to allow you to show, get, and set terminal USE parameters. 1-24 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features New DSM Device Handling Features DSM has been enhanced to include features that allow the MUMPS programmer to standardize device handling. DSM allows you to define your own device control mnemonic spaces. A device control mnemonic space is a set (or group) of device control mnemonics (READ or WRITE control format keywords). Ideally, a mnemonic space defines a set of control mnemonics that perform generic control operations for a particular class of devices. MUMPS Type A language extensions to the OPEN, USE, WRITE, and READ commands allow you to reference the device control mnemonic spaces and device control mnemonics that you define. The syntax of the MUMPS OPEN command has been extended to allow one or more device control mnemonic spaces to be associated with the device to be opened. The syntax of the MUMPS USE command has been extended to allow the active mnemonic space for a device to be changed. The syntax of the MUMPS READ and WRITE commands has been extended to allow device control mnemonics to be specified to perform output format control. The device control mnemonic is preceded by a slash character (/) and is followed by an optional control mnemonic argument list to form valid READ and WRITE command arguments. DSM also provides the new USE command DEVTYPE parameter and the new $ZDEVTYPE special variable to enable you to define and use mnemonic spaces in a device independent manner. The ^IOCTL Utility contains options that allow you to edit, build, and install the control mnemonics table source file for a DSM environment. For more information about device handling, see the Programmer's Guide and the Language Reference Manual. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-25 Magnetic Tape Restriction Currently DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP supports writes of fixed length records in sizes or multiples of 512 bytes to QIC hardware devices. As a result, DSM routines and utilities support the following magnetic tape format combinations for use with QIC magnetic tapes (for example, TZK10): AUS AUF EUS EUF where: A allows ASCII character set E translates ASCII characters to EBCDIC U does not provide labels S provides stream data format F assumes fixed-length logical records Other format combinations can result in attempts to write records with sizes less than 512 (80 character labels, for example), or sizes that are not a multiple of 512 (variable length records) to these magnetic tape devices. Input/Output Processing for Files and Network Devices This section describes the differences between DSM for OpenVMS and DSM for DEC OSF/1 for I/O processing for files and network devices. The differences are presented in the following sections: o "DSM for OpenVMS I/O Functionality that Is Unsupported in DSM for DEC OSF/1" o "DSM for OpenVMS I/O Functionality that Is Different in DSM for DEC OSF/1" o "DSM for DEC OSF/1 Functionality that is not Present in DSM for OpenVMS" For more information about files and network devices, see the Programmer's Guide. 1-26 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features DSM for OpenVMS I/O Functionality that Is Unsupported in DSM for DEC OSF/1 The following I/O functionality is not supported in DSM for OSF/1: o DECnet communications o Mailboxes o RMS files on magnetic tape (file structured tapes) o RMS indexed and relative files o RMS block I/O to files o RMS random access by RFA to sequential files o The following arguments to the MUMPS OPEN command are not supported for sequential files: - ALLOCATE=N - BLOCKSIZE=n - CONTIGUOUSBESTRY - EXTENSION=n - NOSEQUENTIAL - PROTECTIONS=options - RECORDSIZE=n - UIC="[n,m]" o The following arguments to the MUMPS USE command are not supported for sequential files: - RFA="n,m" - SPACE=n DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-27 o The following arguments to the MUMPS CLOSE command are not supported for sequential files: - PROTECTIONS=options - UIC="[n,m]" DSM for OpenVMS I/O Functionality that Is Different in DSM for DEC OSF/1 The following DSM for OpenVMS I/O functionality is different in DSM for DEC OSF/1: o Arguments to the MUMPS OPEN command for sequential files: - NEWVERSION If a file of the same name exists, it is renamed by appending .bak to the original file name before a new file is opened. There is a restriction when mounting a remote file system on a VMS server using NFS[TM] that is using UCX to provide NFS server support. The file name that results from appending .bak must be a valid VMS file name. For example, an attempt to open a file named test.dat on a VMS NFS server with the NEWVERSION parameter fails because test.dat.bak is not a legal VMS file name. This restriction does not apply to OSF/1 NFS servers. - [NO]SHARE File locking is advisory in OSF/1. The MUMPS OPEN command uses the OSF/1 flock() system call to perform locking. The SHARE parameter causes a flock to be taken with the LOCK_SH operator. The NOSHARE parameter causes a flock to be taken with the LOCK_EX qualifier. Non-MUMPS processes that do not use the flock mechanism to coordinate access to files can produce inappropriate results. o Arguments to the MUMPS CLOSE command for sequential files: - SPOOL 1-28 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features The OSF/1 spooling facility works differently from VMS spool queues. OSF/1 printer spooling is provided by the lpr command. Printer queues are defined in the printcap database. For more information, see the printcap(4) and lprsetup(8) reference pages. If no queue is specified with the QUEUE parameter, the effect of the SPOOL parameter is equivalent to entering the following command at the OSF/1 shell: % lpr filename - SUBMIT The OSF/1 batch processing facility is provided by the cron demon (cron(8) reference page) and the OSF/1 at or batch command (at(1) and batch(1) reference pages). If no queue is specified with the QUEUE parameter on the CLOSE command, the effect of the SUBMIT parameter is equivalent to entering the following command at the OSF/1 shell: % batch filename DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-29 - QUEUE=string The QUEUE argument modifies either the SUBMIT or the SPOOL arguments. The QUEUE= string parameter to the SUBMIT command is passed as options to the OSF/1 lpr command. For example, consider the following MUMPS command line: CLOSE "myfile":(SPOOL,QUEUE="-Plaser -w132") The previous example has the same effect as entering the following command at the OSF/1 shell: % lpr -Plaser -w132 myfile The QUEUE=string parameter to the SPOOL command is passed as options to the OSF/1 at command. For example, consider the following MUMPS command: CLOSE "myfile":(SUBMIT:QUEUE="at 12:45") The previous example has the effect of entering the following command at the OSF/1 shell: % at 12:45 myfile o The MUMPS READ command for sequential files is different from DSM for OpenVMS in the way $ZA is used to determine whether a partial record has been read from a file. DSM for DEC OSF/1 returns the length of the string returned in the READ variable if the entire record was read; otherwise $ZA is set to zero. If you are uncertain if records in a sequential file are longer than 512 characters, use the following code to read a complete record: K B U FILE R X S ZA=$ZA I ZA'=$L(A) F B=1:1 R B(B) I $ZA=$L(B(B)) Q DSM for DEC OSF/1 Functionality that is not Present in DSM for OpenVMS DSM for DEC OSF/1 supports named pipes (FIFOs) and piped commands, which are not available in DSM for OpenVMS. Named pipes provide the equivalent support as VMS mailboxes. Using piped commands allow you to invoke an OSF/1 command, and either provide input to the command with the MUMPS WRITE command or read input from the OSF/1 command with the MUMPS READ command. 1-30 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features For information about these features, see the Programmer's Guide. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-31 Terminal I/O Functionality in DSM for DEC OSF/1 This section describes the differences between DSM for OpenVMS and DSM for DEC OSF/1 for I/O processing for terminal devices. The differences are presented in two sections: o "DSM for OpenVMS Terminal I/O Functionality that Is Unsupported in DSM for DEC OSF/1" o "DSM for OpenVMS Terminal I/O Functionality that Is Different in DSM for DEC OSF/1" For more information about terminal I/O, see the Programmer's Guide. DSM for OpenVMS Terminal I/O Functionality that Is Unsupported in DSM for DEC OSF/1 The following DSM for OpenVMS terminal functionality is not supported in DSM for DEC OSF/1: o The BLOCKSIZE=n parameter to the MUMPS OPEN command o The [NO]LOGIN parameter to the MUMPS USE command DSM for OpenVMS Terminal I/O Functionality that Is Different in DSM for DEC OSF/1 The following DSM for OpenVMS terminal functionality is different in DSM for DEC OSF/1: o Terminal characteristic recognition: DSM for DEC OSF/1 does not recognize terminal characteristics in the same way as DSM for OpenVMS. When you run DSM, the terminal width and page length defaults to the settings established with the cols and rows options to the OSF/1 stty command. DSM for DEC OSF/1 uses the TERM environment variable to recognize your terminal type. If this fails, a VT100[TM] terminal type is assumed. Once your terminal type is determined, the terminfo database and the curses package are used to provide escape sequences appropriate to the screen-handling parameters to the MUMPS USE command. 1-32 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features o The OSF/1 procedure for setting up LAT terminals for host-initiated connect is different than the VMS procedure. o These arguments to the MUMPS USE command: - CTRAP=string DSM for DEC OSF/1 provides a maximum of three different CTRAP characters. An attempt to define more than three CTRAP characters results in an error. For a complete discussion about the interaction between Ctrl/C, CTRAP, and the debugger break character, see the Programmer's Guide. - [NO]TYPE The READPFLU parameter causes typeahead to be flushed whenever a READ with a prompt is issued. When READPFLU is in effect, the setting of [NO]TYPE has no effect. This is the default unless -e typeahead is present on the command line. o The effect of the MUMPS READ and WRITE commands on $X and $Y conforms to the MUMPS ANSI Standard (X11.1-1990) and conforms with the behavior in DSM-11. MUMPS JOB Command Differences in DSM for DEC OSF/1 Table 1-2 describes the DSM for OpenVMS JOB command parameters that are not supported in DSM for DEC OSF/1. Table 1-2 Unsupported DSM for OpenVMS JOB Command __________Parameters_______________________________________ Parameter__________Comments________________________________ OPTION=qualifier_ The qualifier_list is a list of list DSM for OpenVMS command line qualifiers. If you use the parameter, DSM for DEC OSF/1 returns an error. PRIORITY=n N is a VMS numeric process priority. DSM for DEC OSF/1 ignores this parameter. (continued on next page) DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-33 Table 1-2 (Cont.) Unsupported DSM for OpenVMS JOB Command __________________Parameters_______________________________ Parameter__________Comments________________________________ NAME=name Name is a VMS process name. DSM for DEC OSF/1 ignores this ___________________parameter.______________________________ Table 1-3 describes the JOB command parameters that are supported under DSM for DEC OSF/1. Table_1-3_DSM_for_OpenVMS_Compatible_JOB_Command_Parameters Parameter__________Comments________________________________ INPUT=iospec Principal input device. If absent, use /dev/null. OUTPUT=iospec Principal output device. If absent, use /dev/null. ERROR=iospec Principal error device. If absent, use /dev/null. DATA=expr SET %=expr in background JOB. Superseded ___________________by_parameter_passing.___________________ Functionality provided by the DSM for OpenVMS OPTION parameter is provided by the DSM for DEC OSF/1 JOB command parameters described in Table 1-4. Table 1-4 Additional DSM for DEC OSF/1 JOB Command __________Parameters_______________________________________ Parameter__________Comments________________________________ GLOBALS="UCI,VOL" Default global directory ROUTINES="UCI,VOL" Default routine directory SYMBOL=n Symbol table size SOURCE=n Source buffer size STACK=n Stack size (continued on next page) 1-34 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features Table 1-4 (Cont.) Additional DSM for DEC OSF/1 JOB Command __________________Parameters_______________________________ Parameter__________Comments________________________________ [NO]UNDEFINED Enable/disable compatibility with earlier dialects of MUMPS [NO]CENABLE Enable/disable Ctrl/C when INPUT=iospec is a terminal [NO]TYPEAHEAD Enable/disable typeahead when INPUT=iospec is a terminal MANAGER____________Enable_manager_mode_____________________ For more information about the JOB command, see the Language Reference Manual. DSM-11 Block Mode Global Save (^%GBS11) The %GBS11 Utility is included with DSM for OSF/1 for use on DSM-11 systems. The %GBS11 Utility can be transferred to any DSM-ll system by using the DSM for DEC OSF/1 Routine Save Utility (^%RS) and the DSM-11 Routine Restore Utility (^%RR). It is executed on a DSM-11 system to write one or more DSM-11 globals or DSM-11 global subtrees to DSM magnetic tape. The DSM for DEC OSF/1 ^%GBR Utility can then be used to perform a high-speed restore of the DSM- 11 global data blocks from DSM magnetic tape to your DSM for DEC OSF/1 database. DSM-11 Compatibility Issues DSM for OSF/1 allows you to enable DSM-11 compatibility mode using the ^CONFIG Utility. If you enable DSM-11 compatibility mode, the following applies: o DSM-11 device numbers are translated to OSF/1 file names via a device translation table. o The DSM-11 syntax for arguments to the OPEN, USE, and CLOSE commands is recognized. o Error messages are reported in the DSM-11 error message syntax. o DSM-11 style error trapping is supported. DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features 1-35 For more information, see the Programmer's Guide and the Installation and Management Guide. 1-36 DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP Functionality and Features ________________________________________________________________ Index E envnm option, 1-3 Comments P "string" option, 1-21 documentation, viii, 1-2 ^CONDEF Utility, 1-24 Configurations______________________________ access control, 1-4 logical OR, 1-16 definition of, 1-4 D____________________________________________________________ DEC OSF/1 commands incremental database man, 1-13 changes to, 1-10 DEC OSF/1 environment variables mode access mode specifier, 1-5 TERM, 1-32 description of, 1-5 DECUS, x Device control mnemonic volume (dsmbaseline.gls), 1-4 OPEN command, 1-25 READ command, 1-25 EXPONENTIATION , 1-16 USE command, 1-25 WRITE command, 1-25 PATTERN logical OR, 1-16 Device control mnemonic space description of, 1-25 SORTS 1-16 Device control mnemonics table editing, 1-25 Devices ______________________________ handling, 1-25 line options DEVTYPE parameter, 1-25 -E envnm, 1-3 Documentation -P "string", 1-21 description of changes, 1-2 submitting comments, viii, QUIT, 1-17 1-2 ZBREAK, 1-20 dsmbaseline.gls ZDELETE, 1-20 baseline volume set, 1-4 Index-1 dsminit.sh shell script, 1-3 Incremental backup changes to, 1-10 E______________________________ inetd process Environment TCP/IP, using with, 1-22 definition of, 1-3 ^IOCTL Utility External routines device handling, 1-25 compatibility, 1-14 J DSM for DEC OSF/1 specific, _______________________________ 1-15 JOB command %PROMPT, 1-21 OPTION parameters, 1-34 Extrinsic functions parameters, not supported, After-Image Journaling, 1-8 1-33 global translation, 1-23 parameters, supported, 1-34 F______________________________ L______________________________ $FNUMBER function Language extensions lowercase code strings, 1-17 Type A, 1-16 Functions Library Utilities $GET, 1-18 changes to, 1-24 ^%PR, 1-24 G______________________________ ^%PS, 1-24 ^%GBS11 Utility, 1-35 ^%RXFER, 1-24 $GET function ^%TERMUTL, 1-23, 1-24 second argument, 1-18 M Global attributes _______________________________ keep, 1-7 Magnetic tape Global protection restrictions, 1-26 purge attribute, 1-7 man command, 1-13 Global references manpage length, 1-7 See Reference page Global translation extrinsic MERGE command, 1-17 functions Mnemonic space description, 1-23 See Device control mnemonic Globals space performance, 1-7 _______________________________ N______________________________ I/O $NAME function, 1-18 differences (files and NEWVERSION parameter network devices), 1-26 restriction when using NFS, differences (terminals), 1-28 1-32 $NEXT function removed from ANSI Standard, 1-20 Index-2 NOTRAP parameter, 1-22 READ command device control mnemonics, O______________________________ 1-25 Online help / form, 1-25 reference page, 1-13 Reference page, 1-13 OPEN command $REVERSE function, 1-19 device control mnemonic, Routine line 1-25 length, 1-16 Routines P protecting, 1-12 _______________________________ ^%RR Utility Parameters new feature, 1-24 NOTRAP, 1-22 ^%RXFER Utility, 1-24 TRAP, 1-22 Performance S______________________________ globals, 1-7 String length ^%PR Utility, 1-24 global, 1-7 Precompiled source routine Structured system variables, code 1-19 protecting, 1-12 ^SYS environment configuration Programmer mode global prompt, setting the, 1-21 configuration definition, Prompt 1-4 DSM (>) System Utilities setting, 1-21 changes to, 1-24 %PROMPT external routine, 1-21 ^CONDEF, 1-24 ^%PS Utility, 1-24 _______________________________ T______________________________ $QLENGTH function, 1-18 TCP/IP QUIT command inetd process, using with, indirection, 1-17 1-22 TERM environment variable, R______________________________ 1-32 Raw devices ^%TERMUTL Utility, 1-24 creating volume sets on, USE parameters, 1-23 1-12 $TEXT function ^%RCMP Utility precompiled code only, 1-13 new feature, 1-24 TRAP parameter, 1-22 READ / command device control mnemonics, 1-25 Index-3 differences, 1-12 U______________________________ UCI chaining W______________________________ description of, 1-6 WRITE / command USE command device control mnemonics, device control mnemonic, 1-25 1-25 WRITE command ^%TERMUTL Utility, using, device control mnemonics, 1-23 1-25 / form, 1-25 V______________________________ Volume sets Z______________________________ creating on raw devices, ZBREAK command, 1-20 1-12 ZDELETE command, 1-20 entering line label, 1-12 $ZDEVTYPE special variable, mounting 1-19 Index-4