COMPAQ Read Before Installing or Using Compaq COBOL Version 2.6 for Tru64 UNIX Systems AV-Q2G3H-TE June 1999 Please take a moment to read the following information about Compaq COBOL Version 2.6 for Tru64 UNIX systems. License Management Facility (LMF) Information Before you can install Compaq COBOL, an LMF Product Authoriza- tion Key (PAK) must be registered and loaded (see the Compaq COBOL for Tru64 UNIX Systems Installation Guide). Installation Information Installing Compaq COBOL requires the DIGITAL UNIX operating system Version 4.0D or 4.0E, or the Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system Version 4.0F or higher (Compaq Tru64 UNIX is the new name for DIGITAL UNIX as of Version 4.0F). The Layered Products Software Binaries Compact Disc (Media CD) contains the installation subset kit, the Compaq COBOL for Tru64 UNIX Systems Installation Guide, and related documentation in ASCII and POSTSCRIPT form. ________________________________________________________________ Version_2.6_Kit_Component_________Directory_____________________ Compaq COBOL for Tru64 UNIX /dca260/kit Installation Guide, this /dca260/documentation "cover" letter, SPD, and release_notes___________________________________________________ Compaq Services A variety of service and support options are available from Compaq. For more information, contact your local Compaq sales office. Release Notes Information The release notes for Compaq COBOL Version 2.6 for Tru64 UNIX systems contain a summary of: o Known problems o Restrictions o Debugger notes © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1980, 1999. All Rights Reserved. o Differences between this product and: - Compaq COBOL on OpenVMS Alpha systems - Compaq COBOL on Windows NT Alpha systems - Compaq COBOL on OpenVMS VAX systems To read the release notes before installing Compaq COBOL, follow the instructions in the installation guide. After you install Compaq COBOL, the release notes will be located in: /usr/lib/cmplrs/cobol/relnotes Important Information About Indexed Files Indexed file support for Compaq COBOL Version 2.6 for Tru64 UNIX requires the use of the third-party software product INFORMIX C-ISAM run-time package and license. For specific features of the C-ISAM product, please refer to the appropriate INFORMIX Technical Brief. Compaq Computer Corporation is not responsible for functional changes to the C-ISAM product, interfaces, or other aspects of the product that may cause incorrect operation with Compaq COBOL. Ordering information on the INFORMIX C-ISAM product can be found in the release notes. Contents of the Media Kit o Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the Bill of Materials (BOM) enclosed in this kit and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your Compaq representative. o Media The Media CD-ROM contains the Compaq COBOL directory (dca260). For information about installing Compaq COBOL, see the Compaq COBOL for Tru64 UNIX Systems Installation Guide. The Media CD-ROM (or IPO CD-ROM) contains the following: - The Compaq COBOL installation subsets (used with setld) are in the following directory: /dca260/kit - The Compaq COBOL for Tru64 UNIX Systems Installation Guide, this cover letter, the release notes, and the SPD are online in the following directory: /dca260/documentation These documents have been revised for Version 2.6. The SPD (Software Product Description) provides an overview of the Compaq COBOL product and its features. o CD User's Guide and Read First Letter The Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide and a CD Read First letter accompany the CD dis- tribution kit. The CD User's Guide lists the directory names provided for each product on the Media CD, has information on CD file locations and using Bookreader, and is provided: - In paper form with the CD - In Bookreader form - On the Software Binaries CD (or IPO CD) in the following files: /readme/ /readme/user_guide.txt Other Compaq COBOL Documentation The following manual is now available: DIGITAL COBOL Multiplatform Overview & Compatibility Guide This manual provides valuable information for users operating on any of the following platforms: o OpenVMS VAX o OpenVMS Alpha o Tru64 UNIX (DIGITAL UNIX) o Windows NT Alpha This manual (referred to as the MPG) provides application de- velopers, engineering and system managers, and COBOL users with concise, comparative information on: o Maintaining existing applications on their current plat- form(s) o Migrating chosen applications to a new platform The MPG includes an easy-to-reference summary of our compilers' capabilities for: o Developing, debugging, and maintaining COBOL programs o Compiling, linking, and running COBOL programs The MPG is also an immediate source for valuable programming tools such as: o The ASCII and EBCDIC table o A comparative table of COBOL command modifiers for all four platforms An order form for the book is available at our COBOL web site: The order number of this manual is AA-RD7XA-TK. Ordering Manuals To order Compaq COBOL manuals individually (and ready for inser- tion into an 8 1/2 by 11 inch binder that you supply, except for the Multiplatform Guide, which is bound), specify the following order numbers: AA-Q2G0E-TK DIGITAL COBOL Reference Manual (not revised for Version 2.6) AA-Q2G1E-TK DIGITAL COBOL User Manual (not revised for Version 2.6) AA-Q2G2G-TE Compaq COBOL for Tru64 UNIX Systems Installation Guide (revised) AA-RD7XA-TK DIGITAL COBOL Multiplatform Overview & Compati- bility Guide To order one 8 1/2 by 11 inch binder, specify order number 99-07644-01. To order the complete Compaq COBOL Version 2.6 documentation set including two binders, specify order number QA-2BZAA-GZ. This kit includes the following: the DIGITAL COBOL Reference Manual, the DIGITAL COBOL User Manual, two 8 1/2 by 11 inch binders, the Compaq COBOL for Tru64 UNIX Systems Installation Guide, the DIGITAL COBOL Multiplatform Overview & Compatibility Guide, and this letter. Compaq COBOL Web Site Please look at our web page and give it a Bookmark. It has a wide variety of detailed information about the Compaq COBOL products, ranging (for example) from Y2K suggestions to a com- patibility matrix, and from product descriptions and release notes to the complete, Acrobat readable DIGITAL COBOL Multiplat- form Overview & Compatibility Guide. The URL is: Reader's Comments Compaq appreciates your comments. If you would like to comment about a Compaq COBOL manual, please send the manual title, order number, and your comments by one of the following methods: o Electronic Internet mail: o Fax: 603-884-0120 Attn: Languages Documentation, ZKO2-3/K35 o A letter sent to the following address: Compaq Computer Corporation Languages Documentation, ZKO2-3/K35 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03062-2698 USA ___________________ [R] Compaq and the Compaq logo are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Alpha, Bookreader, DEC, DIG- ITAL, DIGITAL COBOL, DIGITAL UNIX, OpenVMS, VAX, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corpora- tion. Acrobat Reader Copyright © 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain ju- risdictions. Display POSTSCRIPT and POSTSCRIPT are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. INFORMIX and C- ISAM are registered trademarks of Informix Software, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited. Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 5