Hewlett-Packard HP Reliable Transaction Router Version 5.0 AV-RVTEB-TE July 2005 Dear Customer: Thank you for purchasing HP Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) Version 5.0. This distribution includes the following: o Cover letter o Software Product Description (SPD) on the media o Release Notes o RTR software o RTR documentation RTR Version 5.0 contains the following new features: o Quality enhancements o Fault detection web browser o Support for OpenVMS on Integrity servers o Updated documentation Before installing the product, please read the Release Notes (for OpenVMS and Linux) or the Readme (for Windows) and the Installation Guide. NOTE For Alpha customers, this is the last release that will be available as an independent media kit. RTR software will continue to be available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library (SPL) distribution. For OpenVMS I64, RTR software will be available on the Operating Environment (OE) Update Media. For Linux and Windows, RTR software will continue to be avail- able as an independent offering. Please refer to the RTR Software Product Description (SPD) for detailed product information, including ordering and licensing part numbers. © Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.