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OpenVMS AXP - Q299

Master Index (Changes Only) - June 1999

Last published: March 1999

Product Name Version Kittype UPILV Status CD Directory
Advanced Server/Japanese for OpenVMS 7.2SSB5SUJA New11ASOVMSJA072
BASEstar Open Server (Development) 3.2SSB0X9AA Upd2BSTROSVA032
BASEstar Open Server (RunTime) 3.2SSB0X8AA Upd2BSTROSVA032
BASEstar Open Client (Client) 3.2SSB0Y9AA Upd2BSTROCVA032
Compaq Ada for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 3.5SSB09PAA Upd2ADA035
Compaq Ada for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (Pro. Development) 3.5SSB0VRAA Upd2ADA035
Compaq C++ for OpenVMS Alpha 6.2SSB0HQAA Upd2CXX062
Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 7.2SSBMV1AA Upd2ALPHA_FORT072
Compaq Office Server for OpenVMS 5.0SSB5TBAA Upd1A1050
DECdocument for OpenVMS Systems 3.3SSB3WKAA Upd3DOC033
DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS 1.7SSB09NAB Upd2DCPSAXP017
DECprint Supervisor/Japanese for OpenVMS 1.6SSB0WKJA Upd11DCPSJ016
DECwindows Motif/Japanese for OpenVMS 1.2-5SSBMV4JA Upd11DWMA_JA_JPU5012
DIGITAL Capacity Planner 5.1SSB23MAA Upd4ECP051
DIGITAL Capacity Planner Analyzer 5.1SSB606AA Upd4ECP051
DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector 5.1SSB604AA Upd4ECP051
DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer 5.1SSB605AA Upd4ECP051
DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Packages 3.0SSB5LVAA Upd6DEIS030
DIGITAL Open3D for OpenVMS Alpha 4.9ASSB0ADAA Upd2OPEN3DA049
DIGITAL TCP/IP Services/Japanese for OpenVMS 5.0SSB0LXJA Upd11ALPHA_UCXJA050
DSM for OpenVMS 7.2SSB00ZAA Upd2DSMAXP072
KAP C for OpenVMS Alpha 3.2SSB0HFAA Upd2KCC032
KAP Fortran for OpenVMS 3.2SSB0HAAA Upd2KFORT032
MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent for OpenVMS Alpha 2.0CSSB3L3AA Upd4MTAC020
MAILbus 400 Application Program Interface for OpenVMS Alpha 2.0CSSB3L4AA Upd4MTAC020
OpenVMS/Japanese Operating System for Alpha 7.2SSBMT1JA Upd11JSYVMSAXP072
Storage Library System for OpenVMS (Server) 2.9CSSB0YPAA Upd6SLSC029
Storage Library System for OpenVMS (Remote) 2.9CSSB0YQAA Upd6SLSC029
X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 1.3SSB0THAA Upd3X25013