DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V2.1A for DIGITAL UNIXSPD 51.28.05 DESCRIPTION TeMIP is a family of software products for the management of telecom- munications and corporate networks, including fixed wire and mobile/cellular voice and data multi-vendor, multi-technology networks. TeMIP V3.1A provides comprehensive off-the-shelf fault and trouble management func- tions such as Alarm Handling, Event Logging and Trouble Ticketing for telecommunications network management. TeMIP supports the International Standards Organization (ISO) manage- ment standards ISO 10164-x and ISO 10165-x, the OMNIpoint 1 standards as defined by NMF and T1M1. TeMIP and its features are applicable in the context of the International Telecommunication Union-Telecom Stan- dard Sector (ITU-T) X.73x and Telecom Management Network (TMN) M.3010 and M.3100 Recommendations. It gives network operators a global view of their networks, and enables them to activate management functions and operations from single or multiple workstations. TeMIP is built on top of the TeMIP Framework and fully benefits from the object oriented and truly distributed software architecture. The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Version 2.1A is part of this program and provides the TeMIP platform with access to the Open Systems In- terconnection environment in accordance with TMN recommendations. As such, the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit extends TeMIP functions to all network elements and operation systems that support the OSI model as a means of information transfer. It allows a TeMIP management system to act in the role of Manager in a TMN, by means of the International Standards Common Management Information Protocol (IS CMIP). It also December 1997 AE-QDYLF-TE benefits from the Event Filtering and Correlation capabilities of TeMIP. Refer to the TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Software Product de- scription (SPD 45.24.xx) and the TeMIP Framework SPD (54.17.xx) for more information about Distribution and Event Filtering and Correla- tion related features. The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit - GDMO Model Maker allows a user to create and generate, from an object model specified using the ISO/IEC and ITU-T standards, the TeMIP internal repository used during run- time operations. In this way, the translation of the information ex- changed between the TeMIP environment and the OSI world is fully data driven. The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit makes use of the Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) as recommended in TMN, through the X/Open Management Protocol (XMP) interface. GDMO Model Maker The ISO/IEC and ITU-T standard bodies have defined the Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects (GDMO) standard to help users in the definition of their management information model. The TeMIP OSI Man- agement Toolkit-GDMO Model Maker (GDMO Browser and GDMO TRanslator) provided users with an easy way to create, validate and generate their management information models. GDMO Browser The GDMO Browser greatly simplifies the task of creating the primary data files for a management model that represents a potentially lengthy and complex editing phase. The GDMO Browser allows the user to access the many possible sources of reference and library data through a graph- ical interface, and to quickly include the appropriate data in the man- agement model. The GDMO Browser is used both as a database management tool, and as a front-end to the GDMO Translator; for example, the GDMO Browser can be used to: o Create and maintain sets of managed object definitions in ASCII files, based on GDMO templates and ASN.1 modules o Create, define and test the complete Management Information Tree 2 o Perform database management on a library of managed object defi- nitions o View GDMO objects and ASN.1 datatype definitions in the library o Shift between documents (library files) and definitions by means of a hypertext navigation facility o Edit GDMO object and ASN.1 type definitions using the standard win- dows editing functions o Verify new or edited object definitions by directly calling the GDMO Translator to perform a syntax check o Directly customize the Management Information Model to build the OSI/Q3 Access Module. The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit GDMO Browser User's Guide describes the overall possibilities of the product GDMO Translator Within the TeMIP Framework, GDMO and ASN.1 notation is mapped into Man- agement Specification Language (MSL) notation to perform entity man- agement. This mapping is done using the GDMO Translator tool. The GDMO Translator carries out two distinct functions: o Assistance in the modelling by validating the syntax and semantics of GDMO and ASN.1 specifications o Translation of the validated specifications into the equivalent TeMIP Framework MSL specifications and OSI Dictionary File, used by the OSI/Q3 Access Module for translation purposes. The GDMO Translator input information is in the form of ASCII format- ted files that contain one or any combination of the following items: o GDMO templates, written according to the notation defined in ISO/IEC 10165-4 or ITU X.722 o ASN.1 modules, containing the ASN.1 type and value definitions ref- erenced in the GDMO templates, and written according to the nota- tion defined in ISO/IEC 8824 or ITU X208 3 o Extensions to the GDMO templates and ASN.1 definitions used for: - Generating MSL constructs in those cases where no equivalent GDMO or ASN.1 constructs exist - Tailoring the GDMO Translator to provide specific MSL output (for example, to force specific MSL entity codes) - Defining a Management Information Tree. The GDMO Translator outputs are as follows: o MSL Files used by the TeMIP Framework MSL Translator tool as part of the TeMIP Framework Dictionary building process o MSL Translator Makefile to simplify the use of the MSL Translator tool o OSI Dictionary File used by the OSI/Q3 Access Module to build its own internal dictionary o Vector File used in the process of building a run-time OSI/Q3 Ac- cess Module. For a more detailed view of the GDMO Translator capabilities, refer to the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit GDMO Translator User's Guide. OSI Access Module The TeMIP OSI Access Module component provides the TeMIP platform with access to the OSI environment. It allows a TeMIP-based management sys- tem to act in the role of Manager in a TMN, by means of the IS CMIP. The OSI AM translates TeMIP directive requests into CMIP operation re- quests and CMIP operation results and errors into TeMIP directive re- sponses and exceptions. The OSI AM is also responsible for translating any CMIP Event Reports received, which can then be used by any TeMIP Fault and Trouble Man- agement function. 4 This adaptation is fully data driven and based on the object model de- fined using the GDMO Model Maker. This means that the user does not have to write any code if the object model is changed. The TeMIP OSI Access Module functions are the following: o Protocol Translations o Address Resolution o Multi-model management The TeMIP OSI Access Module performs the translation between the GDMO/CMIP and MSL/TeMIP Framework representations based on the OSI Dictionary file produced by the GDMO Model Maker. In terms of the management model, the following translations are done: GDMO/ASN.1 MSL Object Class Entity Class Attribute Attribute Action Directive Notification Event ASN.1 data type MSL data type Concerning the protocol, the following mapping is performed: TeMIP Framework CMIP Create Create Delete Delete Set, Add, Set Remove Show Get All other Action directives Response Result Exception Error Event Report Event Report 5 ILV encoding BER encoding Address resolution refers to the way in which the TeMIP OSI Access Mod- ule determines the address of an entity in the network and establishes communication with it. The address resolution task uses the informa- tion in the Address File. An association with the remote Agent is es- tablished when a directive has to be sent to the entity concerned or an event is received from it. The TeMIP OSI Access Module supports up to 128 Agents. Because the TeMIP platform allows you to integrate several network el- ements into the same view, the TeMIP OSI Access Module offers a mul- tiple model management capability. An object model, named by its OSI Dictionary file, can be attached to one or more Agents. This feature permits you to carry out version management of network elements. The TeMIP OSI Access Module offers a set of tools for its own manage- ment and activities. With such tools, the system administrator is able to: o Trace information about activities within the TeMIP OSI Access Mod- ule and write that information to a Trace Log File o Log errors, generated from different levels in an Error Log File o Self-manage the TeMIP OSI Access Module by issuing directives that operate on it, and by collecting Event Reports generated by the TeMIP OSI Access Module itself. An example is the creation of Agent_Record entities including the related Agent information. The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, OSI Access Module User's Guide pro- vides additional information. OSI Protocol Stack The OSI Protocol Stack, which is part of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, implements Session (ISO/IEC 8327 or ITU-TS X.225), Presentation (ISO/IEC 8323 or ITU-TS X.226) and Application layers. Within the Application layer, Application Service Elements related to network management are present (ACSE: Association Control Service Element (ISO/IEC 8650 or 6 ITU-TS X.227), ROSE: Remote Operation Service Element (ISO/IEC 9072- 2 or ITU-TS X.229), CMISE: Common Management Information Service el- ement (ISO/IEC 9596-1)). The protocol stack runs over the DECnet-Plus product through XTI (the X/Open Transport Interface). The TeMIP OSI Access Module and TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module access the protocol stack through XMP (the X/Open Management Proto- col June 1993). HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Supported Alpha AXP Processors: AlphaServer 8200 AlphaServer 8400 DEC/4600, DEC/4700 DEC/7600, DEC/7700 DEC/10600 AlphaServer 2000 AlphaServer 2100 AlphaServer 4000 AlphaServer 4100 AlphaStation 600 DEC/3500, DEC/3500S, DEC/3500X DEC/3800, DEC/3800S DEC/3900 AlphaServer 300 (Melmac) AlphaServer 400 AlphaServer 800 AlphaServer 1000 AlphaStation 200 AlphaStation 250 AlphaStation 255 AlphaStation 400 7 AlphaStation 500 DEC/2300S DEC/2500 DEC/3300, DEC/3300L, DEC/3300X, DEC/3300LX DEC/3400, DEC/3400S DEC/3600, DEC/3600S DEC/3700 Supported Sun Solaris Systems To be added. Disk Space Requirements: Disk space required for installation: Subset copy: 11,000 Kbytes Installation usr 19,000 Kbytes Disk Space Required for Use (Permanent): No specific re- quirement Memory Requirements: The minimum memory supported, due to a TeMIP Framework prerequisite, is 128 Mbytes. However, the use of this software in conjunction with increased memory capability improves performance. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o DIGITAL UNIX[R] Operating System V4.0B o TeMIP Framework V3.1A o TeMIP Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.1A o DECnet-Plus V3.2C 8 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE o DEC X.25 V1.3 for DIGITAL UNIX GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the current version requirements. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available as part of the Consolidated Software dis- tribution on CD-ROM. Please refer to the ordering information for each Software Media reference. ORDERING INFORMATION TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Software License: QL-2HEA9-AA Software Media: QA-2HEAA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-2HEAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-2HEA*-** TeMIP OSI Access Module Run-Time Software License: QL-2HHA9-AA Software Product Services: QT-2HHA*-** TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module Run-Time Software License: QL-5XSA9-AA Software Product Services: QT-5XSA*-** Note: Other run-time software is available on other DIGITAL operating systems. Please contact Product Management for more information. 9 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about DIGITAL's licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIGITAL office. License Management Facility Support: This layered product supports the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Fa- cility. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. Refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System Software Product Descrip- tion (41.61.xx) for more information. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product. The above information is valid at the time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. 10 [R] X/Open, XTI and XMP are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DECnet, AlphaStation, AlphaServer, DIGI- TAL, and TeMIP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ©1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 11