Getting Started With the New Desktop

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Additional fields are displayed if you select the Advanced option, which is located in the lower left corner of the Create Action main window. These additional fields are shown in Figure 4-2. Table 4-1 describes each field in the Create Action main window and in the expanded (Advanced option) window.

Table 4-1 Create Action Fields
Field Name Purpose
Initial Fields
Action Name (Icon Label): This label is displayed next to the icon for the application.
Action icon: This icon represents the application. With Find Set..., you can select an icon from the collection that is included with the New Desktop. With Edit Icon..., you can modify an existing icon or create a new one.
Command When Action Is Opened (Double-clicked): The name of the application you want to access. This name can specify one or more file arguments as operands. The arguments must be specified in the format $filename . For example: DIFF$1 $2 .
Help Text for Action Icon: This help becomes the On Item help for the Action Icon. The text automatically wraps in the text field. You can explicitly add a continuation line by ending a line with a space, a backslash (\), and Return. If the backslash is not present, subsequent lines will not be displayed.
Window Type: Select the windowing support option required by the application. You have a choice of three types of windows or no window.
Advanced Select this field if your application uses data files and you want to create one or more data types for them. The Create Action window expands to display additional, advanced fields.
Advanced Option Fields
When Action Opens, Ask Users for: Supply a prompt if the application's command line has a required or optional file argument. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Datatypes That Use This Action: If the action can accept any data type, select All Datatypes. If you want to modify any existing data types or create new ones, select Only Above List and then select Add. (Initially, the Datatypes That Use This Action list is empty.) When you select Add, a dialog box called Add Datatypes is displayed.
Figures 4-2 Create Action Main Window With Advanced Option Fields

4.1.5 Creating or Modifying Data Types Using Create Action

The Create Action application provides the Add Datatype dialog box for modifying an existing data type or creating a new one. The Add Datatype dialog box is shown in Figure 4-3, and the fields are described in Table 4-2. Figures 4-3 Add Datatype Dialog Box

Table 4-2 Create Action: Add Datatype Dialog Box
Field Purpose
Name of Datatype Family: If you want to modify an existing data type and retain the same name, leave this field blank. If you want to create a new data type, supply a name. (The name cannot include spaces. The name is not visible to application users; it is used in the actions/data types database to identify the data type definition.)
Identifying Characteristics: To display the Identifying Characteristics dialog box, click on the Edit button.
Help Text for this Datatype Icon: This help becomes the On Item help for the Action Icon.
Datatype Icons: With Find Set..., you can select an icon from the collection that is included with the New Desktop. With Edit Icon..., you can create a new icon or modify an existing one.
Command to Open this Datatype: This command is the same that you supplied for Command When Action is Opened (Double-clicked): and will appear in this field.
Command to Print this Datatype: Enter the Print Dialog command line to suit the application data type.

After you respond to the second prompt, Identifying Characteristics, by clicking on the Edit... button, the Identifying Characteristics dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-4. The fields of this dialog box are described in Table 4-3.

The characteristics are displayed in the Identifying Characteristics field of the Add Datatype dialog box, using the following codes:

Figures 4-4 Identifying Characteristics Dialog Box

Table 4-3 Create Action: Identifying Characteristics Dialog Box
Field Purpose
Files, Folders The data type applies only to files or only to folders.
Name Pattern: Data typing based on the file name.
Permissions Pattern: Read, write, execute, or delete permission. The Either option for these permissions means that the permission does not matter. The permissions testing does not recognize OpenVMS access control lists (ACLs).
Contents: A pattern to search for, the type of contents, and an optional starting point in the file. Note that this feature can carry a substantial performance penalty when changing or updating views.

4.1.6 Editing Icons From the Create Action Application

If you invoke the Icon Editor from the Create Action application and edit an icon file, the edits that you make are not automatically shown in the displayed icon when you exit from Icon Editor. After exiting from Icon Editor, you must choose Find Set... and select the newly edited icon to change the display and associate the edited icon with the action.

If you want to edit more than one size of the icon, make all the edits before you select Find Set. If you do not have a complete set of edited icons when you select Find Set..., the missing icons will not be displayed and you will not be able to create them from within the Create Action application.

4.2 Recommended Integration

Recommended integration means that an application is integrated with other CDE components, making it more consistent with the CDE desktop. Recommended integration includes making the following enhancements to your application:

Recommended integration will likely require code changes. This section briefly describes the resources for providing user interfaces in different languages and CDE style error messages. Chapter 5 describes the programming resources for providing the other enhancements.

4.2.1 Internationalization

The New Desktop provides user interfaces in different languages. The language and other culture-specific attributes, such as the symbols and rules for formatting monetary numeric information and dates, are defined in a file called a locale. Each locale is supported by a message catalog, which contains all the text an application will output for a particular language, and by resource files. The DEC C XPG4 localization utilities, briefly described in Table 4-4, are used to create locale files and message catalogs.

Users can specify the language of the user interface when they log in. From the login display, select Options, then select Language. The languages installed on your system, as defined in the locale files, are displayed. You can then select the language for the user interface on your system.

The default locale is the C locale. The notation .lang is used in file specifications in this manual to indicate the locale variable. In the CDE documentation, %L and <lang> are used to indicate the locale variable.

Table 4-4 DEC C XPG4 Localization Utilities
Utility Purpose
GENCAT Merges one or more message-text source files into a message catalog file. The message-text source files use a default file type of .MSG. The message catalog file uses a default file type of .CAT. The GENCAT syntax is:

ICONV Depending on the option that you specify, ICONV either compiles conversion table files (ICONV COMPILE) or converts characters from one codeset to another (ICONV CONVERT). A conversion table file defines how characters in one codeset are converted to characters in another codeset.
LOCALE Depends on the option that you specify:
  • LOCALE COMPILE compiles a binary locale file.
  • LOCALE LOAD loads a locale name into system memory as shared, read-only global data.
  • LOCALE SHOW displays details of locales on your system.
  • LOCALE UNLOAD unloads a locale name from system memory.

The locale files are in the directory defined by the logical name SYS$I18N_LOCALE. For more information about the DEC C XPG4 localization utilities, see the OpenVMS Version 6.2 New Features Manual or the OpenVMS Version 7.0 New Features Manual.

4.2.2 Displaying Error Messages From Applications

New Desktop applications follow a common model for presenting error messages and warnings. Users expect messages to be displayed in message footers, error dialog boxes, or warning dialog boxes, with further explanations in online help, when appropriate. For details about displaying error messages in applications and linking message dialogs to online help, see the Common Desktop Environment: Programmer's Guide.

4.3 Optional Integration

Optional integration enables you to leverage CDE services to perform specialized tasks, such as providing certain graphical user interface functions and managing multiple workspaces. Custom widgets provide the specialized graphical user interface functions. The Workspace Manager API provides the functions for managing multiple workspaces. For more information about these CDE services, see Chapter 5 and Appendix B of this guide, theCommon Desktop Environment: Programmer's Overview, and the Common Desktop Environment: Programmer's Guide.

4.4 Creating New Application Groups

The New Desktop includes four application groups: DECwindows Apps, DECwindows Utilities, Desktop Apps, and Desktop Tools, as shown in Figure 4-5. Desktop Apps refers to the CDE applications and Desktop Tools refers to the CDE tools. Figures 4-5 Application Manager

An application group is simply a directory containing action (stub) files. For Application Manager to recognize that a directory is an application group, the directory must reside in one of the application group root directories defined by the logical name DTAPPSEARCHPATH. The directory disk$:[user.DT.APPMANAGER] is one of the application group root directories.

You can create additional application groups to be managed by Application Manager in the following way:

  1. Create a directory with the name of a new application group, for example, disk$:[user.DT.APPMANAGER.MY_TOOLS].
  2. The new application group will initially appear using the folder icon and the default name (in lowercase, with the underscore), as shown in Figure 4-6. To change the folder icon and the default name, copy the file NEWGROUP.DT_TEMPLATE from CDE$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:[APPCONFIG.TYPES.C] to disk$:[user.DT.TYPES]newgroup.DT, if one doesn't exist already. Modify this file following the instructions contained within the file.
  3. Run the Create Action application located in the Desktop Apps group to create:

You must fill in a minimum of two fields: Action Name (Icon Label) and Command When Action Is Opened (Double-clicked). For this example, the action name is CALCULATOR.DT and the command when action is opened is RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CALCULATOR.
  • Provide an icon for your application in one of the following ways:
    For this example, the default icon is used.
  • Move the action (stub) file from SYS$LOGIN to
  • Enable the new application group within Create Action with the Save option on the File pull-down menu. Alternatively, you can exit from Create Action and enable the new application group with Reload Actions. From Application Manager, select the Desktop Tools group, then double click on Reload Actions.
  • Select Application Manager.
    You will see a new file folder icon labeled my_tools, as shown in Figure 4-6. Double click on this icon and you will see the action icon (a runner) with the name Calculator. Double click to start Calculator.
  • Repeat steps 3 through 6 for every application you want to add to a group.

    Every time you use this procedure, a new .DT file is added to your disk$:[user.DT.TYPES] directory. You might want to create one file, such as MY_TOOLS.DT, and merge all the actions into this file. A single file can simplify the management of an application group. Figures 4-6 Application Manager With a New Application Group

    4.5 Registering a Third-Party Application

    Registering an application is the phrase used in CDE documentation for integrating and installing an application into the New Desktop. The files required for integrating an application are called a registration package. Registering an application is described in Chapter 4 of the Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide.

    The process on UNIX systems differs from the process on OpenVMS Alpha systems. The most significant difference is that the CDE application dtappintegrate is not included with the New Desktop. However, the rest of the process on the New Desktop is similar.

    An application is considered fully registered into the New Desktop when it has the following components:

    The registration package consists of the following components:

    The installation procedure for a registration package must perform the following tasks:

    Figures 4-7 CDE$USER_DEFAULTS Directory Hierarchy

    After your installation has completed and the session has restarted, you can then access the new application group and the applications in it with the following steps:

    1. Single click on the icon representing Application Manager.
    2. Double click on the icon representing the new application group that you installed. An icon for each application in the group will be displayed.
    3. Double click on the application you want to start.

    4.6 Porting UNIX Reference Pages to the New Desktop

    If you have created reference pages (manpages) on a UNIX system that you would like to add to the reference pages on the New Desktop, you can do so in the following way:

    After you have copied the reference page, you can view it by selecting the Man Page Viewer from the Desktop Apps group of Application Manager.

    4.7 CDE Documentation for Integrating Applications

    For more detailed information about integrating applications, see the related online help, especially the Create Action help, and the following CDE manuals:

    For instructions on how to access either manual on line or obtain printed copies, see Table 1-2.

    Chapter 5
    New Desktop Programming Resources

    DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha provides the same programming resources as DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX, as well as programming resources for the New Desktop. These include a subset of CDE APIs and integration services and additional CDE resources.

    This chapter provides information about the following topics:

    5.1 Standards Supported by the New Desktop

    The New Desktop supports the following standards:

    5.2 APIs and Application Integration Services

    Table 5-1 lists the subset of CDE application programming interfaces (APIs) and the CDE application integration services available with the New Desktop. They are in the following shareable libraries (pointed to by the logical SYS$LIBRARY):

    The corresponding header files are also shown in Table 5-1. For a list of all CDE API routines, see Appendix C. Most of the CDE API routines are supported on the New Desktop, but a small subset are not. Those not supported are noted.

    In addition to these new APIs and application integration services, all the DECwindows Motif APIs and application integration services are available in the New Desktop.

    Table 5-1 CDE APIs and Application Integration Services of the New Desktop
    Contents Description
    CDE$LIBDTSVC.EXE Desktop Services
    Drag-and-drop convenience API Convenience functions layered on top of the OSF/Motif R1.2 drag-and-drop services. These functions simplify the use of the OSF/Motif R1.2 drag-and-drop services, which have not changed.
    Action invocation API Used to initialize and load the database of action and data type definitions, query the action database, invoke an action, and register a callback to receive action status and return arguments.
    Session Manager API (dtsession) Services include save and restore.
    Workspace Manager API (dtwm)¹ Gets workspace information, sets the current workspace, and so on.
    Header files² Action.h, Dnd.h, Dts.h, Dt.h, Saver.h, Session.h, and Wsm.h.
    For more information, see theCommon Desktop Environment: Programmer's Guide.||
    CDE$LIBDTHELP.EXE Help Widget Support
    DtHelpDialog General help dialogs that include a menu bar, topic tree, and a help topic display area.
    DtHelpQuickDialog Quick help dialogs that include a topic display area and one or more dialog buttons at the bottom.
    Header files² Help.h, HelpQuickD.h, and HelpDialog.h.
    For more information, see theCommon Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide. ||
    CDE$LIBDTWIDGET.EXE Custom Widgets
    DtSpinBox Combines a text field and arrow buttons in a control that can increment or decrement numeric or text values.
    DtComboBox Combines a text field and a list box in a control that displays one or more valid choices for the text field.
    DtMenuButton Provides menu cascading functionality outside the menu bar.
    DtEditor Incorporates the functionality of a simple text editor.
    Header files² SpinBox.h, ComboBox.h, MenuButton.h, and Editor.h.
    For more information, see theCommon Desktop Environment: Programmer's Guide. ||

    ¹Some functions are not supported.²Found in DECW$INCLUDE:.

    Table 5-2 lists the CDE APIs, application integration services, and tools that are not included in the New Desktop.

    Table 5-2 CDE APIs and Application Integration Services Not Included
    CDE Component Name
    Application Builder dtappbuilder
    Calendar Manager API libcsa
    Messaging services (ToolTalk) libtt
    Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) support libdtmail
    Terminal emulator API libdtterm
    Windowing Korn shell dtksh

    For examples of how these routines are used in applications, see the example programs, as described in Section 5.10.

    5.3 Save and Restore Support

    The New Desktop provides session save and restore utility functions. If these are integrated into your application, the application state is saved upon exiting Session Manager and is restored when the session is restarted.

    Use the XmAddWMProtocol() function to set the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF atom on the WM_PROTOCOLS property for the top level of the application. You can view window properties by using the xprop utility program located in the DECW$UTILS directory.

    Use the XmAddWMProtocolCallback() function to declare a callback procedure for when the application receives a WM_SAVE_YOURSELF client message. Session Manager sends a WM_SAVE_YOURSELF client message to your application, and the callback function is called.

    The application should not interact with the user during save or restore. For example, a dialog box should not be displayed during save or restore.

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