Cover Letter for VAX-11 RSX Version 2.5 AV-KS02D-TE Dear VAX-11 RSX Customer, VAX-11 RSX Version 2.5 is a maintenance release that corrects problems found in previous versions of VAX-11 RSX and provides the following new features: o Support for VMS Version 5.4 o New FSS$, PFCS$, and PRMS$ system directives o Common File Control Services (FCS) o MCR support for most DCL commands Please refer to the Preface of the VAX-11 RSX Version 2.5 Installation Guide and Release Notes and this cover letter for a complete list of changes and new restrictions for this release. NOTE VAX-11 RSX Version 2.5 is required for VMS Ver- sion 5.4 or later systems. Earlier versions of VAX-11 RSX are not supported on VMS Version 5.4 or later systems. VAX-11 RSX Version 2.5 also supports VMS system versions earlier than 5.4. For a complete discus- sion of version compatibility and restrictions, please refer to Section 1.1 in the VAX-11 RSX Version 2.5 Installation Guide and Release Notes. The following information was too recent to be included in the VAX-11 RSX Version 2.5 Installation Guide and Release Notes: o Search lists Page 2 A problem with the way VAX-11 RSX handled multival- ued logical names (search lists) has been corrected. VAX-11 RSX supports the use of a search list logical name in place of a device name in a file specifica- tion if both of the following conditions exist: - All the equivalence names of the search list translate to either a device name or a device name and a rooted directory - A $$n logical name has been defined for the search list © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1990. All rights reserved. Page 3 o Task overlay loading restriction VAX-11 RSX does not support running tasks that contain both memory-resident and disk-resident overlays. However, because of an overlay cache implemented by VAX-11 RSX, tasks built with either all memory-resident or all disk-resident overlays offer comparable performance. The VAX-11 RSX Version 2.5 Installation Guide and Release Notes incorrectly state that this problem was corrected for Version 2.5. Because of technical complications, we regret being unable to include support for running tasks with both memory-resident and disk-resident overlays for this release. o TKB /EX restriction VAX-11 RSX does not support running tasks that are built with the Task Builder /EX switch. This switch was added in RSX-11M-PLUS Version 4.3 to allow tasks built with memory resident overlays to use the Extend Task (EXTK$) directive. Installing FORTRAN IV or FORTRAN-77 Prior to installing FORTRAN-IV Version 2.8 or FORTRAN- 77 Version 5.3 or 5.4, ensure that previous versions of these products are deleted from SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. You cannot access the new version of the FORTRAN prod- uct, which is located in LB:[1,54], if the old version remains in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE].