HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security: OpenVMS Version 8.4 > Part II Security for the User

Chapter 3 Using the System Responsibly

Table of Contents

Choosing a Password for Your Account
Obtaining Your Initial Password
Observing System Restrictions on Passwords
Knowing What Type of Password to Use
Entering a System Password
Entering a Secondary Password
Password Requirements for Different Types of Accounts
Types of Logins and Login Classes
Logging In Interactively: Local, Dialup, and Remote Logins
Logging In Using External Authentication
Reading Informational Messages
When the System Logs In for You: Network and Batch Logins
Login Failures: When You Are Unable to Log In
Using a Terminal That Requires a System Password
Observing Your Login Class Restrictions
Using an Account Restricted to Certain Days and Times
Failing to Enter the Correct Password During a Dialup Login
Knowing When Break-In Evasion Procedures Are in Effect
Changing Your Password
Selecting Your Own Password
Using Generated Passwords
Changing a Secondary Password
Changing Your Password As You Log In
Password and Account Expiration Times
Changing an Expired Password
Renewing an Expired Account
Guidelines for Protecting Your Password
Network Security Considerations
Protecting Information in Access Control Strings
Using Proxy Login Accounts to Protect Passwords
Auditing Access to Your Account and Files
Observing Your Last Login Time
Adding Access Control Entries to Sensitive Files
Asking Your Security Administrator to Enable Auditing
Logging Out Without Compromising System Security
Clearing Your Terminal Screen
Disposing of Hardcopy Output
Removing Disconnected Processes
Breaking the Connection to a Dialup Line
Turning Off a Terminal
Checklist for Contributing to System Security

This chapter provides basic information on how to use the system securely. If you apply this knowledge consistently and accurately, while observing your site's specific security policies, you can make the difference between a secure system and one that is vulnerable to unauthorized users.