DIGITAL MAILbus 400 Message Router Gateway for OpenVMS VAX, Version 1.2B Cover Letter AV-R92SB-TE This Cover Letter lists the functional changes that have been in- troduced in Version 1.2B of the MAILbus 400[TM] Message Router[TM] Gateway for OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM]. This Cover Letter also describes how to install Version 1.2B of the Gateway. Functional Changes to the MAILbus 400 Message Router Gateway The following changes have been made to the Gateway for Version 1.2B.Full details of these changes are given in the MAILbus 400 Message Router Gateway for OpenVMS VAX: Release Notes. o The MAILbus 400 Message Router Gateway V1.2B is Year 2000 Ready. It will be unaffected by the rollover caused by the turn of the century. o The address for Reader's comments as documented in the Re- lease Notes and the books is no longer relevant. If the readers have some comments to send they should use the prepaid read- ers'comments forms, if they are supplied at the back of the book or comments on documentation should be directed to the local customer support centres. Installing Version 1.2B To install this kit follow the instructions in MAILbus 400 Message Router Gateway for OpenVMS VAX: Installing with the following exceptions: o Make sure you install one of the following configurations of prerequisite software: - OpenVMS Operating System, V6.1 or V6.2 DECnet[TM]/OSI[R] V6.3 MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent for OpenVMS, V2.0 or later, Base component - OpenVMS Operating System V7.1 DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS V7.1 with ECO 1, including the DEC- net Application Interface component (formerly known as the OSI Applications Kernel or OSAK[TM]) MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent for OpenVMS, V2.0A or later, Base component For Y2K readiness, the Y2K Kit (Part Number VAXY2K0n_071)for the OpenVMS V7.1 operating system should be added and the MAILbus 400 MTA V2.0B installed. o The approximate disk space required on the system disk is 7100 blocks during installation and 6600 blocks after installation. o Note that Version 1.2B is no longer distributed on 9-track 1600 BPI Magtape or TK50 Streaming Tape. It is only available as part of the DIGITAL CD-ROM Software Library for OpenVMS VAX Layered Products. This means the installation instructions are different from those in Version 1.2. From the SYSTEM account on the node or cluster where you want to install the Gateway, mount the CD-ROM as follows: $ MOUNT device-name volume-label where device-name and volume-label are as specified in the OpenVMS Layered Products Compact Disk User's Guide The Gateway files are located on the CD-ROM in the directory named XMRB012. o The command to install the Gateway is: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL XMRB012 device-name OPTIONS N The image identification of the new images in this kit is XMR V1.2-B. The version number of the kit when displayed using NCL management is V1.2.4. 2 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, DECnet, DIGITAL, MAILbus 400, Message Router, OpenVMS, OSAK, VAX, and the DIGITAL logo. OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1995,1998. All rights reserved. 3