DIGITAL DEC SNA Peer Server AV-Q2Y4E-TE ________________________ October 1995 Dear Customer: Thank you for purchasing the DEC SNA Peer Server software. This package contains the DEC SNA Peer Server V1.3 software and doc- umentation. Check the bill of materials to see that your distri- bution kit contains all the items listed. If any of the items are missing or damaged, you should contact your Digital representa- tive. Please take a few moments to read the DEC SNA Peer Server software release notes, which can be found on the distribution media in the directory /T21130/documentation. Refer to DEC SNA Peer Server Installation and Configuration for directions on mounting and reading the directory. Note that the software kit is located in the directory /T21130/kit (with an uppercase T). Features The DEC SNA Peer Server software links TCP/IP and DECnet/OSI users to the SNA environment. In the non-SNA environment, the Peer Server is media independent, allowing you to connect to it over Ethernet, token ring, FDDI, or other networks supported at your site. In the SNA environment, the Peer Server connects to SNA nodes over: o SDLC-Synchronous Data Link Control. o QLLC-Qualified Logical Link Control, requires X.25 for Digital UNIX. o LLC2-Logical Link Control type 2, supports Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI. Both wide area (WAN) and local area (LAN) access are supported. As a T2.1 device, the Peer Server provides primary and secondary ac- cess to the SNA network, including support for multiple concurrent sessions from a given LU. Support for LU6.2 protocols allows the implementation of parallel sessions. Also, the Peer Server sup- ports SNA sessions where the primary LU can reside in the SNA or non-SNA network. The Peer Server V1.3 software installs only on Digital UNIX V3.2 or later. Peer Server features include: o Digital UNIX application running on Digital's Alpha AXP sys- tems. o Multiprotocol (TCP/IP or DECnet) support. o Backward compatibility with most existing Digital access rou- tines and applications. o Support for SNA node type 2.1 protocols. o Connections into SNA Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network (APPN). o Support for LU6.2 protocols. o Support for node type 2.0 protocols for use in traditional SNA hierarchical networks. o Provides a TN3270 server that allows TN3270 clients access to IBM applications as SNA terminals; TCP/IP is not required on the mainframe. Refer to the DEC SNA Peer Server Software Product Description (SPD 51.08.02) for a complete description of the product. Documentation The DEC SNA Peer Server software documentation set includes the following manuals: o DEC SNA Peer Server Installation and Configuration o DEC SNA Peer Server Management o DEC SNA Peer Server Network Control Language Reference o DEC SNA Peer Server Guide to IBM Resource Definition The information contained within the DEC SNA Peer Server V1.2 doc- umentation set remains unchanged for the Peer Server V1.3 software release. Please continue to use the Peer Server V1.2 documentation set with the Peer Server V1.3 software. Documentation is available in Bookreader format on the layered product documentation CD-ROM. If you need to order any additional documentation, please contact your Digital sales representative or refer to the ordering information in the Software Documentation Products Directory. Digital prides itself on responding to customers needs. In order to continue serving you, we need your comments. You can use the Internet address to mail comments di- rectly to us. There is also a preaddressed, postage-paid Reader's Comment form at the back of each manual. If you find errors in a manual or want to make comments, please send electronic mail or complete and return the Reader's Comment form. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1995. All rights reserved. 2