HP Fortran for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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9.4.121 QCMPLX (X [,Y])

Description: Converts the argument to COMPLEX(16) type. This function must not be passed as an actual argument.
Class: Elemental function; Generic
Arguments: X Must be of type integer, real, or complex.
  Y (opt) Must be of type integer or real. It must not be present if X is of type complex.
Results: The result is of type COMPLEX(16) (or COMPLEX*32).

If only one noncomplex argument appears, it is converted into the real part of the result value and zero is assigned to the imaginary part. If Y is not specified and X is complex, the result value is CMPLX (REAL(X), AIMAG(X)).

If two noncomplex arguments appear, the complex value is produced by converting the first argument into the real part of the value, and converting the second argument into the imaginary part.

QCMPLX(X, Y) has the complex value whose real part is REAL(X, KIND=16) and whose imaginary part is REAL(Y, KIND=16).


QCMPLX (--3) has the value (--3.0Q0, 0.0Q0).

QCMPLX (4.1, 2.3) has the value (4.1Q0, 2.3Q0).

9.4.122 QEXT (A)

Description: Converts a number to quad precision (REAL(16)) type.
Class: Elemental function; Generic
Arguments: A must be of type integer, real, or complex.
Results: The result is of type REAL(16) (REAL*16). Functions that cause conversion of one data type to another type have the same effect as the implied conversion in assignment statements.

If A is of type REAL(16), the result is the value of the A with no conversion (QEXT(A) = A).

If A is of type integer or real, the result has as much precision of the significant part of A as a REAL(16) value can contain.

If A is of type complex, the result has as much precision of the significant part of the real part of A as a REAL(16) value can contain.

Specific Name1 Argument Type Result Type
  REAL(16) REAL(16)
  COMPLEX(16) REAL(16)

1These specific functions cannot be passed as actual arguments.


QEXT (4) has the value 4.0 (rounded; there are 32 places to the right of the decimal point).

QEXT ((3.4, 2.0)) has the value 3.4 (rounded; there are 32 places to the right of the decimal point).

9.4.123 QFLOAT (A)

Description: Converts an integer to quad precision (REAL(16)) type.
Class: Elemental function; Generic
Arguments: A must be of type integer.
Results: The result is of type REAL(16) (REAL*16).

Functions that cause conversion of one data type to another type have the same affect as the implied conversion in assignment statements.


QFLOAT (--4) has the value --4.0 (rounded; there are 32 places to the right of the decimal point).

9.4.124 QREAL (A)

Description: Converts the real part of a COMPLEX(16) argument to REAL(16) type. This is a specific function that has no generic function associated with it. It must not be passed as an actual argument.
Class: Elemental function; Specific
Arguments: A must be of type COMPLEX(16) (or COMPLEX*32).
Results: The result is of type REAL(16) (or REAL*16).


QREAL ((2.0q0, 3.0q0)) has the value 2.0q0.

9.4.125 RADIX (X)

Description: Returns the base of the model representing numbers of the same type and kind parameters as the argument.
Class: Inquiry function; Generic
Arguments: X must be of type integer or real; it can be scalar or array valued.
Results: The result is a scalar of type default integer. For an integer argument, the result has the value r (as defined in Section D.1). For a real argument, the result has the value b (as defined in Section D.2).


If X is a REAL(4) value, RADIX (X) has the value 2.

9.4.126 RAN (I)

Description: Returns the next number from a sequence of pseudorandom numbers of uniform distribution over the range 0 to 1.

This is a specific function that has no generic function associated with it. It must not be passed as an actual argument. It is not a pure function, so it cannot be referenced inside a FORALL construct.

Class: Nonelemental function; Specific
Arguments: I is the seed. It must be an INTEGER(4) variable or array element.

It should initially be set to a large, odd integer value. The RAN function stores a value in the argument that is later used to calculate the next random number.

There are no restrictions on the seed, although it should be initialized with different values on separate runs to obtain different random numbers.

Results: The result is of type REAL(4). The result is a floating-point number that is uniformly distributed in the range between 0.0 inclusive and 1.0 exclusive. It is set equal to the value associated with the argument I.


In RAN (I), if variable I has the value 3, RAN has the value 4.8220158E--05.


Description: Returns one pseudorandom number or an array of such numbers.
Class: Subroutine
Arguments: HARVEST must be of type real. It is an INTENT(OUT) argument (see Section 5.10), and can be a scalar or an array variable. It is set to contain pseudorandom numbers from the uniform distribution within the range 0 <= x < 1.


Consider the following:

REAL Y, Z (5, 5)   
! Initialize Y with a pseudorandom number 

Y and Z contain uniformly distributed random numbers.

9.4.128 RANDOM_SEED ([SIZE] [,PUT] [,GET])

Description: Changes or queries the seed (starting point) for the pseudorandom number generator used by RANDOM_NUMBER.
Class: Subroutine
Arguments: No more than one argument can be specified. If no argument is specified, a random number based on the date and time is assigned to the seed. The three optional arguments follow 1:
SIZE (opt) Must be scalar and of type default integer. It is set to the number of integers (N) that the processor uses to hold the value of the seed.
PUT (opt) Must be a default integer array of rank one and size >= N. It is used to reset the value of the seed.
GET (opt) Must be a default integer array of rank one and size >= N. It is set to the current value of the seed.

1SIZE and GET are INTENT(OUT) arguments; PUT is an INTENT(IN) argument. For more information on INTENT, see Section 5.10.


Consider the following:

CALL RANDOM_SEED ( )                   ! Processor reinitializes the 
                                       !   seed randomly from the date 
                                       !   and time 
CALL RANDOM_SEED (SIZE = M)            ! Sets M to N 
CALL RANDOM_SEED (PUT = SEED (1 : M))  ! Sets user seed 
CALL RANDOM_SEED (GET = OLD  (1 : M))  ! Reads current seed 

9.4.129 RANDU (I1, I2, X)

Description: Computes a pseudorandom number as a single-precision value.
Class: Subroutine
Arguments: I1, I2 INTEGER(2) variables or array elements that contain the seed for computing the random number. These values are updated during the computation so that they contain the updated seed.
  X A REAL(4) variable or array element where the computed random number is returned.
Results: The result is returned in X, which must be of type REAL(4). The result value is a pseudorandom number in the range 0.0 to 1.0. The algorithm for computing the random number value is based on the values for I1 and I2.

If I1=0 and I2=0, the generator base is set as follows:

X(n + 1) = 2**16 + 3

Otherwise, it is set as follows:

X(n + 1) = (2**16 + 3) * X(n) mod 2**32

The generator base X(n + 1) is stored in I1, I2. The result is X(n + 1) scaled to a real value Y(n + 1) , for 0.0 <= Y(n + 1) < 1 .


Consider the following:


If I and J are values 4 and 6, X stores the value 5.4932479E--04.

9.4.130 RANGE (X)

Description: Returns the decimal exponent range in the model representing numbers with the same kind parameter as the argument.
Class: Inquiry function; Generic
Arguments: X must be of type integer, real, or complex. It can be scalar or array valued.
Results: The result is a scalar of type default integer.

For an integer argument, the result has the value INT (LOG10 ( HUGE(X) )). For information on the integer model, see Section D.1; on HUGE, see Section 9.4.56.

For a real or complex argument, the result has the value INT(MIN (LOG10( HUGE(X) ), --LOG10( TINY(X) ))). For information on the real model, see Section D.2; on TINY, see Section 9.4.157.


If X is a REAL(4) value, RANGE (X) has the value 37. (HUGE(X) = ( 1 - 2-24) x 2128 and TINY(X) = 2-126 .)

9.4.131 REAL (A [,KIND])

Description: Converts a value to real type.
Class: Elemental function; Generic
Arguments: A Must be of type integer, real, or complex.
  KIND (opt) Must be a scalar integer initialization expression.
Results: The result is of type real. If KIND is present, the kind parameter is that specified by KIND. If KIND is not present, see the following table for the kind parameter.

Functions that cause conversion of one data type to another type have the same affect as the implied conversion in assignment statements.

If A is integer or real, the result is equal to an approximation of A. If A is complex, the result is equal to an approximation of the real part of A.

Specific Name1 Argument Type Result Type
  REAL(4) REAL(4)
SNGL 2,3 REAL(8) REAL(4)

1These specific functions cannot be passed as actual arguments.
2Or FLOATJ. For compatibility with older versions of Fortran, FLOAT can also be specified as a generic function.
3The setting of compiler options specifying real size can affect FLOAT, REAL, and SNGL.
4For compatibility with older versions of Fortran, SNGL can also be specified as a generic function. The generic SNGL includes specific function REAL, which takes a REAL(4) argument and produces a REAL(4) result.


REAL (--4) has the value --4.0.

REAL (Y) has the same kind parameter and value as the real part of complex variable Y.


Description: Concatenates several copies of a string.
Class: Transformational function; Generic
Arguments: STRING Must be scalar and of type character.
  NCOPIES Must be scalar and of type integer. It must not be negative.
Results: The result is a scalar of type character and length NCOPIES x LEN(STRING). The kind parameter is the same as STRING. The value of the result is the concatenation of NCOPIES copies of STRING.


REPEAT ( ' S ' , 3) has the value SSS.

REPEAT ( ' ABC ' , 0) has the value of a zero-length string.


Description: Constructs an array with a different shape from the argument array.
Class: Transformational function; Generic
Arguments: SOURCE Must be an array (of any data type). It supplies the elements for the result array. Its size must be greater than or equal to PRODUCT(SHAPE) if PAD is omitted or has size zero.
  SHAPE Must be an integer array of up to 7 elements, with rank one and constant size. It defines the shape of the result array. Its size must be positive; its elements must not have negative values.
  PAD (opt) Must be an array with the same type and kind parameters as SOURCE. It is used to fill in extra values if the result array is larger than SOURCE.
  ORDER (opt) Must be an integer array with the same shape as SHAPE. Its elements must be a permutation of (1,2,...,n), where n is the size of SHAPE. If ORDER is omitted, it is assumed to be (1,2,...,n).
Results: The result is an array of shape SHAPE with the same type and kind parameters as SOURCE. The size of the result is the product of the values of the elements of SHAPE.

In the result array, the array elements of SOURCE are placed in the order of dimensions specified by ORDER. If ORDER is omitted, the array elements are placed in normal array element order.

The array elements of SOURCE are followed (if necessary) by the array elements of PAD in array element order. If necessary, additional copies of PAD follow until all the elements of the result array have values.


RESHAPE ((/3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8/), (/2, 3/)) has the value <left[ symbol><matrix symbol> 3&5&7<cr symbol> 4&6&8<cr symbol> <right] symbol> .

RESHAPE ((/3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8/), (/2, 4/), (/1, 1/), (/2, 1/)) has the value <left[ symbol><matrix symbol> 3&4&5&6<cr symbol> 7&8&1&1<cr symbol> <right] symbol> .

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