Dear Customer: Please take a few moments to read the following information concerning your POLYCENTER SNA Manager Version 1.0 distribution kit. This package contains the POLYCENTER SNA Manager Version 1.0 software and the POLYCENTER SNA Manager Use manual (AA-PPX5A-TE). Please check the Bill of Materials to see that all items listed are in your distribution kit. If any item is missing or damaged, contact your Digital representative. If you need to order any additional documentation, contact your Digital sales representative, or refer to the ordering information in the Software Documentation Products Directory. The POLYCENTER SNA Manager release notes for Version 1.0 are part of the distribution kit. You should read the release notes because they contain important product considerations. You can access the release notes as part of the installation by specifying OPTIONS N when you invoke VMSINSTAL: $DKB100:[SYS0.SYSUPD.SNAMCC010]SNAMCC010.RELEASE_NOTES If you use OPTIONS N with VMSINSTAL, you are asked whether you want the release notes displayed, printed (or both), copied to SYS$HELP, or none of these options. You can type or print the file SYS$HELP:SNAMCC010.RELEASE_NOTES after installation. Digital prides itself on responding to customer needs. In order to continue serving you, we need your comments. Each manual contains a preaddressed, postage paid Reader's Comment form at the back. If you find errors in a manual or want to make comments, please complete and return this form.