Terminal Server Manager Version 2.1 AV-PVWSB-TE April 1994 Important Technical Information Dear Customer: The Terminal Server Manager (TSM) Version 2.1 software includes the same features as Version 1.6 software with the following enhancements: o Alpha AXPE support o OpenVMSE VAXE support o DECserverE Network Access Software Version 1.3 support o DECnetE/OSI support o DECbridgeE 90 support (PASTHRU mode only) o DECserver 90M support o MUXserverE 320 support o New syntax disable feature For additional information, refer to the Terminal Server Manager Software Release Notes. The TSM Version 2.1 software kit does not contain new documentation. If you are upgrading from a previous version of TSM to Version 2.1 software, you may continue to use your existing software documentation set. If you are a new customer receiving TSM Version 2.1 software, you will receive the Terminal Server Manager Installation and Use Version 1.6 manual. AV-PVWSB-TE Page 2 To install TSM Version 2.1 software on an OpenVMS system, follow these steps: 1. Verify that the system has 2000 blocks of available disk space. 2. Use the saveset name TSM021 where TSM021 is the product code for TSM Version 2.1 software. Note this information is different in the Terminal Server Manager Installation and Use manual. For more information, consult the Terminal Server Manager Software Release Notes (the Release Notes are on-line in the file SYS$HELP:TSM021.REL_NOTES). Digital prides itself on responding to customer needs. To continue serving you, we need your comments. Each manual contains a preaddressed, postage-paid Reader's Comment form. If you find errors in a manual or want to make comments, please complete and return this form. Thank you for choosing Digital. Copyright 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Alpha AXP, DECbridge, DECnet, DECserver, MUXserver, OpenVMS, VAX, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.