TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX ESA V1.0.0 Level 1 Revision B Release Notes Revision: ESAV100 Level 1 Rev B Date: 31 July 1998 Operating System and Version: Digital UNIX V4.0D Software Version: TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX 1. Preface 3 2. Introduction 3 3. TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX, Software Prerequisites 3 4. Migrating from TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 EFT (ESAT100-3A) to SSB (ESAV100-1B) 4 5. Legal Notice 4 6. Fixed Problems in ESAV100-1B 4 7. Known Problems 6 1. Preface These Release Notes contain critical information and late breakins related to the TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX SSB, referred to as ESAV100-1B, software kit. It is composed of the following sections: * An introduction, presenting the current software kit in the TeMIP V3.2 Program. * A description of the Software Prerequisites * Migration from TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 EFT to SSB * Legal Notice * A list of ESAV100-1B fixed problems * A list of ESAV100-1B known problems It is recommended that you read this document before installing or using the TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 Software. 2. Introduction TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX is a new TeMIP product. TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX packaging consists of the following software kits and products: D-UNIX software kits: * TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX (this kit) , including products : TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 3. TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX, Software Prerequisites ESAV100-1 must be installed on: * DIGITAL UNIX V4.0D * TeMIP V3.2 Framework Basic Management System (TFRBASEV320-1C) * TeMIP V3.2 C++ Developer Toolkit (TFRTFCV320-1C) if ESA Customization is to be performed. This subset is not mandatory just to run a Customized ESA PM. * cxx release V5.7 In addition to the installation requirements listed above, it is recommended that you install the Digital UNIX V4.0D patches as mentioned in TeMIP V3.2 SSB Release Notes. 4. Migrating from TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 EFT (ESAT100-3A) to SSB (ESAV100-1B) During the TeMIP Expert System Access External Field Test, the name of the Customized ESA PM was changed from ie_gateway_pm to temip_esa_pm. The name of the associated application also changed from ie_gateway_pm to esa_pm. This change is transparent if you de-install ESAT100-3A and re-install ESAV100-1B. But if you have already performed ESA Customization, you must replace the name of the resulting executable file in the file ieg_pm_descrip.make,: IE_GATEWAY_PM_EXECUTABLE = ie_gateway_pm with: IE_GATEWAY_PM_EXECUTABLE = temip_esa_pm Furthermore, if you have already developed FCL-PM scripts for starting the Customized ESA PM, you must replace all instance of: start mcc 0 application ie_gateway_pm with: start mcc 0 application esa_pm 5. Legal Notice The TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 comes with code examples to show an integration with the ILOGRules Expert System. These files are located in the directory /usr/mcc/esa/examples. Please be aware that unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution of this material is prohibited. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in these files. Any software described in these examples is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such a license. 6. Fixed Problems in ESAV100-1B QAR DB ID Workaround Description IEG_INT 23 The IEGAlarmObjectChange::GetOldOperatorNote() method always returns a "Not Present" TLatin1String. IEG_INT 24 As the Customized ESA PM implements the TeMIP Security for all the TeMIP Calls that it requested to perform, it starts-up under the acloc user. After the TeMIP Security initialization, it should come back to the user that started it. It does not and keeps running under the acloc user. As a consequence, the ie_gateway_pm cannot create or update its MIR under /var/mcc that only has write permission for temip.users. IEG_INT 26 During the installation of the ESARTT100 subset, the enrollment of the ie_gateway_pm is successful but ends with a core dump. This does not prevent the Customized ESA PM from being correctly enrolled and the ESARTT100 installation from completing successfully. IEG_INT 31 During the installation of the ESARTT100 subset, the mcc 0 application ie_gateway_pm with a Filename that contains an extra '/': //usr/mcc/mmexe/ie_gateway_pm. IEG_INT 33 The stubs provided in the ESADKT100 subset contain an SCCS Id. This may conflict with a user's code management system. IEG_INT 34 The stubs provided in the ESADKT100 subset contain a Copyright 1997 instead of 1998 in their headers. IEG_INT 35 IEGReply::More() always returns TEMIP_K_FALSE for IEGReply objects created by a DoPopulate(). IEG_INT 36 If IEGCommunication::OnConnect() returns a TEMIP_T_CVR other than TEMIP_S_NORMAL, the ie_gateway_pm exits with the corresponding CVR but generates a core dump. IEG_INT 37 It is not possible to set the priority or the stack size of the Clutch thread. IEG_INT 41 The first time a SET Operator Note is performed on an alarm_object, the corresponding IEGAlarmObjectChange object is not activated. IEG_INT 42 When performing a DoAsynchronousCall on a wildcarded global entity that has no registered instances, there are no IEGReply objects created. The correct behavior would be to have one IEGReply object created with the Common Exception "Entity Not Registered". 7. Known Problems ESAV100-1B is the TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 for DIGITAL UNIX SSB Software Kit. The test campaigns that have been run on this kit have identified the following issues: QAR DB ID Workaround Description IEG_INT 59 Catch the Visual TeMIP MException as well as the TAL TException. In the IEGServices::DoSynchronousCall and IEGServices::DoAsynchronousCall methods, if you specify a domain with a syntactical error (e.g. "domain foo"), a Visual TeMIP MException is raised (%MCC-E-DNSERROR, unknown Namespace error) instead of a TException. IEG_INT 60 In the IEGServices::DoSynchronousCall and IEGServices::DoAsynchronousCall methods, if you specify a time with a syntactical error (e.g. "uqydg"), no exception is thrown and the time specification is ignored. IEG_INT 63 Perform the following command to add the global classes in the TeMIP Dictionary Cache used by the TAL: tfc_cache_dict_builder \ -o tal.dict_cache \ \ \ ... The IEGServices::StartCollection and IEGServices::StartOCMonitoring methods have some memory leaks. These occur if the global classes for which alarms are collected (especially the DOMAIN for a StartCollection(NOTIFY) and the DOMAIN and OPERATION_CONTEXT for a StartOCMonitoring) are not in the TeMIP Dictionary Cache. IEG_INT 65 None, but the SET directive is successfully performed. If a SET directive is performed through the IEGServices::DoSynchronousCall or IEGServices::DoAsynchronousCall methods, the following trace is displayed on the terminal where the latest temip_start was performed: Throwing internal bug exception %TFC-E-DICT_OID_NO_EXIST, OID does not correspond to an existing dictionary object from line 981 in file tfc_wp_dict_value.cxx Ignoring exception in OnPostSet. IEG_INT 67 Use whenever possible the IEGServices::DoSynchronousCall method. There is a memory leak of 100 bytes for every new IEGServices::DoAsynchronousCall method call.