HP Fortran for OpenVMS
Language Reference Manual

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12.5.5 BUFFERED Specifier

The BUFFERED specifier asks whether run-time buffering is in effect. It takes the following form:

  • BUFFERED = bf


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' YES ' If the file or unit is connected and buffering is in effect.
' NO ' If the file or unit is connected, but buffering is not in effect.
' UNKNOWN ' If the file or unit is not connected.

12.5.6 CARRIAGECONTROL Specifier

The CARRIAGECONTROL specifier asks what type of carriage control is in effect for a file. It takes the following form:



Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' FORTRAN ' If the file is connected with Fortran carriage control in effect
' LIST ' If the file is connected with implied carriage control in effect
' NONE ' If the file is connected with no carriage control in effect
' UNKNOWN ' If the file is not connected, or if it has an unsupported carriage control type

12.5.7 CONVERT Specifier

The CONVERT specifier asks what type of data conversion is in effect for a file. It takes the following form:

  • CONVERT = fm


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' LITTLE_ENDIAN ' If the file is connected with little endian integer and IEEE floating-point data conversion in effect
' BIG_ENDIAN ' If the file is connected with big endian integer and IEEE floating-point data conversion in effect
' CRAY ' If the file is connected with big endian integer and CRAY® floating-point data conversion in effect
' FDX ' If the file is connected with little endian integer and VAX F_floating, D_floating, and IEEE X_floating data conversion in effect
' FGX ' If the file is connected with little endian integer and VAX F_floating, G_floating, and IEEE X_floating data conversion in effect
' IBM ' If the file is connected with big endian integer and IBM® System\370 floating-point data conversion in effect
' VAXD ' If the file is connected with little endian integer and VAX F_floating, D_floating, and H_floating in effect
' VAXG ' If the file is connected with little endian integer and VAX F_floating, G_floating, and H_floating in effect
' NATIVE ' If the file is connected with no data conversion in effect
' UNKNOWN ' If the file or unit is not connected for unformatted data transfer

12.5.8 DELIM Specifier

The DELIM specifier asks how character constants are delimited in list-directed and namelist output. It takes the following form:

  • DELIM = del


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' APOSTROPHE ' If apostrophes are used to delimit character constants in list-directed and namelist output
' QUOTE ' If quotation marks are used to delimit character constants in list-directed and namelist output
' NONE ' If no delimiters are used
' UNDEFINED ' If the file is not connected, or is not connected for formatted data transfer

12.5.9 DIRECT Specifier

The DIRECT specifier asks whether a file is connected for direct access. It takes the following form:

  • DIRECT = dir


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' YES ' If the file is connected for direct access
' NO ' If the file is not connected for direct access
' UNKNOWN ' If the file is not connected

12.5.10 EXIST Specifier

The EXIST specifier asks whether a file exists and can be opened. It takes the following form:

  • EXIST = ex


Is a scalar default logical variable that is assigned one of the following values:
.TRUE. If the specified file exists and can be opened, or if the specified unit exists
.FALSE. If the specified file or unit does not exist or if the file exists but cannot be opened

The unit exists if it is a number in the range allowed by the processor.

12.5.11 FORM Specifier

The FORM specifier asks whether a file is connected for formatted or unformatted data transfer. It takes the following form:

  • FORM = fm


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' FORMATTED ' If the file is connected for formatted data transfer
' UNFORMATTED ' If the file is connected for unformatted data transfer
' UNDEFINED ' If the file is not connected

12.5.12 FORMATTED Specifier

The FORMATTED specifier asks whether a file is connected for formatted data transfer. It takes the following form:

  • FORMATTED = fmt


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' YES ' If the file is connected for formatted data transfer
' NO ' If the file is not connected for formatted data transfer
' UNKNOWN ' If the processor cannot determine whether the file is connected for formatted data transfer

12.5.13 KEYED Specifier

The KEYED specifier asks whether a file is connected for keyed access. It takes the following form:

  • KEYED = kyd


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' YES ' If keyed access is allowed for the indexed file
' NO ' If keyed access is not allowed
' UNKNOWN ' If the processor cannot determine whether keyed access is allowed

12.5.14 NAME Specifier

The NAME specifier returns the name of a file. It takes the following form:

  • NAME = nme


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned the name of the file to which the unit is connected. If the file does not have a name, nme is undefined.

The value assigned to nme is not necessarily the same as the value given in the FILE specifier. For example, the value that the processor returns may be qualified by a directory name or a version number.

However, the value that is assigned is always valid for use with the FILE specifier in an OPEN statement, unless the value has been truncated in a way that makes it unacceptable. (Values are truncated if the declaration of nme is too small to contain the entire value.)


The FILE and NAME specifiers are synonyms when used with the OPEN statement, but not when used with the INQUIRE statement.

For More Information:

On the maximum possible size of file specifications, see the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.

12.5.15 NAMED Specifier

The NAMED specifier asks whether a file is named. It takes the following form:

  • NAMED = nmd


Is a scalar default logical variable that is assigned one of the following values:
.TRUE. If the file has a name
.FALSE. If the file does not have a name

12.5.16 NEXTREC Specifier

The NEXTREC specifier asks where the next record can be read or written in a file connected for direct access. It takes the following form:

  • NEXTREC = nr


Is a scalar integer variable that is assigned a value as follows:

12.5.17 NUMBER Specifier

The NUMBER specifier asks the number of the unit connected to a file. It takes the following form:

  • NUMBER = num


Is an scalar integer variable.

The num is assigned the number of the unit currently connected to the specified file. If there is no unit connected to the file, num is not defined.

12.5.18 OPENED Specifier

The OPENED specifier asks whether a file is connected. It takes the following form:

  • OPENED = od


Is a scalar default logical variable that is assigned one of the following values:
.TRUE. If the specified file or unit is connected
.FALSE. If the specified file or unit is not connected

12.5.19 ORGANIZATION Specifier

The ORGANIZATION specifier asks how the file is organized. It takes the following form:



Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' SEQUENTIAL ' If the file is a sequential file
' RELATIVE ' If the file is a relative file
' INDEXED ' If the file is an indexed file
' UNKNOWN ' If the processor cannot determine the file's organization

12.5.20 PAD Specifier

The PAD specifier asks whether blank padding was specified for the file. It takes the following form:

  • PAD = pd


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' NO ' If the file or unit was connected with PAD= ' NO '
' YES ' If the file or unit is not connected, or it was connected with PAD= ' YES '

12.5.21 POSITION Specifier

The POSITION specifier asks the position of the file. It takes the following form:

  • POSITION = pos


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' REWIND ' If the file is connected with its position at its initial point
' APPEND ' If the file is connected with its position at its terminal point (or before its end-of-file record, if any)
' ASIS ' If the file is connected without changing its position
' UNDEFINED ' If the file is not connected, or is connected for direct access data transfer and a REWIND statement has not been performed on the unit.

For More Information:

On record position, advancement, and transfer, see HP Fortran for OpenVMS User Manual.

12.5.22 READ Specifier

The READ specifier asks whether a file can be read. It takes the following form:

  • READ = rd


Is a scalar default character variable that is assigned one of the following values:
' YES ' If the file can be read
' NO ' If the file cannot be read
' UNKNOWN ' If the processor cannot determine whether the file can be read

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