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OpenVMS VAX - Q397

Master Index (Changes Only) - September 1997

Last published: May 1997

Product Name Version Kittype UPILV Status CD Directory
ACMS Desktop/Japanese for OpenVMS 2.3SSBGZGJA Upd9ACMSDIJA023
ALL-IN-1/Japanese Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS 3.2SSBAAAJA Upd10A1LJA032
BASEstar Open DAS for Allen-Bradley Data Highway 3.1SSB11GAA Upd2ABDVV031
BASEstar Open DAS for Modicon 3.1SSB11JAA Upd2MODVV031
BASEstar Open Server (Development) 3.1SSB0X7AA Upd2BSTROVV031
BASEstar Open Server (RunTime) 3.1SSB0X6AA Upd2BSTROVV031
BASEstar Open Client 3.1SSB0Y8AA Upd2BSTROVV031
DEC C++ for OpenVMS VAX (Compiler) 5.6SSBMJ1AA Upd3CXX056
DECset for OpenVMS VAX Systems 12.2SSB965AA Upd3DECSET122
DEC Code Management System (CMS) for OpenVMS VAX Systems 3.9SSB007AA Upd3DECSET122
DEC Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS VAX 4.5SSB057AA Upd3DECSET122
DEC Module Management System (MMS) for OpenVMS VAX Systems 3.2SSBVADAA Upd3DECSET122
DEC Performance and Coverage Anal for OpenVMS VAX Systems 4.5SSB119AA Upd3DECSET122
DEC Test Manager for OpenVMS VAX Systems 3.8SSB927AA Upd3DECSET122
DIGITAL Device Access Software for Allen-Bradley INTERCHANGE 3.1SSB3PXAA Upd2DASDTLV031
DIGITAL Device Access Software for Siemens 3964 3.1SSB4NNAA Upd2DAS3964V031
DIGITAL OfficeServer for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha 4.0SSB5TBAA New1A1040
DIGITAL OfficeServer Web Interface 4.0SSB5TEAA New1DOSWI040
Disk File Optimizer for OpenVMS 2.3SSBGJ8AA Upd5DFG023
DSM for OpenVMS VAX Systems 6.6BMUP130AA Upd5DSMVAXMUPB066
PATHWORKS for VMS (Macintosh) 1.3ASSBYPCAA Upd3MSA013A
PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare) 1.0FSSB0ENAA Upd3PWRKV50F050
Storage Library System for OpenVMS 2.9SSB0L7AA Upd3SLS029
Storage Library System for OpenVMS (Remote) 2.9SSBYE8AA Upd3SLSCLIENT029