Getting Started
HPE OpenVMS Layered Products Library, Operating Environment Update and 
Online Documentation Libraries For HPE OpenVMS on HPE Integrity Servers

Welcome to the Layered Products Library, Operating Environment Update, 
and Online Documentation Libraries for OpenVMS on Integrity Servers.  
The following consolidated software is included with the HPE OpenVMS 
Operating Environment media:

*  Layered Products Library
   o  Contains the latest revision of all software products included 
      on the Layered Products Library media.

*  Operating Environment Update
   o  Contains the latest revision of the Operating Environment 
      software products that have revised since the last Operating 
      System version release. 

*  Online Documentation Libraries
   o  Contains the latest revision of online documentation for all 
      software products included in the Operating Environment and 
      Layered Products Library media.

For new customers, these DVD and CD-ROMs are included with the 
Operating Environment Media.  

A Master Index, listing the contents of each DVD/CD-ROM, as well as 
identifying those products that are new, updating, or removed, can be 
found in the [README] directory on the media.  The Master Indexes are 
also posted at the following website:

Software Updates Service

For OpenVMS on Integrity, SW Updates Service is purchased for the 
Operating Environment media, and for each individual layered product 
media.  All updates are delivered on the consolidated software 
distribution media mentioned above.     

Software Updates Service for license products provides the License 
to Use new revisions of the software released during the Support 
Agreement period.

Licensing Information	

Customers must be licensed to use all new revisions of software 
products released on the consolidated software distribution for 
OpenVMS on Integrity servers.  If a customer does not have a Support 
Agreement that includes Software Updates Service, the purchase of a 
new product license is required.  

Additional licensing information is available here:

    HPE OpenVMS Layered Products Library and Operating Environment 

This section provides getting started instructions for the Layered 
Products Library and the Operating Environment Update.

1. Mounting the media for the Layered Products Library or 
   Operating Environment Update.

   Mount the DVD/CD-ROM by entering the MOUNT command in the 
   following format: 

   $ MOUNT/SYSTEM device volume label        Where device is the 
                                             name of the media 
                                             device, volume label 
                                             is the 12-character 
                                             volume label located 
                                             on the face of the 

   For example:  $ MOUNT/SYSTEM DQA400: I64BINMAR161

2. Accessing a Software DVD/CD-ROM 

   Products on the Layered Products Library and Operating 
   Environment Update DVD/CD-ROM contain directories for each 
   product. These directories contain save sets of the binary 
   images included in the software product and product installation 
   documentation in ASCII text and PostScript formats.  Each product 
   directory begins with a name unique for that product.

   Table 2-1 shows the structure of the Layered Products Library
   and Operating Environment Update DVD/CD-ROM.  

   The [README] directory, located on the first CD-ROM or DVD, 
   contains the documents you should read first. 

   For each product, the name of the root directory usually 
   corresponds to the name of the product save set. The product 
   save sets are located in the KIT subdirectory. Documentation is 
   located in the DOCUMENTATION subdirectory.

Table 2-1  Layered Products Library and Operating Environment Update 
           Media Directory Structure 
Directory                      File                     Contents 
[README]                                        Documentation you should 
                                                read first. 
                        CDMASTER_INDEX.TXT      Lists all products in 
                                                this release, including 
                                                which DVD/CD-ROM contains 
                                                each product and the 
                                                directory name for each 
                        GETTING_STARTED.TXT     Includes instructions to 
                                                mount media, accessing 
                                                software and documents, 
                                                print documents, and
                                                install layered products.
                        SW_COMPAT_MATRIX.TXT    Indicates operating 
                                                system versions that 
                                                support each layered 
                                                product. (This is for 
                                                future OS releases.) 
[product]                                       Top level product 
                                                directory, as shown in
                                                the OpenVMS for Integrity 
                                                Server Layered Products 
                                                Library and OE Update 
                                                for OpenVMS I64 Master 
[product.KIT]                                   Product subdirectory 
                                                containing save sets
                                                and/or PCSI files. 
[product.DOCUMENTATION]                         Product subdirectory 
                                                containing documentation 
                                                in .PS and .TXT formats. 
                        product_COVER.TXT       Cover letters. 
                        product_IGUIDE.TXT      Installation guides. 
                        product_SPD.TXT         Software Product 

3. Release Notes and Other Documentation  

   Release notes for layered products are included in the kits and may 
   be retrieved by entering the appropriate command in the VMSINSTAL 
   utility or the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. 

   Other product documentation, not listed in Table 2-1, is available 
   in two ways: 

   ·  On the HPE OpenVMS Online Documentation Libraries for Layered 
      Products on HPE Integrity Servers and for Operating Environments 
      on HPE Integrity/Alpha Servers and Microsoft™ Windows™ Platforms 
      CD-ROMs, in an electronically viewable format,

   ·  As individual product documentation sets in hardcopy format.  

   Either may be ordered separately by contacting your Hewlett Packard 
   Enterprise account representative.  

   Order numbers for software kits, printed manuals, and software 
   service are included in product cover letters or are listed on the 

4. Printing the Documents

   You can print the documentation for the Layered Products Library or 
   Operating Environment Update by entering an operating system command. 
   You do not need a product license to print these documents.  

   See the Layered Products Library or the Operating Environment Update 
   Master Index for pointers to product directory specifications. 

   To print a document in Table 2-1 with text output, send the file to an 
   ASCII printer by entering a command in one of the following formats:

   $ PRINT/QUEUE=queue_ANSI device:[README]file-name.TXT 
   $ PRINT/QUEUE=queue_ANSI device:[product.DOCUMENTATION]file-name.TXT

   To print a document from the [product.DOCUMENTATION] directory with 
   PostScript output, send the file to a PostScript printer by entering 
   the command in the following format: 

   $ PRINT/QUEUE=queue_POST device:[product.DOCUMENTATION]file-name.PS

   In the preceding examples, device represents the name of the drive 
   on which you have placed your Layered Products Library or Operating 
   Environment Update DVD/CD-ROM.

5. Installing Layered Products

   This section describes how to install layered products on an OpenVMS 
   on Integrity Servers system.        

5.1 Location of Product Save Sets and Installation Instructions

    The Layered Products Library or the Operating Environment Update 
    Master Index gives the directory locations of the products on the 
    software binaries DVD or CD-ROM. This information is also available 
    in the CDMASTER_INDEX.TXT files in the [README] directory on the 
    first disc.
    Installation information for each product, in ASCII text and 
    PostScript formats, is located in the [product.DOCUMENTATION] 
    directories, where product is the product directory name, as given 
    in the Layered Products Library or Operating Environment Update 
    Master Index.

5.2 Installation Methods

    Install layered products using one of the following methods:   

    ·  Using the VMSINSTAL utility.  
    ·  Using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility.

5.2.1  Using VMSINSTAL

       Individual layered product kits are located in their own 
       directory hierarchies.  For this reason, when you install a 
       layered product, you must use a VMSINSTAL command line that 
       is slightly different from the one given in the product's 
       installation guide.

       When you enter the VMSINSTAL command line, specify the disc 
       drive and the directory by entering a command in the 
       following format:

       $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product drive:[directory.KIT]

       For example:


       Additionally, certain system privileges must be enabled before 
       you run VMSINSTAL. You must be logged in to a privileged account 
       (such as the system manager's account, SYSTEM) that has the 
       SETPRV privilege or at least the following privileges enabled:

       ·  CMKRNL
       ·  SYSPRV 
       ·  WORLD

       To check whether your process has SETPRV or other privileges 
       enabled, enter the following command:


5.2.2 Using the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility

      Beginning with OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1, some products can be 
      installed using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility.  
      Not all products are available with this installation technology.  

      Use a command in the following format to install one or more 
      software products that support installations by means of 
      POLYCENTER Software Installation utility:  

      $ PRODUCT INSTALL product/VERSION=number /SOURCE=disc_drive:-

      For example:


      Additionally, certain system privileges must be enabled before 
      you install products. You must be logged in to a privileged 
      account (such as the system manager's account, SYSTEM) that has 
      at least the following privileges enabled: 

      ·  CMKRNL 
      ·  SYSLCK 
      ·  SYSPRV

      To check whether your process has these privileges enabled, 
      enter the following command:

      To see whether a previous version of a product is installed, 
      use the PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT command.  For example:


      Refer to the product's installation guide for more information 
      on installing products using the POLYCENTER Software 
      Installation utility.  

      To use other features of the POLYCENTER Software Installation 
      utility, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility 
      User's Guide.

         HPE OpenVMS Online Documentation Libraries (ODL) 
        for Layered Products on HPE Integrity Servers and 
        Operating Environments on Integrity/Alpha Servers 

This section provides introductory information about the Online 
Documentation Libraries CD-ROM collection.  It provides general and 
platform-specific installation and user information for the ODL.

These OpenVMS CD-ROMs are ISO 9660 Level 2 (ODL-ISO) compliant 
CD-ROMs that can be run from Microsoft™ Windows™ and OpenVMS platforms.

These discs contain documentation in HTML and PDF format, and use HTML 
pages as the navigation mechanism to browse to and display documents.  

The Operating Environment ODL CD-ROM supports both the OpenVMS 
Integrity Servers and OpenVMS Alpha platforms and contains documentation 
common to both platforms.  Operating System and key layered products have 
been selected for inclusion.  For OpenVMS Integrity Servers, most of the 
Operating Environment components are included.  Platform-specific products 
are identified as “I64” or “Alpha”.  

Layered Products, not included on the Operating Environments ODL CD-ROM, 
are delivered on the Layered Products ODL CD-ROM that is specific to the 
Integrity (I64) platform.

System Requirements:

·  OpenVMS on Integrity, Version 8.2 or later
·  Windows 98 SE, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, 
   Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.
·  Web Browser
·  Adobe Acrobat Reader

Mounting an ODL-ISO CD-ROM:

Windows Platforms:

·  Insert the ODL-ISO disc into your CD-ROM drive

OpenVMS Platforms:


Browsing an ODL-ISO 

To begin browsing an ODL-ISO CD-ROM, open index.htm from the root of the 
CD-ROM in your web browser.

For a listing of products available on this CD-ROM, open PRODLIST.HTM from 
the /ODLDOC folder on the CD-ROM or click on the link from CONTENTS.HTM. 

Your Feedback Is Appreciated

If you have questions or concerns regarding the Layered Products Library, 
the Operating Environment Update, or the Online Documentation Library, 
please contact us at:

Please note, questions regarding individual product performance should 
continue to be worked through your support team.

© Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP.  The information 
contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for 
Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and services are set forth in the express 
warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein 
should be construed as constituting an additional warranty or condition, 
express or implied, in fact or in law.  Hewlett Packard Enterprise shall not 
be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. 

Microsoft, Windows and NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation 
in the United States and/or other countries.
