DIGITAL AV-QFMWB-TE 12-March-1996 Dear StorageWorks customer: We are announcing the availability of the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for Digital UNIX V1.1A. The highlights of this utility are: o A no-cost utility program allows Digital UNIX system administrators to configure HSZ40 Array Controllers using terminal windows on their Digital UNIX systems. (NOTE: Digital UNIX systems were formerly known as DEC OSF/1 systems.) o It eliminates the need for a terminal to be directly attached to the HSZ40 array controller. o The full range of HSZ40 configuration and non-periodic monitoring commands are available. The HSZ40 Array Controller supports a variety of in- dividual disk and disk array configuration options in the Digital UNIX environment. These include unit ad- dressing, read and write caching, array member removal and replacement, and others. Until now, configuring an HSZ40 Array Controller has required that a terminal be attached directly to the controller. This is not always convenient, particularly in large installations where the system administrator is not close to the system or storage he is configuring. The StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Configuration Utility for Digital UNIX allows communication with HSZ40 Array Con- trollers through a terminal window on a suitably privi- leged Digital UNIX workstation. The window behaves as if it were a terminal attached directly to the HSZ40. All controller CLI commands except those which make use of cursor positioning escape sequences are supported. For example, because this utility (called "HSZterm" in the HSZ40 Array Controller documentation) is character-cell oriented, it cannot handle the VTDPY displays (the peri- odic status displays emitted by the HSZ40) that include VTx00 escape sequences for cursor positioning. Page 2 The StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility works with all systems that support the Digital UNIX Oper- ating System V3.0, V3.2 or V4.0 and the HSZ40 Array Controller. HSZ40 Array Controllers must be running Op- erating Firmware (HSOF) Version 2.0 or later. In order to control stripesets or raidsets, licenses for those functions must be installed on the controller. Page 3 Documentation Package o StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for Digi- tal UNIX V1.1A Cover Letter (AV-QFMWB-TE) o StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for Digi- tal UNIX V1.1A System Manager's Guide (AA-QC39B-TE) No software services are available for the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. For assistance call the StorageWorks Hotline: 1-800-STORWORK (in the U.S.). Sincerely, Pia Bertelli StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility Product Manager © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Re- served.