________________________________________________________________ VAX Distributed Name Service Version 1.1 DIGITAL AV-MC47A-TE August__1988____________________________________________________ Dear Customer: This letter contains important information that will help you understand and use the VAX Distributed Name Service (DNS) V1.1 and its documentation. Product Features DNS V1.1 supports VMS Versions 4.6, 4.7, and 5.0. DNS V1.1 features are limited to the support of VMS Version 5.0 and the VMS License Management Facility (LMF). Please read the following information on VMS Version 5.0 for details. VMS Version 5.0 Information VMS Version 5.0 introduces the VMS License Management Facility (LMF) to Digital customers. In order to use a Digital software product on a VMS Version 5.0 system, customers are now required to register product license information in the system's license database. The DNS V1.1 product comes with a sheet of paper that lists its license information. For new customers, this document is called a License PAK (Product Authorization Key); For ex- isting DNS customers, this document is called a Service Update PAK (Product Authorization Key). Prior to installing the DNS V1.1 product, the customer must register the license information listed on the PAK into their system's license database using the LMF utility. Instructions for doing so are contained in the DNS Installation Guide and in the VMS License Management Utility Manual. These licensing procedures are true for all software products that support VMS Version 5.0 or later. ©1988 by Digital Equipment Corporation o All rights reserved o Printed in U.S.A. Page 2 AV-MC47A-TE Release Notes Please read the on-line DNS V1.1 Release Notes for more infor- mation about the content and function of the DNS V1.1 product. To read the on-line Release Notes, you must specify the OP- TIONS N option when installing DNS. Instructions for doing so are contained in Chapter 2 of the VAX Distributed Name Service Installation Guide. Documentation Only the DNS Installation Guide has been updated for the DNS V1.1 release. The other DNS manual, the Management Guide, re- mains unchanged from the V1.0 release. Any references to DNS V1.0 in the Management Guide also apply to DNS V1.1. The DNS manuals have been re-packaged with gray covers, in keeping with Digital's new standards for its documentation. Although the contents of the Management Guide have not changed from the V1.0 release, the manual has been re-issued with a gray cover to reflect the new packaging for Digital documentation.