DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using DEC OPS5[TM] Version 4.0A for OpenVMS Systems AV-PVQGA-TE June 1993 License Management Facility (LMF) Information An LMF PAK must be registered and loaded before you can install DEC OPS5. For more information, see the DEC OPS5 Installation Guide for VMS Systems. For information on LMF requirements needed to read the DEC OPS5 documentation using Bookreader, refer to the CD "Read First" letter. Installation Information Installing DEC OPS5 for OpenVMS has different requirements on AXP systems than on VAX systems. If you are running the OpenVMS VAX operating system, see the DEC OPS5 Installation Guide for VMS Sys- tems. For OpenVMS AXP systems, also see the DEC OPS5 Version 4.0A Release Notes for VMS Systems for information on the following topics: disk space requirements product location shareable image location of examples The OpenVMS AXP Layered Products media consists of two Compact Discs: o Software Binaries Compact Disc, hereafter called the Media CD, contains the kit save sets and related documentation in ASCII and PostScript[R] form. o Documentation CD contains documentation files in Bookreader format. The Media CD contains the installation save set (kit) and in- stallation guide for installing DEC OPS5 Version 4.0A (and other layered products). On the Media CD, the main DEC OPS5 directory is [ALPHA_OPS040]. The following DEC OPS5 files are located on the Media CD: o The DEC OPS5 installation save set is located in: [ALPHA_OPS040.KIT]ALPHA_OPS040.A -------------------- [TM] AXP, Bookreader, DEC, DEC OPS5, OpenVMS, and the Digital logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. o The DEC OPS5 installation guide (DEC OPS5 Installation Guide for VMS Systems), this read first letter, the Software Product Description (SPD), and the System Support Addendum (SSA) are provided as files in PostScript (.ps) and ASCII (.txt) form in: [ALPHA_OPS040.POST_DOCS] [ALPHA_OPS040.LINE_DOCS] Release Notes Information The release notes for DEC OPS5 Version 4.0A contain a summary of technical changes, known problems, restrictions, and incompati- bilities. To read the release notes before installing DEC OPS5, invoke VMSINSTAL and follow the instructions in the DEC OPS5 In- stallation Guide for VMS Systems. After installing DEC OPS5, the release notes are located in: SYS$HELP:DEC_OPS040.RELEASE_NOTES Contents of the Media Kit o Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the BOM enclosed in this kit and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is dam- aged or any items are missing, call your Digital representa- tive. o Media On the Media CD, you will find the DEC OPS5 directory and save set. For information about installing DEC OPS5 on your system, see the DEC OPS5 Installation Guide for VMS Systems (provided as a file on the Media CD). o CD Booklet and Read First Letter The OpenVMS AXP Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide booklet (CD booklet) and a "Read First" letter accompanies the CD distribution kit. The CD booklet: - Describes the directory names on the Media CD where save sets are located - Lists the documentation files provided for each product - Contains information on using the Bookreader to read the Bookreader-formatted files from the Documentation CD ([DECW$BOOK] directory) o DEC OPS5 Documentation Depending on how you order the final product, your installa- tion kit may include printed copies of the following DEC OPS5 manuals: - Guide to DEC OPS5 (AA-PNU7A-TE) - DEC OPS5 Compatibility and Migration Guide (AA-PNU8A-TE) - DEC OPS5 Installation Guide for VMS Systems (AA-EZ20E-TE) 2 DEC OPS5 documents, including the release notes, are provided as Bookreader-formatted files in the [DECW$BOOK] directory of the Documentation CD. To read the Bookreader-formatted files from the CD, your system manager needs to register and load the DEC OPS5 license PAK. Once the PAK is loaded, your sys- tem manager needs to define the logical names DECW$BOOK and DECW$BOOKSHELF as described in the CD booklet. The DEC OPS5 documents are in the "Programming Languages and Tools" shelf of the Bookreader library. o Software Product Description (SPD) and System Support Addendum (SSA) The SPD provides an overview of the DEC OPS5 kit and its fea- tures. The SSA describes the technical environment in which the product is supported. Both of these documents are provided online. Your Feedback is Appreciated Digital appreciates your comments. Each printed manual contains preaddressed Reader's Comments forms at the back. If you find er- rors in a manual or want to make comments about it, please fill out one of these forms and mail it to us. Or, send electronic in- ternet mail that includes the book title to the following address: ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993. All Rights Reserved. 3