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 SPL Q398 DU CD-ROM Kit Contents

Product Info

        UPILV: '0HHAA'
      Version: '3.2'
      KitType: 'SSB'
      DirName: 'kpc320'
 Product Name: 'DIGITAL KAP for C for DIGITAL UNIX'
       Status: 'No Change'
        Flags: Installable = 'Y'  SpecialNotes = 'N'  ExceptionProcedure = 'N'


  File Class     Format Size  Gen Checksum Ifid       Inserted On File Id
  -------------- ------ ----- --- -------- ---------- ----------- --------------------------
  SUBSET         BINARY    40   2 114DCCBA 13610800   11-DEC-1997 INSTCTRL.
  SUBSET         BINARY  6180   2 43B1A984 1980200    11-DEC-1997 KPCBASE320.
  SPD            TEXT      29   2 EED3CF7C 4957500    11-DEC-1997 kpc320_spd.txt
  SPD            POST     108   2 23AB6A0B 4362000    11-DEC-1997
  INSTALLATION_G TEXT      72   2 59DA2A13 19882200   11-DEC-1997 kpc320_iguide.txt
  INSTALLATION_G POST     184   2 EC974181 19286700   11-DEC-1997
  COVER_LETTER   TEXT       6   2 1F9A15B3 10633400   11-DEC-1997 kpc320_cover.txt
  COVER_LETTER   POST      41   2 5E7AF989 10038000   11-DEC-1997
  RELEASE_NOTES  TEXT      16   2 07376E67 11824400   11-DEC-1997 kpc320_relnotes.txt
  RELEASE_NOTES  POST      65   2 01133CB4 11228900   11-DEC-1997

   total                  6741, 10 (blocks,files)