__________________________________________________________ DIGITAL Before You Install DEC SoftPC Version 4.0 for VMS AV-PG6YD-TE July 1993 __________________________________________________________ To use DEC SoftPC software, you need a DEC SoftPC license for each concurrently active user. Please ensure that your software license is the appropriate one. Your Digital sales representative can supply licenses. DEC SoftPC Version 4.0 software is a revision of DEC SoftPC Version 3.0. You must install the following software before installing DEC SoftPC Version 4.0: o VMS V5.5 or later o Motif V1.1 or later You should also do the following: o Ensure that the items listed on the Bill of Materials are included in the software distribution kit and are undamaged. If any items are missing or damaged, contact your Digital sales representative. The first line of the label on each media item lists the part number you need to order the replacement item. o Read the release notes included in this kit. o Carefully read Appendix A, VMS Installation, and Chapter 3, Hard Disks and Drives, in the DEC SoftPC User's Guide for the VMS Operating System. When installing MS-Windows: Do not use the MS-Windows Express installation. If you do, incorrect windows drivers will be installed and MS-Windows will not work properly. You should use the standard MS-Windows installation procedure. 1 If you have used DEC SoftPC previously: o Do not use a Version 3.0 C: container file as your C: drive. Create a new C: drive as described in the DEC SoftPC User's Guide for the VMS Operating System. o Note that SPCCONFIG.INI, not SOFTPC.INI, is the configuration startup file for DEC SoftPC Version 4.0. DEC SoftPC Version 4.0 Enhancements: o Motif-based user interface o Support for protected-mode 286 operation (this also means support of Windows Version 3.1 Standard Mode) o Super VGA (256 colors) o Autoflush availability (flushing occurs 1 to 50 seconds after the buffer is loaded) o FPU emulator (ability to turn the hardware floating- point emulation on and off) o Extended and expanded memory o Support for Microsoft CD-ROM extensions and three window sizes o Support for both A: and B: floppy drives and for hard disks up to 300 Mbytes o Support for MS-DOS 5.0 If you are a system manager: o Read Choose to Create a Bootable or Nonbootable Disk in Chapter 3 of the DEC SoftPC User's Guide for the VMS Operating System. The command makeboot 1 is required to create a bootable drive under DOS 5.0. o If you want to use FSA drives other than E, the DOS config.sys file must contain the line LASTDRIVE= (id of last drive to be used). To use the additional drives, your AUTOEXEC.BAT file must include the command NET USE (drive id): Example: Config.sys......LASTDRIVE=G 2 Autoexec.bat.... NET USE F: dka300:[sheep] NET USE G: dka400:[wombat] To detach a Network drive, use the command: NET USE (drive id): /D. To list current drives, use the command: NET USE. o During the installation, DEC SoftPC may install fonts on timesharing systems that do not need fonts. Delete these fonts if they are not needed. o To access CDROM audio functions, you need PHYS_IO and DIAGNOSE privileges. DEC SoftPC issues a warning to this effect, then allows you to exit or continue. DEC SoftPC comes with a warranty as described in the Software Product Description (SPD) addendum. If the DEC SoftPC software fails to perform as described in the SPD, fill out a Software Performance Report (SPR) and mail it to the address on the back of the form. If you have a Digital support contract, it remains in effect. If you would like to purchase a Digital support contract, contact your Digital sales representative. Thank you for purchasing Digital Equipment Corporation products. __________________________________________________________ © Digital Equipment Corporation 1993. All rights reserved. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. SoftPC is a trademark of Insignia Solutions Inc. S2300 3