DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using VAX PL/I for OpenVMS Systems. Please read the following information about VAX PL/I for OpenVMS Systems: Contents of This Kit o Media This kit includes any media you have ordered. o Documentation The documentation set consists of the following manuals: PL/I for OpenVMS Systems Installation Guide o Software Product Description (SPD) The SPD provides an official description of the VAX PL/I for OpenVMS software, including its features o Software Performance Report form (SPR) If you purchased VAX PL/I within the past 90 days and you think a problem is caused by a software error, please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). If you have a Basic or DECsupport Software Agreement, Please call your Customer Support Center. o Release Notes Release notes are available on line. The PL/I for OpenVMS Sys- tems Installation Guide describes how to access these notes. Please read the release notes before using the software. o Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) The kit includes a Product Authorization Key. This paper cer- tificate contains information about the license required to run VAX PL/I on OpenVMS systems. Please consult the installa- tion guide on how to install your PAK. Installation Information VAX PL/I requires Version 5.2 of the OpenVMS AXP operating system or higher. CAUTION Please install PLIRTL055.A prior to installing PLI036. This saveset contains the VAX PL/I Run-Time Library and Open- VMS patches that enable it to function correctly. PLI036.A cannot be installed without it. Documentation Information Differences between VAX PL/I and DEC PL/I occur throughout the documentation set. Chapter 2 of the user manual describes differ- ences in the qualifiers to the PLI command. Appendix C of the reference manual contains a summary of differences between the PL/I standard and Digital's PL/I products. For additional information on the documentation set, please see the release notes. If you discover an error in a PL/I manual, please complete and return one of the reader comments forms at the end of each manual. (c)Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All rights reserved. 2