DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Digital Speech Recognition Software V1.1 SPD 64.14.01 for Digital UNIX DESCRIPTION Digital Speech Recognition Software Version 1.1 for Digital UNIX[TM] is an English language based command and control speech recognition environment that integrates speech recognition capabilities with an AlphaStation. This version of Digital Speech Recognition Software has been enhanced to work under the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) for Digital UNIX Digital Speech Recognition Software Version 1.1 has an active vocab- ulary size of 256 words and a maximum end user defined vocabulary size of 4000 words. Digital Speech Recognition Software uses a state-of-the-art speech recog- nition engine (licensed from Dragon Systems, Inc.) with the follow- ing features: o Speaker-independent models o Adaptability - allows easy adaptation of acoustic and language mod- els to the speech patterns of the individual user, for improved recog- nition accuracy. o Discrete word or phrase recognition o Continuous speech recognition capability April 1996 AE-QS4AB-TE Digital Speech Recognition Software V1.1 provides pre defined vocab- ularies for several applications as well as providing the user with the ability to speech enable their own applications. A user can cre- ate a vocabulary for any application program following a set of sim- ple instructions. Vocabularies are supplied with Digital Speech Recognition for the fol- lowing Digital applications: o DXclock - desktop clock o DXcalc - desktop calculator o DXcardfiler - desktop card filing system o DXcalendar - desktop calendar and appointment book o DXmail - Electronic mail o DECterm - terminal emulator with UNIX commands, speech enabled in the DECterm terminal window o vi - editor with C Programming language commands Additional vocabularies are supplied for the following CDE applica- tions: o dtcalc - desktop caculator o dtterm - terminal emulator o dtcalendar - calendar o dtmail - Electronic mail o dtpad - note pad o dtfile - file manager Vocabularies are also supplied for these popular applications: o GNU Emacs[TM] - editor o Netscape Navigator[TM] - World Wide Web Browser 2 o C Programming - program standard programming constructs available using either the Emacs or vi editors Digital Speech Recognition has two main components, the Speech Man- ager and the Vocabulary Manager. The Speech Manager provides the following functionality: o A graphical control panel o Controls to enable and disable the speech recognition system o Configuration of the various visual feedback components: - real-time VU meter - active and always active word lists - context window to indicate current window focus - history pane provides on-screen record of your interactions o Training - provides speaker adaptive training to improve accuracy for individuals The Vocabulary Manager provides a graphical interface for the complete vocabulary used by the Digital Speech Recognition Software. The in- terface presents a hierarchical view of the vocabularies supported by Digital Speech Recognition Software and enables the user to: o Add, delete and modify words and groups of words o Train - Speaker-adaptive training of words or groups of words o Associate words with corresponding actions to be executed CONFORMANCE TO STANDARDS Digital Speech Recognition is designed to conform to the following stan- dards: o MIT X Window System[TM] Version 11 Release 5 (X11R6) 3 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported: o Alpha: DEC 3000 Model 300 AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 300 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 300X AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 300X AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 300LX AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 300LX AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 500 AXP Server o DEC 3000 Model 500X AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 600 AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 600 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 700 AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 700 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 800 AXP Workstation 4 o DEC 3000 Model 800 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 3000 Model 900 AXP Workstation o DEC 3000 Model 900 AXP Workstation with Sound and Motion J300 mul- timedia option o DEC 2000 Model 300 with Microsoft Windows o Sound System o AlphaStation 200 4/100 o AlphaStation 200 4/166 o AlphaStation 200 4/233 o AlphaStation 250 4/266 o AlphaStation 255/300 with AlphaStation Sound Card o AlphaStation 400 4/233 with AlphaStation o Sound Card o AlphaStation 500/266 with AlphaStation Sound Card o AlphaStation 500/333 with AlphaStation Sound Card o AlphaStation 500/400 with AlphaStation Sound Card o AlphaStation 600 5/266 with AlphaStation Sound Card o AlphaStation 600 5/300 with AlphaStation Sound Card o AlphaStation 600 5/333 with AlphaStation Sound Card DISK SPACE REQUIRMENTS: Disk space required for installation 44 MB 8MB runtime system 36 MB documentation Disk space required for use (permanent) 44MB 5 These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. MEMORY REQUIREMENTS FOR MOTIF AND CDE SUPPORT: Minimum memory supported is 32 MB. However, the use of this software in conjunction with increased memory capability improves performance. The memory size suggested for most typical hardware configurations is at least 64 MB. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o Digital UNIX V3.0 Operating System or higher (V4.0 for CDE) o Multimedia Services for Digital UNIX V1.5 or higher (V2.0 for CDE) OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Emacs - editor Netscape Navigator- World Wide Web Browser GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA The Digital Speech Recognition Software is distributed as an individ- ual product offering on its own CD-ROM and on the Digital CD-ROM Soft- ware Library for Digital UNIX. 6 ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-4AYAM- SPEECH RECG UNX CONC LIC 3B QL-4AYAM- SPEECH RECG UNIX CONC UPD LIC 5B QL-4AYAM- SPEECH RECG UNX CONC TUTU LIC 9B Software Media: QA-4AYAA- SPEECH RECG U/A CDRM KIT H8 Software Documentation: QA-4AYAA- SPEECH RECG U/A DOC KIT GZ * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE LICENSING This product offers Concurrent Use license. This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. It is understood by both parties to the license agreement that speech recognition is a statistical process, that recognition errors are in- herent in the process of speech recognition, and that speech recog- nition applications must be designed to allow for such errors in the recognition process. You must understand that such errors are inevitable 7 and that it is your responsibility to correct recognition errors be- fore using the results of recognition. The software and any documentation is provided on an "as is" basis. Digital Equipment Corporation disclaims all warranties, whether ex- press or implied, written or oral, with respect to the software and any documentation, including all warranties of merchantability and fit- ness for a particular purpose. Digital's liability for damages to the licensee for any cause whatsoever, regardless of the form of any claim or action, shall not exceed the total license fee paid by the licensee for the license to use the software under this agreement. Digital shall in no event be liable for any damages resulting from the loss of data, profits or use of equipment, or for any special, incidental, or con- sequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use or per- formance of the software. License Management Facility Support: This software product supports the Digital UNIX License Management Fa- cility. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the Digital UNIX Operating System documentation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. 8 [TM] X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [TM] The Digital Logo, Alpha AXP, AXP, Bookreader, DEC, Digi- tal and TURBOchannel are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [TM] Netscape Navigator is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. [TM] GNU Emacs, is a trademark of Free Software Foundation, Inc. [TM] Dragon Speech is a registered trademark of Dragon Systems, Inc. Speech technology featured in this product is licensed from Dragon Sys- tems, Inc., Newton, MA USA. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. 9