MUP NUMBER: TEMIP_MA032 ----------- PRODUCT: TeMIP Framework for DIGITAL UNIX -------- UPDATED PRODUCT: TeMIP Framework for DIGITAL UNIX 3.2A ---------------- APPRX BLCK SIZE: 203000 ---------------- DIGITAL AV-QDDGH-TE Before You Install TeMIP Version 3.2-A for DIGITAL UNIX[R]+ Dear Customer, DIGITAL is delighted that you have chosen TeMIP to satisfy your network management requirements. TeMIP Version 3.2-A for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0D is a complete, dis- tributed management system for multi-vendor, multi-protocol net- works. This version provides advanced fault and trouble management functions, such as real-time alarm handling. TeMIP is a modular software product that can be extended through the addition of other TeMIP products, and third-party or user-developed software modules. The developer's toolkit, provided with TeMIP, allows you to develop new management modules quickly and easily, and add them to your TeMIP system. Enclosed is the TeMIP Version 3.2-A for DIGITAL UNIX software kit and documentation. Please read this cover letter before installing your software kit for TeMIP Version 3.2-A for DIGITAL UNIX. Contents of the Software Kit Your kit includes the following TeMIP software distribution media for DIGITAL UNIX: o TeMIP Framework o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management o Visual TeMIP Developer's Toolkit This kit also contains the TeMIP Version 3.2-A documentation sets, as described in Table 1 and Table 2. The documentation sets corre- spond with the functions that you have purchased. Note that you will only be able to use the software for which you have purchased licenses. ____________________ + UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusivly through X/Open Company Ltd. Release Notes Release Notes can be printed out during installation. The Release Notes contain information such as recommendations, amendments to documentation and restrictions. Refer to the TeMIP Installation Guide (AA-Q9J2F-TE) for details of how to access the Release Notes. Refer to the Software Product Descriptions and the TeMIP Installa- tion Guide (AA-Q9J2F-TE) for information on prerequisite software and hardware. 2 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__TeMIP_Framework_Version_3.2-A_Documentation_Set__________ Visual TeMIP De- Base Func- veloper's Document_Title_____________________________tions_________Toolkit___ TeMIP Utilities X - TeMIP Introduction X - TeMIP Planning Guide X - TeMIP Installation Guide X - TeMIP Name Service Administration Guide X - TeMIP Customization and Troubleshooting X - Guide TeMIP Director Configuration & Manage- X - ment Guide TeMIP Framework Script AM Use X - TeMIP Framework Circuit AM Use X - TeMIP Framework DECnet-Plus [1] AM Use X - TeMIP Framework TCP/IP SNMP AM Use X - TeMIP Framework Autoconfiguration Use X - TeMIP Framework DECnet Phase IV AM Use X - TeMIP Framework SPD 54.17.07 X - TeMIP Framework Security Operator's X - Guide TeMIP Framework Security Administration X - Guide TeMIP Framework Iconic Map and FCL X - User's Guide TeMIP Framework Security Software Ref- X - erence Manual TeMIP Framework Alarms and Notification X - Services Use TeMIP Framework System Reference Man- X - ual, Volume 1 TeMIP Framework System Reference Man- X - ual, Volume 2 Visual TeMIP Development Guide - X Visual TeMIP Reference Guide - X Visual TeMIP SPD 60.64.05 - X ___________________________________________________________________ [1] Formerly known as DECnet/OSI ___________________________________________________________________ 3 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 2: TeMIP Fault & Trouble Management Version 3.2 Documenta- __________tion_Set_________________________________________________ Alarm Han- dling and Alarm Event Trouble Full Event Log- Han- Log- Tick- Document_Title_________Functions_ging___________dling____ging______eting TeMIP Fault and X X X X X Trouble Management Reference Guide TeMIP Fault and X X X - - Trouble Management Alarm Handling User's Guide TeMIP Fault and X X - X - Trouble Manage- ment Event Logging User's Guide TeMIP Fault and X - - - X Trouble Management Trouble Ticketing User's Guide TeMIP Fault and X X X X - Trouble Management OSI System AM MRM TeMIP Fault and X X X - - Trouble Management Alarm Handling FM MRM TeMIP Fault and X X - X - Trouble Management Event Log FM MRM TeMIP Fault and X - - - X Trouble Management Trouble Ticketing FM MRM TeMIP Fault and X X X X - Trouble Management Event Filtering and Correlation FM MRM TeMIP Fault and X X X X - Trouble Management Event Filtering and Correlation FM SRM TeMIP Fault and X X X X X Trouble Management SPD_45.24.09_______________________________________________________ 4 License Keys Before installing the software on a DIGITAL UNIX system, you need to request a Software License File containing a license key for each of your TeMIP packages, unless you are installing a version prior to Version 3.2 of the TeMIP Framework for DIGITAL UNIX. In the case of installation of a prior version (and only in this case) you should use the checksum string provided on the Software License deliverable to enable your software. The License Request form is available in electronic text format with this Cover Letter, under the name of temip-license-form.txt. If you are in the United States or Europe, fill out and send the file temip-license-form.txt to the following Email address or US Fax number: Email: FAX: (1) 603-884-1297 If you are outside the United States and Europe, send the request to the nearest DIGITAL sales office. If you need to speak to a DIGITAL representative on the subject of license keys, call this US number (1) 603-884-8998. You will receive the Software License File within two working days. When you receive the file, refer to the TeMIP Installation Guide (AA-Q9J2F-TE). [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DECstation, DECsystem, DECwindows and TeMIP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] FLEXlm is a registered trademark of GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 1998. All Rights reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Compaq Computer Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq or an authorized sublicensor.