DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using DEC Pascal Version 5.5 for OpenVMS VAX Systems AV-R581Y-TE September 1996 Dear DEC Pascal Customer: Please take time to read the following information about your product. Installation Information DEC Pascal Version 5.5 for OpenVMS VAX Systems requires OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5 or later. The OpenVMS VAX Layered Products media consists of two compact discs: o Layered Products Software Binaries Compact Disc, elsewhere in this document called the media CD-ROM, contains the kit save sets and related documentation in ASCII and POSTSCRIPT form. o Layered Products documentation CD-ROM contains documentation files in Bookreader format. DEC Pascal now allows you to keep multiple versions of the compiler on your system. For more information, see the DEC Pascal Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems. Contents of the Media CD-ROM The media CD-ROM contains the installation save set and the DEC Pascal Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems. The media CD-ROM device contains the following: o The DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX installation save sets are located in: [PASCAL055.KIT] ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. ___________________ [TM] ACMS, ACMSxp, Bookreader, DEC, DECforms, DECMessageQ, DEC- net, DEC Pascal, DEC Reliable Transaction Router, DECwindows, Digital, ObjectBroker, OpenVMS, VAX, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] Apple, Mac, and MacOSI are registered trademarks of Apple Com- puter, Inc. BASIC is a registered trademark of Dartmouth College. Hewlett-Packard is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. POSTSCRIPT is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. SunSoft and SunOS are trademarks and Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a regis- tered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. Visual BASIC is a trade- mark and MS, Visual C++, Windows, Windows 95, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. X/Open is a trade- mark of X/Open Company Limited. X Window System is a trademark of Mass. Institute of Technology. o The DEC Pascal Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems, this Read Before Installing letter, and the Software Product Description are provided as files in POSTSCRIPT (.ps) form and ASCII (.txt) form in the following directories: [PASCAL055.POST_DOCS]*.ps [PASCAL055.LINE_DOCS]*.txt Release Notes Information The release notes for DEC Pascal Version 5.5 for OpenVMS VAX Systems contain installation-related instructions and a summary of technical changes, known problems, restrictions, and incom- patibilities. To read the release notes before installing DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX Systems, invoke VMSINSTAL and follow the instructions in the installation guide. After installing DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX systems, the release notes for the compiler are located in: SYS$HELP:PASCAL055.RELEASE_NOTES License Management Facility Information A License Management Facility (LMF) PAK must be registered and loaded before you can install DEC Pascal. The LMF name for DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX is PASCAL. For more information, see the DEC Pascal Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems. For information on LMF requirements needed to read the DEC Pascal documentation using Bookreader, refer to the media CD-ROM Read First letter. Contents of the Media Kit o Bill of Materials Please read the Bill of Materials (BOM) enclosed in this kit and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your Digital representative. o Media On the media CD-ROM, you will find the DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX directory and installation save sets. For information about installing DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX on your system, see the DEC Pascal Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems (provided as a file on the media CD-ROM). o CD-ROM User's Guide and Read First Letter The OpenVMS VAX Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide and a Read First letter accompanies the CD-ROM distribution kit. The CD-ROM user's guide: - Lists the directory names provided for each product on the media CD-ROM - Describes how to use Bookreader to read the Bookreader- formatted files from the documentation CD-ROM device 2 o DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX Documentation Depending on how you order the final product, your instal- lation kit may include printed copies of the following DEC Pascal manuals: - DEC Pascal Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems - DEC Pascal User Manual for OpenVMS Systems - DEC Pascal Language Reference Manual To order the complete printed documentation set, contact your Digital representative. DEC Pascal documents are provided as Bookreader-formatted files on the documentation CD-ROM device. To enable ac- cess to these files, your system manager should refer to the DECW$BOOK environment variable, as described in the Open- VMS VAX Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide in the CD-ROM distribution kit. To read the DEC Pascal documents on line, use the Bookreader from a DECwindows terminal or workstation: - Invoke the Bookreader (see the OpenVMS VAX Layered Products Disc User's Guide); the initial or navigation Bookreader window appears. - Within the navigation window, select the topic "Program- ming Languages and Tools." - Select the topic "DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX Systems." - Select the appropriate DEC Pascal document; the table of contents will appear. o Software Product Description The SPD provides an overview of the DEC Pascal for OpenVMS VAX product and describes the technical environment in which the product is supported. The SPD is provided on line on the media CD-ROM. Digital Services A variety of service and support options are available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital sales office. Reader's Comments Digital appreciates your comments. If you would like to comment on a DEC Ada manual, please send the manual title, order number, and your comments by one of the following methods: o Electronic Internet mail: o FAX: 603-881-0120 Attn: Languages Documentation, ZK02-3/K35 3 o A letter sent to the following address: Digital Equipment Corporation Languages Documentation, ZK02-3/K35 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03062-2698 Please also take the time to fill out the following software development survey. 4 Software Development Survey Your completion of this survey will greatly aid the DEC Pas- cal team in determining how we can best serve our DEC Pascal customers. The team thanks you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please return completed surveys to: Digital Equipment Corporation Attention: Ann LeBlanc, Product Manager 110 Spit Brook Road M/S ZK02-2/23 Nashua, NH USA 03062-2698 Phone: 603-881-0043 FAX: 603-881-0883 Enet: Customer Information Company Name: Contact: Address (complete): Phone: FAX: Enet: 1. Which of the following best describes your current job re- sponsibility (check one)? < Scientist < Applications Programmer < Systems Programmer < Software Engineer < Technical Staff < Consultant < Educator < Systems Analyst < Computer Operations < MIS < DBA < Other (please state) 5 2. Which operating systems do you use on a regular basis (check all that apply)? < Apple MacOS < IBM MVS < Windows 95 < Berkeley UNIX BSD < Digital OpenVMS < SunSoft Solaris < IBM OS/400 < Digital UNIX < SunSoft SunOS < IBM OS/2 < Digital ULTRIX < Hewlett-Packard HP-UX < IBM AIX < Windows NT < MS Windows < Other (please list) 3. Which programming languages, if any, do you use on a regular basis (check all that apply)? < Ada < BASIC < C < C++ < Visual BASIC < Visual C < Visual C++ < COBOL < Fortran < Pascal < Other (please list) Which of the previous programming languages is the primary compiler that you use today to develop applications (include compiler and operating system)? 6 4. Do you plan on implementing client server technology in con- junction with your Pascal applications? If yes: o What is the operating system of choice for the server? o What is the operating system of choice for the client? o Will you develop applications on more than one tier? o How are you planning to develop the client software? o Are you planning to convert any of your Pascal code into another language during this process? If so, which lan- guage? 5. Please rate the following in relation to the importance for your DEC Pascal business: Integration with Client/Server technology < Critical < Desirable < Not Important ANSI standard compliance < Critical < Desirable < Not Important Windows NT Pascal Compiler < Critical < Desirable < Not Important Integration with major databases < Critical < Desirable < Not Important Cross-system development < Critical < Desirable < Not Important 7 Help to locate "year 2000" dependencies in source code < Critical < Desirable < Not Important 6. Describe your existing DEC Pascal applications. o How many lines of code? o Purpose of application? o Which of the following features do you use? < Schema types < Varying strings < Environment files < Double or quadruple precision floating numbers < Other (please list) 7. What kind of user interface(s) do your existing DEC Pascal programs use? < DECforms or some other forms-based tool < X Windows Systems or some other similar tool < readln/writeln < Other (please explain) 8. How do your existing DEC Pascal programs store permanent data (if applicable)? < readln/writeln to RMS files < Commercial database (if so, which one) < Proprietary database < Other (please state) 9. How do your existing DEC Pascal programs accomplish inter- process communication (if applicable)? < Mailbox, socket, etc. < Remote procedure call, etc. < Global section shared with another program < ObjectBroker or other CORBA-based service < ACMS or ACMSxp < DECMessageQ < DECnet < DEC Reliable Transaction Router (RTR) < Other (please state) 10.As a DEC Pascal user, what additional features would you desire in future releases? 11.As a DEC Pascal user, would you consider being a Field Test Site for future releases? 8