Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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Chapter 5
5 Sending and Receiving Mail Using SMTP
     5.1     Obtaining Online Help
     5.2     Sending Mail
     5.3     Specifying the SMTP Outbound Alias
         5.3.1         Defining the Outbound Alias
         5.3.2         Appending the Personal Name String to the Outbound Alias
         5.3.3         Appending a Substitute Domain String
         5.3.4         Disabling Modifications to TCPIP$SMTP_FROM
         5.3.5         TCPIP$SMTP_FROM and the Return-Path: Header
         5.3.6         X-VMS-True-From: Header
         5.3.7         Managing Outbound Alias Processing
     5.4     Sending Mail to Multiple Users
         5.4.1         Entering a List of Names
         5.4.2         Distribution Lists
     5.5     Reading Mail
     5.6     OpenVMS Mail Personal Name String
     5.7     Carbon-Copying Messages
     5.8     Forwarding Messages
     5.9     Routing Mail with the UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program
         5.9.1         Dialup Connections
     5.10     Management Commands for Mail
         5.10.1         Displaying SMTP Mail Status Information
         5.10.2         Deleting Holding State Mail Messages from SMTP Queues
         5.10.3         Releasing Holding State SMTP Mail Messages for Delivery
     5.11     Using Mail on Your PC
Chapter 6
6 Printing Files Using LPR/LPD
     6.1     Printing at Remote Print Queues
         6.1.1         PRINT /FORM Command
         6.1.2         PRINT /PARAMETERS Command
                HOST and PRINTER Options
                /PARAMETERS Qualifier: MAIL Option
                /PARAMETERS Qualifier: NOFLAG Option
         6.1.3         Remote Queue Printing Examples
     6.2     Displaying the Status of Jobs in a Remote Print Queue
     6.3     Removing Jobs from the Print Queue
     6.4     Printing Remote UNIX Files on Local Queues
     6.5     Obtaining Online Help
     6.6     Command Descriptions
    Command 76     LPQ
    Command 77     LPRM
Chapter 7
7 Accessing User Information Using the FINGER Utility
     7.1     Typing FINGER Commands
         7.1.1         Wildcards
         7.1.2         Qualifiers
     7.2     Obtaining Online Help
     7.3     Displaying Information about Users
         7.3.1         Displaying Information about All Users
         7.3.2         Displaying Detailed Information about Specific Users
         7.3.3         Displaying Information about Users on Your Cluster
     7.4     Forwarding Information from Host to Host
     7.5     Making Your Information Available to Other Users
     7.6     Command Description
    Command 78     FINGER
1-1 FTP Client/Server Software Interacting
2-1 The GET Command
2-2 The PUT Command
1 TCP/IP Services Documentation
1-1 TCP/IP Components
1-2 Components to Use for Specific Tasks
2-1 FTP Command Summary
3-1 Summary of Remote (R) Commands
3-2 Specifying Source Files with the RCP Command
4-1 TELNET/TN3270 Commands Summary
4-2 Terminology Used in TELNET Command SHOW STATUS Display
4-3 TELNET Transmission Modes
4-4 Sending Commands to the Remote Host
4-5 TELNET --- IBM 3270 Model Terminals Supported for Telnet/TN3270
4-6 Definable Keys for TN3270
4-7 Displays in Visible Attribute Mode
5-1 Commands for Using SMTP
6-1 Network Printing Commands Summary
7-1 Ways of Displaying Information Using the FINGER Command

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