COMPAQ Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Compaq Storage Library System SPD 29.67.23 Version 2.9F for OpenVMS DESCRIPTION Data center managers face major storage management problems: system backup and restore complexity and effective file archiving and retrieval. Compaq Storage Library System (SLS) for OpenVMS provides the solution for OpenVMS environments. SLS for OpenVMS includes a remote backup facility for OpenVMS clients. Features o Automatic, flexible scheduling of backup operations o Centralized services for user-requested backup and archiving op- erations o Can be used for remote backup and archiving operations directly be- tween disks and tape drives located on different OpenVMS systems within a DECnet or DECnet Plus network without staging data across disks o Online maintenance of information about backed up and archived files and volumes; this allows quick retrieval of the files or restora- tion of disk volumes without the user having to know the names of the tape volumes on which the data was saved o Can be used for OpenVMS systems in both mixed-interconnect and mixed architecture OpenVMS Clusters o Integration with RMU/BACKUP and RMU/RESTORE, allowing backup and restore of Oracle Rdb[TM] databases using SLS managed media April 2001 AE-LB73Z-TE o Effective use of all media capacity by appending multiple sets of backed up or archived files to the same volume or volume set o Direct positioning to the start of each save set file during a re- store operation using saved information about the tape position of each save set file. SLS does not qualify SCSI fast tape position- ing o DCL and menu interfaces with online help for users, operators, and storage administrators o Customization features to meet a variety of operational and site requirements SLS for OpenVMS provides the following important media and device man- agement capabilities: o Qualified for unattended backup operations using a variety of au- tomated libraries and loaders. For a complete list of qualified de- vices, refer to the section 'Qualified Devices' of this SPD. o Media life cycle control including maintenance of volume retention period, availability status, location, and scheduling of dates when volumes are to move offsite and return o Maintenance of counters for each volume noting the number of times a volume has been mounted and the number of errors associated with the volume; these counters are used to schedule volume cleaning when the counters exceed threshold values o Control of media allocation based on customer-defined media pools o Ability to print external tape labels in a customized format o Built-in report generation and custom report generation capabil- ity o Security features to prevent unauthorized media or device use o "Round robin" device allocation to distribute drive usage among avail- able tape drives 2 o In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, automatic failure recovery from the loss of a processor to allow continuous access to the SLS for OpenVMS media databases. This feature requires two server licenses. Remote Device Facility (RDF[TM]) The Remote Device Facility (RDF) software is included within the SLS for OpenVMS software. It is optionally installed during the SLS soft- ware installation procedure. No additional license is needed for RDF when used within the bounds of SLS. RDF allows SLS to access tapes from other OpenVMS nodes across the DEC- net or DECnet-Plus network for backup and archive operations. RDF in- cludes of the following capability: o RDF servers that execute tape I/O requests on behalf of a remote client. Servers are located on systems that have tape drives at- tached or on systems that can access drives through the OpenVMS TM- SCP Server. o RDF clients that provide the communications interface between ap- plications reading or writing data to a tape drive and to the RDF servers. SLS for OpenVMS software makes access to remote tape drives transpar- ent to SLS backup and archive operations by issuing RDF commands as appropriate if a designated tape drive is a remote one. SLS for Open- VMS software also manages volume load requests to remote systems to allow unattended backups or to communicate with a console operator. SLS for OpenVMS makes no direct use of the remote disk capabilities inherent in RDF. LICENSE OPTIONS To qualify a variety of configuration requirements, the following SLS for OpenVMS license options are available: o SLS for OpenVMS VAX Server o SLS for OpenVMS Alpha Server 3 o SLS for OpenVMS VAX Client o SLS for OpenVMS Alpha Client SLS for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Server SLS for OpenVMS server software provides full functionality, as de- scribed above, to users on the node or OpenVMS Cluster on which SLS is executing. A node or OpenVMS Cluster executing SLS for OpenVMS soft- ware provides media management services for itself and for any "client nodes" connected to it. At least one SLS for OpenVMS server license in the network is required for use of the SLS for OpenVMS product. SLS for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Clients SLS for OpenVMS Client software provides backup scheduling and archiv- ing services for the node or OpenVMS Cluster on which it is execut- ing, and acts as a client of the SLS server software when the client requires media management services. Like the SLS Sever software, the SLS Client software maintains SLS his- tory files where it records information about user files backed up or archived locally under its control. The node executing SLS for Open- VMS client software communicates using DECnet or DECnet-Plus software to a node running the SLS for OpenVMS server software. The SLS server node maintains the SLS media database. The SLS media database contains information about volume location and pool access authorization. Each SLS for OpenVMS client node must be reached from a node or Open- VMS Cluster system executing the SLS for OpenVMS server software. Any number of SLS for OpenVMS client nodes may be served by a single SLS for OpenVMS server node. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS SLS runs on VAX and Alpha processors qualified by OpenVMS. For a de- tailed list of processors qualified by OpenVMS, see the OpenVMS Op- erating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx). 4 As with OpenVMS, the following processors are not qualified: o MicroVAX I o VAXstation I o VAX-11/725 o VAX-11/782 o VAXstation 8000 Processor Restrictions: A minimum system configuration includes: o 4 MB memory o One or more tape drives o Disk drive, recognized by OpenVMS as having a Files-11 structure o Any other minimum configuration requirements for the OpenVMS Op- erating system SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating System: SLS is qualified on: o OpenVMS VAX Operating System, Versions 5.5-2, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System, Versions 6.2, 7.1-2, 7.2-1 and 7.3. Note: SLS V2.9F does not utilize ODS5 disk structure. OpenVMS Version 7.3 provides support for Fibre Channel (FC) connected tape devices. This is accomplished through the use of Modular Data Router (MDR) connected to the FC Switch. MDR converts Fibre Channel proto- col to SCSI protocl, which the tape device understands. 5 SLS V2.9F has qualified this new feature in OpenVMS 7.3 as used with MDR. SLS V2.9F is restricted to single cluster environment. Please re- fer to OpenVMS V7.3 for a complete listing of supported tape devices. RDF V4.3A non-compatibility for OpenVMS 7.3 Engineering is investigating a problem with RDF and OpenVMS 7.3. The problem is not fully understood at this time to be able to footprint it. Enginerring does not recommend that an RDF user upgrade to Open- VMS VAX or Alpha 7.3. A subsequent RDF version will be made available by SLS Engineering. Layered Products: o DECnet Phase IV for OpenVMS, or o DECnet-Plus Oracle RDB: o Oracle RDB 7.0.3, 7.0.5, 7.0.6 and Optional Software: Data Cartridge Server Component (DCSC) is required for support Stor- ageTek ACSLS silos. Refer to the DCSC Software Product Description (SPD 33.59.xx). DCSC engineering has elected not to qualify DCSC V3.2 on Fibre Channel connected tape devices as provided with the Operating System release of V7.3. Therefor SLS will not do the same. OpenVMS Disk space required for SLS Server Node: 6 __________Without__________________________________________________ Server____RDF________With_RDF______________________________________ Peak 9,000 (client and server) 10,200 blocks (5.1 MB) (during blocks instal- (4.5 MB) lation): Net 7,800 8,400 blocks (4.2 MB) (perma- blocks nent):____(3.9_MB)_________________________________________________ OpenVMS Disk space required for SLS Client Node: ___________________________________________________________________ Without Client____RDF________With_RDF______________________________________ Peak 8,700 (client and server) 9,800 blocks (4 MB) (during blocks instal- (4.4 MB) lation): Net 7,100 7,900 blocks (4.0 MB) (perma- blocks nent):____(3.6_MB)_________________________________________________ Disk space required by the SLS for OpenVMS media database and history files: The SLS media database is present only on nodes executing SLS for Open- VMS server software (not on nodes executing SLS for OpenVMS client soft- ware). The disk space required by the SLS media database depends on the number of pieces of media to be managed. During installation, you may designate the disk on which the SLS media database will be kept. For enhanced data safety, the SLS media database may be stored on a shadowed disk. 7 SLS history files are present on any node executing either SLS for Open- VMS server software or SLS for OpenVMS client software. The disk space required for a SLS history file depends upon the number of files to be tracked by SLS for OpenVMS software. During installation, you may designate the disk on which SLS history files are will be kept. For enhanced data safety, the SLS history files may be stored on a shad- owed disk. Total Disk Space Requirement for SLS for OpenVMS Server Software: Execution of SLS for OpenVMS Server software requires approximately 8,400 blocks (the number of blocks occupied by SLS for OpenVMS and RDF software) plus one block for every piece of media it manages plus one block for every six files it tracks. Example: Assume that there are 1,500 pieces of media under management by SLS for OpenVMS software and that 60,000 files are tracked. The space required is: ___________________________________________________________________ Component________Required_Disk_Space_______________________________ SLS for Open- 8,400 blocks VMS Server Software: Media database: 1,500 blocks History files: 10,000 blocks ___________________________________________________________________ TOTAL____________19,900_blocks_(10.0_MB)___________________________ Total Disk Space Requirement for SLS Client software: Execution of SLS for OpenVMS Client software requires 7,900 blocks (the number of blocks occupied by SLS for OpenVMS Client and RDF software) plus one block for every six files it tracks. 8 Example: Assume that there are 60,000 files known to SLS for OpenVMS Client software. The disk space required is: ___________________________________________________________________ Component_____Required_Disk_Space__________________________________ SLS for 7,900 blocks OpenVMS Client software: History 10,000 blocks files: ___________________________________________________________________ TOTAL_________17,900_blocks_(8.0_MB)_______________________________ In addition to the disk space specified above, adequate disk storage must be available on the host system to accommodate history files if that option is selected. These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. OpenVMS Cluster ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully qualified when installed on any valid and licensed OpenVMS Cluster configuration. OpenVMS Cluster config- urations are fully described in the OpenVMS Cluster Software Product Description (29.78.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, and Mixed Intercon- nect configurations. OpenVMS Tailoring: For OpenVMS systems, the following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Programming Support 9 o Utilities o System Programming Support o Secure User's Environment o Network Support GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DOCUMENTATION The SLS documentation set covers the SLS server, client and Media Man- agement for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA SLS is available as part of the OpenVMS Consolidated Software Distri- bution for VAX and Alpha systems on CD-ROM. ORDERING INFORMATION The Media Management software is included with the SLS server and client. VAX Systems: SLS Server for OpenVMS VAX: Software Licenses: QL-0L7A*-AA Software Documentation: QA-0L7AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0L7A*-L9 Software Update Licenses: QL-0L7A*-RA Software Consulting Service: QS-0L7AA-5Z Software Consulting PLUS Service: QS-0L7AA-5X 10 SLS Client for OpenVMS VAX: Software Licenses: QL-YE8A*-AA Software Update Licenses: QL-YE8A*-RA DCSC for OpenVMS VAX: Software License: QL-YWNA9-AA Alpha Systems: SLS Server for OpenVMS Alpha: Software Licenses: QL-0YPA*-AA Software Documentation: QA-0YPAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0YPA9-L9 Software Update Licenses: QL-0YPA*-RA Software Consulting PLUS Service: Covered under SLS for OpenVMS Con- sulting PLUS Service SLS Client for OpenVMS Alpha: Software Licenses: QL-0YQA*-AA Software Update Licenses: QL-0YQA*-RA DCSC for OpenVMS Alpha: Software License: QL-4EUA9-AA * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. Note: It is recommended that first time SLS for OpenVMS users purchase the Consulting Service for SLS for OpenVMS or Consulting PLUS Service for SLS for OpenVMS. 11 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Compaq's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more information about Compaq's li- censing terms and policies, contact your local Compaq office. License Management Facility SLS Server for OpenVMS, and SLS Client for OpenVMS qualify the Open- VMS License Management Facility. For more information on the OpenVMS License Management Facility, re- fer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the OpenVMS License Management Facility manual of the Open- VMS Operating System documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation, contact your local Compaq office. Qualified DEVICES The following libraries and loaders have been tested and qualified by Storage Management Software Engineering. However, Storage Management Software Engineering does not test each of the devices with every pos- sible combination of controllers and host systems. Because Storage Li- brary System and the Media Robot Utility (MRU) run in common environ- ments, these combinations are tested first with MRU. Upon successful completion of the MRU tests, Storage Library System is then tested in representative configurations. Note that MRU is not a prerequisite for Storage Library System. Therefore, to determine if your specific configuration has been qual- ified follow these steps: 1. If you have a tape drive that is not software-defined as a juke- box (is not a library or a loader device), refer to the OpenVMS Soft- ware Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) to determine if your tape 12 drive is qualified for your platform and controller/adapter com- bination. 2. If your device is software-defined as a jukebox (it is a library or loader device), first check the following list to determine if it is tested by the media manager. If the device is listed, see the following instructions: a. Check the OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) to make sure the tape drive(s) in your library/loader are qual- ified for your platform and controller/adapter combination. b. Check the MRU Software Product Description (SPD 64.44.xx) to make sure your library/loader is listed by MRU for your specific con- troller/adapter combination. 3. Assuming your device is correctly connected and configured, it should work with Storage Library System and its clients. If you have devices that are not shown on the list, they may still have been qualified. Compaq continually tests its software on additional devices that may have been released since the last publication of this SPD. If you have a question about a particular device, contact Com- paq customer support. 13 ESL9326D SSL2020 MSL5026SL STK ACS TLZ6L TLZ7L TLZ9L TKZ6x TL810 TL812 TL820 TL822 TL826 TL890 TL891 TL892 TL893 TL894 TL895 TL896 TL857 TZ867 TZ875 TZ875n TZ877 TZ877n TZ885 TZ887 TL891DX TSL10000 SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90 day conformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. © 2001 Compaq. All rights reserved. Compaq, the Compaq logo, VAX and VMS Registered in U.S. Patent and trade- mark Office. OpenVMS and Tru64 are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the United States and other countries. Motif and UNIX are trademarks of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be 14 trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer soft- ware. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use or copy- ing. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Soft- ware, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commer- cial Items are licensed to the U.S. government under vendor's stan- dard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change with- out notice. The warranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Noth- ing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Printed in the United States of America 15