DIGITAL AV-Q7T0E-TE 23 July 1997 Dear Disk File Optimizer (DFO) customer: Thank you for your recent purchase of DFO V2.3. Disk File Opti- mizer for OpenVMS operates in a mixed OpenVMS cluster environment. The kit you have just received includes the VAX and Alpha versions of Disk File Optimizer for OpenVMS Version 2.3. Through customer feedback and continuous improvements, the Disk File Optimizer software gets better all the time. Disk File Opti- mizer for OpenVMS Version 2.3 adds the following enhancements to Version 2.2. o Support for OpenVMS 7.1 o A new DFG$TRANSFERSIZE logical has been added that improves the availability of files with large extents during defragmenta- tion. o The log file has been modified to show the different defrag- mentation phases and whether files were placed frequent or dormant. o Improvements have been made in the DFO DECwindows graphical user interface to increase usability. o Improvements have been made in the algorithm that places hot, frequent, and dormant files. The new algorithm does not move files that are already placed and records files that could not be placed. o The output of the SHOW/COMMAND command has been reformatted so it can now be executed at the system prompt without exceeding the 255 character DCL limit. o DFO performance during freespace consolidation has been im- proved by detecting open files on other nodes in the cluster. Please refer to the release notes for more details. This version of DFO has been compiled with the DEC C compiler and therefore requires the DEC C/C++ runtime kit, if you are running OpenVMS V6.0 or below. The runtime kit is supplied with the DFO kit. Because installing this kit may modify your C program de- velopment environment, please read the DFO Installation Guide carefully. This kit is not needed for OpenVMS V6.1 or later. Once again, thank you for your purchase of this product. Sincerely, Bryan Cox Disk File Optimizer Product Manager © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1997. All Rights Reserved. 2