DIGITAL TDMS Version 1.9A AV-PD0CA-TE Dear Customer, A serious problem was reported recently in TDMS Version 1.9. The problem has been fixed, and because of the severity of this problem, a new version of TDMS has been issued. The new version of TDMS is Version 1.9A and is contained in the enclosed distribution kit. The problem might occur during execution of either of the following types of TDMS requests: o A request that includes a FORM with one or more scrolled regions and a MESSAGE LINE IS instruction. o A request that includes a FORM with multiple scrolled regions. Each of these requests also must include a %ALL field instruction that references fields in a scrolled region of the FORM. For example, BOLD FIELD %ALL; BLINK FIELD %ALL; DEFAULT FIELD %ALL; RESET FIELD %ALL; REVERSE FIELD %ALL; UNDERLINE FIELD %ALL; The problem might result in one of the following er- rors: Page 2 %TSS-F-BUGCHECK, fatal internal software error -TSS-F-INVREQDEF, invalid request definition -TSS-F-INVSTRUCT, invalid REFBOU/ACS data structure %TSS-F-BUGCHECK, fatal internal software error TSS-E-CRGFULL, contiguous region is full The problem occurs when TDMS attempts to determine the bounds of the %ALL field reference during the request set-up and initialization phase of request execution. (This phase includes request memory allocation.) The field reference bounds are determined incorrectly and might result in the errors above being signaled. NOTE When you install the new Full Development Option [DEV], or the Run-Time [RTO] kit, you should use the product name TDMSDEV019 or TDMSRTO019, respectively. If you have any questions regarding this letter or TDMS Version 1.9A, please contact the Digital Customer Support Center or your local Digital office. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1990. All Rights Reserved.