January 2005 Your DECset kit consists of a group of programmer productivity tools that aid in the development of system or application soft- ware on an OpenVMS system. For this release, all components of DECset have been ported to the OpenVMS I64 platform. Functional- ity is identical to Version 1.5 on OpenVMS Alpha systems. DECset for OpenVMS I64 Systems, Version 12.6, consists of the following components: o Code Management System (CMS), Version 4.3 o Digital Test Manager, Version 4.2 o Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer (LSE/SCA), Version 4.9 o Module Management System (MMS), Version 3.6 o Performance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA), Version 4.8 Before you install DECset Version 12.6, you must first reg- ister a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together. Otherwise, it is shipped to a separate location based on your license order. On OpenVMS I64 systems DECset products are licensed per- processor (PPL) with one license unit required for each ac- tive physical processor in the system or hard partition. If additional processors are later added to the system or hard partition, each requires an additional per-processor license (PPL). See the HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for regis- tration instructions. See the HP DECset Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems for more information. The release notes for each of the components that comprise the DECset kit contain information about new features, corrected errors, performance enhancements, restrictions, known problems, and incompatibilities. After installing the DECset kit, release notes are located in SYS$HELP in individual component files (both text and POSTSCRIPT formats) and overview information in a DECset product file (text format only): SYS$HELP:DECSET_I640126_CMS043_REL_NOTES DECSET_I640126_CMS043_REL_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:DECSET_I640126_DTM042_REL_NOTES DECSET_I640126_DTM042_REL_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:DECSET_I640126_ENVMGR016_REL_NOTES DECSET_I640126_ENVMGR016_REL_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:DECSET_I640126_LSE049_REL_NOTES DECSET_I640126_LSE049_REL_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:DECSET_I640126_MMS036_REL_NOTES DECSET_I640126_MMS036_REL_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:DECSET_I640126_PCA048_REL_NOTES DECSET_I640126_PCA048_REL_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:DECSET_I640126_REL_NOTES DECSET_I640126_REL_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:DECSET_I640126_SCA048_REL_NOTES DECSET_I640126_SCA048_REL_NOTES.PS © 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.