DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using DEC PL/I for OpenVMS AXP[tm] Systems AV-Q0SFA-TE Please read the following information about DEC PL/I for OpenVMS AXP[tm] Systems: Contents of This Kit o Indented Bill Report (BIL) and Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the BIL and BOM enclosed in your kit, and check to see that all listed items are in the kit. If your kit is damaged or is missing parts, please contact your Digital repre- sentative. o Media This kit includes any media you have ordered. o Documentation The documentation set consists of the following manuals: PL/I for OpenVMS Systems Installation Guide PL/I for OpenVMS Systems Reference Manual PL/I for OpenVMS Systems User Manual o Software Product Description (SPD) The SPD provides an official description of the DEC PL/I for OpenVMS software, including its features o Software Performance Report form (SPR) If you purchased DEC PL/I within the past 90 days and you think a problem is caused by a software error, please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). If you have a Basic or DECsupport Software Agreement, please call your Customer Support Center. o Release Notes Release notes are available on line. The PL/I for OpenVMS Sys- tems Installation Guide describes how to access these notes. Please read the release notes before using the software. o Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) The kit includes a Product Authorization Key. This paper cer- tificate contains information about the license required to run DEC PL/I on OpenVMS AXP systems. Please consult the installa- tion guide on how to install your PAK. Installation Information DEC PL/I requires Version 1.5 of the OpenVMS AXP operating system. CAUTION Please install DPLIVMS040.A prior to installing DPLI040. This saveset contains the DEC PL/I Run-Time Library and Open- VMS patches that enable it to function correctly. DPLI040.A cannot be installed without it. Documentation Information Differences between VAX PL/I and DEC PL/I occur throughout the documentation set. Chapter 2 of the user manual describes differ- ences in the qualifiers to the PLI command. Appendix C of the ref- erence manual contains a summary of differences between the PL/I standard and Digital's PL/I products. For additional information on the documentation set, please see the release notes. If you discover an error in a PL/I manual, please complete and return one of the reader comments forms at the end of each manual. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993. All rights reserved. 2