Document revision date: 28 June 1999
![[Compaq]](../../images/compaq.gif) |
DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide
Appendix A
Status Messages
This appendix lists and explains the messages issued by DECdfs for OpenVMS.
Messages of all severity levels are merged together in alphabetical
order. You can also view these messages using the Help Message utility.
For more information on using this utility, refer to the OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users.
In this appendix, there are two common suggested user actions:
- Verify that the DECnet software is operational.
- Verify the DECdfs installation.
To verify that the DECnet software is operational, check the executor
state and then view the executor, line, and circuit counters. For
information on network troubleshooting, refer to the following manuals:
For DECnet Phase IV:
- DECnet for OpenVMS Network Management Utilities
For DECnet Phase V:
- DECnet-Plus Network Control Language Reference
- DECnet/OSI Network Control Language Reference
- DECnet/OSI Network Management
To verify the DECdfs installation, make sure that the system and
network parameters have been modified according to the suggestions in
this manual and the installation guide. Also, examine the DECdfs
command files to make sure they have been edited properly.
If you receive DECdns errors, consult with your DECdns
If you need to report a DECdfs software problem, see the
DECdfs for OpenVMS Installation Guide for information on reporting problems.
ACCESS, Failure accessing kernel device
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: One possible cause of this problem is
that the Communication Entity is not currently running. Verify that it
is running by using the DECdfs command SHOW COMMUNICATIONS from within
the DFS$CONTROL utility. Also verify the DECdfs installation (as
described in the installation guide). If the problem persists, report
ACCPNTMAX_RANGE, The value given for the access point maximum is out of
Explanation: The specified value for the maximum
number of access points on the server is outside the valid range. This
message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Repeat the operation, using an
appropriate value. To display the range of correct values, use the
ACCPT_CONFLICT, Access point exists for different device or directory.
Explanation: An access point of the same name has
already been added on this node, but it is a different device or
directory. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Choose a different access point name or
remove and re-add the access point. The DFS$CONTROL command SHOW
ACCESS_POINT /LOCAL displays the device and directory information for
the access point.
ACCPTNM, Quoted access point names are illegal.
Explanation: You cannot surround an access point name
with quotation marks. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Enter the ADD ACCESS_POINT command again,
but do not use quotation marks. Access point names can consist of
alphanumeric characters and underscores. A name in a hierarchical
namespace can also contain period (.) characters. The dollar sign ($)
is reserved for use by Compaq.
ADDELE, Error formatting element
Explanation: An internal error occurred on the server.
This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
ADDFUNC, Error formatting function identifier in server
Explanation: An internal error occurred on the server.
This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
AGENTABRT, DFS/COM service agent aborted session
Explanation: The DECdfs server unexpectedly
terminated communication. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and the DECdfs
server are operational. If they are, retry the operation. If the
problem persists, report it.
ALIAS_REMOVE, Cluster alias access point name removed from DNS server
and from DFS server on this node
Explanation: An access point name that was added (with
the DFS$CONTROL command ADD /CLUSTER_ALIAS) has been removed from the
Distributed Name Service and from the local DECdfs server access
point database on this node. This message has a severity level of
User Action: You should remove the access point from
the local server access point databases on any other cluster members
that had the access point name added (with the DFS$CONTROL command ADD
/CLUSTER_ALIAS) or you should disable incoming alias on this node. To
remove the access point from other cluster members, use the DFS$CONTROL
command REMOVE ACCESS_POINT on each of the other nodes serving the
access point. Use the fully expanded access point name as displayed by
the SHOW command.
ALLOCFDB, Server unable to allocate file descriptor block
Explanation: An error occurred during the server's
initial access of a file. The server was unable to obtain the necessary
memory resources. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). Check the setting
for the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN. If the problem persists, report the
ALLOCSTK, Failure allocating special kernel stack
Explanation: There is not enough virtual memory to
initialize a new server process. This message has a severity level of
User Action: See the additional message that follows.
Verify that the server is properly installed (as described in the
installation guide). If the problem persists, report it.
APTFULL, Access point table full
Explanation: The server's access point table does not
have enough space to add a new access point. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: Remove one or more access points, or
increase the table size by increasing the maximum permitted number of
access points. To increase the maximum number of access points, edit
the DFS$CONFIG.COM file. Change the value specified by the SET
SERVER/ACCESS_POINTS_MAXIMUM command, and then restart the server.
ASCTOID, Error in Rightslist File for identifier
Explanation: An error occurred when the server
accessed the rightslist file. Additional information follows. This
message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: See the information following the error
ASIZE_INIT, Failure scheduling or rescheduling persona cache autosize
Explanation: A system service failure has occurred
while attempting to schedule or reschedule the periodic persona cache
autosize routine that automatically adjusts the size of the persona
cache. The persona cache threshold will remain static until the server
is stopped and restarted. An additional message follows giving
information about the cause of the failure. This message has a severity
level of Error.
User Action: If the threshold value at the time of the
failure is acceptable for current and future usage, you may not have to
do anything. Most likely, you will find it necessary to correct the
cause of the problem and stop and restart the server process.
ASNCHAN, Failure assigning I/O channel to device
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
BADCHKSNT, DFS/COM Invalid checksum detected
Explanation: The specified node detected an invalid
checksum on a message sent by this node. This message has a severity
level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the network hardware is
working properly. Enter the DFS$CONTROL command SHOW VERSIONS on both
this node and the specified node to see whether they are running
compatible versions of the DECdfs components. If they are not,
install the proper software and then retry the operation. For
information on version compatibility, see the release notes.
BADCHKSUM, DFS/COM invalid checksum on message received
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
detected an invalid checksum. This message has a severity level of
User Action: Verify that the network hardware is
working properly. Enter the DFS$CONTROL command SHOW VERSIONS on both
the client and server systems to see whether they are running
compatible versions of the DECdfs components. If they are not,
install the proper software and then retry the operation. For
information on version compatibility, see the release notes.
BUF_SIZ_RANGE, The value given for the buffer size is out of range
Explanation: The specified value for the Communication
Entity buffer size is outside the valid range. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: Repeat the operation, using an
appropriate value. To display the range of correct values, use the
CACHE_QUOTA_RANGE, The value given for the cache buffers file quota is
out of range
Explanation: The specified value for the buffer quota
per file in the data cache is outside the valid range. This message has
a severity level of Error.
User Action: Repeat the operation, using an
appropriate value. To display the range of correct values, use the
CKMEM, Ck_memory error in function
Explanation: The server was unable to obtain the
necessary memory resources to process the request. This message has a
severity level of Warning.
User Action: See the additional message that follows
for more information. Verify that the server is properly installed (as
described in the installation guide). Verify that the size allocated
for nonpaged pool is adequate. If the problem persists, report it.
CLIENTDEV, A DFS client device may not be added as an access point
Explanation: An ADD ACCESS_POINT command attempted to
add a DECdfs client device as an access point. DECdfs
does not allow your system to serve an access point for which it is a
client; each system can serve only its own access points. This message
has a severity level of Error.
User Action: None.
COMMABORT, Communication Entity aborted operation
Explanation: A DECnet error caused the Communication
Entity to abort an operation. This message has a severity level of
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
COMMCLOSE, Communication Entity closed the connection
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
disconnected a DECnet logical link. This message has a severity level
of Fatal.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
COMMSTOP, Communication Entity is currently stopped
Explanation: This message has a severity level of
User Action: To start the Communication Entity,
CONFLICT_DELETED, **name deleted from name service despite node
Explanation: The REMOVE ACCESS_POINT command removed
an access point name from DECdns, although another node had
originally added the access point. An associated message identifies the
other node. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: If you removed the access point
accidentally, notify the system manager of the other node so that he or
she can add the access point again.
COPYVECT, Error copying vector in function
Explanation: An error occurred while the server was
processing a request. This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
CRELNM, Failure creating logical name in table
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
CRMPSC, Failure creating global section
Explanation: During initialization of the server
process, the server was unable to obtain the necessary memory
resources. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). Verify the settings
for the SYSGEN parameters GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGES. If the problem
persists, report it.
CVT_TO_DNS_NAME, Error converting access point name to name space name
Explanation: An attempt was made to mount an access
point utilizing the DECdns namespace on a DECdfs client system running
DECnet Phase V. However, DECdns has not been defined as a directory
service in the DECnet Phase V configuration. This message has a
severity of Error.
User Action: Either use the /NODE qualifier to specify
the DECdfs server node in the MOUNT command or reconfigure DECnet Phase
V to include DECdns as one of its directory services.
DASSGN, DASSGN system service error in function on channel
Explanation: An internal error occurred during a
DECdfs attempt to deassign a channel. This message has a
severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify your DECdfs installation
(as described in the installation guide). If the problem persists,
report it.
DATAOVERUN, DFS/COM Data overrun returned from DECnet
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
received a data overrun error from DECnet. This message has a severity
level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
DFSC0, The DFSC0: device is a template and contains no client
Explanation: The SHOW CLIENT DFSC0: command was
attempted. The DFSC0: client device is a template and does not
represent an access point. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Try the command again, using a DFSC
device unit number of 1 or higher.
DISMNT_SUCCESS, Dismount was successfully performed
Explanation: The DISMOUNT command was successfully
performed. This message has a severity level of Success.
User Action: None.
DNS_INVADDRESS, Encountered address attribute which is not a set
Explanation: DECdfs encountered an error
interpreting information obtained from DECdns. Additional
information follows. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Ask your DECdns manager to verify
the integrity of the DECdns directory and to check that the
DECdfs and DECdns versions are compatible.
DNS_NAME_CONFLICT, DNS object name in use by another node or application
Explanation: The access point name is already in use
by another node or application. Additional information follows. This
message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Choose a different access point name or
remove the conflicting name.
DNS_SETNOTPRESENT, Address attribute set not present
Explanation: DECdfs encountered an error
interpreting information obtained from DECdns. Additional
information follows. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Ask your DECdns manager to verify
the integrity of the DECdns directory and to check that the
DECdfs and DECdns versions are compatible.
ERROREXIT, Server exiting due to severe error
Explanation: The server process encountered a system
error. This message has a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
EVENTUNKNOWN, DFS/COM Unknown event type
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
has encountered an unexpected event. Additional information follows.
This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that DECdfs for OpenVMS is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it. Include the text of the system error messages that
follow this message.
FAOGBLNAM, Failure formatting global section name
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
FAOPRCNAM, Failure formatting new process name
Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to
initialize the server process. This message has a severity level of
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
FB_GETDVIERR, GETDVI system service error in function
Explanation: A system service failure has occurred
while attempting to find the number of free blocks on a DFS-served
device. An additional message follows giving information about the
cause of the failure. This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Correct the cause of the failure.
FIL_TRUNC, Active file information display truncated, maximum buffer
size limit exceeded
Explanation: The information buffer used to format the
display of currently open files (SHOW SERVER /ACTIVE command) is large
enough to contain information on approximately 500 files. The number of
files currently open is more than that limit. The header line of the
display shows the correct count of open files. This message has a
severity level of Information.
User Action: None.
FIND_HELD, Error in rightslist file for UIC
Explanation: An error occurred during access of the
rightslist file. This message has a severity level of Warning.
Additional information follows.
User Action: See the information following the error
GENPROTOCOL, Protocol version mismatch detected
Explanation: A protocol version incompatibility has
been detected. The incompatibility can be between the client and
server, between DFS$CONTROL on this node and a remote server, or
between the communication entities on this node and the remote node.
This message has a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Use the DFS$CONTROL command SHOW VERSIONS
on both the server system and the client system, and compare the
version numbers. If the versions are incompatible, install the proper
software. For information on version compatibility, see the
DECdfs for OpenVMS release notes.
GETCTLINFO, Unable to obtain control information
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
GETDVIW, Failure getting device information
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
GETELE, Error decoding element
Explanation: The server received an incorrect internal
request. This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
GETFUNC, Error decoding function identifier in server
Explanation: The server received an incorrect internal
request. This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
GETSAID, Failure getting service agent identifier
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
GETUAI, Error in User Authorization File for user
Explanation: An error occurred during access of the
user authorization file. Additional information follows. This message
has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: See the information following the error
ILLWQEFNC, DFS/COM Illegal work queue entry function
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
detected an illegal internal function. This message has a severity
level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
INACTIVE, DFS/COM connection deaccessed because inactive
Explanation: The Communication Entity disconnected an
inactive link. This is a normal timeout function of the Communication
Entity. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: None; the next operation for that
connection will establish a new link. If you want to change the
frequency of the timeouts, use the DFS$CONTROL command SET
INSFRES, DFS/COM insufficient server resources
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
had insufficient system resources to satisfy a request. This message
has a severity level of Error.
User Action: This is probably an OpenVMS resource
problem. Check the nonpaged pool on your system, using the DCL command
SHOW MEMORY/POOL; increase the value for the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN
if necessary. Verify that the server is properly installed (as
described in the installation guide). If the problem persists, report
INSFRES_CONN, DFS/COM Insufficient connection resources
Explanation: The Communication Entity has insufficient
resources to satisfy a request. This message has a severity level of
User Action: This problem can occur when OpenVMS has
insufficient nonpaged pool. Check the nonpaged pool on your system,
using the DCL command SHOW MEMORY/POOL; increase the value for the
SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN if necessary.
Check the maximum permitted DECnet logical links. To display the DECnet
logical links maximum, use the appropriate command, as follows:
For DECnet Phase IV:
Use the NCP command SHOW EXECUTOR CHARACTERISTICS. To set maximum
logical links, use the NCP commands SET EXECUTOR MAXIMUM LINKS and
For DECnet Phase V:
Use the NCL command SHOW NSP ALL. To set maximum transport connections,
use the following NCL commands:
- DISABLE NODE [node-id] NSP
- ENABLE NODE [node-id] NSP
Check your DECdfs installation, according to the instructions in
the installation guide. If the problem persists, report it.
INSFRES_SESS, DFS/COM Insufficient session resources
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
has insufficient resources to satisfy a request. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: First, check that OpenVMS has sufficient
resources to meet the needs of DECdfs for OpenVMS. Check the nonpaged pool
on your system, using the DCL command SHOW MEMORY/POOL; increase the
value for the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN if necessary. Check the SYSGEN
channel count parameter, CHANNELCNT.
Next, verify DECdfs values. Check the DECdfs process file
limit, DFS$PQL_FILLM, which is defined in the DFS$CONFIG.COM file. Also
check the system's maximums for DECnet logical links. To display the
DECnet logical links maximum, use the appropriate command, as follows:
For DECnet Phase IV:
Use the NCP command SHOW EXECUTOR CHARACTERISTICS. To set maximum
logical links, use the NCP commands SET EXECUTOR MAXIMUM LINKS and
For DECnet Phase V:
Use the NCL command SHOW NSP ALL. To set maximum transport connections,
use the following NCL commands:
- DISABLE NODE [node-id] NSP
- ENABLE NODE [node-id] NSP
Check your DECdfs installation, according to the instructions in
the installation guide. If the problem persists, report it.
INSFRES_XACT, DFS/COM Insufficient transaction resources
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
has insufficient resources to satisfy a request. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: This is probably an OpenVMS resource
problem. Check the nonpaged pool on your system, using the DCL command
SHOW MEMORY/POOL; increase the value for the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN
if necessary. Verify that the server is properly installed (as
described in the installation guide). If the problem persists, report
INV_DNSADDRESS, Encountered access point incorrectly stored with DNS
Explanation: DECdfs encountered an error
interpreting information obtained from DECdns. Additional
information follows. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Ask your DECdns manager to verify
the integrity of the DECdns directory and to check that the
DECdfs and DECdns versions are compatible.
INVAL_SUCCESS, The persona cache has been invalidated
Explanation: DECdfs successfully invalidated
the persona cache. This message has a severity level of Success.
User Action: None.
INVCONN, DFS/COM Invalid or inactive connection ID
Explanation: An internal error occurred during an
attempt to communicate with the remote system. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify the DECdfs installation (as
described in the installation guide). Next, check that the
DECdfs Communication Entity is running by entering the
DFS$CONTROL command SHOW COMMUNICATION/STATUS. If the problem persists,
report it.
INVCONNID, Invalid connection identifier specified for operation
Explanation: An internal error occurred during an
attempt to communicate with the remote system. This message has a
severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify the DECdfs installation (as
described in the installation guide). Next, check that the
DECdfs Communication Entity is running by entering the
DFS$CONTROL command SHOW COMMUNICATION/STATUS. If the problem persists,
report it.
INVSESS, DFS/COM Invalid or inactive session ID
Explanation: An internal error occurred during an
attempt to communicate with the DECdfs server. This message has
a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify the DECdfs installation (as
described in the installation guide). Next, check that the
DECdfs Communication Entity is running by entering the
DFS$CONTROL command SHOW COMMUNICATION/STATUS. If the problem persists,
report it.
INVSESSID, Invalid session identifier specified for operation
Explanation: An internal error occurred during an
attempt to communicate with the DECdfs server. This message has
a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify the DECdfs installation (as
described in the installation guide). Next, check that the
DECdfs Communication Entity is running by entering the
DFS$CONTROL command SHOW COMMUNICATION/STATUS. If the problem persists,
report it.
INVSWBREQ, Server received invalid special request
Explanation: The server received an incorrect internal
request. This message has a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify the server installation (as
described in the installation guide). Next, check that the
DECdfs Communication Entity is running by entering the
DFS$CONTROL command SHOW COMMUNICATION/STATUS. If the problem persists,
report it.
INVTIMEVAL, Invalid time value
Explanation: DECdfs detected an invalid time
value. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Repeat the operation, using an
appropriate value. To view the range of correct values, enter the
INVUSER, DFS/COM invalid remote user name
Explanation: The Communication Entity received a
connect request from a remote process that was not another
DECdfs Communication Entity. This message and the NOTREMOTECOM
message are paired. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: DECdfs rejected this connect
request. However, this message can indicate a break-in attempt and
should be investigated.
INVWQE, DFS/COM Invalid work queue entry type
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
detected an illegal internal function. This message has a severity
level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
INVWRKREQ, Server received invalid work request
Explanation: The DECdfs server received an
invalid internal request. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
IOACCESS, I/O failure accessing kernel device
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
IOGETDVIW, I/O Failure getting device information
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
IOGETSAID, I/O failure getting service agent identifier
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
KERNEL_INVSTATE, DFS kernel detected inconsistent state
Explanation: The server has detected an error
condition. This message has a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
KERNEL_STARTUP, server kernel version running
Explanation: The server process initialized
successfully. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: None.
KNLCALLBACK, Server kernel callback error
Explanation: The server was unable to respond to a
client request. This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
LKWSET, Failure locking code into working set
Explanation: An error occurred during creation of the
server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). Consider increasing
the values for the DFS$PQL_WSQUOTA and/or DFS$PQL_WSEXTENT parameter in
the DFS$CONFIG.COM file. If the problem persists, report it.
MBX_READ_ERR, DFS/COM Error reading network mailbox
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
received an error. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). Also verify that
DECnet is operational. If the problem persists, report it.
MGBLSC, Failure mapping global section
Explanation: An error occurred during creation of the
server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). Verify that the
SYSGEN parameters GBLSECTIONS and GBLPAGES are set properly. If the
problem persists, report it.
NET_ABORT, DFS/COM network partner aborted link
Explanation: The Communication Entity received a
DECnet message that the network partner disconnected the link. This
message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and the server are
operational. If so, retry the operation. The Communication Entity will
reestablish the network connection at the next file-access attempt. If
the problem persists, report the problem.
NET_CONFIRM, DFS/COM network connect confirm
Explanation: DECnet has successfully established a
logical link. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: None.
NET_CONNECT, DFS/COM network inbound connect initiate
Explanation: DECnet received a logical link request
for DECdfs. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: None.
NET_DISCON, DFS/COM network partner disconnected
Explanation: The DECnet logical link has been
disconnected because of problems with the network partner. This message
has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and the server are
operational. If so, retry the operation. If the problem persists,
report it.
NET_EXIT, DFS/COM network partner exited prematurely
Explanation: The DECnet logical link has been
disconnected because the network partner exited. This message has a
severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and the server are
operational. If so, retry the operation. If the problem persists,
report it.
NET_INTMSG, DFS/COM network interrupt message (unsolicited data)
Explanation: DECnet received an unexpected network
message. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and the server are
operational. If so, retry the operation. If the problem persists,
report it.
NET_NETSHUT, DFS/COM network shutting down
Explanation: DECnet is shutting down. This message has
a severity level of Information.
User Action: Terminate the current operations in an
orderly manner.
NET_PATHLOST, DFS/COM path lost to network partner
Explanation: DECnet lost the path to the network
partner. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and DECdfs are
operational. Also check that the remote server is still operational by
entering the appropriate command, as follows:
For DECnet Phase IV:
Use the NCP command SHOW NODE node-id STATUS.
For DECnet Phase V:
Use the NCL command SHOW NODE node-id ALL STATUS.
Substitute the node name or address for node-id.
Retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NET_PROTOCOL, DFS/COM network protocol error
Explanation: DECnet is reporting a network protocol
error. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and DECdfs are
operational. If so, retry the operation. If the problem persists,
report it.
NET_REJECT, DFS/COM rejected connection
Explanation: DECnet rejected a logical link request.
This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and DECdfs are
operational. If so, retry the operation. If the problem persists,
report it.
NET_THIRDPARTY, DFS/COM network third party disconnect
Explanation: DECnet is reporting a third-party
disconnect. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and DECdfs are
operational. Also check that the remote server is still operational by
entering the appropriate command, as follows:
For DECnet Phase IV:
Use the NCP command SHOW NODE node-id STATUS.
For DECnet Phase V:
Use the NCL command SHOW NODE node-id ALL STATUS.
Substitute the node name or address for node-id.
Retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NET_TIMEOUT, DFS/COM connection timed out
Explanation: An attempt to establish a DECnet logical
link has timed out. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and DECdfs are
operational. If so, retry the operation. If the problem persists,
report it.
NET_UNKNOWN, DFS/COM unknown network message received
Explanation: DECnet is reporting an invalid network
message. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: Verify that DECnet and DECdfs are
operational. If so, retry the operation. If the problem persists,
report it.
NETADDRTONAME, DFS/COM error translating node address to node name
Explanation: The attempted operation required DECnet
to translate a DECnet node address to a node name. This caused an error
of severity level Error. A system service error message follows.
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational. If they are, and you know
which node caused the error, verify that the DECnet database is up to
date by entering the NCP or NCL command SHOW NODE node-id.
Substitute the node name or address for node-id. Try the
operation again. If the problem persists, report it.
NETADDRTONAMEIO, DFS/COM I/O error translating node address to node name
Explanation: The attempted operation required DECnet
to translate a DECnet node address to a node name. This caused an error
of severity level Error. A system service error message follows.
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational. If they are, and you know
which node caused the error, verify that the DECnet database is up to
date by entering the NCP or NCL command SHOW NODE node-id. Try
the operation again. If the problem persists, report it.
NETASSIGN, DFS/COM error assigning network device
Explanation: An internal error (of severity level
Error) occurred when the DECdfs Communication Entity attempted
to assign a channel for DECnet use. A system service error message
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational. If they are, try the
operation again. If the problem persists, report it.
NETCONFIO, DFS/COM I/O error confirming connection
Explanation: An error occurred when DECnet tried to
confirm a logical link that serves a DECdfs connection. This
message has a severity level of Error. A system service error message
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational. If they are, try the
operation again. If the problem persists, report it.
NETCONFQIO, DFS/COM directive error confirming connection
Explanation: An error occurred when DECnet tried to
confirm a logical link for DECdfs. This message has a severity
level of Error. A system service error message follows.
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and the DECdfs entities are operational. If they are,
retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETCONNIO, DFS/COM I/O error initiating connection to node
Explanation: An error occurred when DECnet tried to
initiate a logical link for DECdfs. This message has a severity
level of Error. A system service error message follows.
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and the DECdfs entities are operational. If they are,
retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETCONNQIO, DFS/COM directive error initiating connection
Explanation: An error occurred when DECnet tried to
initiate a logical link for DECdfs. A system service error
message follows. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational. If they are, try the
operation again. If the problem persists, report it.
NETDEACIO, DFS/COM I/O error deaccessing network link
Explanation: An error occurred when the Communication
Entity tried to deaccess a DECnet link. This message has a severity
level of Error. A system service error message follows.
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational. If they are, retry the
operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETDEACQIO, DFS/COM directive error deaccessing network link
Explanation: An error occurred when the Communication
Entity attempted to deaccess a DECnet link. This message has a severity
level of Error. A system service error message follows.
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational, and if so, retry the
operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETDEASSGN, DFS/COM error deassigning network device
Explanation: An error occurred when the Communication
Entity attempted to deassign a channel assigned to DECnet. This message
has a severity level of Error. A system service error message follows.
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and the DECdfs entities are operational. If they are,
retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETDISCON, DFS/COM directive error disconnecting network link
Explanation: An error occurred when the DECdfs
Communication Entity attempted to disconnect a DECnet link. A system
service error message follows. This message has a severity level of
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational. If they are, retry the
operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETDISCONIO, DFS/COM I/O error disconnecting network link
Explanation: An error occurred when the DECdfs
Communication Entity attempted to disconnect a DECnet link. A system
service error message follows. This message has a severity level of
User Action: See Help Message or the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
specific information about the system service message. Verify that
DECnet and DECdfs are operational. If they are, retry the
operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETGETDVI, DFS/COM directive error getting network device information
Explanation: An error occurred when the DECdfs
Communication Entity attempted to access DECnet. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETGETDVIO, DFS/COM I/O error getting network device information
Explanation: An error occurred when the DECdfs
Communication Entity attempted to access DECnet. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETNAMETOADDR, DFS/COM error translating node name to node address
Explanation: An error occurred when DECnet attempted
to translate a node name to a node address. This message has a severity
level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETNAMETOADDRIO, DFS/COM I/O error translating node name to node address
Explanation: An error occurred when DECnet attempted
to translate a node name to a node address. This message has a severity
level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NETPROXY_CLOSE, Failure to close netproxy file
Explanation: An RMS failure occurred while attempting
to close the netproxy file during processing for the SET SERVER
/INVALIDATE_PERSONA_CACHE command. The DECdfs server process
continues to use the currently open netproxy file. This message has a
severity level of Warning. One or more additional messages give
information about the cause of the RMS failure.
User Action: If you were not attempting to replace the
netproxy file, no action is needed. Otherwise, correct the cause of the
RMS failure and try the SET SERVER /INVALIDATE_PERSONA_CACHE command
NETPROXY_CONN, Failure to connect netproxy file rab
Explanation: The DECdfs server encountered an
error in accessing the proxy (NETPROXY) file. This message has a
severity level of Error. Additional information follows.
User Action: See the information following the error
NETPROXY_OPEN, Failure to open netproxy file
Explanation: The DECdfs server encountered an
error when it tried to access the proxy (NETPROXY) file. This message
has a severity level of Warning. Additional information follows.
User Action: See the information following the error
NETPROXY_READ, Failure to read netproxy file record for user
Explanation: The DECdfs server encountered an
error when it tried to access the proxy (NETPROXY) file. This message
has a severity level of Warning. Additional information follows.
User Action: See the information following the error
NETREJECTERR, DFS/COM error rejecting connection
Explanation: An error occurred when DECnet attempted
to reject a logical link request. This message has a severity level of
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
NOAPTREG, No access points registered
Explanation: There are no access points in the server
database. This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: If you are at a client and you get this
message about a remote server, contact the DECdfs manager of the
server. If you are at a server and you get this message about the local
server database, you can enter the DFS$CONTROL command ADD ACCESS_POINT
to add access points.
NOCOMMLOAD, Communication Entity has not been loaded
Explanation: You may not have executed the procedure
to load the DECdfs Communication Entity device driver and
Ancillary Control Process (ACP). This message has a severity level of
User Action: To determine if the Communication Entity
is running, enter the DFS$CONTROL command SHOW COMMUNICATION/STATUS. If
it is not, execute the SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM file.
NOCONNMEM, Insufficient memory to create new connection
Explanation: An error occurred when the DECdfs
Communication Entity attempted to create a connection. This message has
a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
NODEVNAM, Device name missing
Explanation: A device name was missing or had improper
syntax in the ADD ACCESS_POINT command. This message has a severity
level of Error.
User Action: Retry the operation. Ensure that your
device specification is valid and includes a colon (:).
NORQSTMEM, Insufficient memory to perform operation
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the request. This
message has a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify that DECdfs is installed
properly (as described in the installation guide). Check the setting
for the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN. If the problem persists, report it.
NOSESSMEM, Insufficient memory to start new operation
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the request. This
message has a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify that the DECdfs is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). Check that you have
set the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN properly. If the problem persists,
report it.
NOT_PRIVED, Insufficient privilege for this operation
Explanation: This command requires privileges that
this process does not have. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: See the DFS$CONTROL command chapter in
DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide, which lists the required privileges in the command
NOTREMOTECOM, DFS/COM connection attempted by non-DFS/COM module on node
Explanation: The Communication Entity received a
connect request from a remote process that was not another
DECdfs Communication Entity. This message and the INVUSER
message are paired. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: DECdfs rejected this connect
request. However, this message can indicate a break-in attempt and
should be investigated.
NOTRUNNING, DFS/COM Remote DFS/COM module not running
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
detected that the remote DFS$COM_ACP process is not functioning. This
message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Inform the DECdfs manager at the
remote system.
NOTSERVED, Access point is not presently being served
Explanation: The DFS$CONTROL command MOUNT or SHOW
ACCESS_POINT/FULL queried DECdns about the name of an access
point and then created a connection to the relevant DECdfs
server. Although the DECdns namespace contained the name of the
access point, the server did not recognize the name. This can occur
when the server stops and restarts without the name of the access point
being re-added. This message has a severity level of Warning.
User Action: Wait a short time and then try the
operation again. The server may be starting up and may recognize the
name of the access point when startup completes. If it does not, notify
the DECdfs manager at the server.
NSPERROR, DECnet error has been detected
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
received an error from DECnet. This message has a severity level of
User Action: Verify that DECnet is running properly
and check DECnet event logs for unusual occurrences. If the problem
persists, report it.
OLDCOMM, Communication Entity has been stopped and restarted
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
has been stopped and restarted. This message has a severity level of
User Action: None. The DECdfs client will retry
the operation.
PERSCA_INIT, Insufficient non-paged pool to initialize persona cache
Explanation: An error occurred while starting the
DECdfs server. The server was unable to obtain the necessary
memory resources. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). Check the setting
for the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN. If the problem persists, report it.
PERSONA_UPDATE_RANGE, The value given for the persona cache update
interval is out of range
Explanation: The value specified for the lifetime of
individual persona blocks is outside the valid range. This message has
a severity level of Error.
User Action: Repeat the operation using a permitted
value. To display the range of permitted values, use the DFS$CONTROL
PROTOCOL, DFS/COM protocol version mismatch
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
detected a protocol version error between itself and the DECdfs
Communication Entity at the other node. This message has a severity
level of Error.
User Action: Use the DFS$CONTROL command SHOW VERSIONS
to check the DECdfs component versions on both client and
server, and then install the correct software if necessary. For
information on version compatibility, see the release notes.
PROXYFMT, Incompatible netproxy record format
Explanation: This version of DECdfs cannot be
run as a server under this version of OpenVMS. This message has a
severity level of Warning.
User Action: Install compatible versions of
DECdfs and OpenVMS. For information about the DECdfs
operating system requirements, see the installation guide.
RCVDDATA, DFS/COM Received data from transport
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
received network data. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: None.
REMCOMMSTOP, Remote communication entity is currently stopped
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
detected that the remote DFS$COM_ACP process is not functioning. This
message has a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: Ask the DECdfs manager on the
remote server to correct the problem. If the problem persists, report
REMOTESHUT, DFS/COM remote node shutting down
Explanation: DECnet is shutting down on the remote
node. This message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: None; this message is informational only.
Note that since the DECdfs Communication Entity can have a
DECnet connection between a local client and a local server, this
message might also appear when DECnet shuts down on the local node.
REMREJECT, Communication entity rejected operation for an unknown reason
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
returned an error. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECdfs is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
REMRSRC, Server has insufficient resources to perform operation
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
could not perform the requested operation because the server had
insufficient resources. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: If you are at a DECdfs server,
verify that DECdfs is properly installed (as described in the
installation guide), paying particular attention to the values for the
NPAGEDYN SYSGEN parameter and the following parameter:
For DECnet Phase IV:
For DECnet Phase V:
If you are at a DECdfs client, inform the DECdfs manager
at the remote server.
REMWILDCARD, Wildcards may not be used to remove access points
Explanation: You can specify only one access point
name at a time with the command REMOVE ACCESS_POINT. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: Use one command to remove each access
point; specify an access point with each command.
RRABORT, DFS/COM aborted session
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
encountered a fatal error and aborted the session. This occurs on a
client when the remote server shuts down or otherwise aborts
communication with the client. Additional information follows. This
message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: See the additional information that
follows the error message. Verify that DECnet is operational. Also
check that the remote server is still operational by entering the NCP
or NCL command SHOW NODE node-id STATUS. Retry the operation.
If the problem persists, report it.
SANOTACTIVE, Specified service agent is not currently active
Explanation: The server is not running. This message
has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, restart the DECdfs entity by executing the command file
SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM. If the problem persists, report it.
SAUNKNWN, DFS/COM service agent unknown
Explanation: There is no server available to process
the request. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, restart DECdfs by executing the command file
SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM. If the problem persists, report it.
SCAN_TIME_RANGE, The value given for the scan time is out of range
Explanation: The specified Communication Entity scan
time was outside the permitted range. This message has a severity level
of Error.
User Action: Repeat the operation, using an
appropriate value. To display the permitted range of scan times, enter
SESSERR, DFS/COM NSP session layer error occurred
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity is
reporting an error that involves local DECnet software. This message
has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
SESSREADERR, DFS/COM error from session layer read operation
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
encountered an error in communicating with local DECnet software.
Additional information follows. This message has a severity level of
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
SESSWRITEERR, DFS/COM Error from session layer write operation
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
encountered an error in communicating with local DECnet software.
Additional information follows. This message has a severity level of
User Action: Verify that DECnet is operational. If it
is, retry the operation. If the problem persists, report it.
SETDDIR, Failure setting default directory
Explanation: While initializing, the server was unable
to set the default directory for its process. Additional information
follows. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
SETIMR, DFS/COM I/O error setting up connection scan timer
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
received an error. Additional information follows. This message has a
severity level of Warning.
User Action: Verify that the local system is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
SETPRN, Failure setting new process name
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
received an error while attempting to set the process name. Additional
information follows. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the local system is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
SETPRT, Failure setting protection of special kernel stack guard page
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
received an error. Additional information follows. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the local system is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
SNAP_BAD_VERSION, The snapshot file version is out of date
Explanation: The file specification entered with the
/SNAPSHOT_FILE qualifier referred to a snapshot file that is older than
the current version of the DFS$CONTROL program. The file format is
incompatible with the current program. This message has a severity
level of Error.
User Action: The old snapshot file is obsolete and
cannot be used. Create a new snapshot file.
SNAP_NOT_COMM, Snapshot file does not contain communication entity
Explanation: The file specification entered with the
/SNAPSHOT_FILE qualifier and specified for use with the SHOW
COMMUNICATION/COUNTERS command referred to a file that does not contain
communications counters. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: The file contains server or client
counters. Use a snapshot file that contains communication counters.
SNAP_NOT_SERVER, Snapshot file does not contain server counters
Explanation: The file specification entered with the
/SNAPSHOT_FILE qualifier and specified for use with the SHOW
SERVER/COUNTERS command referred to a file that does not contain server
counters. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: The file contains communication or client
counters. Use a snapshot file that contains server counters.
SNAP_TOO_OLD, The snapshot file contains data from before the startup
of the entity
Explanation: The snapshot file contains snapshot data
that is older than the counters currently maintained by the specified
entity. A comparison of the counters therefore would be meaningless or
misleading. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: The old snapshot file is obsolete and
cannot be used. Create a new snapshot file.
SOME_RANGE, A value given was out of range
Explanation: The specified value is outside the valid
range. An additional message follows and specifies the incorrect value.
This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Repeat the operation, using an
appropriate value. To display the range of correct values, use one of
the DFS$CONTROL SHOW commands.
SRVABORT, Server aborted operation
Explanation: The DECdfs Communication Entity
could not complete a server operation. This message has a severity
level of Fatal.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide) and that the server
is running. If the problem persists, report it.
SRVACTIVE, File server is already active
Explanation: The START SERVER command was entered but
the server was already running. This message has a severity level of
User Action: None.
SRVEXIT, Server exiting
Explanation: The server process is terminating. This
message has a severity level of Information.
User Action: None.
SRVNOTACT, The DFS Server is presently unavailable
Explanation: It is necessary to start the server
before DECdfs can execute your request. This message has a
severity level of Error.
User Action: Follow these instructions to start the
- Check if the DECdfs server has been loaded by typing at the
DCL prompt:
If you receive the DCL error message "%SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHDEV, no such
device available," perform Step 2. Otherwise, skip to Step 3.
- Load the DECdfs server using the OpenVMS SYSGEN Utility, as
- Use the DECdfs DFS$CONTROL management program to start the
SRVNOTLOAD, File service driver not loaded
Explanation: The server process has not been started.
This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Invoke DFS$STARTUP to start the server.
SRVRUNNING, Server running
Explanation: The server process has initialized
successfully and is running. This message has a severity level of
User Action: None.
STKLKWSET, Failure locking special kernel stack into working set
Explanation: An error occurred during creation of the
server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). Consider increasing
the values for the DFS$PQL_WSQUOTA or DFS$PQL_WSEXTENT parameter or
both, in the DFS$CONFIG.COM file. If the problem persists, report it.
TRANSAPID, Error translating access point identifier
Explanation: The DECdfs server attempted to
access an access point that is currently invalid. This message has a
severity level of Warning.
User Action: Check that your DFS$SYSTARTUP command
procedure adds all of the usual access points on the system each time
the server starts up. You might have stopped and restarted the server
without adding all of the access points. At the client, the
DECdfs mount verification procedure will attempt to recover from
this error.
TRANSAPNM, Error translating access point name
Explanation: The DECdfs server attempted to
translate an invalid access point name in response to a client's mount
request or mount verification attempt. This message has a severity
level of Warning.
User Action: Use the DFS$CONTROL command SHOW
ACCESS_POINT/LOCAL to verify the access point name. If the access point
name is not displayed, try adding it by using the ADD ACCESS_POINT
command. Check that your DFS$SYSTARTUP command procedure adds all of
the usual access points on the system each time the server starts up.
UNKNOWN_ACCPT, Access point not known to name service
Explanation: The specified access point has not been
added to the DECdns namespace by a DECdfs server. This
message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Check that you are entering the access
point name correctly. Display the valid access point names, using the
DFS$CONTROL command SHOW ACCESS_POINT. If the access point does not
exist, contact the DECdfs manager at the server to resolve this
UNSUPPFS, Unsupported file system structure
Explanation: An attempt was made to mount a DECdfs
access point for a disk volume containing a file structure that is not
supported by the version of OpenVMS running on the client system. For
example, an OpenVMS Version 7.2 system might be serving an access point
for an ODS-5 disk volume. DECdfs client systems running an earlier
version of OpenVMS will fail to mount this access point due to lack of
operating system support. This message has a severity level of Fatal.
User Action: None.
VFYCHAN, Failure verifying kernel channel
Explanation: An error occurred during initialization
of the server process. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Verify that the server is properly
installed (as described in the installation guide). If the problem
persists, report it.
XACT_OUT_RANGE, The value given for the transactions outstanding
maximum is out of range
Explanation: The value specified for the maximum
number of outstanding Communication Entity requests is outside the
valid range. This message has a severity level of Error.
User Action: Repeat the operation, using an
appropriate value. To display the range of correct values, use the