READ ME FIRST Order Number: AV-MC09F-TE This is VAX REMS Version 1.4. This release fixes several basic problems with prior versions of the software. This version also has the added functionality of interfacing with the Powerware Plus, 3.6 to 12 kVA UPS. A detailed explanation of the changes and additions to this version can be found in the on-line re- lease notes. 1 Release Notes Information For a smooth installation, it is recommended that you first extract and read the release notes before attempting to install VAX REMS Version 1.4. To do this, follow the instructions for installing VAX REMS in Section 5 of the VAX REMS Installation Guide, making sure that you specify OPTIONS N as part of the command line. For example, if you were installing VAX REMS from the tape drive, you might type: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL REMS014 MUA0: OPTIONS N Then, follow the instructions up to step 4 (Section 5.7), and select NO when asked if you want to continue the installation. 1 2 H7317/8 Preparation If VAX REMS is to be used with H7317 or H7318 units, the system firmware running in these units must be V2.4-1. Determine the firmware version by pressing the key on the H7317/8 keypad. If the unit does not have a keypad, contact your local Digital Field Service Office for assistance. When the key is pressed, the software displays this message: No Alarms Present Time of Last Reset 12-04-91 12:58:50 Operational Status : Normal --Enter "#" Key for Main Menu -- Unit # 0 CHANGE READY REMOTE Digital Equipment Corporation Ver 241 <- Version Number Serial No. TYPE313241 50.00 KVA Thursday December 04 1991 13:01:37 If you do not have the appropriate firmware, contact your local Digital Customer Service Office. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1992. All rights reserved. 2