MUP NUMBER: IBX_MA021 ----------- PRODUCT: InfoBroker Server for Digital UNIX -------- UPDATED PRODUCT: InfoBroker Server for Digital UNIX 2.1A ---------------- APPRX BLK SIZE: 5860 --------------- DIGITAL Cover Letter for the InfoBroker Server for Digital UNIX MUP Kit IBX_MA021. MUP Kit IBX_MA021 Description -------------------------------------- The InfoBroker Server Release Notes contain a complete explanation of this release. The following is a summary of new and changed features: o Image files displayed by the lookup daemon must be located in this directory: /var/ibx/lookup/ o For searches with more than one match, the lookup daemon used to display only the X.500 distinguished name, which was not enough information in most cases. Now, for the case of multiple matches, the lookup daemon displays each attribute marked with a T in the brief column in the configuration file (/etc/ibx.conf). o The lookup daemon did not properly format rfc822 mailbox address attribute values. This caused the display to appear jumbled when viewed with a Netscape Version 2 browser. This is resolved. o The lookup daemon did not properly display brackets and percent characters (<, > and %) in rfc822 mailbox attribute values. This is resolved. o The installation of the IBXOSERV subset now properly checks for either Version 2 or 3 of the X.500 base kit as a prerequisite. Previously it checked only for Version 2 of the X.500 base kit. Installation Overview --------------------- Install this kit with the setld utility by logging into the root account and typing the following: setld -l [location of MUP kit] First delete (using setld -d) previously installed IBX subsets. The ECO kit checks to ensure that a valid license is installed before proceeding. If one is not found, the installation aborts. Issue the following commands (as root) to restart the product: /usr/sbin/stop_ibxlookupd.osf /usr/sbin/stop_ibxd.osf /usr/sbin/start_ibxd.osf /usr/sbin/start_ibxlookupd.osf A system reboot is not necessary. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All Rights reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ADDHERE