OpenVMS Alpha Software_Product_Library____________________________ Master Index AV-QEPEP-XE March 1998 This document lists all products for this release of the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised document. Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ March 1998 The optical disc publication and all component parts as appearing herein are copyrighted. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1998. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ACMS, ACMS Desktop, ACMSxp, ALL-IN-1, AXP, BASEstar, Bookreader, DEC, DEC Ada, DECadmire, DEC BASIC, DEC C++, DEC C, DEC COBOL, DEC DATATRIEVE, DEC EDI, DEC FMS, DECforms, DEC Fortran, DEC GKS, DEC MAILworks, DECmessageQ, DECmigrate, DECnet, DEC Notes, DEComni, DEC Open3D, DEC OPS5, DEC Pascal, DEC PHIGS, DECprint, DEC RALLY, DEC Rdb, DEC Reliable Transaction Router, DEC RTR, DECserver, DECset, DEC SNA, DECwindows, DECwrite, Digital, Digital GKS, Digital Open3D, Digital PHIGS, Digital VTX, InstantSQL, MAILbus, MailWorks, DSM, MUXserver, NAS, ObjectBroker, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, POLYCENTER, PrintServer, StorageWorks, TeamLinks, TeamRoute, VAX, VMS, VXT 2000, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: A-NET and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. Oracle is a registered trademark, and Oracle CDD/Administrator, Oracle CDD/Repository, Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Expert, Oracle Rdb, and Oracle Trace are trademarks of Oracle Corporation. POSIX is a registered certification mark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. 1 _________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index This master index lists the layered products contained on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library CD-ROMs, as well as products removed since the last issue: ___________________________________________________________ Table_Number__Description__________________________________ Table 1-1 Lists all products included on the March 1998 Software Product Library CD-ROMs. Table 1-2 Lists all products licensed by the the NAS Packages included in this Library Package. Table 1-3 Lists all products licensed by the Enterprise Integration Packages included in this Library Package. Table 1-4 Lists products that have been removed from the March 1998 Software Product Library CD-ROMs. It also provides the CD number and directory location from the December 1997 issue of the Software Product Library. To retain a copy of any of these removed products, be sure to keep the indicated CD ______________from_the_December_1997_release.______________ OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-1 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index The columns in Table 1-1, Table 1-2, Table 1-3, and Table 1-4 contain the following information: ___________________________________________________________ Column_Name___Column_Contents______________________________ Product Name The name of the product. Vers. The version number of the product. UPI The unique product identifier. Status NEW indicates that the product is a new addition to the CD-ROM. UPD indicates the product has been updated since the last issue. REM indicates the product has been removed since the last issue. A blank space indicates no change. CD The number of the CD-ROM on which a product is located. Directory The name of the product's directory on the ______________CD-ROM.______________________________________ _________________ NAS Packages Table _________________ All products licensed by the NAS Packages are included in Table 1-2. This table indicates which components have updated and gives product location on the Software Products Library CD-ROMs. ______________________________________________________ 1-2 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index ________ Enterprise Integration Packages Table ________ All products licensed by the Enterprise Integration Packages (EIP) are included in Table 1-3. This table indicates which EIP products have updated and gives product location on CD-ROMs within the Software Products Library package. ______________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-3 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_March_1998_Software_Products___________________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ 2780/3780 Protocol 1.1 5CWAA 3 [AXPBSCPTP011] Emulators for OpenVMS AXP ACMS Desktop/Japanese for 2.3 GZGJA 11 [ACMSDIJA023] OpenVMS ACMS/Japanese for OpenVMS 4.1 2PZJA 11 [ACMSJA041] ALL-IN-1 Office Server 3.2 AAAAA 5 [A1032] Options for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX ALL-IN-1 OSO TeamLinks 2.5 AAAAT 5 [TLC025] Connection for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX ALL-IN-1/Brazilian 3.2 AAAXA 7 [A1LBZ032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Dansk Office 3.2 AAADA 8 [A1LDA032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Deutsch Office 3.2 AAAGA 8 [A1LDE032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Español Office 3.2 AAASA 8 [A1LES032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Français Office 3.2 AAAPA 8 [A1LFR032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Hangul 3.2 2XC4A 10 [A1CKO032] Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hanyu Integrated 3.2 2XC3A 10 [A1CTA032] Office System Server for OpenVMS (continued on next page) 1-4 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ ALL-IN-1/Hanzi Integrated 3.2 2XC2A 10 [A1CPR032] Office System Server for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Italiano Office 3.2 AAAUA 8 [A1LIT032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Japanese 3.1 AABJA 11 [A1LUS031] (Secondary Language Kit) ALL-IN-1/Japanese Office 3.2 AAAJA 11 [A1LJA032] Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and VAX ALL-IN-1/Netherlands 3.2 AAAHA 8 [A1LNL032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Norsk Office 3.1 AAANA 8 [A1LNO031] Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and VAX ALL-IN-1/Português 3.1 AAAVA 8 [A1LPT031] Office Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and VAX ALL-IN-1/Svenska Office 3.2 AAAMA 8 [A1LSV032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Suomi Office 3.1 AAAFA 8 [A1LFI031] Server Options for OpenVMS AXP and VAX ALL-IN-1 Teamlinks 2.5 5CTJA 11 [TLCJA025] Connection/Japanese for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1 Web Interface 1.0 50CAC 5 [AWI010] for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX ANET+ for OpenVMS AXP 2.8 210JA 3 [ANETP028] (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-5 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ Application Developer's 1.0 5H5AA 2 [APPDEV010] Package for C/C++ Archive/Backup System for 2.2 5W2AA NEW 6 [ABS022] OpenVMS (Server) Archive/Backup System for 2.2 5W1AA NEW 6 [ABS022] OpenVMS (Client) BASEstar Classic 3.4A 0YDAA UPD 2 [BCCVAA034] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) BASEstar Classic for 3.4A 0YEAA UPD 2 [BCCVAA034] OpenVMS Alpha (Runtime) BASEstar Classic DAS 3.4 5JXAA 2 [DCM_ABVA034] for Allen-Bradley Data Highway Protocol BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4 5JZAA 2 [DCM_DTLVA034] Allen-Bradley INTERCHANGE Software BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4 5K5AA 2 [DCM_ DEComni Software OMNIVA034] BASEstar Classic DAS 3.4 5K1AA 2 [DCM_MODVA034] for Modicon Programmable Controllers BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4 5K3AA 2 [DCM_H1VA034] Siemens H1 Protocol BASEstar Open DAS for 3.1 4V8AA 2 [ABDVA031] Allen-Bradley Data Highway BASEstar Open DAS for 3.1 4V7AA 2 [MODVA031] Modicon BASEstar Graphics Enabler 2.3A 20KAA 2 [BGE023A_AXP] (Development) BASEstar Graphics Enabler 2.3A 20LAA 2 [BGE023A_AXP] (RunTime) (continued on next page) 1-6 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ BASEstar Open Server 3.1 0X9AA 2 [BSTROVA031] (Development) BASEstar Open Server 3.1 0X8AA 2 [BSTROVA031] (RunTime) BASEstar Open Client 3.1 0Y9AA 2 [BSTROVA031] (Client) DEC Ada for OpenVMS Alpha 3.4 09PAA 2 [ADA034] Systems DEC Ada for OpenVMS 3.4 0VRAA 2 [ADA034] Alpha Systems (Pro. Development) DEC BASIC for OpenVMS 1.2 0Y7AA 2 [BASIC012] DEC C for OpenVMS Alpha 5.7 MU7AA UPD 2 [CC057] DEC C++ for OpenVMS Alpha 5.6 0HQAA 2 [CXX056] DEC COBOL/Japanese for 2.4 0JUJA 11 [NCOBOL024] OpenVMS Alpha DEC Code Management 3.9 0W1AA 1 [DECSET122] System for OpenVMS Alpha Systems DEC COMMserver for 3.0A GCQAA 3 [COMMSERVER030A] OpenVMS DEC DATATRIEVE/Japanese 6.1 0JKJA 11 [DTRAJA061] for OpenVMS AXP DEC Distributed Computing 1.0 07PAA 1 [DCS010] Services (DECdcs) for OpenVMS DEC Distributed Queuing 1.3 0HPAA 1 [DQS013] Service for OpenVMS AXP DEC FMS for OpenVMS AXP 2.4 MVSAA 1 [DECFMS024] (Development) DEC FMS for OpenVMS AXP 2.4 MVTAA 1 [DECFDV024] (RunTime) (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-7 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DEC FMS/Hangul for 2.4 MVS4A 10 [HFMS024] OpenVMS AXP (Development) DEC FMS/Hangul for 2.4 MVT4A 10 [HFMSFDV024] OpenVMS AXP (RunTime) DEC FMS/Hebrew for 2.4 MVSTA 10 [DECFMS_ OpenVMS AXP (Development) HEB024] DEC FMS/Hebrew for 2.4 MVTTA 10 [DECFDV_ OpenVMS AXP (RunTime) HEB024] DEC FMS/Japanese for 2.4 MVSJA 11 [FMSJA024] OpenVMS AXP (Development) DEC FMS/Japanese for 2.4 MVTJA 11 [FDVJA024] OpenVMS AXP (RunTime) DEC Language-Sensitive 4.5 0W2AA 1 [DECSET122] Editor/Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS Alpha DEC Module Management 3.2 0W5AA 1 [DECSET122] System for OpenVMS Alpha Systems DEC Network Integration 4.1 GX7AE UPD 3 [NISAXP041] Server Software DEC Notes for OpenVMS AXP 2.5 0PGAA 1 [ALPHA_ Systems NOTES025] DEC Notes/Japanese for 2.5 0PGJA 11 [NOTESJA025] OpenVMS Alpha Systems DEC Pascal for OpenVMS 5.6 098AA 2 [PASCAL056] DEC Performance and 4.5 0W3AA 1 [DECSET122] Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Alpha Systems DEC SoftWindows/SoftPC 5.0 YNWAB 2 [SOFTPC50] for OpenVMS AXP DEC Test Manager for 3.8 0W4AA 1 [DECSET122] OpenVMS Alpha Systems (continued on next page) 1-8 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DEC/EDI for OpenVMS VAX 3.2 2QSAA UPD 3 [DECEDIA032] and Alpha DECADMIRE for OpenVMS AXP 2.1A 2SSAA 6 [DECADM_ AM01021A] DECADMIRE/Japanese for 2.0 2SSJA 11 [DECADMIREJA020] OpenVMS DECdfs for OpenVMS 2.2 VEQAA 6 [DECDFS022] DECdocument for OpenVMS 3.2 3WKAA 3 [DOC032] Systems DECforms/Hangul for 2.1B 0J84A 10 [FORMSAANMB021] OpenVMS (Development) DECforms/Hangul for 2.1B 0J94A 10 [FORMSRTAANMB021] OpenVMS (RunTime) DECforms/Hanyu for 2.1B 0J83A 10 [FORMSAANMB021] OpenVMS (Development) DECforms/Hanyu for 2.1B 0J93A 10 [FORMSRTAANMB021] OpenVMS (RunTime) DECforms/Hanzi for 2.1B 0J82A 10 [FORMSAANMB021] OpenVMS (Development) DECforms/Hanzi for 2.1B 0J92A 10 [FORMSRTAANMB021] OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) DECforms/Japanese 2.1B 0J8JA 11 [FORMSAANMB021] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) DECforms/Japanese for 2.1B 0J9JA 11 [FORMSRTAANMB021] OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) DECforms/Thai for OpenVMS 1.4A 0J95A 11 [FORMSRT_AN_ AXP (RunTime) A014] DECmessageQ for OpenVMS 3.2C 0HJAA 4 [DMQAXPMUPB032] (Development) DECmessageQ for OpenVMS 3.2C 0HKAA 4 [DMQAXPMUPB032] (RunTime) (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-9 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DECmigrate for OpenVMS 1.1A MWMAA 4 [VEST011A] AXP Systems DECnet SNA 3270 Data 1.5 10XAA 3 [SNA3270015] Stream Programming Interface for OpenVMS DECnet SNA 3270 Data 1.4 10XJA 11 [JSNA3270A014] Stream Programming Interface/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECnet SNA 3270 Terminal 1.6 10ZAA 3 [SNATE016] Emulator for OpenVMS DECnet SNA 3270 Terminal 1.5A 10ZJA 11 [JSNATEAA015] Emulator/Japanese for OpenVMS DECnet SNA APPC/LU6.2 2.3 10SAA 3 [SNALU62023] Programming Interface for OpenVMS DECnet SNA Application 2.4 10VAA 3 [SNALU0024] Programming Interface for OpenVMS DECnet SNA Data Transfer 3.2 205AA 3 [SNADTFS032] Facility for OpenVMS (Server) DECnet SNA Data Transfer 3.2 206AA 3 [SNADTFU032] Facility for OpenVMS (Utility) DECnet SNA DTF/Japanese 3.1 205JA 11 [SNADTFSJAA031] for OpenVMS (Server) DECnet SNA DTF/Japanese 3.1 206JA 11 [SNADTFUJAA031] for OpenVMS (Utility) DECnet SNA Gateway for 2.1 XX700 3 [SNACSA021] Channel Transport (continued on next page) 1-10 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DECnet SNA Gateway for 1.2 XX701 3 [SNACST012] Synchronous Transport DECnet SNA Printer 1.3 10TAA 3 [SNAPRE013] Emulator for OpenVMS DECnet SNA Printer 1.2A 10TJA 11 [JSNAPREAA012] Emulator/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECnet SNA Remote Job 1.5 10UAA 3 [SNARJE015] Entry for OpenVMS DECnet SNA Remote Job 1.4A 10UJA 11 [JSNARJEAA014] Entry/Japanese for OpenVMS DECnetPlus for OpenVMS 7.1 MTFAA 3 [DNVOSI071] Alpha DEComni API 3.1 2QCAA 2 [OMNIAPIA031] DEComni MMS 3.1 2QDAA 2 [OMNIMMSA031] DECosap/AP 3.1 2XVAA 2 [OSAPA031] DECosap/H1 3.1 2XWAA 2 [OSAPA031] DECprint Supervisor 1.4 09NAB UPD 2 [DCPSAXP014] (DCPS) for OpenVMS DECprint Supervisor 1.2 0WKJA 11 [DCPSJ012] /Japanese for OpenVMS DECram for OpenVMS 2.2C MV3AA 4 [DECRAMUC022] DECserver 200 for VMS 3.3 VCBAA 4 [DS2033] DECserver 250 for VMS 2.0 VTMAA 4 [DS25020] DECserver 300 for VMS 2.2A VTUAA 4 [DS3A022] DECserver 500/550 for VMS 2.2 03KAA 4 [DS5022] DECserver 700 for VMS, 1.1B XA5AA 4 [DS7A011] ULTRIX, UNIX, and MS-DOS DECserver 90 TL Software 1.1B MJPAA 4 [DS9A011] DECset for OpenVMS Alpha 12.2 MUPAA 1 [DECSET122] Systems (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-11 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DECwindows DECnet SNA 2.0 10WAA 3 [SNADWTE020] 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS DECwindows DECnet SNA 2.0A 10WJA 11 [SNADWTEJAAA020] 3270 Terminal Emulater /Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECwindows Motif for 1.2-4 MV4AA 5 [DWMOTIFAXPU4012] OpenVMS DECwindows Motif for 1.2- MV4AA 5 [DWMOTIFAXPU3012] OpenVMS 3A DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- 0RGVA 7 [DECWMCS_ User Interface/Cesky 3B CZU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDGA 7 [DECWMDE_ User Interface/Deutsch 3B DEU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDSA 7 [DECWMES_ User Interface/Español 3B ESU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDPA 7 [DECWMFR_ User Interface/Français 3B FRU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDUA 7 [DECWMIT_ User Interface/Italiano 3B ITU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- 0RGUA 7 [DECWMHU_ User Interface/Magyar 3B HUU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDWA 7 [DECWMPL_ User Interface/Polski 3B PLU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- 0RGXA 7 [DECWMRU_ User Interface/Russkij 3B RUU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- 0RGSA 7 [DECWMSK_ User Interface/Slovensky 3B SKU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDMA 7 [DECWMSV_ User Interface/Svenska 3B SEU3012] DECwindows Motif/Hebrew 1.2-4 08UTA 7 [DECWH$MOTIF_ for OpenVMS AXP4012] (continued on next page) 1-12 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DECwindows Motif/Japanese 1.2-4 MV4JA 11 [DWMA_JA_ for OpenVMS JPU4012] DECwindows Motif/Hangul 1.2- MV44A 7 [DWMA_KO_ for OpenVMS 3B KRU3012] DECwindows Motif/Hanyu 1.2- MV43A 7 [DWMA_ZH_ for OpenVMS 3B TWU3012] DECwindows Motif/Hanzi 1.2- MV42A 7 [DWMA_ZH_ for OpenVMS 3B CNU3012] DECwindows Motif/Thai for 1.2- MV45A 7 [DWMA_TH_ OpenVMS 3B THU3012] DECwrite for OpenVMS 3.1 2FNAA 5 [DECWRITE031] Alpha (American English) DECwrite for OpenVMS 3.1 2FNEA 5 [DECWRITE031] Alpha (British English) DECwrite/Deutsch for 3.0 2FNGA 7 [DECWRITEDE030] OpenVMS AXP DECwrite/Français for 3.0 2FNPA 7 [DECWRITEFR030] OpenVMS AXP DIGITAL ACMS for OpenVMS 4.2 2PZAA 1 [ACMSDEVA_042] (Development) DIGITAL ACMS for OpenVMS 4.2 2Q0AA 1 [ACMSREMA_042] (Remote) DIGITAL ACMS for OpenVMS 4.2 2Q1AA 1 [ACMSRTOA_042] (RunTime) DIGITAL ACMS Desktop 2.3 GZGAA 1 [ACMSDI023] DIGITAL ACMSxp 3.1 4WRAA 1 [ACMSXP031] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) DIGITAL ACMSxp for 3.1 4WSAA 1 [ACMSXP031] OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) DIGITAL Application 3.0 5AHAA 1 [DAGN030] Generator VB Development for Windows (ACMS Server) (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-13 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DIGITAL Application 3.0 5AFAA 1 [DAGN030] Generator VB Development for Windows (ACMSxp Server) DIGITAL Cartridge Server 3.0 YWNAA 4 [DCSC030] Component for OpenVMS DIGITAL COBOL for OpenVMS 2.5 0JUAA UPD 2 [COBOL025] Alpha Systems DIGITAL DASware 3.1 4NHAA 2 [OMNIAPIA031] DIGITAL DATATRIEVE for 7.2 0JKAA 1 [DTRAXP072] OpenVMS Alpha Systems DIGITAL DECforms for 2.2 0J8AA 1 [FORMSA022] OpenVMS (Development) DIGITAL DECforms for 2.2 0J9AA 1 [FORMSRTA022] OpenVMS (RunTime) DIGITAL DECintact 3.0A 5N6AA 1 [DECINTACT030] (Development) DIGITAL DECintact 3.0A 5N4AA 1 [DECINTACT030] (Remote) DIGITAL DECintact 3.0A 5N5AA 1 [DECINTACT030] (RunTime) DIGITAL Device Access 3.1 3PWAA 2 [DASDTLA031] Software for Allen- Bradley INTERCHANGE DIGITAL Device Access 3.1 4NMAA 2 [DAS3964A031] Software for Siemens 3964 DIGITAL Distributed 1.4 24CAA 3 [DCEALP014] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS VAX & Alpha (Develop) (continued on next page) 1-14 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DIGITAL Distributed 1.4 24CA9 3 [DCEALP014] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS VAX & Alpha (RunTime) DIGITAL Distributed 1.4 24EAA 3 [DCEALP014] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS VAX & Alpha (CDS) DIGITAL Distributed 1.4 24GAA 3 [DCEALP014] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS VAX & Alpha (Security) DIGITAL Enterprise Mail 3.0 4XGAA NEW 1 [NAMONSRVV030] Monitor DIGITAL Enterprise Mail 3.0 5TQAA NEW 1 [NAMONSSMV030] Monitor (A1 Scanning Module) DIGITAL Enterprise Mail 3.0 5TSAA NEW 1 [NAMONSSMV030] Monitor (MAILbus Scanning Module) DIGITAL Enterprise 3.0 5TNAA NEW 1 [NAMONSSMV030] Mail Monitor (MailWorks Scanning Module) DIGITAL Enterprise Mail 3.0 5TPAA NEW 1 [NAMONSSMV030] Monitor (Office Srvr Scanning Module) DIGITAL Extended Math 2.9 MUVAA 6 [DXMLDVAV029] Library for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) DIGITAL Extended Math 2.9 MUWAA 6 [DXMLRTAV029] Library for OpenVMS ALpha (RunTime) DIGITAL Enterprise 2.0 5LVAA 6 [DEIS020] Integration Packages (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-15 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DIGITAL Fortran for 7.1 MV1AA 2 [ALPHA_ OpenVMS Alpha Systems FORT071] DIGITAL GKS for OpenVMS 6.5 02UAA 1 [AXPGKS065] Alpha (Development) DIGITAL GKS for OpenVMS 6.5 02VAA 1 [AXPGKSRT065] Alpha (RunTime) DIGITAL NAS Client 8.1A 36NAA UPD 6 [NAS_CLIENT_ for OpenVMS Alpha 150] Workstations DIGITAL NAS Base Server 8.1A 23EAA UPD 6 [NAS_BASE_ 200 for OpenVMS Alpha SERVER] Systems DIGITAL NAS Client 8.1A XVEAA UPD 6 [NAS_CLIENT] 250 for OpenVMS Alpha Workstations DIGITAL NAS NAS Server 8.1A XV9AA UPD 6 [NAS_SERVER] 300 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems DIGITAL NAS NAS 8.1A 23RAA UPD 6 [NAS_PROD_ Production Server 400 SERVER] for OpenVMS Alpha Systems DIGITAL Office Server Web 4.0 5TEAA 1 [DOSWI040] Interface DIGITAL Office Server for 4.0A 5TBAA UPD 1 [A1A040] OpenVMS DIGITAL Office Server 4.0A 5TBGA NEW 9 [A1LDEA040] /Deutsch for OpenVMS DIGITAL Office Server 4.0A 5TBPA NEW 9 [A1LFRA040] /Français for OpenVMS DIGITAL Office Server 4.0A 5TBHA NEW 9 [A1LNLA040] /Nederlands for OpenVMS DIGITAL Office Server 4.0A 5TBMA NEW 9 [A1LSVA040] /Svenska for OpenVMS (continued on next page) 1-16 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ DIGITAL Open3D for 4.6 0ADAA UPD 2 [OPEN3D046] OpenVMS Alpha DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk 1.0 5TAAA 1 [NTDS010] Services for Windows NT DIGITAL Optical Storage 3.4A 0U9AB 1 [OSDSA0A034] Desktop Software (OSDS) for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha DIGITAL Optical Storage 3.4A 0UBAB 1 [OSMSA0A034] Management Software (OSMS) for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha DIGITAL PATHWORKS for 6.0 A93AA 4 [PWRK060] OpenVMS DIGITAL PATHWORKS for 5.0F A93AA 4 [PWRKV50F050] OpenVMS DIGITAL PATHWORKS for 1.0G 0ENAA 4 [PWRK060] OpenVMS (NetWare) DIGITAL PATHWORKS for 1.0F 0ENAA 4 [PWRKV50F050] OpenVMS (NetWare) DIGITAL PHIGS for OpenVMS 5.0 0A6AA 1 [AXPPHIGS050] Alpha (Development) DIGITAL PHIGS for OpenVMS 5.0 0A7AA 1 [AXPPHIGSRTO050] Alpha (RunTime) DIGITAL SNA 3270 1.2 2FKAA 3 [R3270012] Application Services (Development) DIGITAL SNA 3270 1.2 2FLAA 3 [R3270012] Application Services (RunTime) Digital SNA Domain 2.1 MKHAA 3 [SNAPU5021] Gateway - CT Digital SNA Domain 2.1 23DAA 3 [SNAPU5021] Gateway - ST (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-17 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ Digital TCP/IP Services 4.2 0LXAA UPD 3 [UCXAXP042] for OpenVMS AXP Digital TCP/IP Services 4.1 0LXAA 3 [UCXAXP041] for OpenVMS AXP DIGITAL TCP/IP Services 4.1A 0LXAA 3 [UCXAXP041A] for OpenVMS AXP DIGITAL TCP/IP Services 4.1 0LXJA 11 [ALPHA_ /Japanese for OpenVMS UCXJA041] DIGITAL VTX for OpenVMS 6.2 3R7AA 5 [VTXA062] Alpha DIGITAL X.25 Client for 1.2 0TWAA 3 [X25CLIENT012] OpenVMS Alpha Systems DIGITAL X.500 Directory 3.1 2NZAA 3 [DXDA031] Services (Server) DIGITAL X.500 Directory 3.1 2P0AA 3 [DXDA031] Services (Administration Facility) Disk File Optimizer for 2.3 2GNAA 4 [DFG023] OpenVMS DSM for OpenVMS 7.0 00ZAA UPD 2 [DSMAXP070] DSM for OpenVMS 6.6C 00ZAA UPD 2 [DSMAXPMUPC066] DSM/Japanese for OpenVMS 6.4D 00ZJA 11 [DSMJAXPMUPD064] Alpha EDCS II (Server) 2.4A 4GCAA 3 [EDCSAV024] EDCS II (Client) 2.4A 4GBAA 3 [EDCSAV024] Hierarchical Storage 2.2 3J1AA 4 [HSM022] Management for OpenVMS International Lexicons 1.1 2HZAA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (American Business) (continued on next page) 1-18 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ International Lexicons 1.1 2HXAA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (American English) International Lexicons 1.1 2J0AA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (American Medical) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXEA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (British English) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXDA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Danish) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXHA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Dutch) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXPA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (French) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXGA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (German) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXUA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Italian) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXNA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Norwegian) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXVA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Portuguese) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXSA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Spanish) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXMA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Swedish) KAP for DIGITAL C for 3.1 0HFAA 2 [KCC031] OpenVMS KAP for DIGITAL Fortran 3.1 0HAAA 2 [KFORT031] for OpenVMS (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-19 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ MACRO-64 Assembler for 1.1 MWPAA 2 [ALPHA_ OpenVMS AXP Systems MACRO64011] MAILbus 400 Message 2.0A 3L3AA 5 [MTAA020] Transfer Agent for OpenVMS Alpha MAILbus 400 Application 2.0A 3L4AA 5 [MTAA020] Program Interface for OpenVMS Alpha MailWorks for OpenVMS 1.3A 3NGAA 1 [A1MAIL013] MailWorks/Japanese for 1.3A 3NGJA 11 [A1MAILJA013] OpenVMS MultiMedia Services 2.0 4G8AA 2 [MMOV020] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) MultiMedia Services for 2.0 4G9AA 2 [MMOV020] OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) MUXserver 320/380/90 2.0 YWLAA 3 [MS380020] Remote Terminal Server ObjectBroker for OpenVMS 2.7 06UAA 2 [OBBDEV027] (Development) ObjectBroker for OpenVMS 2.7 06VAA 2 [OBBRTO027] (RunTime) OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha 7.1 MT14A 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System KR071] OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha 7.1 MT13A 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System TW071] OpenVMS/Hanzi Alpha 7.1 MT12A 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System CN071] OpenVMS/Japanese 7.1 MT1JA 11 [JSYVMSAXP071] Operating System for Alpha PATHWORKS for OpenVMS 1.3A YPCAA 4 [MSA013A] (Macintosh) (continued on next page) 1-20 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ PL/I for OpenVMS 4.2 0HZAA UPD 2 [DPLI042] POLYCENTER Capacity 4.0A 23MAA 4 [ECPMUPA040] Planner POLYCENTER Framework 3.0 5HRAA 4 [MCCTK030] Developer's Toolkit POLYCENTER Network 3.0 5HSAA 4 [MCCEMS030] Manager 400 POLYCENTER Save Set 1.3A 2YBAA 4 [SAVESETUA013] Manager for OpenVMS POLYCENTER Security 3.0 2UTAA 4 [INSPECT030] Compliance Manager for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha POLYCENTER Security 1.2A 3SZAA 4 [RIDAMUPA012] Intrusion Detector for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha POSIX for OpenVMS Alpha 3.0 50DAA 2 [POSIX030] PrintServer Software 5.1 0V9AA 3 [LPS051] PrintServer/Japanese 5.1 0V9JA 11 [LPSJ051] Software for OpenVMS Reliable Transaction 3.1D 2AQAA UPD 3 [RTRAVM031D] Router for OpenVMS (Full Function) Reliable Transaction 3.1D 2ARAA UPD 3 [RTRAVM031D] Router for OpenVMS (Client) Reliable Transaction 2.2D 2AQAA 3 [RTRAVM22D] Router for OpenVMS AXP (Full Function) Reliable Transaction 2.2D 2ARAA 3 [RTRAVM22D] Router for OpenVMS AXP (Client) RuleWorks 2.0 4W6AC 2 [RULAXP020] (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-21 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_March_1998_Software_Products___________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ SSU for OpenVMS Systems 2.0 2T7AA 4 [SSU020] Sequential Media 1.3 2AYAA 4 [SMFS013] Filesystem for OpenVMS Storage Library System 2.9B 0YPAA UPD 6 [SLSB029] for OpenVMS (Server) Storage Library System 2.9B 0YQAA UPD 6 [SLSB029] for OpenVMS (Remote) StorageWorks HSZ40 Array 1.0 3DCAC 6 [HSZTERM010] Controller Utility for OpenVMS Alpha StorageWorks RAID 2.4 0MGAA 6 [RAID024] Software for OpenVMS TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 1.3 GEZAA 5 [TMRA1013] OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Terminal Server Manager 2.1 352AA 4 [TSM021] X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha 1.1B 0THAA 3 [X25B011] Systems__________________________________________________________ 1-22 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-2_March_1998_NAS_Packages________________________________ Product_Name______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ Pkg[1] DEC Distributed Queuing 1.3 0HPAA 1 [DQS013] 3,4,5 Service for OpenVMS AXP DECnetPlus for OpenVMS 7.1 MTFAA 3 [DNVOSI071] ALL Alpha DECprint Supervisor 1.4 09NAB UPD 2 [DCPSAXP014] 2,3,4,5 (DCPS) for OpenVMS DECwindows Motif for 1.2- MV4AA 5 [DWMOTIFAXPU4012] ALL OpenVMS 4 DECwindows Motif for 1.2- MV4AA 5 [DWMOTIFAXPU3012] ALL OpenVMS 3A DECwindows Motif 1.2- 0RGVA 7 [DECWMCS_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B CZU3012] /Cesky DECwindows Motif 1.2- XDDGA 7 [DECWMDE_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B DEU3012] /Deutsch DECwindows Motif 1.2- XDDSA 7 [DECWMES_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B ESU3012] /Español DECwindows Motif 1.2- XDDPA 7 [DECWMFR_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B FRU3012] /Français DECwindows Motif 1.2- XDDUA 7 [DECWMIT_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B ITU3012] /Italiano [1]The_number_listed_in_this_column_refers_to_the_NAS_Package_in_ which this product exists. The key is below: 1 = DIGITAL NAS Client 150 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 2 = DIGITAL NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 3 = DIGITAL NAS Client 250 for OpenVMS Alpha Workstations 4 = DIGITAL NAS Server 300 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 5 = DIGITAL NAS Production Server 400 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-23 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-2_(Cont.)_March_1998_NAS_Packages________________________ Product_Name______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ Pkg[1] DECwindows Motif 1.2- 0RGUA 7 [DECWMHU_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B HUU3012] /Magyar DECwindows Motif 1.2- XDDWA 7 [DECWMPL_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B PLU3012] /Polski DECwindows Motif 1.2- 0RGXA 7 [DECWMRU_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B RUU3012] /Russkij DECwindows Motif 1.2- 0RGSA 7 [DECWMSK_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B SKU3012] /Slovensky DECwindows Motif 1.2- XDDMA 7 [DECWMSV_ ALL OpenVMS User Interface 3B SEU3012] /Svenska DIGITAL ACMS for 4.2 2Q1AA 1 [ACMSRTOA_042] 5 OpenVMS (RunTime) DIGITAL DECforms for 2.2 0J9AA 1 [FORMSRTA022] 3,4,5 OpenVMS (RunTime) DIGITAL PATHWORKS for 6.0 A93AA 4 [PWRK060] 2,4,5 OpenVMS Digital TCP/IP Services 4.1 0LXAA 3 [UCXAXP041] ALL for OpenVMS AXP POSIX for OpenVMS Alpha 3.0 50DAA 2 [POSIX030] 3,4,5 PrintServer Software 5.1 0V9AA 3 [LPS051] 2,4,5 [1]The_number_listed_in_this_column_refers_to_the_NAS_Package_in_ which this product exists. The key is below: 1 = DIGITAL NAS Client 150 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 2 = DIGITAL NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 3 = DIGITAL NAS Client 250 for OpenVMS Alpha Workstations 4 = DIGITAL NAS Server 300 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 5 = DIGITAL NAS Production Server 400 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (continued on next page) 1-24 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-2_(Cont.)_March_1998_NAS_Packages________________________ Product_Name______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD__Directory_____ Pkg[1] Reliable Transaction 3.1D 2AQAA UPD 3 [RTRAVM031D] 5 Router for OpenVMS (Full Function) Reliable Transaction 3.1D 2ARAA UPD 3 [RTRAVM031D] 3,4,5 Router for OpenVMS (Client) [1]The_number_listed_in_this_column_refers_to_the_NAS_Package_in_ which this product exists. The key is below: 1 = DIGITAL NAS Client 150 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 2 = DIGITAL NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 3 = DIGITAL NAS Client 250 for OpenVMS Alpha Workstations 4 = DIGITAL NAS Server 300 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems _5_=_DIGITAL_NAS_Production_Server_400_for_OpenVMS_Alpha_Systems_ _____________ Note about the NAS Packages _____________ The following products are also part of the NAS Packages but are included with the OpenVMS Operating System and not duplicated on the Software Product Library. These products are: o RMS Journaling for OpenVMS AXP o OpenVMS Cluster Software o DECnet for OpenVMS AXP o Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS ______________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-25 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-3_March_1998_Enterprise_Integration_Packages_____________ Product_Name________________Vers___UPI____StatusCD__Directory____ DECwindows Motif for 1.2-4 MV4AA 5 [DWMOTIFAXPU4012] OpenVMS DECwindows Motif for 1.2- MV4AA 5 [DWMOTIFAXPU3012] OpenVMS 3A DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- 0RGVA 7 [DECWMCS_ User Interface/Cesky 3B CZU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDGA 7 [DECWMDE_ User Interface/Deutsch 3B DEU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDSA 7 [DECWMES_ User Interface/Español 3B ESU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDPA 7 [DECWMFR_ User Interface/Français 3B FRU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDUA 7 [DECWMIT_ User Interface/Italiano 3B ITU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- 0RGUA 7 [DECWMHU_ User Interface/Magyar 3B HUU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDWA 7 [DECWMPL_ User Interface/Polski 3B PLU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- 0RGXA 7 [DECWMRU_ User Interface/Russkij 3B RUU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- 0RGSA 7 [DECWMSK_ User Interface/Slovensky 3B SKU3012] DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2- XDDMA 7 [DECWMSV_ User Interface/Svenska 3B SEU3012] Digital TCP/IP Services 4.2 0LXAA UPD 3 [UCXAXP042] for OpenVMS AXP DECnetPlus for OpenVMS 7.1 MTFAA 3 [DNVOSI071] Alpha DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) 1.4 09NAB UPD 2 [DCPSAXP014] for OpenVMS DIGITAL PATHWORKS for 6.0 A93AA 4 [PWRK060] OpenVMS (continued on next page) 1-26 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-3_(Cont.)_March_1998_Enterprise_Integration_Packages_____ Product_Name________________Vers___UPI____StatusCD__Directory____ DIGITAL Office Server for 4.0A 5TBAA UPD 1 [A1A040] OpenVMS DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk 1.0 5TAAA 1 [NTDS010] Services_for_Windows_NT__________________________________________ ___ Note about the Enterprise Integration Packages ___ Included in the Enterprise Integration Packages are a number of products which are not consolidated within the Software Product Library. They are, however, shipped in the Software Product Library on their own individual CD-ROMs. Those products are as follows: o OpenVMS Management Tools o OpenVMS Internet Product Suite o DIGITAL PATHWORKS 32 ______________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index 1-27 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index Table_1-4_March_1998_Removed_Products____________________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD[1Directory_____ StorageWorks Desktop 2.1 387AA REM 6 [DTB021] Backup/Archiver Backup Server for OpenVMS [1]This_table_specifies_the_CD_and_Directory_location_of_products on the December 1997 CD-ROMs. _________________________________________________________________ 1-28 OpenVMS Alpha March 1998 Software Product Library Master Index