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OpenVMS VAX - Q297

Master Index (Changes Only) - June 1997

Last published: February 1997

Product Name Version Kittype UPILV Status CD Directory
DEC Ada for OpenVMS VAX Systems 3.4SSB056AA Upd4ADA034
DEC Ada for OpenVMS VAX Systems (Prof Development Option) 3.4SSB0VQAA Upd4ADA034
DEC C for OpenVMS VAX 5.6SSB015AA Upd4CC056
DEC Network Integration Server Software 4.0SSBGX7AA Upd4NIS040
DEC X.500 Directory Services (Server) 3.1SSB0P4AA Upd4DXDV031
DEC X.500 Directory Services (Admin Facility) 3.1SSB0P5AA Upd4DXDV031
DECdocument for OpenVMS Systems 3.2SSBVEEAA Upd7DOC032
DECmessageQ for OpenVMS (Development) 3.2CSSBGKPAA Upd3DMQVAXMUPC032
DECmessageQ for OpenVMS (RunTime) 3.2CSSBGHVAA Upd3DMQVAXMUPC032
DECwindows Motif/Hebrew for OpenVMS 1.2-4SSBXDDTA Upd7DECWH$MOTIF_VAX4012
DIGITAL ACMS for OpenVMS (Development) 4.2SSB079AA Upd2ACMSDEVV_042
DIGITAL ACMS for OpenVMS (Runtime) 4.2SSB076AA Upd2ACMSRTOV_042
DIGITAL ACMS for OpenVMS (Remote) 4.2SSBY30AA Upd2ACMSREMV_042
DIGITAL DECforms for OpenVMS (Development) 2.2SSBVCHAA Upd2FORMS022
DIGITAL DECforms for OpenVMS (RunTime) 2.2SSBVNSAA Upd2FORMSRT022
DIGITAL GKS for OpenVMS VAX (Development) 6.5SSB810AA Upd2DECGKS065
DIGITAL GKS for OpenVMS VAX (Runtime) 6.5SSB811AA Upd2DECGKSRT065
DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway - CT 2.1ASSBMKHAA Upd6SNAPU5021
DIGITAL SNA Domain Gateway - ST 2.1ASSB23DAA New6SNAPU5021
OpenVMS/Hangul VAX Operating System 7.1SSB0014A Upd11HANGUL071
OpenVMS/Hanyu VAX Operating System 7.1SSB0013A Upd11HANYU071
OpenVMS/Hanzi VAX Operating System 7.1SSB0012A Upd11HANZI071
Reliable Transaction Router for OpenVMS VAX (Server) 3.1CMUPXNKAA Upd3RTRVVM31C
Reliable Transaction Router for OpenVMS VAX (Client) 3.1CMUPXNLAA Upd3RTRVVM31C
Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS 1.3SSB2AXAA Upd5SMFS013
StorageWorks RAID Software for OpenVMS 2.4SSB0MGAA Upd6RAID024