DIGITAL Software Product Description ________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL NetWorker SPD 50.98.13 for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 5.2 DESCRIPTION DIGITAL[TM] NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX[R] provides backup, restore, archive, and hierarchical storage management (HSM) services for local and network connected servers and clients using a TCP/IP network. Any system with a local hard disk, ranging from a single PC to a multi-processor UNIX server can be a NetWorker client. Heterogeneous client support includes DIGITAL UNIX, OpenVMS[TM], SunOS[TM], Solaris[R], HP-UX[R], IBM[R] AIX[R], SCO[TM] UNIX, SGI[R] IRIX[TM], DOS, NetWare[R], Windows NT[R], Windows[R], and Macintosh[R]. The NetWorker Server is licensed by its level of functionality: NetWorker Workgroup Edition is a high-performance storage management solution for small networks in corporate environments. It provides support for up to four client connections and includes Save Set Consolidation. NetWorker Network Edition performance/capacity is suited for multi-platform, enterprise-wide environments. It is preconfigured to come with ten client connections and includes Save Set Consolidation. The Network Edition supports options that increase functionality by adding client connections, expanding client platform coverage and delivering advanced data management services. NetWorker Power Edition is a high-performance storage management solution for customers with very large servers, or the requirement to drive high-speed devices. Power Edition features enhanced local backup to dramatically increase local throughput while minimizing the use of system resources. NetWorker's Power Edition includes functionality for Save Set Consolidation, Cluster Server Failover and Cluster Client Support. Power Edition is preconfigured to come with ten client connections, three cluster client connections and includes client software to protect systems running on DIGITAL UNIX. The Power Edition supports options that increase functionality by adding client connections, expanding client platform coverage, and delivering advanced data management services. The NetWorker services each have a different role in storage management: o Backup is a routine system management function that makes copies of data to ensure data availability. August 1998 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 o Save Set Consolidation is an operation that consolidates incremental backups into a full backup. o Archive is a system management function that makes permanent copies of data for long-term storage. o HSM automatically migrates files from disk to another storage medium (for later retrieval), based on a set of rules, in order to conserve network storage resources. o Restore retrieves data from backup or archive copies when needed. Features o On-line backup o Storage Nodes are special remote NetWorker clients with local remote storage devices. To offload the NetWorker server, data is routed to the storage node directly without the data first going to the NetWorker server. The Storage Node only operates devices; it does not have other NetWorker server functions. o Cluster server features in Trucluster[TM] environments. The cluster server failover feature enables a NetWorker server to relocate between nodes in a cluster in the event of a system failure. NetWorker cluster server works in concert with TruCluster software to maintain access to NetWorker databases and devices on shared SCSI buses. This functionality requires Power Edition. o Parallel streaming supports up to 32 concurrent backup/recover sessions (64 with Power Edition) on the server. This scales upwards as Storage Nodes are added. o Concurrent device support using up to 16 backup devices simultaneously, including multiple autochangers (32 with Power Edition) on the server. This scales upwards as Storage Nodes are added. Workgroup Edition provides support for two storage devices (only autochangers with 1-8 slots may be configured). o Autochanger capability enables hands-free, automated data protection using a wide variety of autochangers. Modules are licensed according to the number of slots configured in the robotic devices. o Silo Software Modules enable hands-free automated data protection using a wide variety of silo modules and are licensed by the number of media (volumes) they will manage inside the silo. o Archiving to expand NetWorker into a full-featured storage management platform through the addition of the NetWorker Archive Module. 2 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 o HSM to expand NetWorker into a full-featured storage management platform through the addition of the NetWorker HSM Module. HSM allows for automatic migration of files from disk to another storage medium (for later retrieval), based on a set of rules, in order to conserve network storage resources. HSM is not supported in a TruCluster environment. o Easy backups, archive, HSM, restore, retrieve and fast file location operations by users and administrators o Media management index (up to one terabyte) for tracking media o Simultaneous backup of multiple local and remote file systems to reduce backup time o Supports raw disk, file, tape, or optical disk as backup media. o Support for data compression and encryption o Local system administration from graphical user interface and/or command line o Remote system administration from native client graphical user interface and/or command line o Ability to schedule backups by group, system, or file-system granularity o Supports multiple media pools o Enhanced security option o DIGITAL UNIX C2 interoperability o Configuration reports o Savegroup control for stopping and restarting backups o Clone (duplicate) backup savesets o Concurrent recovery for multiple clients o Reads ANSI tape labels o Recover by saveset o Client-side support for TruClusters o Immediate save and immediate recover for high-speed device support to reduce overhead and increase speed. This functionality requires Power Edition. o Optional online backup of Oracle[R], SAP R/3 on Oracle, Informix[R], Exchange and SQL Server 3 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 o Staging, based on policies, moves data at the save set level from one medium to another medium. o SNMP Module supports an enterprise system management strategy by providing seamless integration of NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX with HP[R] OpenView[TM] Network Node Manage and Solstice Site/Domain Manager. o Version 5.2 is Year 2000 compliant. The NetWorker server software handles backup, archive, HSM, and restore requests issued by systems running NetWorker client software. The server software also contains device and configuration files that control all backup and restore operations. In save and archive operations, the NetWorker client software reads files and file systems and sends the data to the NetWorker server or storage node. During restore and HSM operations, the client software allows the user to select files and request those files. The server automatically recycles backup (but not archive) media. NetWorker Product Options Table Workgroup Network Edition Power Edition Edition Pre-Configured Support Number of 4 10 10 Client Connections Number of 8 32 +32 per 64 + 64 per Simultaneous storage node storage node Parallel Data Streams Number of 2 16 + 16 per 32 + 32 per Devices storage node storage node Save Set Clone Yes Yes Yes Save Set Yes Yes Yes Consolidation Immediate save No No Yes and recovery High Speed No No Included Device Support Number of No No 3 Cluster Client Connections 4 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 Options Supported Additional No Yes Yes Client Connections Autochanger 1-8 slots Yes Yes Software only Modules Silo Software No Yes Yes Module Archive Module No Yes Yes Storage Node No Yes Yes for NT or UNIX BusinesSuite No Yes Yes Modules SNMP Module No Yes Yes HSM Module No Yes Yes Cluster No No Yes Support HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor Support Alpha-Based Processors For a detailed listing of Alpha-based processors supported as NetWorker servers and as NetWorker clients running the DIGITAL UNIX operating system, see the DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.xx). When using NetWorker in a network configuration, all client systems must have appropriate hardware for network operation. See the ORDERING INFORMATION section for additional client support not included with this product. OPTIONAL HARDWARE Additional backup devices can be placed on the system executing the server or storage node software. See the NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX documentation for more information on configuration and operation. 5 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 BACKUP DEVICES For support of tape drives, see the DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.xx) for a detailed listing. TZ88 and TZ89 tape drives, and TZ88-based and TZ89-based tape libraries, connected to an HSZ controller are not supported. For a detailed listing of tape devices and libraries in a NetWorker Cluster Server environment, see either the TruCluster Available Server Software Product Description (SPD 44.17.xx) or the TruCluster Production Server Software Product Description (SPD 63.92.xx). Please note that random access autochanger and silo devices require NetWorker add-on software module licenses. For each autochanger, purchase an Autochanger Software Module license based on the number of slots in the device. See the ORDERING INFORMATION section. Supported Backup Devices The following devices are supported on appropriate processors that are listed in the Processor Support section AND are listed as being supported to operate as NetWorker servers: o Optical drives supported with SCSI adapters: RWZ52, RWZ53 o DIGITAL random access autochanger (jukebox) devices supported (note that each device requires an Autochanger License and that all have SCSI interfaces except where another is specified): 1-8 slots TLZ6L,TLZ7L,TLZ9L, TKZ61, TKZ62, TLZ1L, TZ867, TZ875, TZ877, TZ885, TZ887 1-16 slots TL891, TL892 1-32 slots TKZ64 1-64 slots TL810, TL812 1-128 slots TL895 1-256 slots TL826, TL896 >256 slots TL820, TL822, TL893 o DIGITAL optical autochanger (jukebox) devices supported (note that each device requires an Autochanger License and that all have SCSI interfaces except where another is specified): 1-32 slots RW504, RW524, RW525, RW546 1-64 slots RW510, RW530, RW531, RW551 1-128 slots RW532, RW552 1-256 slots RW514, RW516, RW534, RW555 >256 slots RW557, RW536 Beginning with the V4.3 release, sequential access loaders are no longer supported. 6 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 The supported devices listed in this document are tested and qualified with the current release of NetWorker. Standard support services are offered for these devices. NetWorker also supports numerous non-DIGITAL devices listed in Legato's Compatibility Guide at DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS The following disk space is required for installation: Server Software (Client, Storage Nodes and Server subsets) /tmp 100 Kbytes /usr/opt/networker 55,000 Kbytes /nsr 5,000 Kbytes* Storage Nodes Software (Client and Storage Nodes subsets) /tmp 100 Kbytes /usr/opt/networker 35,000 Kbytes /nsr 100 Kbytes Client Software (Client subset) /tmp 100 Kbytes /usr/opt/networker 26,000 Kbytes /nsr 100 Kbytes Man Pages /usr/opt/networker 1,000 Kbytes Documentation 6,000 Kbytes * The system executing the server software will need space for on-line media and file indexes. The amount will vary. The numbers stated are reasonable minimums. The actual requirement is up to 10% of the total backup and HSM data. These disk space requirements refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes will vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o Minimum requirement DIGITAL UNIX Operating System V4.0A (Patches may be required - please see the Release Notes.) o Cluster Server functionality requires minimum DIGITAL UNIX V4.0D and TruCluster V1.5 (See SOFTWARE LICENSING section.) 7 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 o For support of robotic media-handling and optical devices, SCSI CAM Layered Components V3.1C or later for DIGITAL UNIX (provided on DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Software Product Library.) See the SCSI CAM Layered Components for DIGITAL UNIX SPD (SPD 50.68.xx) for details. In network operation, appropriate TCP/IP networking software for client and server systems is required. Different vendors might have different packaging of networking software. See the ORDERING INFORMATION section for additional client support not included within this product. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Autochanger Software Modules - enables hand-free, automated data protection using a wide variety of autochangers. Modules are licensed according to the number of slots supported by the robotic device (1-8 slots, 1-16 slots, 1-32 slots, 1-64 slots, 1-128 slots, 1-256 slots and unlimited slots.) For optical libraries, each side of the media is treated as a slot. Autochanger licenses are not cumulative. For example, one 1-16 slot autochanger license will not support 2 autochangers with 8 slots each. Silo Software Modules - enables hand-free automated data protection using a wide variety of silo devices and are licensed by the number of pieces of media (volumes) they will manage inside the silo (1-128 volumes, 1-256 volumes, 1-512 volumes and unlimited volumes). NetWorker supports numerous Silo devices, refer to Legato's Compatibility Guide at NetWorker Archive - delivers file-level archiving and file grooming services for authorized clients on the network. This advanced data management application also supports the complete archive saveset management features for UNIX clients. NetWorker Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) - automatically migrates files from disk to another storage medium (for later retrieval), based on a set of rules, in order to conserve network storage resources. The HSM clients supported are DIGITAL UNIX clients and other Legato NetWorker clients that are HSM compatible (such as Sun). NetWorker Storage Nodes - enables NetWorker to fully utilize backup devices on NetWorker clients. This option is available in two modules: Network Edition and Power Edition, to match your server functionality. A Storage Node license is required for each client functioning as a storage node. If you use an autochanger for backup to a storage node, you must purchase a license for each autochanger. Client Connections - increases the number of authorized client connections to the server in increments of 5, 25 and 100. 8 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 Cluster Client Connections - increases the number of authorized cluster client connections to the server in increments of 5, 25 and 100. A cluster client connection license also contains a client connection license. Requires Power Edition. Client Kit Software - enables each supported client to perform scheduled backups or on-demand recovery. In addition, most NetWorker clients can be configured to do on-demand backups or serve as an administration node. Any NetWorker client of V5.0 or later is self-identifying. Self- identifying clients have the ability to pass client attributes to the NetWorker server as backup begins. With the addition of self-identifying client ability, client licensing has been modified. A client PAK enabler is required for backup of a client (V5.x or above) that is not of the same platform type as the NetWorker server itself. The client PAK enabler is included in the client media and documentation kit and does not need to be ordered separately. BusinesSuite Module for Oracle - allows a client to backup Oracle databases using NetWorker in cooperation with Oracle Enterprise Backup Utility (EBU) and Recovery Management (RMAN). For more information refer to the BusinesSuite Module for Oracle SPD (64.46.xx). Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle - A high performance implementation of the SAP Backint specification that integrates SAP backup utilities with the NetWorker suite of storage management tools. This license is tiered by system type. For more information refer to the Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle SPD (64.66.xx). Database Module for Informix - Allows a client to back up Informix databases using NetWorker in conjunction with the Informix ON-Bar backup utility. This license is tiered by system type. For more information refer to the Database Module for Informix SPD (70.11.xx). SQL Module for Windows NT - integrates on-line backup and recovery services for SQL Server databases, transaction logs, and control files into a NetWorker backup. Exchange Module for Windows NT - Integrates on-line backup and recovery services for Exchange Server Directory and Information Store into NetWorker backup. DOCUMENTATION The following hardcopy documents are available for NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX: o Release Supplement and Installation Guide o Administrator's Guide 9 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 o Disaster Recovery Guide o Power Edition Performance Tuning Guide SOFTWARE LICENSING With version 5.2 license management changes from LMF (License Management Facility) to Enabler and Authorization Code Technology. NetWorker is licensed in the following manner: Server Licenses SingleServer license - allows a system to back up its local disks with limited tape or optical functionality (no autochanger or jukebox). This license is included with DIGITAL UNIX and is described in the DIGITAL UNIX SPD (41.61.xx). Workgroup Edition License - provides backup and recovery including four client connections. License part number QM-2ALAD- AB; Software Kit part number QA-2ALAD-H8. Network Edition License - networked system backup and recovery including ten client connections. License part number QM-2ALAD- AA; Software Kit part number QA-2ALAD-H8. Power Edition License - networked system backup and recovery including ten client connections and three cluster client connections. License part number QM-2ALAD-AC; Software Kit part number QA-2ALAD-H8. Upgrade To upgrade a server from Network Edition to Power Edition, order license QM-2ALAD-AE. Optional Licenses NetWorker Client Connection License - each non-clustered system that needs to be backed up and archived requires a license, part number QM-569AD-A*. NetWorker Cluster Client Connection License - allows NetWorker to support the TruCluster environment, Cluster Server Failover, and its associated storage. Each cluster host and each shared resource require a cluster client connection. License part number QM-YUMAD-A*. Archive Module - this add-on module enables archive services, license part number QM-3P2AD-AA. HSM Module - this add-on module enables HSM services, license part number QM-5RGAD-AA. Storage Node Module License - this add-on module enables full utilization of backup devices on NetWorker clients. Storage 10 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 Nodes are licensed according to the server type, either Network Edition or Power Edition. Order the Storage Node Module license that corresponds to your server type. A Storage Node license is required for each client functioning as a Storage Node. The license for Storage Node Network Edition is QM-62MAD-AA; Power Edition is QM-62MAD-AB. SNMP Module - this add-on module enables seamless integration with HP OpenView NetWork Node Manager and Solstice Site/Domain Manager. Order license part number QM-625AD-AA. NetWorker Autochanger Software Module Licenses - licensed according to the number of slots supported by the robotic device. See ORDERING INFORMATION for part numbers. NetWorker Silo Software Module Licenses - licensed according to the number of volumes. See ORDERING INFORMATION for part numbers. BusinesSuite Module for Oracle - this add-on module enables on- line backup for Oracle, license part number QM-5XVAD-AA. Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle - this add-on module enables on-line backup for SAP R/3 on Oracle. See ORDERING INFORMATION for part numbers. Database Module for Informix - this add-on module enables on- line backup for Informix. See ORDERING INFORMATION for part numbers. SQL Module License for Windows NT Clients on a NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Server - this add-on module enables on-line backup of SQL Servers. A SQL Module License is required for each NetWorker client that has a SQL database to be backed-up, part number QM-5S1A9-AA. Exchange Module License for Windows NT Clients on a NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Server - this add-on module enables on-line backup of Exchange Servers. An Exchange Module License is required for each NetWorker client that has an Exchange database to be backed-up, part number QM-5PYAA-AA. For more information about Digital Equipment Corporation's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Compaq office. License Management NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX server licenses and optional software module licenses are managed using Legato's Enabler and Authorization Code Technology, with the current exceptions of Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle, Database Module for Informix, and the OpenVMS Client which use LMF licensing. 11 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS Depending upon the network configuration and distributed backup requirements of the specific environment, NetWorker may require additional hardware components to reach desired levels of performance. Client configurations of more than 200 clients to a single NetWorker server should be discussed with your Compaq sales representative or reseller to ensure proper configuration criteria. The HSM module is designed to work best with HSM file systems up to a few hundred GB per server in size. For configurations outside of this range, contact a Compaq storage specialist or reseller for configuration advice. HSM is not supported in a TruCluster environment. Server performance and client limits vary with the following environment variables: CPU power Memory Disk speed Number and speed of backup devices Quantity and type of data to be backed up Quantity and type of data to be archived or migrated Frequency of backup Scheduling window Number of clients NetWorker server index size Media index catalog size Client index size For additional configuration information, contact your local Compaq office. The NetWorker server software maintains online index files that can become very large, depending upon the system and software configuration. The system that executes the NetWorker server software needs to be appropriately configured. The minimum hardware requirements for any future version of this product might be different than the hardware requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available : o on CD-ROM (QA-2ALAD-H8); o as part of the DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Software Product Library service on CD-ROM (QA-054A*-**); or 12 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 o as part of the DIGITAL UNIX Associated Products CD-ROM which is included in the Operating System kit. ORDERING INFORMATION To order NetWorker follow these steps: Part No. Description Step 1: Order NetWorker Media and Documentation on its own CD-ROM: QA-2ALAD-H8 NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX Media and Documentation Kit, OR QA-054A*-** On the DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Software Product Library CD-ROM (Media and documentation), OR On the DIGITAL UNIX Associated Products CD-ROM which is included in the Operating System kit (Media and Documentation) For Documentation Only QA-2ALAD-GZ Documentation only Step 2a: Make sure you have a Server License, either as part of a StorageWorks[TM] PLUS package (P/N QB-5RYA*-AB) or ordered separately: QM-2ALAD-AB Workgroup Edition (Includes four client connection licenses) QM-2ALAD-AA Network Edition (Includes ten client connection licenses) QM-2ALAD-AC Power Edition (Includes ten client connection licenses and three cluster client connection licenses) Step 2b: To upgrade your NetWorker Server License, order the following: QM-2ALAD-AE Network Edition to Power Edition Additional media and documentation are not needed when upgrading from Network Edition to Power Edition within the same version. Step 3: Order any of the following optional licenses: QM-3P2AD-AA Archive Module QM-5RGAD-AA HSM Module QM-625AD-AA SNMP Module 13 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 QM-62MAD-AA Storage Node (Network Edition) QM-62MAD-AB Storage Node (Power Edition) Step 4a: For additional client connection licenses order from the following: QM-569AD-AA 5 Client Connection Licenses QM-569AD-AB 25 Client Connection Licenses QM-569AD-AC 100 Client Connection Licenses Step 4b: For additional cluster client connection licenses order from the following: QM-YUMAD-AA 5 Cluster Client Connection Licenses QM-YUMAD-AB 25 Cluster Client Connection Licenses QM-YUMAD-AC 100 Cluster Client Connection Licenses Step 5: Select the appropriate Autochanger (Jukebox) license (optional): QM-563AD-AA Autochanger Software Module (1-8 slots) QM-564AD-AA Autochanger Software Module (1-16 slots) QM-5JUAD-AA Autochanger Software Module (1-32 slots) QM-565AD-AA Autochanger Software Module (1-64 slots) QM-5JVAD-AA Autochanger Software Module (1-128 slots) QM-5JWAD-AA Autochanger Software Module (1-256 slots) QM-566AD-AA Autochanger Software Module (unlimited) Step 6: Select the appropriate Silo license (optional): QM-62NAD-AA Silo Software Module (1-128 volumes) QM-62PAD-AA Silo Software Module (1-256 volumes) QM-62QAD-AA Silo Software Module (1-512 volumes) 14 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 QM-62RAD-AA Silo Software Module (unlimited volumes) Step 7: Select proper client kit and documentation: QA-XYXAA-H8 NetWorker UNIX Client Kit (DIGITAL UNIX, HP, AIX, SCO, IRIX SunOS, Solaris, UNIXWare clients) QA-XYXAB-H8 NetWorker PC Client Kit (OS/2[R] Warp, Windows 3.1x, Windows NT Workstation, Windows for Work- groups, and Windows 95[TM] clients via TCP/IP) QA-XYXAC-H8 NetWorker Netware Client Kit QA-XYXAD-H8 NetWorker NT Client Kit QA-XYXAE-H8 NetWorker DIGITAL Client Kit (Open VMS) Note: The OpenVMS Client Kit requires a license. QL-5ZCA*-AA for Alpha; QL-626A*-AA for VAX. See SPD 70.01.xx for further information. QA-XYXAF-H8 NetWorker Macintosh Client Kit Step 8: To back up an Oracle database on-line, you need the BusinesSuite module for Oracle license: QM-5XVAD-AA BusinesSuite Module for Oracle QA-5XVAD-H8 Media and Documentation, BusinesSuite Module for Oracle QA-5XVAD-GZ Documentation Only, BusinesSuite Module for Oracle Step 9: To back up a SAP R/3 environment running on an Oracle database on-line, you need an Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle license which is tiered by system type: QL-5JGAE-AA Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle Tier 1 QL-5JGAG-AA Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle Tier 2 QL-5JGAQ-AA Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle Tier 3 QA-5JGAA-H8 Media and Documentation, Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle QA-5JGAA-GZ Documentation Only, Application Interface for SAP R/3 on Oracle Step 10: To back up an Informix database on-line, you need a Database Module for Informix license, which is tiered by system type: QL-5YCAE-AA Database Module for Informix Tier 1 15 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 QL-5YCAG-AA Database Module for Informix Tier 2 QL-5YCAQ-AA Database Module for Informix Tier 3 QA-5YCAA-H8 Media and Documentation, Database Module for Informix QA-5YCAA-GZ Documentation Only, Database Module for Informix Step 11: To back up a Microsoft NT Exchange Client or SQL Client to a DIGITAL UNIX NetWorker Server, you need the appropriate license: QM-5PYAA-AA NetWorker Module for Exchange Server QM-5S1AP-AA NetWorker Module for Microsoft SQL Server QA-5PXAA-H8 Media and Documentation for Exchange Server and Microsoft SQL Server QA-5PXAA-GZ Documentation for Exchange Server and Microsoft SQL Server * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES Installation and Telephone support services are available for server and client software. For more information please contact your local Compaq office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with a 90-day conformance warranty in accordance with the DIGITAL warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office for the most up-to-date information. [R] AIX and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. [R] HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. [R] Informix is a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. [R] Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. 16 DIGITAL NetWorker for DIGITAL UNIX, SPD 50.98.13 Version 5.2 [R] Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] Microsoft, NT, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks and Windows 95 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [R] NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. [R] Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. [TM]SCO is a trademark of Santa Cruz Operations, Inc. [R] SGI is a registered trademark and IRIX is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. [R] Solaris is a registered trademark and SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DIGITAL, StorageWorks, and TruCluster are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. DIGITAL believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. DIGITAL is not responsible for any inadvertent errors. DIGITAL conducts its business in a manner that conserves the environment and protects the safety and health of its employees, customers and the community. Printed in U.S.A. Copyright 1998 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 17