DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 1.0 SPD 56.45.00 DESCRIPTION DIGITAL[TM] InfoServer[TM] Client for DIGITAL UNIX[R] software allows a system running the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System to access devices on an InfoServer. The DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX communicates with the InfoServer 100, 150, and 1000 systems to provide remote access to SCSI storage devices connected to the InfoServer. Storage can be partitioned into local disks, each being part or the whole of a drive. These vir- tual disks are seen by the client as local disks (local to the client system). Refer to the InfoServer System Software Product Description (SPD 33.20.xx) for the functional description. The protocol stack used to communicate in the client/server relation- ship is LASTport/Disk. This protocol stack is designed to optimize trans- actions in one particular environment, a Local Area Network (LAN), that includes many clients and only a few servers. The rights to connect to the InfoServer using this software are granted with the InfoServer system license. Refer to the InfoServer SPD (SPD 33.20.xx) for more information on the InfoServer system software and hardware. April 1997 AE-R40YA-TE Features Supports Industry Standard Format CD-ROMs DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX is a software product that runs on the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System. Using this product, DIGITAL UNIX clients can access DIGITAL UNIX or ISO 9660 formatted CD-ROMs attached to an InfoServer system. Multiple Read/Write Virtual Disks DIGITAL UNIX systems running this client software can also access read/write partitions on Winchester or Magneto-optical drives. These partitions can be considered an extension of the DIGITAL UNIX user's local stor- age. While a partition is set up for write access from one DIGITAL UNIX sys- tem or workstation, no other systems are allowed access until the par- tition is redefined to be read only. There is no interlocking at the server and the file/record structure is the responsibility of the client system. Access to the InfoServer CD-ROM drives is transparent to the DIGITAL UNIX clients. Clients see the required information on fully shareable de- vices as if the devices are attached locally. InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX can access 8 virtual devices in the following combinations: o 8 CD-ROMs or o Any combination of 8 CD-ROMs and LASTport/Disk drives (read only or read/write partitions) Any number of users on the DIGITAL UNIX system can access these vir- tual devices and their associated partitions. Multiple InfoServers can be installed on the same LAN if more devices are required to provide additional storage device connections. Automatic Failover 2 The InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX includes automatic failover to duplicate media. Load Balancing When the same disk is offered more than once on the network, load bal- ancing is provided. This includes the ability to load balance connec- tions within a single InfoServer when duplicate virtual disks are present, as well as between multiple InfoServers with duplicate media on the network. Installation and Configuration Utility The DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX software provides the user with utility programs to configure DIGITAL UNIX clients to con- nect to the virtual disks offered by an InfoServer. Manpage facili- ties are also provided. Restrictions and Limitations The LASTport/Disk protocol does not operate across a Wide Area Net- work (WAN). The InfoServer and all the clients accessing it must be on the same LAN but not necessarily on the same segment (can be bridged). Extended LANs are not supported. Initial System Load (ISL), booting, and tape support of DIGITAL UNIX systems from the InfoServer system are not supported at this time. The DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX does not support di- rect FDDI network connections. This client software only supports FDDI indirectly through an Ethernet to FDDI bridge. 3 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX runs on any Alpha hard- ware platform that supports DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2G or Version 4.0B. For a complete list of supported hardware platforms, see the DIGITAL UNIX SPD (SPD 41.61.xx). For RISC-based Systems: ___________________________________________________________________ Disk_space_required_for_installation_and_permanent_use:____________ Root file system: 0 Kbytes Other file sys- usr 1,835 Kbytes tems: var 0 Kbytes These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o DIGITAL UNIX Operating System Version 3.2G or Version 4.0B o InfoServer Kernel Software Version 3.1 or later SOFTWARE LICENSING The right to use the InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX software is included with the InfoServer Server Software License, which is included in the base InfoServer packaged systems. Refer to the InfoServer Server SPD (SPD 33.20.xx). This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about the DIGITAL licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIGITAL office. 4 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA The DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX is distributed on CD- ROM media. ORDERING INFORMATION Media and Documentation o DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX: QA-YSHAF-H8 Software Product Services o DIGITAL InfoServer Client for DIGITAL UNIX: QT-YSHA*-**+ SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. ____________________ * Denotes variable fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 5 SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum. The above information is valid at the time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, Digital, DIGITAL, InfoServer, and LASTport are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ©1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 6