DSM for OpenVMS Version 7.1 March, 1998 Dear DSM for OpenVMS Customer : Enclosed is your DSM for OpenVMS kit. Version 7.1 of DSM for Open- VMS is compatible with DSM applications written under previous versions of DSM for OpenVMS. DSM maintenance releases are only available on the InterSystems Web site. We strongly recommend that you visit the InterSystems Web site (http://www.intersys.com/dsm7) for the latest kits and information. ___________________________________________________________________ You_need_to_be_using...______To_install_and_run..._________________ OpenVMS VAX Versions 6.2, 7.1 of DSM for OpenVMS VAX 7.0, or 7.1 OpenVMS Alpha Versions 6.2, 7.1 of DSM for OpenVMS Alpha 7.0, or 7.1 _______________________________________________________ You should keep the following points in mind: o Because of certain internal changes, you will need to recompile all of your DSM routines after you upgrade to Version 7.x of DSM for OpenVMS from a 6.x version. If you are upgrading from DSM 7.0+ to DSM 7.1, no extra effort is required. o InterSystems changed the licensing procedure for DSM 7.x to conform with other InterSystems products. Read the sections about licensing in Chapter 1 of the DSM for OpenVMS Release Notes if you have not updated your license since migrating to DSM 7.x. Read the sections about licensing in Chapter 2 of the DSM for OpenVMS Release Notes for more information about how to install or edit your license(s). If you are using a clustered environment, be sure to see the notes regarding clusters. You will need to obtain a license from InterSystems Corpo- ration in order to run DSM 7.x in a production environment. InterSystems may be contacted at InterSystems Corporation Order Processing Group One Memorial Drive Cambridge MA 02142 United States Tel. (617)577-3600 Fax:(617)494-1631 This document describes the distribution kits for the following software: o Version 7.1 of DSM for OpenVMS VAX[TM] o Version 7.1 of DSM for OpenVMS Alpha[TM] It also provides product information that supplements the DSM for OpenVMS Release Notes. This document has two attachments: o Attachment A, "Installing the DSM 7.1 kit," describes how to install this kit. o Attachment B, "Additional Product Information," provides prod- uct information you need to know to use DSM. Distribution DSM is distributed by both InterSystems Corporation and Digi- tal Equipment Corporation. InterSystems distributes DSM software on the following media for both DSM for OpenVMS VAX and DSM for OpenVMS Alpha: o 9-track magnetic tape o TLZ06[TM] o TK50[TM] tape cartridge Digital Equipment Corporation distributes DSM software on the following media: o DSM for OpenVMS VAX: - 9-track magnetic tape - TLZ06[TM] - TK50[TM] tape cartridge - CD-ROM o DSM for OpenVMS Alpha: - CD-ROM Installation Information If you are installing DSM software for the first time, read Chap- ter 1 of the DSM for OpenVMS Installation and Management Guide . This chapter describes the installation procedure in detail. If you are upgrading from a previous release of DSM, you must upgrade your existing configurations and volume sets. After you complete your software installation, the upgrade procedure loads Version 7.1 manager utilities and globals. 2 A copy of the DSM for OpenVMS Release Notes is distributed in printed form and on line as a file with the DSM distribution kit. You can obtain a copy of these release notes when you install DSM by using the "OPTIONS N" parameter with the VMSINSTAL procedure. For example: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DSM DSMVAX071 OPTIONS N or $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DSM DSMAXP071 OPTIONS N If you are using CD-ROM media, you can obtain a copy of the re- lease notes using the CDMENU Utility. After installation, the DSM for OpenVMS Release Notes is available in SYS$HELP:DSM071.RELEASE_ NOTES, and a copy of this cover letter and attachments is avail- able in the file SYS$HELP:DSM071.COVER_LETTER. Thank you for purchasing DSM for OpenVMS. The DSM Product Group © InterSystems Corporation. 1998 3 Attachment A - Installing the DSM Version 7.1 Kit The following sections contain information about installing the DSM kit. Installing DSM for the First Time If you are installing DSM software for the first time, read Chap- ter 1 of the DSM for OpenVMS Installation and Management Guide . That chapter describes the installation procedure in detail. Take the following steps to install the DSM Version 7.1 kit: 1. Back up your system. 2. Install the kit. Run the SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL procedure. On an OpenVMS VAX system, specify DSMVAX071 as the product name. On an OpenVMS Alpha system, specify DSMAXP071 as the product name. 3. If you do not run the IVP during VMSINSTAL, install the DSM for OpenVMS images as shared using the SYS$STARTUP:DSM$INSTALL.COM procedure. Post-Installation Activities: After Installing, take the following steps: 1. Use the SYS$MANAGER:DSM$INIT.COM procedure to create a DSM for OpenVMS environment manager's account. 2. Edit the OpenVMS system files to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of DSM for OpenVMS configurations when your system is rebooted. 3. Log in to the DSM for OpenVMS environment manager's account and run the SYS$MANAGER:DSM$CONFIGURE.COM procedure to initialize DSM for OpenVMS database volume sets and configurations. Upgrading From a Previous Version of DSM If you are upgrading from a previous release of DSM you must up- grade your existing configurations and volume sets. Read the DSM for OpenVMS Release Notes in addition to the following informa- tion. Take the following steps to upgrade from a previous version of DSM to DSM for OpenVMS Version 7.1: 1. Shut down all running DSM for OpenVMS configurations. 2. Back up your system. 3. Install the kit. Run the SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL procedure. On an OpenVMS VAX system, specify DSMVAX071 as the product name. On an OpenVMS Alpha system, specify DSMAXP071 as the product name. 4 4. If you do not run the IVP during VMSINSTAL, install the DSM for OpenVMS images as shared using the SYS$STARTUP:DSM$INSTALL.COM procedure. Post-Installation Activities: 1. Use the SYS$MANAGER:DSM$INIT.COM procedure from a privileged OpenVMS system account to upgrade DSM for OpenVMS manager accounts to DSM for OpenVMS Version 7.1 environment manager accounts. 2. Log in to the DSM for OpenVMS environment manager's account and run the SYS$MANAGER:DSM$UPGRADE.COM procedure. If you are upgrading from Version 7.0, you do not need to recompile your application routines. If you are upgrading from a version of DSM prior to 7.0, you must recompile your application routines. DSM$UPGRADE optionally reinitializes before-image and after-image journal files and optionally upgrades mapped routine sets. You can also use ^BIJINIT, ^JRNINIT, and ^RMBLD to reinitialize your journal files and rebuild your mapped routines at a later time. 3. Edit the OpenVMS system files to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of DSM for OpenVMS configurations when your system is rebooted. 4. If you are using DDP, reboot your OpenVMS system to reload the DDP driver. 5. Start up the upgraded configurations. Alternate Root Installation If you are installing DSM in an alternate root, read Appendix A of the DSM Installation and Management Guide . It describes the alternate root installation in detail. Do the following to install the DSM Version 7.1 MUP kit: 1. Log in to the system account. 2. Shut down all running DSM configurations. In a VMScluster envi- ronment, shut down configurations running on each node. 3. Extract the DSM$ALTROOT_INSTALL.COM procedure from the kit saveset. On an OpenVMS VAX system, use the following command: $ BACKUP/LOG kit_device:DSMVAX071.B/SAVE/SELECT=DSM$ALTROOT_INSTALL.COM; * On an OpenVMS Alpha system, use the following command: $ BACKUP/LOG kit_device:DSMAXP071.B/SAVE/SELECT=DSM$ALTROOT_INSTALL.COM; * Where kit_device is the distribution tape, CD-ROM, or disk where the DSM kit is located. 5 4. Use the DSM$ALTROOT_INSTALL.COM procedure to create the alter- nate root directories and install the DSM software distribution kit. 5. Use the DSM$ALTROOT.COM procedure to create and initialize a DSM environment manager's account for the new alternate root. 6. Use the DSM$ALTROOT.COM procedure to initialize the group logi- cal name search lists for all users within the GROUP. 7. Log in to the new manager account and use the SYS$MANAGER:DSM$CONFIGURE.COM procedure to create volume sets and to define new configura- tions. 8. Edit system startup files to initialize alternate root instal- lation on system reboot. 6 Attachment B - Additional Product Information The following sections contain additional information about doc- umentation and functionality that is not included in the DSM Re- lease Notes. Documentation Notes and Corrections This section contains notes about and corrections to the DSM docu- mentation set. o DSM for Open VMS Installation and Management Guide does not include the following information about licensing and operating in a clustered environment: Changes to Cluster Installations In versions of DSM earlier than 7.0, it was possible to install DSM on one node of a cluster and allow other nodes with the same architecture and system directories to use the installed software. It was not necessary to run the VMSINSTAL procedure on each node. In DSM V7.0 and V7.1, this process remains essentially un- changed. However, changes in DSM 7.x licensing require that each node of the cluster has a directory named DSM$LICENSE in the SYS$SPECIFIC file area. The creation and protection of this directory is usually performed by the software installation, but the install procedure only creates this directory for the node on which it is run. Before attempting to install the license key on a node where VMSINSTAL has not been run, you must first run the procedure SYS$MANAGER:DSM$CD_LICENSE.COM to ensure that the DSM$LICENSE directory is created and given the proper protection. This command procedure should be run from the system manager's ac- count, but will set the directory protection such that any DSM manager's account can enter and edit the license key. DSM$CD_LICENSE.COM only needs to be used for the first upgrade or install of DSM V7.x. Once the directory has been created, subsequent upgrades will not require this step. 7