DIGITAL AV-QKS1A-TE July 30, 1995 Dear StorageWorks customer: Digital announces the availability of StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS V1.0. This utility: - Is available at no charge to OpenVMS operating system li- censees. - Allows you to configure HSZ40 array controllers using terminal windows on OpenVMS systems. This eliminates the need for a terminal directly attached to the HSZ40 array controller. - Provides a full range of HSZ40 configuration and non-periodic monitoring commands. The HSZ40 Array Controller supports a variety of individual disk and disk array configuration options in the OpenVMS environment. These options include unit addressing, read and write caching, array member removal and replacement, and others. Until now, con- figuring an HSZ40 Array Controller has required a terminal to be attached directly to the controller. This is not always conve- nient, particularly in large installations where system adminis- trators are not located close to the system or storage they are configuring. The StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Configuration Utility for OpenVMS al- lows communication with HSZ40 Array Controllers through a terminal window on a suitably privileged OpenVMS workstation. The window behaves as if it were a terminal attached directly to the HSZ40. All controller CLI commands are supported. The StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility works with all systems that support the OpenVMS Operating System V6.2 and the HSZ40 Array Controller. HSZ40 Array Controllers must be running Operating Firmware (HSOF) Version 2.5 or later. In order to con- trol stripesets or raidsets, licenses for those functions must be installed on the controller. Documentation Package o StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS V1.0 Cover Letter o StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS V1.0 System Manager's Guide No software services are available for StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. For assistance call the Storage Hotline: 1- 800-STORWORK (in the U.S.A.). Sincerely, Eric Getsinger StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility Product Manager © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1995 All Rights Reserved. 2